Javascript add count to a number with comma - javascript

So I have this
var str=document.getElementById('elem').innerHTML;
<span id="elem">1,500</span>
and I can't get it to take the entire number and add one (+1) to the number without taking comma off. Can you suggest something?

Remove the commas by replacing them with an empty string, then you can parse the string.
Remember the second parameter in the parseInt method that specifies the base, so that it doesn't use base 8 for zero padded values.
var num = parseInt(str.replace(/,/g, ''), 10) + 1;
If you want to put the changed number back formatted with commas, you can use:
var s = num.toString();
for (var i = s.length - 3; i > 0; i -= 3) {
s = s.substr(0, i) + ',' + s.substr(i);
document.getElementById('elem').innerHTML = s;


How to find characters of a string that did not changed position after resverse

I want to know how can I print the number of characters of a string that does not change its position after reversal of that string in JavaScript.
Is there any way?
data stream - alphxxdida . After reverse - adidaxxhpla. so here x and a doesn't changed it position. How can I do this ?
Input - alphxxdida
A character doesn't change upon reverse if the character in the "mirror image" position is the same character. The "mirror image" position of a character n positions from the start of the string is the character n positions from the end of the string.
let mirroredChars = str => {
let result = [];
let halfLen = Math.ceil(str.length / 2);
let lastIndex = str.length - 1;
for (let i = 0; i < halfLen; i++) {
if (str[i] === str[lastIndex - i]) result.push(str[i]);
return result;
The count is actually slightly unintuitive. We can't simply take 2 * mirroredChars(...).length, since that would imply the number of mirrored characters is always even (and odd counts can occur, in any odd-length input string, since the middle character can always be considered mirrored).
The count will be:
let countMirroredChars = str => {
let numMirrored = mirroredChars(str).length;
return (str.length % 2) // "Is the input string of odd length?"
? (numMirrored * 2 - 1)
: (numMirrored * 2);
We can use a bitwise trick to shorten this code. Either of the following work (and the second should deliver better performance, but looks a bit mystical):
let countMirroredChars = str => mirroredChars(str).length * 2 - str.length % 2;
let countMirroredChars = str => mirroredChars(str).length * 2 - str.length & 1;
You can filter over the characters of the string and compare with the character at the corresponding index in the reversed string. The length of the filtered array will be the number of characters that remained the same.
var str = "alphxxdida";
var reversed = [...str].reverse().join('');
const same = [...str].filter((char,i)=>char===reversed[i]);
Of course, you don't actually need the reversed string to perform the filter, as you can calculate the index of the mirrored character.
var str = "alphxxdida";
var same = [...str].filter((char,i)=>char===str[str.length - i - 1]);
Here is with reduce. Traverse till half length of string and compare the chars from both ends of string and count.
Update: As #Gershom pointed out, Fixed to work for odd length of string.
const getCount = (str) =>
[...str.slice(0, str.length / 2)].reduce(
(acc, char, i) => acc + (char === str[str.length - 1 - i] ? 2 : 0),
str.length % 2
var str = "alphxxdida";
var str2 = "alphxdida";
console.log(str, getCount(str));
console.log(str2, getCount(str2));

adding a space to every space in a string, then cycling back around until length is met

