prevent ajax call if application cache is being updated - javascript

i am writing an offline web application.
i have a manifest files for my applicationCache. and i have handlers for appCache events.
i want to detect if the files being downloaded are being downloaded for the first time or being updated. because in case they are being updated, i would like prevent my application code from running, since i will refresh the browser after updating my app.
my specific problem here is that when the "checking" events gets fired, the applicationCache status is already "DOWNLOADING",
does anybody know how to get the applicationCache.status before any manifest or files gets downloaded?
thanks in advance for any answer
window.applicationCache.addEventListener('checking', function (event) {
console.log("Checking for updates.");
console.log("inside checking event, appcache status : %s", applicationCache.status);
}, false);
window.applicationCache.addEventListener('updateready', function (e) {
if (window.applicationCache.status == window.applicationCache.UPDATEREADY) {
// Browser downloaded a new version of manifest files
}, false);
window.applicationCache.addEventListener('downloading', function (event) {
appCommon.information("New version available", "Updating application files...", null, null);
}, false);
window.applicationCache.addEventListener('progress', function (event) {
$("#informationModal").find(".modal-body").html("Updating application files... " + event.loaded.toString() + " of " +;
}, false);
window.applicationCache.addEventListener('cached', function (event) {
$("#informationModal").find(".modal-body").html("Application up to date.");
setTimeout(function () { $("#informationModal").find(".close").click(); }, 1000);
}, false);

According to the specification the checking event is always the first event.
the user agent is checking for an update, or attempting to download the manifest for the first time. This is always the first event in the sequence.
I think it is a mistake to refresh the browser since that will not automatically fetch a new copy. If you look at the MDN guide for using the applicationCache you'll see that files are always loaded from the applicationCache first and then proceed to go through the cycle of events you attempted to avoid by refreshing.
Instead of refreshing you should simply make proper use of the applicationCache event life cycle in order to initialize and start your application.
i would like prevent my application code from running, since i will refresh the browser after updating my app.
You have a lot of control of when your application begins to run, if you really wanted to refresh the browser, just always start the app after updateready or noupdate events, but really instead of refreshing it seems like you should use window.applicationCache.swapCache instead.
I found this question and answer useful.


Period background sync does't fire after successfully registered

I'm trying to make periodic bg sync where service worker updates badge.
When I run my page and test it via Chrome DevTools, Service worker process the request. But when the page is closed, it doesnt't do anything. Same on mobile phone.
On my page (this part is working and output in console is periodic update set):
navigator.permissions.query({name:'periodic-background-sync'}).then(function(result) {
if (result.state === 'granted') {
console.log('periodic background granted');
if ('periodicSync' in registration) {
try {
registration.periodicSync.register('update-badge', {
minInterval: 60 * 60 * 1000,
console.log('periodic update set');
} catch (error) {
console.log('Periodic background sync cannot be used.');
Service worker:
async function updateBadge() {
const unreadCount = 5; //fixed value for testing
navigator.setAppBadge(unreadCount).catch((error) => {
console.log('Error setting badge.');
self.addEventListener('periodicsync', (event) => {
if (event.tag === 'update-badge') {
So when I manually fire background sync from DevTools, badge is set, but not automatically in the background as I thought it will work.
I can't find anything wrong with the code. I've seen variants where you request periodic-background-sync after navigator.serviceWorker.ready but I think that both work (especially since you can trigger the registered event manually).
I think the problem is that not all conditions for periodic background sync to fire are true. These are the conditions from the initial implementation in Chrome (2019):
Chrome version 80 or later
The PWA needs to be installed
The website needs to have an engagement score (can be viewed here chrome://site-engagement/). Websites with 0 engagement is deleted from the list and won't trigger the periodicsync event, even if it is installed. Once a user hasn’t interacted with a website for 2 hours, its engagement levels begin to decay. With minimal engagement, a periodicsync event will be triggered at an interval of 36h. source
In your case I think your code is correct and working but you haven't interacted enough with you app continuously over 36h so the engagement is purged and periodicsync fire timer cancelled (if you have installed your PWA).
For the record, here is a complete working demo (event registration) (and sw code).
The specific interval at which the periodicsync event is fired varies; what I've seen on, e.g., installed Android web apps is that you'll get periodicsync around once a day. It may be different on desktop platforms (and will only happen if your browser is actually running at the time).
Have you waited a full day or so after installing your PWA, and see if it's fired?

