Sorting 'human' numbers in tablesorter - javascript

I'm using tablesorter to sort a set of values whose formats vary from things like 710,231 to 6.39 million, 37.3 million, 5.3 million, and so forth. Currently, the plugin sorts simply ignores the million and otherwise sorts fine, but consequently you get something like `5.3 million, 6.39 million, 37.3 million, 710,231,

You'll need to add a parser to replace the names with their value (demo):
// see big list here:
var numbers = {
'zero' : 0,
'hundred' : 100,
'thousand' : 1e3,
'million' : 1e6,
'billion' : 1e9,
'trillion' : 1e12,
'quadrillion' : 1e15,
'quintillion' : 1e18,
'sextillion' : 1e21,
'septillion' : 1e24,
'octillion' : 1e27,
'nonillion' : 1e30,
'decillion' : 1e33
id: "namedNumbers",
is: function () {
return false;
format: function (s, table) {
var v,
result = 1,
arry = (s || '').split(/[\-\s]+/),
len = arry.length;
while (len) {
v = $.tablesorter.formatFloat( (arry[--len] || '').toLowerCase(), table );
if ( numbers.hasOwnProperty(v) ) {
result *= numbers[v];
} else {
result *= parseFloat(v);
return result !== 1 ? result : s;
type: "numeric"
$(function () {
theme: 'blue',
headers : {
1 : { sorter : 'namedNumbers' }


dc.js bar chart - calculate bar size by sum of multiple data entries

Sorry for the title, it is hard to sumarize what I am trying to achieve in one sentence.
I have a bar chart that uses a crossfilter that is also used by 6 other charts. My data looks as follows (note: this is only a small sample, there are more keys in each object)
var data = [
{ clientime : '20210603000000', calendarweek : '22', x : 9, y : 4 },
{ clientime : '20210603000007', calendarweek : '22', x : 5, y : 5 },
{ clientime : '20210607000000', calendarweek : '23', x : 1, y : 2 },
{ clientime : '20210607000007', calendarweek : '23', x : 5, y : 5 },
{ clientime : '20210615000000', calendarweek : '24', x : 10, y : 20 },
{ clientime : '20210615000011', calendarweek : '24', x : 5, y : 5 },
The category for each bar is the calendarweek and I wan the the value to be the sum of all x devided by the sum of all y.
According to the above sample I would like to see 3 bars.
Bar '22' should have the value `sum(9,5)/sum(4,5)` = 1.556
Bar '23' should have the value `sum(1,5)/sum(2,5)` = 0.857
Bar '24' should have the value `sum(10,5)/sum(20,5)` = 0.6
My first intention wasto use the reduce function where I would add or remove the sums in a custom dictionary.
var x_key = "calendarweek";
var dim = crossfilter.dimension( d => d[x_key] );
var grp =
( p, v ) => {
p.sum_x += v.x;
p.sum_y += v.y;
return p;
( p, v ) => {
p.sum_x -= v.x;
p.sum_y -= v.y;
return p;
() => ( { sum_x : 0, sum_y : 0 } )
var chart = dc.barChart( "#chart" );
.width( 490 )
.height( 280 )
.dimension( dim )
.group( grp )
.x( d3.scaleBand() )
.xUnits( dc.units.ordinal )
.elasticX( true )
.elasticY( true )
.controlsUseVisibility( true )
.margins( {
top : 10, right : 50, bottom : 20, left : 40,
} );
grp.all() does seem to look fine but from here on out I am not sure how to set the data correctly to chart. Using the created group no bars are shown at all because I creted an object in the reduce function that dc.js does not understand.
Additionally I would like to still be able to limit the bars to N entries.
Thanks to Gordon in the comments pointing me into the right direction I was able to solve my problem using the valueAccesor.
chart_mttrhist.valueAccessor( function( d ) {
return ( d.value.sum_x / d.value.sum_y );
} );
Please note that the code in the question changed a little.

How to check to which Tier our Number belongs to?

