ExtJS Ext.panel.Panel tools order - javascript

I've got this panel. It shows tools icons in this order: gear, close, collapse.
I'd like to get icons is this order: gear, collapse, close. I can't figure it out.
When I put collapseFirst: true, then collapse is at the first position.
Here's an alternative link to the SenchFiddle
name : 'Fiddle',
launch : function() {
Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
width : 500,
height: 200,
title : 'Panel',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
closable : true,
collapsible : true,
collapseFirst : false,
tools: [{
type : 'gear'
initTools: function() {
var me = this,
tools = me.tools,
i, tool;
me.tools = [];
for (i = tools && tools.length; i; ) {
me.tools[i] = tool = tools[i];
tool.toolOwner = me;
// Add a collapse tool unless configured to not show a collapse tool
// or to not even show a header.
if (me.collapsible && !(me.hideCollapseTool || me.header === false || me.preventHeader)) {
if (Ext.getVersion().major == '4') {
me.collapseDirection = me.collapseDirection || me.headerPosition || 'top';
me.collapseTool = me.expandTool = Ext.widget({
xtype: 'tool',
handler: me.toggleCollapse,
scope: me
// Prepend collapse tool is configured to do so.
if (me.collapseFirst) {
} else {
// Prepend collapse tool is configured to do so.
if (me.collapseFirst) {
if (me.pinnable) {
// Add subclass-specific tools.
// Append collapse tool if needed.
if (me.collapseTool && !me.collapseFirst) {
// Make Panel closable.
if (me.closable) {
xtype : 'tool',
type: 'close',
scope: me,
handler: me.close
<link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/extjs/4.2.1/resources/css/ext-all-neptune.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/extjs/4.2.1/ext-all-debug.js"></script>
Thanks anyone for help :)

EDIT: Found that overriding the initTools method is a better solutions for this
EDIT 2: Supports both ExtJS 4.2 and ExtJS 5.x
Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
width : 500,
height: 500,
title : 'Panel',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
closable : true,
collapsible : true,
collapseFirst : false,
tools: [{
type : 'gear'
initTools: function() {
var me = this,
tools = me.tools,
i, tool;
me.tools = [];
for (i = tools && tools.length; i; ) {
me.tools[i] = tool = tools[i];
tool.toolOwner = me;
// Add a collapse tool unless configured to not show a collapse tool
// or to not even show a header.
if (me.collapsible && !(me.hideCollapseTool || me.header === false || me.preventHeader)) {
if (Ext.getVersion().major == '4') {
me.collapseDirection = me.collapseDirection || me.headerPosition || 'top';
me.collapseTool = me.expandTool = Ext.widget({
xtype: 'tool',
handler: me.toggleCollapse,
scope: me
// Prepend collapse tool is configured to do so.
if (me.collapseFirst) {
} else {
// Prepend collapse tool is configured to do so.
if (me.collapseFirst) {
if (me.pinnable) {
// Add subclass-specific tools.
// Append collapse tool if needed.
if (me.collapseTool && !me.collapseFirst) {
// Make Panel closable.
if (me.closable) {
xtype : 'tool',
type: 'close',
scope: me,
handler: me.close


Is it possible to use tal:conditions in a Javascript file?