I have the following while loop as part of my text justify function. The idea is that I have text strings (str) that need to be justified (spaces added to existing spaces in between words) to equal to a given length (len)
The catch is I can only add one space to an existing space at a time before I iterate over to the next space in the string and add another space there. If that's it for all spaces in the string and it's still not at the required length, I cycle back over to the original space (now two spaces) and add another. Then it goes to the next space between words and so on and so on. The idea is that any spaces between words in the string should not have a differential of more than one space (i.e. Lorem---ipsum--dolor--sit, not Lorem----ipsum--dolor-sit)
From my research, I decided that using a substring method off the original string to add that first extra space, then I will increment the index and move to the next space in the string and repeat the add. Here's my code:
var indexOf = str.indexOf(" ", 0);
if ( indexOf > -1 ) {
while ( indexOf > -1 && str.length < len ) {
//using a regexp to find a space before a character
var space = /\s(?=\b)/.exec(str);
str = str.substring(0, indexOf + 1) + " " + str.substring(indexOf + 1);
//go to next space in string
indexOf = str.indexOf(space, indexOf + 2);
if ( indexOf === -1 ) {
//loops back to beginning of string
indexOf = str.indexOf(space, 0);
This code works most of the time, but I noticed that there are instances where the cycle of spacing is not correct. For example, it generates the following string:
when the correct iteration would be
Any assistance in making this code properly iterate over every space (to add one space) in the string once, then cycling back around to the beginning of the string to start over until the desired length is achieved would be most appreciated.
I think it's more efficient to compute the number spaces required in the beginning.
var s = "today is a friday";
var totalLength = 40;
var tokens = s.split(/\s+/);
var noSpaceLength = s.replace(/\s+/g,'').length;
var minSpace = Math.floor((totalLength - noSpaceLength)/(tokens.length-1));
var remainder = (totalLength - noSpaceLength) % (tokens.length-1);
var out = tokens[0];
for (var i = 1; i < tokens.length; i++) {
var spaces = (i <= remainder ? minSpace+1 : minSpace);
out += "-".repeat(spaces) + tokens[i];
<script src=""></script>
<div id="out"></div>
This solution
splits the string (s) into words in an array (a)
finds the number of spaces to be added between all words (add)
finds the remainder of spaces to be added between first words (rem)
then sticks the words with add spaces + one if rem is not exhausted
var s = "Caballo sin Nombre"; // assume one space between words
var len = 21; // desired length
var need = len - s.length;
var a = s.split(/ /); // split s
// need>0 and at least two words
if (need > 0 && a.length>1) {
var add = Math.floor(need / (a.length-1)) + 1; // all spaces need that (+existing)
var rem = need % (a.length-1); // remainder
var sp = '';
while (add-- > 0) sp += ' ';
// replace
var i,res = ''; // result
for (i=0 ; i<a.length-1 ; i++) {
res += a[i] + sp;
if (rem-- > 0) res += ' '; // remainder
res += a[i];
s = res;
console.log("'" + s + "' is " + s.length + " chars long.");
This function adds the spaces using a global replace, carefully limiting the text size.
function expand (txt, colwidth) {
txt = txt.replace (/\s\s+/, ' '); // Ensure no multiple spaces in txt
for (var spaces = ' ', // Spaces to check for
limit = colwidth - txt.length; // number of additional spaces required
limit > 0; // do while limit is positive
spaces += ' ') // add 1 to spaces to search for
txt = txt.replace (RegExp (spaces, 'g'),
function (r) {
// If limit > 0 then add a space else do not.
return limit > 0 && --limit ? r + ' ' : r
return txt;
for (var w = 21; w--;) console.log (expand ('this is a test.', w));
Shows this on console:
this is a test.
this is a test.
this is a test.
this is a test.
14 this is a test.

Adding extra zeros in front of a number using jQuery?