So we have that :
{TierLowerBound : 2,
TierUpperBound : 5,
TierName : 'Tier 1',
TierDiscount : 0.15},
{TierLowerBound : 6,
TierUpperBound : 10,
TierName : 'Tier 2',
TierDiscount : 0.40}
And given number for example let i=5;
What can be the best way to find out to which of the tiers our number i belongs to?
I created simple function isBetween, some objects etc. but I am asking, because there are maybe some great ways in JS to deal with that kind of situation?
I'm using foreach loop to check every tier, so it's not as efficient as switch, but switch relays on fixed values, so it would be hard to evalute for instance this situation :
lowerBound = 5;
upperBound = 10;
number = 7;
Looking forward for an answer:)
getDiscount : function(number){
let foundTier = tier.tiersArray.filter(function(object){
let isBetween = number >= object.TierLowerBound &&
( number <= object.TierUpperBound || object.TierUpperBound ==
return isBetween;
return foundTier ? foundTier.TierDiscount : 0;
You can use filter:
const yourArrayOfObjects = [
TierLowerBound: 2,
TierUpperBound: 5,
TierName: 'Tier 1',
TierDiscount: 0.15
TierLowerBound : 6,
TierUpperBound: 10,
TierName: 'Tier 2',
TierDiscount: 0.40
const returnObjectsWhereNumberFitsInBounds = n => {
return yourArrayOfObjects.filter(element => element.TierLowerBound < n && element.TierUpperBound > n)
const magicNumberToTest = 4;
Assuming that you have an array of objects with tier information, here is an approach:
const tiers = [{
TierLowerBound: 2,
TierUpperBound: 5,
TierName: 'Tier 1',
TierDiscount: 0.15
TierLowerBound: 6,
TierUpperBound: 10,
TierName: 'Tier 2',
TierDiscount: 0.40
function isBetween(numberGiven) {
let categoryFound = {}
tiers.forEach(function(arrayItem) {
if (numberGiven >= arrayItem.TierLowerBound && numberGiven <= arrayItem.TierUpperBound) {
console.log("The number requested, " + numberGiven + " is in " + arrayItem.TierName + " category!");
categoryFound = arrayItem;
return categoryFound;
// if you want to use the category in another place, call it like this:
const objInRange = isBetween(7);
console.log("objInRange: " + JSON.stringify(objInRange, null, 2));

C3JS - Group dates correctly

I'm using the library c3js to show an area chart.
I've a problem with my dates data. I've a lot of dates (+/- 1000) and I want to group correctly my dates.
Here is my actuel render :
You can see that some dates appear two time on x axis.
Here is the code of my chart :
var usedList = JSON.parse(usedList);
var format = informations[0];
var counts = informations[1];
var amounts = new Array('Evolution');
var dates = new Array("x");
for (var i = 0; i < usedList.length; i++)
var chart = c3.generate({
bindto : '#js-chart',
size : {
height : 220
area: {
zerobased: false
data : {
selection : {
draggable : false
x : 'x',
columns : [ dates, amounts ],
types : {
Evolution : 'area'
colors : {
Evolution : '#143FB4'
axis : {
x : {
type : 'timeseries',
tick : {
fit: true,
format : format
padding: {
left: 0,
right: 0,
point : {
r : 0
grid : {
y : {
show : true
How do you think I can do to regroup date in order to have just one repetition of each month ?
Thank you,
What if push only one date for a month?
for (var i = 0; i < usedList.length; i++)
// replacing existing dates with empty string, keeping array size
var d = usedList[i].date;
dates.push(dates.indexOf(d) == -1 ? d : '');
This should work if dates are stored as 'MM/YYYY'.
If dates are stored in a different format, different check is needed.
But general idea stays the same - only one date for a month at x-axis.

