i have a html webpage with some pics.
The pics are on the local pc.
The problem is there are two possible locations for the pic.
So i wonder if its possible to add an alternative picture path if the first path doesn´t exists.
I know it´s possible with php but it would be nice if there is another solution.
You can use following code
<img src="first_image_link" onerror="this.src='second_image_link';">
you could checkout the error event beeing thrown if the src points to 404
sth like :
image.onerror = function () {
image.src ="newsrc.jpg";
you could try s.th like that:
<img src="foo" altsrc="bar">
JS (jQuery):
I'm not really sure how to explain this, but what I'm trying to do is: when you click a certain image on the page, have it redirect you to another page, where there's basically the same picture, only the page/link is a html one, not only the path to the image, like this: "file:///C:/Users/x/Desktop/report/img/3.jpg".
The code I've seen around is this:
img.onclick = function(event) {
window.location.href = this.src + '.html';
Everything is generated from JS, so I have no HTML code hard coded.
The above code works if I scratch the '.html' part, but like I've said earlier, it only redirects me to the jpg, or, if I leave the '.html' bit in too, it just goes like this "file:///C:/Users/x/Desktop/report/.html" and nothing shows up.
What I'd like to have is a new html page so I can later add other things/info around my image.
I'm new to programming so I am not really sure how/ if this is possible. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
You first have an img tag with the onClick property as follows:
<div class="col-12 col-md-4 col-lg-3">
<img onclick="GetImage(#ImageAddress)"/>
Then write script :
function GetImage(imageAddress) {
I have these 3 lines of code in an external javascript file
function init(){
document.getElementById("upcoming_event").getElementsByTagName("img")[0].src = "images/fastnet_2013_poster.jpg";
document.getElementById("club_championship").getElementsByTagName("img")[0].src = "images/club_championship.png";
document.getElementById("setMembership").getElementsByTagName("img")[0].src = "images/join_our_club.png";
document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded" , init , false);
This code works perfectly on this site which i used just to develop a little bit of it with 000webhosting.
But I have now moved my hosting to hosting24 to complete the development of the site. When i load the site through the new host(hosting24) the images are not getting loaded.
I have taken these 3 line of code out and tried them in an <body onload="init()"> but this dose not load the images either.
I know that both methods above are being called as i have got them to display a window.alert("Display").
Is there another way of doing this?
(document.getElementById("upcoming_event").getElementsByTagName("img")[0].src = "images/fastnet_2013_poster.jpg";) that i could try and use? Or solve my problem.
Changing servers should not effect javascript code at all. Only thing that comes to mind is that the URL's for the images sources isn't correct anymore, because of the move.
First you can use jQuery to help you do this in a simpler way like:
$('#upcoming_event').find('img')[0].src = "url";
$('#imgid').attr('src', 'xpto.jpg');
Secound, the code seems to work... I think the problem may be in the urls of the IMGs. Check if the images are in the correct folder or if the path is right.
I am developing one image gallery website, which may have thousands of photos in future. All the images comes from other Website / API or user uploads.
User uploaded images
<img src="../images/example.jpg" alt="" />
External Images
<img src="http://example.com/xyz.jpg" alt="" />
Let say, image deleted from external website. Is there a way to check photo exists from client side using jQuery / JavaScript etc?
What I think is
i) I hotlink the image from external website
ii) Image deleted from external website, when website first load, jquery will send me the dead link info to server using ajax etc
iii) I will fix the link.
Thanks in advance...
You could use the "onerror" event on your external images and create a server side script to handle the error and return a generic "image not found" image while you fix the issue.
Something like ...
You could do something like this...
$(function() {
$(document).on("error", "img", function() {
// do something with $(this) here
That would detect broken images and allow you to do something about it.