I have file that are uploaded which are formatted like so
MR 1
MR 2
MR 100
MR 200
MR 300
What i need to do is add extra two 00s before anything before MR 10 and add one extra 0 before MR10-99
So files are formatted
MR 001
MR 010
MR 076
Any help would be great!
Assuming you have those values stored in some strings, try this:
function pad (str, max) {
str = str.toString();
return str.length < max ? pad("0" + str, max) : str;
pad("3", 3); // => "003"
pad("123", 3); // => "123"
pad("1234", 3); // => "1234"
var test = "MR 2";
var parts = test.split(" ");
parts[1] = pad(parts[1], 3);
parts.join(" "); // => "MR 002"
I have a potential solution which I guess is relevent, I posted about it here:
basically, you want a minimum length of 2 or 3, you can adjust how many 0's you put in this piece of code
var d = new Date();
var h = ("0"+d.getHours()).slice(-2);
var m = ("0"+d.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
var s = ("0"+d.getSeconds()).slice(-2);
I knew I would always get a single integer as a minimum (cause hour 1, hour 2) etc, but if you can't be sure of getting anything but an empty string, you can just do "000"+d.getHours() to make sure you get the minimum.
then you want 3 numbers? just use -3 instead of -2 in my code, I'm just writing this because I wanted to construct a 24 hour clock in a super easy fashion.
Note: see Update 2 if you are using latest ECMAScript...
Here a solution I liked for its simplicity from an answer to a similar question:
var n = 123
String('00000' + n).slice(-5); // returns 00123
('00000' + n).slice(-5); // returns 00123
As #RWC suggested you can wrap this of course nicely in a generic function like this:
function leftPad(value, length) {
return ('0'.repeat(length) + value).slice(-length);
leftPad(123, 5); // returns 00123
And for those who don't like the slice:
function leftPad(value, length) {
value = String(value);
length = length - value.length;
return ('0'.repeat(length) + value)
But if performance matters I recommend reading through the linked answer before choosing one of the solutions suggested.
In ES6 the String class now comes with a inbuilt padStart method which adds leading characters to a string. Check MDN here for reference on String.prototype.padStart(). And there is also a padEnd method for ending characters.
So with ES6 it became as simple as:
var n = '123';
n.padStart(5, '0'); // returns 00123
Note: #Sahbi is right, make sure you have a string otherwise calling padStart will throw a type error.
So in case the variable is or could be a number you should cast it to a string first:
String(n).padStart(5, '0');
function addLeadingZeros (n, length)
var str = (n > 0 ? n : -n) + "";
var zeros = "";
for (var i = length - str.length; i > 0; i--)
zeros += "0";
zeros += str;
return n >= 0 ? zeros : "-" + zeros;
//addLeadingZeros (1, 3) = "001"
//addLeadingZeros (12, 3) = "012"
//addLeadingZeros (123, 3) = "123"
This is the function that I generally use in my code to prepend zeros to a number or string.
The inputs are the string or number (str), and the desired length of the output (len).
var PrependZeros = function (str, len) {
if(typeof str === 'number' || Number(str)){
str = str.toString();
return (len - str.length > 0) ? new Array(len + 1 - str.length).join('0') + str: str;
for(var i = 0,spl = str.split(' '); i < spl.length; spl[i] = (Number(spl[i])&& spl[i].length < len)?PrependZeros(spl[i],len):spl[i],str = (i == spl.length -1)?spl.join(' '):str,i++);
return str;
PrependZeros('MR 3',3); // MR 003
PrependZeros('MR 23',3); // MR 023
PrependZeros('MR 123',3); // MR 123
PrependZeros('foo bar 23',3); // foo bar 023
If you split on the space, you can add leading zeros using a simple function like:
function addZeros(n) {
return (n < 10)? '00' + n : (n < 100)? '0' + n : '' + n;
So you can test the length of the string and if it's less than 6, split on the space, add zeros to the number, then join it back together.
Or as a regular expression:
function addZeros(s) {
return s.replace(/ (\d$)/,' 00$1').replace(/ (\d\d)$/,' 0$1');
I'm sure someone can do it with one replace, not two.
Edit - examples
alert(addZeros('MR 3')); // MR 003
alert(addZeros('MR 23')); // MR 023
alert(addZeros('MR 123')); // MR 123
alert(addZeros('foo bar 23')); // foo bar 023
It will put one or two zeros infront of a number at the end of a string with a space in front of it. It doesn't care what bit before the space is.
Just for a laugh do it the long nasty way....:
(NOTE: ive not used this, and i would not advise using this.!)
function pad(str, new_length) {
('00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' + str).
substr((50 + str.toString().length) - new_length, new_length)
I needed something like this myself the other day, Pud instead of always a 0, I wanted to be able to tell it what I wanted padded ing the front. Here's what I came up with for code:
function lpad(n, e, d) {
var o = ''; if(typeof(d) === 'undefined'){ d='0'; } if(typeof(e) === 'undefined'){ e=2; }
if(n.length < e){ for(var r=0; r < e - n.length; r++){ o += d; } o += n; } else { o=n; }
return o; }
Where n is what you want padded, e is the power you want it padded to (number of characters long it should be), and d is what you want it to be padded with. Seems to work well for what I needed it for, but it would fail if "d" was more than one character long is some cases.
var str = "43215";
console.log("Before : \n string :"+str+"\n Length :"+str.length);
var max = 9;
while(str.length < max ){
str = "0" + str;
console.log("After : \n string :"+str+"\n Length :"+str.length);
It worked for me !
To increase the zeroes, update the 'max' variable
Working Fiddle URL : Adding extra zeros in front of a number using jQuery?:
str could be a number or a string.
function formatting(str,len)
return ("000000"+str).slice(-len);
Add more zeros if needs large digits
In simple terms we can written as follows,
for(var i=1;i<=31;i++)
i=(i<10) ? '0'+i : i;
//Because most of the time we need this for day, month or amount matters.
Know this is an old post, but here's another short, effective way:
edit: dur. if num isn't string, you'd add:
len -= String(num).length;
else, it's all good
function addLeadingZeros(sNum, len) {
len -= sNum.length;
while (len--) sNum = '0' + sNum;
return sNum;
Try following, which will convert convert single and double digit numbers to 3 digit numbers by prefixing zeros.
var base_number = 2;
var zero_prefixed_string = ("000" + base_number).slice(-3);
By adding 100 to the number, then run a substring function from index 1 to the last position in right.
var dt = new Date();
var month = (100 + dt.getMonth()+1).toString().substr(1, 2);
var day = (100 + dt.getDate()).toString().substr(1, 2);
you will got this result from the date of 2020-11-3
I hope the answer is useful