I am working on creating a new context menu that provides more accessibility. The old menu was using the context menu ID's to check conditions with tal in Index.html. My issue now is that I am no longer using action and not using the ID's. The new context menu is creating each menu with a different ID. I tried declaring "var emp_menu_items = [];" in a script tag inside the condition and removing it from the Employee class but I'm still getting error that it is undefined.
I also tried building the new context menu in Index.html but it needs parameters that are inside of Employee.js. So is there a solution to use the tal:conditions in a JS file?
<a metal:fill-slot="context_menus" tal:omit-tag="">
<ul id="employee_context_menu" class="hidden" tal:define="sec_posted python:container.util.checkSecurity(mn_name='Posted')">
<li tal:condition="python:layout == 'np'">Assign Patients</li>
<li tal:condition="python:container.util.checkSecurity(mn_name='File')">HR File</li>
<li tal:condition="python:sec_posted">Pay Period Schedule</li>
<li>Close Menu</li>
This is the old menu in Employee.js class
menu: "employee_context_menu",
leftClick: true
}, function(action, elem, position) {
if(action == 'Close') {
return true;
} else if(action === 'hr_file') {
$iframe.attr('src', 'Personnel/cgi_utran/cgi_utran?args=-i'+$div.data('obj').id).load(function() {resizeIframe(this)});
} else if(action === 'assign_pat') {
$j.PatientAssignment.assign_check = emp.id;
var title_str ='Assign Patients to ' + employee_name;
$j.PatientAssignment.sub_title = ''
var mheight = $j(window).height()*0.7;
modal: false,
title: title_str,
width: 'auto',
close: function() { $name.removeClass('highlight'); }
return true;
} else if(action === 'schedule') {
$iframe.attr('src', 'ScheduleStaff/cgi_daystaff?szDate='+emp.shiftdate+'&szID='+emp.id+'&args=-t').load(function() {resizeIframe(this)});
} else if(action === 'assign_work') {
$iframe.attr('src', 'ScheduleStaff/cgi_daystaff?args=-t OneEmployee -I'+emp.id+' -B'+emp.shiftdate).load(function() {resizeIframe(this)});
} else { }
modal: true,
width: 'auto',
show: 'scale',
hide: 'scale',
height: 'auto',
close: function() {window.location.reload(); $name.removeClass('highlight'); }
My changes to the context menu in Employee.js
employeeContextMenu($div, emp, employee_name, count) {
var emp_menu_items = [];
var emp_menu = {};
name: 'Assign Patients', title: 'Assign Patients',
fn: function(el) {
$j.PatientAssignment.assign_check = emp.id;
var title_str ='Assign Patients to ' + employee_name;
$j.PatientAssignment.sub_title = ''
var mheight = $j(window).height()*0.7;
if ($j('#beds').hasClass("ui-dialog-content") && $j( "#beds" ).dialog( "isOpen" )){
modal: false,
title: title_str,
width: 'auto',
position: [670, 115],
focus: function(event,ui) {
buttons: {
OK: function(){
name: 'HR File', title: 'HR File',
fn: function(el){return pop_over_window('Personnel/cgi_utran/cgi_utran?args=-i'+$div.data('obj').id);}});
name: 'Pay Period Schedule', title: 'Pay Period Schedule',
fn: function(el){return pop_over_window('ScheduleStaff/cgi_daystaff?szDate='+emp.shiftdate+'&szID='+emp.id+'&args=-t');}});
name: 'Close Menu', title: '',
fn: function(el){return false}, });
emp_menu = new ContextMenu('employee_context_menu_'+count, 'Employee Context Menu Options', '.name', emp_menu_items, {container:$div[0]});
I guess what you are looking for is to use server-side code inside a javascript "file" (I presume from the tagging of your question that you are working in Zope, so the javascript would be contained in an object in the ZODB).
Create your Employee.js as a DTML Method or DTML Document or Script (Python) to this end.
In the DTML objects, instead of tal-conditions, you can use <dtml-if>my js code<dtml-else>more js code</dtml-if> and any other DTML construct.
Of course you could also write a Python Script that returns the javascript code.

How to access parent component ExtJS?

For some reason, the blur event doesn't get fired when the below floating panel loses focus. However, when I listen to the 'el' of the panel for the blur event, it gets registered as shown in the listeners config. What I want to do is hide the panel when the blur event occurs. How do I get access to the parent panel ?
extend : 'Ext.panel.Panel',
alias : 'widget.attachmentPanel',
itemId : 'attachmentPanel',
floating : true,
focusable : true,
width : 200,
height : 150,
layout : {
type : 'vbox'
items : [
xtype : 'grid',
store : null,
columns : [
text : 'File Name',
dataIndex : 'fileName'
dataIndex : 'remove'
xtype : 'button',
text : '+'
listeners : {
el: {
blur: {
fn: function()
console.log( this );
//how do I access the 'attachmentPanel' from here
//so I can hide it ?
noteId : null,
initComponent : function()
Please note that there can be multiple instances of these 'attachmentPanel's.
The following appears to work fine:
listeners : {
el: {
blur: {
fn: function()
var elId = this.id;
var attachmentPanels = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#attachmentPanel');
Ext.Array.forEach( attachmentPanels, function(cmp){
if(cmp.id == elId)
return false;
Please let me know if there is better/more efficient solution. Thanks!
There is a reference from the element to the owning component, in form of the component property, so from the scope of the element, you can access the panel like so:
var attachmentPanel = this.component;

EXT JS: How to hide the fourth tab of the item based on some if condition?

