I have a problem with the BULLET character in my Android App developed with Titanium.
I have this part of code:
function getFormattedPizza()
var text = win.crust + ' pizza with:\n';
if (win.toppings.length == 0)
text += '• Plain (cheese pizza)\n';
for (var i = 0; i < win.toppings.length; i++)
text += '• ' + win.toppings[i] + '\n';
return text;
and in my app I see the string &bull ; Plain (cheese pizza), not an unordered list.
In that way I can show a dots list?
instead of &bull you can use the '\u2022'+'Plain (cheese pizza)', \u2022 is the unicode for bullet.
Samlple code :
var lbl = Ti.UI.createLabel({
text : '\u2022'+' HELLO'
For more unicodes you can check this Link, or refer to this question.
Hope this will help you. :)
I am trying to make hangman game and I want to display on the screen password like '_ _ _[space] _ _[space] _ _ _ _ _' . When I look at the variable it looks fine but it is instered into html without any space, what makes this application useless. Could you please help what should I change to see expected result? Thanks in advance
function hideWord() {
var password = '';
for (i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
if (word.charAt(i) === ' ')
password += ' ';
else password += '_';
password += ' '
function setHiddenWord(password) {
document.querySelector('div.letters').innerHTML += password;
Javascript is not removing the whitespace - The browser rendering of the HTML is. By default, HTML does not respect white space. If you want it to, put a white-space: pre; or white-space: pre-wrap; style on your element
In your CSS:
div.letters {
white-space: pre-wrap;
I am using this code which essentially types text onto the screen. I am unsure how to add a new line to the string which is being displayed.
I have already tried \n for those posting their answers. This does NOT work. A new line is not started in my HTML
var myString = "public class MyResume implements Resume{" +
/*this is where I want the new line*/ "...." ;
var myArray = myString.split("");
var loopTimer;
function frameLooper() {
if(myArray.length > 0) {
document.getElementById("myTypingText").innerHTML += myArray.shift();
} else {
return false;
loopTimer = setTimeout('frameLooper()',70);
<div id="myTypingText"></div>
You can also use <br>.Just like"your string.<br> new line"
Here's an overly simplistic approach with full code. Use a tilde ~ and then watch for it in your frameLooper to insert a like this:
<div id="myTypingText"></div>
var myString = 'public class MyResume implements Resume{~....' ;
var myArray = myString.split("");
var loopTimer;
function frameLooper() {
if(myArray.length > 0) {
var char = myArray.shift();
if (char === '~')
{ document.getElementById("myTypingText").innerHTML += '<br/>'; }
{ document.getElementById("myTypingText").innerHTML += char; }
} else {
return false;
loopTimer = setTimeout('frameLooper()',70);
Simply adding <br> to myString doesn't work because you're inserting each character at one time. When a character gets added with innerHTML, JavaScript encodes it:
$('element').innerHTML += "<";
> "string<"
If you did this for each character in <br>, you'd end up with
You need some way to tell your script to add the entire element when you reach a "break character". You could use an uncommon character like a pipe | or you could add a method which looks ahead to make sure that the next few characters don't spell out <br>.
To add string to a new line, you need the \n in your string. For example:
var string = 'This is the first line \nThis is the second line'
This would output
This is the first line
This is the second line
Why don't you just append ul>li or p to your text, something like this:
document.getElementById("myTypingText").innerHTML += "<p>" + myArray.shift() "</p>";
document.getElementById("myTypingText").innerHTML += "<li>" + myArray.shift() "</li>";
<ul id="myTypingText"></ul>
I have a large text document filled with random words, urls, email-addresses etc. An example: "word 2014 john#doe.com http://www.example.com/ http://example.com/image.gif", but it could look differently, there could be linebreaks, multiple spaces, tabs etc. And the data could very fast become huge (it is a type of bookmarking service so data is arriving all the time in the form of images, text and hyperlinks).
Another example of content in the text document (the one I use for testing):
asd asd ad feaf
I want to wrap all these strings in tags, and be able to target out images, hyperlinks, emails and strings. I have tried different ways but unsure which is the best, and also, there is a RegExp I do not fully understand.
The end result should be:
<a class="mail" href="mailto:john#doe">john#doe.com</a>
<a class="url" href="http://www.example.com/">http://www.google.com/</a>
<a class="img" href="http://example.com/image.gif">http://example.com/image.gif</a>"
Match. This approach is however not keeping the text order intact, but it works.
arr = data.split("\n");
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
arr2 = arr[i].split(' ');
for (j = 0; j < arr2.length; j++)
if (arr2[j].match(/(.gif|.png|.jpg|.jpeg)/))
ext = arr2[j].substr(-4);
ext = ext.replace(".","");
imgs += '<a class="img '+ext+'" href="'+arr2[j]+'">'+arr2[j]+'</a>';
else if (arr2[j].match(/(http:)/))
urls += '<a class="url" href="'+arr2[j]+'">'+arr2[j]+'</a>';
spans += '<span>'+arr2[j]+'</span>';
Regexp. I thought it would be possible to look for the inverse at exp_all, as in anything else but containing http. It does not however.
var exp_img = /(https?:\/\/([\S]+?)\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif))/g,
exp_link = /([^"])(https?:\/\/([a-z-\.]+)+([a-z]{2,4})([\/\w-_]+)\/?)/g,
exp_all = /^((?!http).)*$/g;
text = data.replace(exp_all, '<span>$3</span>');
text = text.replace(exp_img, '<a class="img" href="$1">$1</a>');
text = text.replace(exp_link, '<a class="url" href="$2">$2</a>');
So, the best way of accomplishing this plain-text to HTML conversion would be appreciated. I would love if there was already some type of library for this. I was looking at Markdown but then I would still have to update the plain-text for the Markdown, so I guess not an option.