PouchDB detect documents that aren't synced

I am trying to sync a local PouchDB instance to a remote CouchDB. Things work great, but I am not sure how to deal with the following situation:
I have added a validation rule in CouchDB to prevent updating (it will deny all updates). When I run the sync function on my local PouchDB instance after modifying a document, the "denied" event fires as I would expect. However, if I run sync a second time, the "denied" event doesn't fire again, even though the local document differs from the CouchDB version.
How can I check if the local database matches the remote database? If I miss the "denied" event the first time (lets say the user closes the browser), how can I detect on the next run that the databases are not in sync? How can I force PouchDB to try and sync the modified document again so that I can see the denied event?
syncPouch: function(){
var opts = {};
var sync = PouchDB.sync('orders', db.remoteDB, opts);
sync.on('change', function (info) {});
sync.on('paused', function(){
sync.on('active', function () {});
sync.on('denied', function(err){
//This only fire once no matter how many times I call syncPouch
sync.on('complete', function (info) {
//This fires every time
sync.on('error', function(err){
return sync;
What I have noticed with validate_doc_update functions is that PouchDb appears to treat any "denied" document as sync-ed. So even if you then remove the validate_doc_update function, the document will not sync into the remote database on future attempts even though it is not the same.
So you can be left with an "out of sync" situation that can only be fixed by editing one of the documents again.
Perhaps you are seeing the same thing? Perhaps the "denied" event does not fire because there is no attempt by PouchDb to sync the document (as it has already attempted to sync it previously)?

How: ServiceWorker check if ready to update

What I am trying to achieve:
render page with loader/spinner
if service-worker.js is registered and active, then check for updates
if no updates, then remove loader
if updatefound and new version installed, then reload the page
else register service-worker.js
when updatefound, meaning new one was installed, remove loader
I am using sw-precache module for me to generate service-worker.js and following registration code:
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
// show loader
.then(function(swRegistration) {
// react to changes in `service-worker.js`
swRegistration.onupdatefound = function() {
var installingWorker = swRegistration.installing;
installingWorker.onstatechange = function() {
if(installingWorker.state === 'installed' && navigator.serviceWorker.controller){
// updated content installed
} else if (installingWorker.state === 'installed'){
// new sw registered and content cached
// here I know that `service-worker.js` was already installed
// but not sure it there are changes
// If there are no changes it is the last thing I can check
// AFAIK no events are fired afterwards
.catch(function(e) {
console.error('Error during service worker registration:', e);
After reading the spec it is clear that there are no handlers for something like updatenotfound. Looks like serviceWorker.register checks if service-worker.js changed internally by running get-newest-worker-algorithm, but I cannot see similar methods exposed via public api.
I think my options are:
wait for couple of seconds after service worker registration becomes active to see if onupdatefound is fired
fire custom events from service-worker.js code if cache was not updated
Any other suggestions?
I've came up with some code which solves this issue by using postMessage() between SW registration and SW client (as #pate suggested)
Following demo tries to achieve checks through postMessage between SW client and SW registration, but fails as SW code is already cached DEMO
So by now it looks like I cannot implement what I want because:
when service worker is active you cannot check for updates by evaluating some code in SW - this is still the same cached SW, no changes there
you need to wait for onupdatefound, there is nothing else that will notify of changes in SW
activation of older SW comes before onupdatefound
if there is no change, nothing fires after activation
SW registration update() is immature, keeps changing, Starting with Chrome 46, update() returns a promise that resolves with 'undefined' if the operation completed successfully or there was no update
setting timeout to postpone view rendering is suboptimal as there is no clear answer to how long should it be set to, it depends on SW size as well
The other answer, provided by Fabio, doesn't work. The Service Worker script has no access to the DOM. It's not possible to remove anything from the DOM or, for instance, manipulate any data that is handling DOM elements from inside the Service Worker. That script runs separately with no shared state.
What you can do, though, is send messages between the actual page-running JS and the Service Worker. I'm not sure if this is the best possible way to do what the OP is asking but can be used to achieve it.
Register an onmessage handler on the page
Send a message from the SW's activate or install event to the page
Act accordingly when the message is received on the page
I have myself kept SW version number in a variable inside the SW. My SW has then posted that version number to the page and the page has stored it into the localStorage of the browser. The next time the page is loaded SW posts it current version number to the page and the onmessage handler compares it to the currently stored version number. If they are not the same, then the SW has been updated to some version number that was included in the mssage. After that I've updated the localStorage copy of the version number and done this and that.
This flow could also be done in the other way around: send a message from the page to the SW and let SW answer something back, then act accordingly.
I hope I was able to explain my thoughts clearly :)
The only way that pops up in my mind is to start the loader normally and then remove it in the service-worker, in the install function. I will give this a try, in your service-worker.js:
self.addEventListener('install', function(e) {
console.log('[ServiceWorker] Install');
e.waitUntil( {
console.log('[ServiceWorker] Caching app shell');
return cache.addAll(filesToCache);
}).then(function() {
return self.skipWaiting();