jquery datatable date sorting issue

I am using datatable plugin version 1.8.2 for displaying table on my webpage.
It is working fine except. It is not sorting dates properly, it is showing "invalid date" in Date object. below is my code snippet.
$(document).ready(function() {
jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort['usdate-asc'] = function(a,b) {
a and b are <div> tag with date
var texta = ($(a).text()).toString(); // Here I am able to see my date in ' 03-17-2015 12:25:21 AM ' format
var textb = ($(b).text()).toString();// Here I am able to see my date in ' 03-17-2015 12:25:21 AM ' format
var usDatea = new Date(Date.parse(texta)); // Here it is showing "invalid date"
var usDateb = new Date(Date.parse(textb));
return ((usDatea < usDateb) ? -1 : ((usDatea > usDateb) ? 1 : 0));
jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort['usdate-desc'] = function(a,b) {
a and b are <div> tag with date
var texta = ($(a).text()).toString(); //same as above
var textb = ($(b).text()).toString(); //same as above
var usDatea = new Date(Date.parse(texta)); //same as above
var usDateb = new Date(Date.parse(textb)); //same as above
return ((usDatea < usDateb) ? 1 : ((usDatea > usDateb) ? -1 : 0));
$('#tablegridname').dataTable( {
"sPaginationType": 'full_numbers',
"bJQueryUI": true,
"iDisplayLength": 50,
"aaSorting": [[ 4, 'desc' ]],
"aoColumns": [null, null, null, null, {"sType": "usdate"}]
} );
Try this fiddle:
It uses this simple function:
function parseDateForSort(d)
return d.substring(6,10) + d.substring(0,2) +
d.substring(3,5) + d.substring(20) +
The function takes advantage of the fact that, luckily, PM comes after AM alphabetically; hence the "d.substring(20)" in the middle of the string. So we have YYYYMMDD[AM or PM]HH:MM:SS.
In your code you can get rid of Date.parse, and replace your return with:
usDatea = parseDateForSort(texta);
usDateb = parseDateForSort(textb);
return ((usDatea < usDateb) ? -1 : ((usDatea > usDateb) ? 1 : 0));
Good luck.
You can create your own sort type, and then specify the column thusly:
$.extend($.fn.dataTableExt.oSort, {
"date-us-pre": function (v) {
return parseDateForSort(v);
"date-us-asc": function ( a, b ) { return a - b; },
"date-us-desc": function ( a, b ) { return b - a; }
} );
And then in your .dataTable call include
"aoColumnDefs": [ { "sType":"date-us", "aTargets":[6] } ]
or whatever column number it is instead of 6.