I am new to ext js and I am trying to hide the fourth tab on my screen based on certain entity condition. As, I have coded I am able to disable
(blur) the 4th Setting tab, but the hidden or hide() function is failing.
Basically, I want to hide the fourth tab in items Payment.PaymentSettingsCfg on certain condition.
Any help would really appreciate, thanks in advance.
var bsdataloded = false;
Payment.PaymentSettingsCfg = {
id: 'PaymentSettingsPanel',
title: getMsg('PaymentAdmin', 'PaymentSettingsHeader'),
xtype: 'PaymentSettingsPanels',
listeners: {
activate: function() {
if (!bsdataloded) {
bsdataloded = true;
var hidePaymentSettingcfg = false;
if (Payment.EntitySettings &&
Payment.EntSettings["EntSITE|Payment_SWitch"] === "Y") {
Payment.PaymentSettingsCfg.disabled = true; //working
// Payment.PaymentSettingsCfg.hidden = true;// not working, even hide() not working
hidePaymentSettingcfg = true;
init: function() {
Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.CookieProvider({
expires: null
app = new Payment.admin.AppContainer({
id: 'main-panel',
title: Payment.getMsg('PaymentAdmin', 'PaymentConfHeader'),
el: 'bodydiv',
border: true,
layout: 'fit',
defaults: {
border: false
items: [{
xtype: 'tabpanel',
activeTab: 0,
width: 500,
deferredRender: false,
hidden: false,
defaults: {
border: false
items: [
Here is the example to hide and show the tab based on if condition
i am hiding and showing the tab on checkbox checking but you can get your idea
i hope it will help you
here is the Fiddle...
Added the logic to the listeners and it worked.
listeners : {
afterrender : function(){
var testTab = this.getTabEl(3);
if (Payment.EntSettings["EntSITE|Payment_SWitch"] === "Y") {

Load extra conditional in backbone js page

I have a backbone app developed externally - initially where I perform the definitions & inject jquery etc..) on the first line - the 7th param is the 'tools template')
P.S A lot of code has been removed from here for clarity/ease (as it is well over 800 lines with all the other code) & this is all new to me so feel free to point out any obvious mistakes
On Line 8 - I have the following line:
window.isMobileDevice ? "text!views/tools/templates/i_tools.html" : "text!views/tools/templates/tools.html",
This basically does a 'if a mobile device load mobile page OTHERWISE load the standard (desktop) page.
I want to amend this with some additional logic but unsure how...
I want to add in another conditional, which basically says the following:
if (mobile device)
Load mobile page (as is now) e.g mobile-tools.html
if (stampVar == true)
load desktop stamp page e.g stamp-tools.html
load the standard desktop page e.g tools.html
Any ideas on how to do this? The stampVar will basically be true/false and i'm trying to work out how to load that in dynamically from an existing js object
window.isMobileDevice ? "text!views/tools/templates/i_tools.html" : "text!views/tools/templates/stamper_tools.html",
window.isMobileDevice ? "text!views/tools/templates/i_editor.html" : "text!views/tools/templates/editor.html",
window.isMobileDevice ? "text!views/tools/templates/i_txts.html" : "text!views/tools/templates/txts.html",
window.isMobileDevice ? "text!views/tools/templates/i_txtsItem.html" : "text!views/tools/templates/txtsItem.html",
function ($, Backbone, Config, Model, Collection, ToolsBase, ToolsTmpl, EditorTmpl, TxtTmpl, TxtItemTmpl, FontItemTmpl) {
"use strict";
var View = ToolsBase.extend({
initialize: function() {
var self = this;
if (window.isMobileDevice) {
$(window).bind("resize.app", _.bind(this.resizeTools, this));
render: function() {
var self = this, tpl_data, tools_tpl_data;
$('.customtool-title .tools-tabs').show();
tools_tpl_data = {
tips: app.settings.tips,
isCompetition: app.settings.competition !== undefined,
allowCodes: app.ctors["toolsCtor"].getAllowCodes(),
customType: 'stamper'
if (app.settings.competition !== undefined) {
tools_tpl_data.competition = app.settings.competition
self.$el.find(".tools").append(_.template(ToolsTmpl, tools_tpl_data));
tpl_data = {
stickerTxtTop : self.selectedTxt.top,
stickerTxtMiddle : self.selectedTxt.middle,
stickerTxtBottom : self.selectedTxt.bottom,
selectedtitle : self.selectedTitle,
selectedtemplate : self.selectedTemplate,
stickerTemplate : Config.templates + self.selectedTemplate + Config.templateExtension,
isCompetition : app.settings.competition !== undefined,
designType: app.ctors["toolsCtor"].getDesignType(),
tips: app.settings.tips,
selectedCodes : self.selectedCodes,
selectedPoints : self.selectedPoints
if (app.settings.competition !== undefined) {
tpl_data.competition = app.settings.competition;
if (self.backgroundType === "color") {
tpl_data.stickerBgImage = null;
tpl_data.stickerFgImage = this.getFgPath(self.stickerFgImage);
self.$el.find(".editor").append(_.template(EditorTmpl, tpl_data));
background: self.stickerBgColor,
opacity: self.stickerBgOpacity
} else {
tpl_data.stickerFgImage = this.getFgPath(self.stickerFgImage);
tpl_data.stickerBgImage = this.getBgPath(self.stickerBgImage);
self.$el.find(".editor").append(_.template(EditorTmpl, tpl_data));
self.refreshArcs(1,".customtool-toptext", self.selectedTxt.top.arc);
self.refreshArcs(2,".customtool-middletext", self.selectedTxt.middle.arc);
self.refreshArcs(3,".customtool-bottomtext", self.selectedTxt.bottom.arc);
if (app.settings.competition !== undefined && !window.isMobileDevice) {
autoOpen: false,
width: 600,
modal: true,
zIndex: 1001,
dialogClass: 'competition-dialog',
draggable: false,
buttons: [{
'text': "Create Another",
'class': 'pull-right createanother',
'style': 'display:none',
'click': function(e) {
return false;
}, {
'text': "Enter Competition",
'class': 'pull-right green enter',
'disabled': true,
'click': function(e) {
return false;
}, {
'text': "Order",
'class': 'pull-right continue green',
'style': 'display:none',
'click': function(e) {
return false;
}, {
'text': "Cancel",
'class': 'pull-left cancelcomp',
'click': function(e) {
return false;
if (app.settings.competition !== undefined) {
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/sticker-competition/editor']);
if (!window.isMobileDevice) {
}, {
sticker_id: null,
toolsOpen: false
return View;