How can I parse a string in Javascript?

I have string looking like this:
I'd like to parse these to make them into strings like:
1. 2. 3. 99. etc.
The numbers are a maximum of 2 characters. Also I have to parse some more numbers later in the source string so I would like to learn the substring equivalent in javascript. Can someone give me advice on how I can do. Previously I had been doing it in C# with the following:
int.Parse(RowKey.Substring(0, 2)).ToString() + "."
Why, parseInt of course.
// Add 2 until end of string
var originalA = "01020399";
for (var i = 0; i < originalA.length; i += 2)
document.write(parseInt(originalA.substr(i, 2), 10) + ". ");
// Split on carriage returns
var originalB = "01\n02\n03\n99";
var strArrayB = originalB.split("\n");
for (var i = 0; i < strArrayB.length; i++)
document.write(parseInt(strArrayB[i], 10) + ". ");
// Replace the leading zero with regular expressions
var originalC = "01\n02\n03\n99";
var strArrayC = originalC.split("\n");
var regExpC = /^0/;
for (var i = 0; i < strArrayC.length; i++)
document.write(strArrayC[i].replace(regExpC, "") + ". ");
The other notes are that JavaScript is weakly typed, so "a" + 1 returns "a1". Additionally, for substrings you can choose between substring(start, end) and substr(start, length). If you're just trying to pull a single character, "abcdefg"[2] will return "c" (zero-based index, so 2 means the third character). You usually won't have to worry about type-casting when it comes to simple numbers or letters.
use parseInt function.
parseInt(09) //this will give you 9
var myString = parseInt("09").toString()+". "+parseInt("08").toString();
string = '01\n02\n03\n99';
array = string.split('\n');
string2 = '';
for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = parseInt(array[i]);
string2 += array[i] + '. ';
var number = parseFloat('0099');
Substring in JavaScript works like this:
string.substring(from, to);
where from is inclusive and to is exclusive. You can also use slice:
string.slice(from, to)
where from is inclusive and to is exclusive. The difference between slice and substring is with slice you can specify negative numbers. For example, from = -1 indicates the last character. from(-1, -3) would give you the last 2 characters of the string.
With both methods if you don't specify end then you will get all the characters to the end.
Ii they are always 2 digits how about;
var s = "01020399";
var result = []
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i+=2)
result.push(parseInt(s.substr(i, 2), 10) + ".")
alert( result[2] ) // 3.
alert( result.join(" ") ) // 1. 2. 3. 99.