JavaScript pluralize an english string

In PHP, I use Kuwamoto's class to pluralize nouns in my strings. I didn't find something as good as this script in javascript except for some plugins. So, it would be great to have a javascript function based on Kuwamoto's class.
Simple version (ES6):
const pluralize = (count, noun, suffix = 's') =>
`${count} ${noun}${count !== 1 ? suffix : ''}`;
const pluralize = (count: number, noun: string, suffix = 's') =>
`${count} ${noun}${count !== 1 ? suffix : ''}`;
pluralize(0, 'turtle'); // 0 turtles
pluralize(1, 'turtle'); // 1 turtle
pluralize(2, 'turtle'); // 2 turtles
pluralize(3, 'fox', 'es'); // 3 foxes
This obviously doesn't support all english edge-cases, but it's suitable for most purposes
Use Pluralize
There's a great little library called Pluralize that's packaged in npm and bower.
This is what it looks like to use:
import Pluralize from 'pluralize';
Pluralize( 'Towel', 42 ); // "Towels"
Pluralize( 'Towel', 42, true ); // "42 Towels"
And you can get it here:
So, I answer my own question by sharing my translation in javascript of Kuwamoto's PHP class.
String.prototype.plural = function(revert){
var plural = {
'(quiz)$' : "$1zes",
'^(ox)$' : "$1en",
'([m|l])ouse$' : "$1ice",
'(matr|vert|ind)ix|ex$' : "$1ices",
'(x|ch|ss|sh)$' : "$1es",
'([^aeiouy]|qu)y$' : "$1ies",
'(hive)$' : "$1s",
'(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$' : "$1$2ves",
'(shea|lea|loa|thie)f$' : "$1ves",
'sis$' : "ses",
'([ti])um$' : "$1a",
'(tomat|potat|ech|her|vet)o$': "$1oes",
'(bu)s$' : "$1ses",
'(alias)$' : "$1es",
'(octop)us$' : "$1i",
'(ax|test)is$' : "$1es",
'(us)$' : "$1es",
'([^s]+)$' : "$1s"
var singular = {
'(quiz)zes$' : "$1",
'(matr)ices$' : "$1ix",
'(vert|ind)ices$' : "$1ex",
'^(ox)en$' : "$1",
'(alias)es$' : "$1",
'(octop|vir)i$' : "$1us",
'(cris|ax|test)es$' : "$1is",
'(shoe)s$' : "$1",
'(o)es$' : "$1",
'(bus)es$' : "$1",
'([m|l])ice$' : "$1ouse",
'(x|ch|ss|sh)es$' : "$1",
'(m)ovies$' : "$1ovie",
'(s)eries$' : "$1eries",
'([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$' : "$1y",
'([lr])ves$' : "$1f",
'(tive)s$' : "$1",
'(hive)s$' : "$1",
'(li|wi|kni)ves$' : "$1fe",
'(shea|loa|lea|thie)ves$': "$1f",
'(^analy)ses$' : "$1sis",
'((a)naly|(b)a|(d)iagno|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)ses$': "$1$2sis",
'([ti])a$' : "$1um",
'(n)ews$' : "$1ews",
'(h|bl)ouses$' : "$1ouse",
'(corpse)s$' : "$1",
'(us)es$' : "$1",
's$' : ""
var irregular = {
'move' : 'moves',
'foot' : 'feet',
'goose' : 'geese',
'sex' : 'sexes',
'child' : 'children',
'man' : 'men',
'tooth' : 'teeth',
'person' : 'people'
var uncountable = [
// save some time in the case that singular and plural are the same
if(uncountable.indexOf(this.toLowerCase()) >= 0)
return this;
// check for irregular forms
for(word in irregular){
var pattern = new RegExp(irregular[word]+'$', 'i');
var replace = word;
} else{ var pattern = new RegExp(word+'$', 'i');
var replace = irregular[word];
return this.replace(pattern, replace);
if(revert) var array = singular;
else var array = plural;
// check for matches using regular expressions
for(reg in array){
var pattern = new RegExp(reg, 'i');
return this.replace(pattern, array[reg]);
return this;
Easy to use:
alert("page".plural()); // return plural form => pages
alert("mouse".plural()); // return plural form => mice
alert("women".plural(true)); // return singular form => woman
Based on #pmrotule answer with some typescript magic and some additions to the uncountable array. I add here the plural and singular functions.
The plural version:
* Returns the plural of an English word.
* #export
* #param {string} word
* #param {number} [amount]
* #returns {string}
export function plural(word: string, amount?: number): string {
if (amount !== undefined && amount === 1) {
return word
const plural: { [key: string]: string } = {
'(quiz)$' : "$1zes",
'^(ox)$' : "$1en",
'([m|l])ouse$' : "$1ice",
'(matr|vert|ind)ix|ex$' : "$1ices",
'(x|ch|ss|sh)$' : "$1es",
'([^aeiouy]|qu)y$' : "$1ies",
'(hive)$' : "$1s",
'(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$' : "$1$2ves",
'(shea|lea|loa|thie)f$' : "$1ves",
'sis$' : "ses",
'([ti])um$' : "$1a",
'(tomat|potat|ech|her|vet)o$': "$1oes",
'(bu)s$' : "$1ses",
'(alias)$' : "$1es",
'(octop)us$' : "$1i",
'(ax|test)is$' : "$1es",
'(us)$' : "$1es",
'([^s]+)$' : "$1s"
const irregular: { [key: string]: string } = {
'move' : 'moves',
'foot' : 'feet',