unable to auto slide html pages using sencha

i am create simple app using sencha touch 2 + java script + html 5 which change / slide html pages automatically.
i write below code to slide html pages using DelayedTask task but the code is not working .
Ext.create('Ext.Carousel', {
fullscreen: true,
defaults: {
styleHtmlContent: true
config: {
ui : 'light',
'afterrender': function(carousel) {
carousel.pageTurner = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function() {
if (this.getActiveIndex() == this.items.length - 1) {
this.setActiveItem(0, 'slide');
else {
}, carousel);
items: [
html : '<img src="resources/images/Picture1.png" width="100%" height = "100%" align="middle" /> <audio autoplay loop><source src="resources/audio/kalimba.mp3"></audio>',
style: 'backgroundImage: url(resources/images/bg.png);backgroundRepeat: repeat;backgroundPosition: center'
html : '<img src="resources/images/Picture2.png" width="100%" height = "100%" margin=0 align="middle" /> ',
style: 'backgroundImage: url(resources/images/bg.png);backgroundRepeat: repeat;backgroundPosition: center'
html : '<img src="resources/images/Picture3.png" width="100%" height = "100%" margin=0 align="middle" />',
style: 'backgroundImage: url(resources/images/bg.png);backgroundRepeat: repeat;backgroundPosition: center'
html : '<img src="resources/images/Picture3.png" width="100%" height = "100%" margin=0 align="middle" />',
style: 'backgroundImage: url(resources/images/bg.png);backgroundRepeat: repeat;backgroundPosition: center'
i write this code to auto side but its not working please help me..
There are quite many errors in your code. Please try this, as I've tested, it works (changes are only made to listeners):
'show': function(carousel) {
carousel.pageTurner = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function() {
if (carousel.getActiveIndex() == carousel.items.length - 2) {
carousel.setActiveItem(0, 'slide');
else {
}, carousel);
'activeitemchange': function(carousel){
if (carousel.getActiveIndex() == 0) {
} else
Some explanation:
afterrender event is replaced by paint event in Sencha Touch 2. In this situation, you can also use show event.
to set delay time after each cardswitch, you need to listen to activeitemchange event
Hope it helps.
I know there already an accepted answer, but here is my implementation of this (for sencha touch v2.2)
Tapping or manually sliding the image will pause the slideshow. Tapping again will resume.
Make sure you apply this to xtype: 'carousel'
xtype: 'carousel',
//...your config stuff here...
carouselSlideDelay: 3500,
autoSlide: true,
listeners: {
initialize: function(carousel) {
if (this.autoSlide) {
carousel.isRunning = false;
// Add tap event.
carousel.element.on('tap', function(e, el){
if (!carousel.isRunning) {
} else {
}, this);
// Add drag event.
carousel.element.on('dragstart', function(e, el){
}, this);
start: function(carousel, delay) {
// If already running.
if (carousel.isRunning) { return; }
// Allow for overriding the default delay value.
var delay = (delay !== undefined ? delay : this.carouselSlideDelay);
carousel.isRunning = true;
carousel.timerId = setInterval(function () {
if (carousel.getActiveIndex() === carousel.getMaxItemIndex()) {
}, delay);
stop: function(carousel) {
carousel.isRunning = false;
And this was loosely based off the Sencha Touch demo here.
After chrome 43 bug. Auto carousel is not working in my app. so i did some customization
direction: 'horizontal',
delay: 10000,
start: true,
activate: function(homeScreenCarousel) {
var me=this;
homeScreenCarousel.pageTurner = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function() {
if (me.getActiveIndex() == me.items.length-1) {
else {
}, homeScreenCarousel);
var me=this;
homeScreenCarousel.pageTurner = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function() {
if (me.getActiveIndex() == me.items.length - 1) {
me.setActiveItem(0, 'slide');
else {
}, homeScreenCarousel);