How to properly handle chrome extension updates from content scripts

In background page we're able to detect extension updates using chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener.
But after extension has been updated all content scripts can't connect to the background page. And we get an error: Error connecting to extension ....
It's possible to re-inject content scripts using chrome.tabs.executeScript... But what if we have a sensitive data that should be saved before an update and used after update? What could we do?
Also if we re-inject all content scripts we should properly tear down previous content scripts.
What is the proper way to handle extension updates from content scripts without losing the user data?
If you've established a communication through var port = chrome.runtime.connect(...) (as described on, it should be possible to listen to the runtime.Port.onDisconnect event:
tport.onDisconnect.addListener(function(msg) {...})
There you can react and, e.g. apply some sort of memoization, let's say via localStorage. But in general, I would suggest to keep content scripts as tiny as possible and perform all the data manipulations in the background, letting content only to collect/pass data and render some state, if needed.
Once Chrome extension update happens, the "orphaned" content script is cut off from the extension completely. The only way it can still communicate is through shared DOM. If you're talking about really sensitive data, this is not secure from the page. More on that later.
First off, you can delay an update. In your background script, add a handler for the chrome.runtime.onUpdateAvailable event. As long as the listener is there, you have a chance to do cleanup.
// Background script
chrome.runtime.onUpdateAvailable.addListener(function(details) {
// Do your work, call the callback when done
syncRemainingData(function() {
Second, suppose the worst happens and you are cut off. You can still communicate using DOM events:
// Content script
// Get ready for data
window.addEventListener("SendRemainingData", function(evt) {
}, false);
// Request data
var event = new CustomEvent("RequestRemainingData");
// Be ready to send data if asked later
window.addEventListener("RequestRemainingData", function(evt) {
var event = new CustomEvent("SendRemainingData", {detail: data});
}, false);
However, this communication channel is potentially eavesdropped on by the host page. And, as said previously, that eavesdropping is not something you can bypass.
Yet, you can have some out-of-band pre-shared data. Suppose that you generate a random key on first install and keep it in - this is not accessible by web pages by any means. Of course, once orphaned you can't read it, but you can at the moment of injection.
var PSK;"preSharedKey", function(data) {
PSK = data.preSharedKey;
// ...
window.addEventListener("SendRemainingData", function(evt) {
processData(decrypt(evt.detail, PSK));
}, false);
// ...
window.addEventListener("RequestRemainingData", function(evt) {
var event = new CustomEvent("SendRemainingData", {detail: encrypt(data, PSK)});
}, false);
This is of course proof-of-concept code. I doubt that you will need more than an onUpdateAvailable listener.

Accessing every document that a user currently views from an extension

I'm writing an extension that checks every document a user views on certain data structures, does some back-end server calls and displays the results as a dialog.The problem is starting and continuing the sequence properly with event listeners. My actual idea is:
Load: function()
var Listener = function(){ Fabogore.Start();};
var ListenerTab = window.gBrowser.selectedTab;
ListenerTab.removeEventListener("load", Listener, true);
The Fabogore.Load function is first initialized when the browser gets opened. It works only once I get these data structures, but not afterwards. But theoretically the script should initialize a new listener, so maybe it's the selectedTab. I also tried listening to focus events.
If someone has got an alternative solution how to access a page a user is currently viewing I would feel comfortable as well.
The common approach is using a progress listener. If I understand correctly, you want to get a notification whenever a browser tab finished loading. So the important method in your progress listener would be onStateChange (it needs to have all the other methods as well however):
onStateChange: function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aFlag, aStatus)
if ((aFlag & Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP) &&
(aFlag & Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_WINDOW) &&
aWebProgress.DOMWindow ==
// A window finished loading and it is the top-level frame in its tab
Ok, I found a way which works from the MDN documentation, and achieves that every document a user opens can be accessed by your extension. Accessing every document a user focuses is too much, I want the code to be executed only once. So I start with initializing the Exentsion, and Listen to DOMcontentloaded Event
window.addEventListener("load", function() { Fabogore.init(); }, false);
var Fabogore = {
init: function() {
var appcontent = document.getElementById("appcontent"); // browser
appcontent.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", Fabogore.onPageLoad, true);
This executes the code every Time a page is loaded. Now what's important is, that you execute your code with the new loaded page, and not with the old one. You can acces this one with the variable aEvent:
onPageLoad: function(aEvent)
var doc = aEvent.originalTarget;//Document which initiated the event
With the variable "doc" you can check data structures using XPCNativeWrapper etc. Thanks Wladimir for bringing me in the right direction, I suppose if you need a more sophisticated event listening choose his way with the progress listeners.