'goose' : 'geese',
'sex' : 'sexes',
'child' : 'children',
'man' : 'men',
'tooth' : 'teeth',
'person' : 'people'
const uncountable: string[] = [
// save some time in the case that singular and plural are the same
if (uncountable.indexOf(word.toLowerCase()) >= 0) {
return word
// check for irregular forms
for (const w in irregular) {
const pattern = new RegExp(`${w}$`, 'i')
const replace = irregular[w]
if (pattern.test(word)) {
return word.replace(pattern, replace)
// check for matches using regular expressions
for (const reg in plural) {
const pattern = new RegExp(reg, 'i')
if (pattern.test(word)) {
return word.replace(pattern, plural[reg])
return word
And the singular version:
* Returns the singular of an English word.
* #export
* #param {string} word
* #param {number} [amount]
* #returns {string}
export function singular(word: string, amount?: number): string {
if (amount !== undefined && amount !== 1) {
return word
const singular: { [key: string]: string } = {
'(quiz)zes$' : "$1",
'(matr)ices$' : "$1ix",
'(vert|ind)ices$' : "$1ex",
'^(ox)en$' : "$1",
'(alias)es$' : "$1",
'(octop|vir)i$' : "$1us",
'(cris|ax|test)es$' : "$1is",
'(shoe)s$' : "$1",
'(o)es$' : "$1",
'(bus)es$' : "$1",
'([m|l])ice$' : "$1ouse",
'(x|ch|ss|sh)es$' : "$1",
'(m)ovies$' : "$1ovie",
'(s)eries$' : "$1eries",
'([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$' : "$1y",
'([lr])ves$' : "$1f",
'(tive)s$' : "$1",
'(hive)s$' : "$1",
'(li|wi|kni)ves$' : "$1fe",
'(shea|loa|lea|thie)ves$': "$1f",
'(^analy)ses$' : "$1sis",
'((a)naly|(b)a|(d)iagno|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)ses$': "$1$2sis",
'([ti])a$' : "$1um",
'(n)ews$' : "$1ews",
'(h|bl)ouses$' : "$1ouse",
'(corpse)s$' : "$1",
'(us)es$' : "$1",
's$' : ""
const irregular: { [key: string]: string } = {
'move' : 'moves',
'foot' : 'feet',
'goose' : 'geese',
'sex' : 'sexes',
'child' : 'children',
'man' : 'men',
'tooth' : 'teeth',
'person' : 'people'
const uncountable: string[] = [
// save some time in the case that singular and plural are the same
if (uncountable.indexOf(word.toLowerCase()) >= 0) {
return word
// check for irregular forms
for (const w in irregular) {
const pattern = new RegExp(`${irregular[w]}$`, 'i')
const replace = w
if (pattern.test(word)) {
return word.replace(pattern, replace)
// check for matches using regular expressions
for (const reg in singular) {
const pattern = new RegExp(reg, 'i')
if (pattern.test(word)) {
return word.replace(pattern, singular[reg])
return word
The new intl API spec from ECMA will provide the plural rules function,
Here's the polyfill that can be used today
Taken from my blog:
You can use the pluralize library for this.
npm install pluralize --save
yarn add pluralize
Wherever you want to use the lib, you can require it easily.
var pluralize = require('pluralize')
I like to add it to the window object so I can just invoke pluralize() wherever I need it. Within my application.js root file:
window.pluralize = require('pluralize')
Then you can just use it anywhere, React components, or just plain Javascript:
<span className="pull-left">
{`${item.score} ${pluralize('point', item.score)}`}
console.log(pluralize('point', item.score))
I use this simple inline statement
const number = 2;
const string = `${number} trutle${number === 1 ? "" : "s"}`; //this one
function pluralize( /* n, [ n2, n3, ... ] str */ ) {
var n = arguments ) ;
var str = n.pop(), iMax = n.length - 1, i = -1, j ;
str = str.replace( /\$\$|\$(\d+)/g,
function( m, p1 ) { return m == '$$' ? '$' : n[+p1-1] }
) ;
return str.replace( /[(](.*?)([+-])(\d*)(?:,([^,)]*))?(?:,([^)]*))?[)]/g,
function( match, one, sign, abs, not1, zero ) {
// if abs, use indicated element in the array of numbers
// instead of using the next element in sequence
abs ? ( j = +abs - 1 ) : ( i < iMax && i++, j = i ) ;
if ( zero != undefined && n[j] == 0 ) return zero ;
return ( n[j] != 1 ) == ( sign == '+' ) ? ( not1 || 's' ) : one ;
) ;
console.log( pluralize( 1, 'the cat(+) live(-) outside' ) ) ;
// the cat lives outside
console.log( pluralize( 2, 'the child(+,ren) (is+,are) inside' ) ) ;
// the children are inside
console.log( pluralize( 0, '$1 dog(+), ($1+,$1,no) dog(+), ($1+,$1,no) dog(+,,)' ) ) ;
// 0 dogs, no dogs, no dog
console.log( pluralize( 100, 1, '$1 penn(y+,ies) make(-1) $$$2' ) ) ;
// 100 pennies make $1
console.log( pluralize( 1, 0.01, '$1 penn(y+,ies) make(-1) $$$2' ) ) ;
// 1 penny makes $0.01