You can use onerror event in this case.
var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName("img"),
img, i = 0;
while (img = imgs[i++]) {
img.onerror = function() {
// just an example for error reporting
Ajax.send("POST /image_error.php", {src:img.src});
// change img src
img.src = "images/error.jpg";
When my document loads, I'd like to have JavaScript reload my images' sources. To do so, I got the following code in my HTML document:
<img src="#" id="mypic" onload="reloadImage(this);"/>
and in my JavaScript document:
function reloadImage(imageElement) {
imageElement.src = "http://www.somedomain.com/image.png";
However, this doesn't work. Am I using this incorrectly, or does the problem lie elsewhere?
The syntax you use is correct in principle. The problem is that for the URL #, being an invalid image URL, the load event is probably never fired.
You're using this correctly, however that looks like something that might result in your function being called repeatedly if the image loads, however I doubt an image loaded from # is going to ever load. Are you sure that's what you want?
(Why are you calling your code a "document"?)
The code SHOULD work, however since you do not have an image in the tag, the onload has nothing to trigger on
Try this
<img src="blank.gif" id="mypic" onload="reloadImage(this);"/>
and test
if (imageElement.src.indexOf('blank')!=-1) imageElement.src="http://www.somedomain.com/image.png";
Is it possible to call a JavaScript function from the IMG SRC tag to get an image url?
Like this:
<IMG SRC="GetImage()" />
<script language="javascript">
function GetImage() {return "imageName/imagePath.jpg"}
This is using .NET 2.0.
Nope. It's not possible, at least not in all browsers. You can do something like this instead:
<img src="blank.png" id="image" alt="just nothing">
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById('image').src = "yourpicture.png";
Your favourite JavaScript framework will provide nicer ways :)
If you're in the mood for hacks, this works as well.
<img src='blah' onerror="this.src='url to image'">
Is it possible to call a JavaScript function from the IMG SRC tag to get an image url?
Do you mean doing something like the following?
<img src="javascript:GetImage()" />
Unfortunately, no - you can't do that. However, you can do the following hack:
function getImageUrl(img) {
var imageSrc = "imageName/imagePath.jpg";
if(img.src != imageSrc) { // don't get stuck in an endless loop
img.src = imageSrc;
Then, have the following html:
<img src="http://yourdomain.com/images/empty.gif" onload="getImageUrl(this)" />
The onload event will only fire if you have an actual image set to the src attribute - if you don't set that attribute or set it to an empty string or something similar, you will get no love. Set it to a single pixel transparent gif or something similar.
Anyway, this hack works, but depending on what you are really trying to accomplish, this may not be the best solution. I don't know why you would want to do this, but maybe you have a good reason (that you would like to share with us!).
You cannot do it inline the image #src, but you should be able to call it from an inline script block immediately following your image:
<img src="" id="myImage"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("myImage").src = GetImage();
you could dynamically feed the image by calling an aspx page in the SRC.
<img src="provideImage.aspx?someparameter=x" />
On the page side, you`ll need to put the image in the response and change the content type for an image.
The only "problem" is that your images won't be indexed a you better put some cache on that provider page or you'll ravage the server.
Are you looking for this.src ?`
<img src='images/test.jpg' onmouseover="alert(this.src);">
Since you're using .NET, you could add the runat="server" attribute and set the src in your codebehind.
You might be able to do it on the server side. Alternately you could attach an onload event to swap the image src out. I guess the question then becomes, why would you have to use Javascript in the first pace?
I've had to do something like this before, and IIRC the trick winds up being that you can't change an src attribute of an image that's part of the DOM tree. So your best bet is to write your HTML skeleton without the image and 1)create an onLoad function that generates a new img element with document.createElement, 2) set the src attribute with setAttribute(), and 3) attach it to your DOM tree.
OnLoad event of image called again and again do some thing like this
how about this?
var imgsBlocks = new Array( '/1.png', '/2.png', '/3.png');
function getImageUrl(elemid) {
var ind = document.getElementById(elemid).selectedIndex;
it's not work?
<img src="'+imgsBlocks[2]+'" id="get_img"/>
You may try this way also
const myImage = new Image(200, 200);
myImage.src = '';
No. The Img's SRC attribute is not an event, therefore the inline JS will never fire.
OnLoad event of image called again and again do some thing like this