JQuery/JavaScript increment number

I am trying to increment a number by a given value each second and retain the formatting using JavaScript or JQuery
I am struggling to do it.
Say I have a number like so:
the number which this can be incremented by each second is variable it could be anything beween 0.1 and 2.
Is it possible, if the value which it has to be incremented by each second is 0.54 to incremenet the number and have the following output:
I'm not quite sure I understand your incrementation case and what you want to show.
However, I decided to chime in on a solution to format a number.
I've got two versions of a number format routine, one which parses an array, and one which formats with a regular expression. I'll admit they aren't the easiest to read, but I had fun coming up with the approach.
I've tried to describe the lines with comments in case you're curious
Array parsing version:
function formatNum(num) {
//Convert a formatted number to a normal number and split off any
//decimal places if they exist
var parts = String( num ).replace(/[^\d.]-/g,'').split('.');
//turn the string into a character array and reverse
var arr = parts[0].split('').reverse();
//initialize the return value
var str = '';
//As long as the array still has data to process (arr.length is
//anything but 0)
//Use a for loop so that it keeps count of the characters for me
for( var i = 0; arr.length; i++ ) {
//every 4th character that isn't a minus sign add a comma before
//we add the character
if( i && i%3 == 0 && arr[0] != '-' ) {
str = ',' + str ;
//add the character to the result
str = arr.shift() + str ;
//return the final result appending the previously split decimal place
//if necessary
return str + ( parts[1] ? '.'+parts[1] : '' );
Regular Expression version:
function formatNum(num) {
//Turn a formatted number into a normal number and separate the
//decimal places
var parts = String( num ).replace(/[^\d.]-/g,'').split('.');
//reverse the string
var str = parts[0].split('').reverse().join('');
//initialize the return value
var retVal = '';
//This gets complicated. As long as the previous result of the regular
//expression replace is NOT the same as the current replacement,
//keep replacing and adding commas.
while( retVal != (str = str.replace(/(\d{3})(\d{1,3})/,'$1,$2')) ) {
retVal = str;
//If there were decimal points return them back with the reversed string
if( parts[1] ) {
return retVal.split('').reverse().join('') + '.' + parts[1];
//return the reversed string
return retVal.split('').reverse().join('');
Assuming you want to output a formatted number every second incremented by 0.54 you could use an interval to do your incrementation and outputting.
Super Short Firefox with Firebug only example:
var num = 1412015;
//Your 0.54 value... why? I don't know... but I'll run with it.
num += 0.54;
console.log( formatNum( num ) );
You can see it all in action here:
To increment a value on every second use this structure:
var number = 0; // put your initial value here
function incrementNumber () {
number += 1; // you can increment by anything you like here
// this will run incrementNumber() every second (interval is in ms)
setInterval(incrementNumber, 1000);
This will format numbers for you:
function formatNumber(num) {
num = String(num);
if (num.length <= 3) {
return num;
} else {
var last3nums = num.substring(num.length - 3, num.length);
var remindingPart = num.substring(0, num.length - 3);
return formatNumber(remindingPart) + ',' + last3nums;
function rounded_inc(x, n) {
return x + Math.ceil(n);
var x = 1412015;
x = rounded_inc(x, 0.54);