I’ve created a very simple library that can be used for words pluralization in JavaScript. It transparently uses CLDR database for multiple locales, so it supports almost any language you would like to use. It’s API is very minimalistic and integration is extremely simple. It’s called Numerous.
I’ve also written a small introduction article to it: «How to pluralize any word in different languages using JavaScript?».
Feel free to use it in your project. I will also be glad for your feedback on it.
To provide a simple and readable option (ES6):
export function pluralizeAndStringify(value, word, suffix = 's'){
if (value == 1){
return value + ' ' + word;
else {
return value + ' ' + word + suffix;
If you gave something like pluralizeAndStringify(5, 'dog') you'd get "5 dogs" as your output.
Using #sarink's answer, I made a function to create a string using key value pairs data and pluralizing the keys. Here's the snippet:
// Function to create a string from given key value pairs and pluralize keys
const stringPluralize = function(data){
var suffix = 's';
var str = '';
$.each(data, function(key, val){
if(str != ''){
str += val>0 ? ` and ${val} ${key}${val !== 1 ? suffix : ''}` : '';
str = val>0 ? `${val} ${key}${val !== 1 ? suffix : ''}` : '';
return str;
var leftDays = '1';
var leftHours = '12';
var str = stringPluralize({day:leftDays, hour:leftHours});
console.log(str) // Gives 1 day and 12 hours
Use -ies or -s (depending on the second-to-last letter) if the word ends in a y, use -es if the word ends in a ‑s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, or -z, use a lookup table if the world is an irregular plural, and use -s otherwise.
var pluralize = (function () {
const vowels = "aeiou";
const irregulars = { "addendum": "addenda", "aircraft": "aircraft", "alumna": "alumnae", "alumnus": "alumni", "analysis": "analyses", "antenna": "antennae", "antithesis": "antitheses", "apex": "apices", "appendix": "appendices", "axis": "axes", "bacillus": "bacilli", "bacterium": "bacteria", "basis": "bases", "beau": "beaux", "bison": "bison", "bureau": "bureaux", "cactus": "cacti", "château": "châteaux", "child": "children", "codex": "codices", "concerto": "concerti", "corpus": "corpora", "crisis": "crises", "criterion": "criteria", "curriculum": "curricula", "datum": "data", "deer": "deer", "diagnosis": "diagnoses", "die": "dice", "dwarf": "dwarves", "ellipsis": "ellipses", "erratum": "errata", "faux pas": "faux pas", "fez": "fezzes", "fish": "fish", "focus": "foci", "foot": "feet", "formula": "formulae", "fungus": "fungi", "genus": "genera", "goose": "geese", "graffito": "graffiti", "grouse": "grouse", "half": "halves", "hoof": "hooves", "hypothesis": "hypotheses", "index": "indices", "larva": "larvae", "libretto": "libretti", "loaf": "loaves", "locus": "loci", "louse": "lice", "man": "men", "matrix": "matrices", "medium": "media", "memorandum": "memoranda", "minutia": "minutiae", "moose": "moose", "mouse": "mice", "nebula": "nebulae", "nucleus": "nuclei", "oasis": "oases", "offspring": "offspring", "opus": "opera", "ovum": "ova", "ox": "oxen", "parenthesis": "parentheses", "phenomenon": "phenomena", "phylum": "phyla", "quiz": "quizzes", "radius": "radii", "referendum": "referenda", "salmon": "salmon", "scarf": "scarves", "self": "selves", "series": "series", "sheep": "sheep", "shrimp": "shrimp", "species": "species", "stimulus": "stimuli", "stratum": "strata", "swine": "swine", "syllabus": "syllabi", "symposium": "symposia", "synopsis": "synopses", "tableau": "tableaux", "thesis": "theses", "thief": "thieves", "tooth": "teeth", "trout": "trout", "tuna": "tuna", "vertebra": "vertebrae", "vertex": "vertices", "vita": "vitae", "vortex": "vortices", "wharf": "wharves", "wife": "wives", "wolf": "wolves", "woman": "women", "guy": "guys", "buy": "buys", "person": "people" };
function pluralize(word) {
word = word.toLowerCase();
if (irregulars[word]) {
return irregulars[word];
if (word.length >= 2 && vowels.includes(word[word.length - 2])) {
return word + "s";
if (word.endsWith("s") || word.endsWith("sh") || word.endsWith("ch") || word.endsWith("x") || word.endsWith("z")) {
return word + "es";
if (word.endsWith("y")) {
return word.slice(0, -1) + "ies";
return word + "s";
return pluralize;
Obviously, this can't support all English edge-cases, but it has the most common ones.
The concise version:
`${x} minute${x - 1 ? 's' : ''}`