And if possible I would like to strip out "http://" and have it as clean and neat as possible.
Im making a few assumptions about your data (for example, that every entry is always there.) If that's true, then something like this should work fine:
var data = ['word\n 2014\t\t john#doe.com\n\n\n\n\n http://www.example.com/ http://example.com/image.gif apa http',
'fooo 2013 foo#bar.com http://www.blah.com/ http://blah.com/gif.gif asd asd ad feaf'];
function htmlify(string){
var elem = string.replace(/[^\w\s\/#:\.]/g,'').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').split(' ');
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < elem.length; i++){
if (elem[i].match(/http:/)) {
if (elem[i].substr(-4).match(/.gif|.png|.jpg|.jpeg/)){
result.push("<a class='img' href='" + elem[i] + "'>" + elem[i] + "</a>");
} else {
result.push( "<a class='url' href='" + elem[i] + "'>" + elem[i] + "</a>");
} else if (elem[i].match(/\w+#\w+\.\w+/)){
result.push("<a class='mail' href='mailto:" + elem[i] + "'>" + elem[i] + "</a>");
} else {
result.push("<span>" + elem[i] + "</span>");
return result;
var result = data.map(htmlify);
I am trying to replace some text inside a div using a modal window with a form input but for some reason I can't get it to work on IE11. I've realized that it skips new lines when selecting a piece of text containing a <br>
Here is a working example:
The funny thing is that I am using the same code in a different page and it gets the new lines fine, which makes me think that I am missing something.
var isIE11 = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./);
range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
text = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(range.cloneContents());
text = range;
text = new String(text);
var textBr = nl2br(text.toString());
function nl2br (str, is_xhtml) {
var breakTag = (is_xhtml || typeof is_xhtml === 'undefined') ? '<br />' : '<br>';
return (str + '').replace(/([^>\r\n]?)(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)/g, '$1' + breakTag + '$2');
Any help would be very appreciated.
I am currently trying to create a dynamic printable-document generator for my training department at work. I would like the entire project to remain in Javascript/browser-side scripting, as I'm trying to gain knowledge in Javascript exclusively. The UI is linked below (can't post images until I have 10 rep):
Hosted on my personal website - cgiv.webs.com/Test Platform/Training Plan.png
The issue I'm having is with regular expressions. I am fairly new to Javascript, but VERY new to regular expressions within Jscript. I'm currently using the following function to generate and identify three input texts per execution:
/*Variable Declarations*/
var i1 = 0;
var i2 = 0;
/* ------------------- */
function generateInput()
if (i1<15)
var appendSpan = document.getElementById('appendSpan');
var appendStr = "<div class='row'><input id='text_topic" + i2.toString() + i1.toString() + "' class='text_topic' type='text'/>|<input id='text_instructor" + i2.toString() + i1.toString() + "' class='text_instructor' type='text'/>|<input id='text_date" + i2.toString() + i1.toString() + "' class='text_date' type='text'/></div>";
appendSpan.innerHTML += appendStr;
alert("Action Cancelled. Maximum fields reached.");
The i2 variable indicates the header number that the input fields fall under, where the i1 variable indicates the row that each cell falls into. I would like to place a regex identifier script within the following function to pull the values from each cell and append them underneath their respective target spans within the "newPage" variable:
function createPage()
var newPage = "<html><head><title></title>";
newPage += "<link rel='stylesheet' lang='text/css' href='output.css'>";
newPage += "</head><body>";
newPage += "<div class='head'>" + promptVal[0] + "</div><br/>";
newPage += "<span id='hcontent1'></div></span>";
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
/* Uhhh.. Yeah. This is where I'm lost */
newPage += "</span>";
newPage += "</body></html>";
var j = window.open('')
Once I can get, for example, text_(topic, instructor, date)(11-13) all within the "hcontent1" span, I can format it out. I just want the data to be pulled from the text fields and placed into div tags on a separate page.
Thanks for your time, ahead of time!
I figured it out! After like three days of searching, this worked:
var regex1 = /1/g;
for (var i=0; inputs[i]; i++)
if (inputs[i].id.search(regex1) == 10)
alert("It worked");
else if (inputs[i].id.search(regex1) == 15)
alert("It worked again");
else if (inputs[i].id.search(regex1) == 9)
alert("You did it, man");
alert("Skip this one");