nodejs XHR alternative for http request - javascript

I need to use an API for an application I am builiding but the API doesn't allow for CORS, how else can I make GET and POST requests to the website without using XHR. I've been looking at websockets and but it doesn't seem like I can make http requests with them.
My other solution is creating using PHP or curl to make the requests but I feel like that isn't a good a idea.
Edit: More info
The API I want to use is
I want to grab the exchange prices that are listed and list them from greatest to least.
I was using AngularJS to make the first API request here is my code
$http.get("").success (JSON)

As a PHP developer moving from a traditional LAMP stack to angularJS and nodejs there were a few assumptions I made that were wrong.
All Http request are the same
Now of course I knew that there was GET, POST, and PUT but I thought a get request was the same across the board, this is not true. There are traditional request made from the backend of an application from a server using libraries such as curl. These http request are made before a webpage loads.
With AngularJS request are made from the front-end, meaning after the webpage is loaded the request is made. This is called XHR and is supported by all modern browsers, the thing with XHR is that it can leave user data vulnerable so it only works if the request is made to a location on the same server. If you're making a request to a different server then CORS needs to be enabled by the server response is coming from and can be configured through the access-control-allow-origin header.
NodeJS is some type of front-end hippy code
Again coming from PHP I didn't understand that nodeJS is an actual server just like an apache server, and can make the traditional request mentioned in the first section.
Making request
Making nodeJS request is very simple with the nodejs request library.
var request = require('request');
request('', function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
console.log(body) // Print the google web page.

If you want to do some request from server side using nodejs some module like Request could help you.


Browser to issue new HTTP request based on response from another HTTP request

I'm looking to dynamically issue a new HTTP request from the client/browser based on response from an earlier HTTP request, in the same page load. Basically, the flow would look something like this:
Issue HTTP request to, and parse response to get some string mydata.
Issue HTTP request to{mydata}, substituting in the data just obtained. This call should be done in the same page load.
This is related to HTTP redirections, but it's done on the client-side with more flexibility, to possibly a different domain.
I think client-side JS is the best way to achieve this (perhaps with some kind of callback), but I'm open to other ideas.

Inclusion of header causes requests to not be send

I have react application where I want to add a request-id header to my requests, such that the frontend can tell the backend to undo a specific request. So requests (using superagent) are something like this:
let result = request(method, endpoint);
result = result.set("Accept", "application/json").set("Request-Id", getRequestId());
And when I add the ".set("Request-Id", getRequestId())" I get the error below.
I can see that I can send requests with postman with the request-ID header and I can see that the loadbalancer does not receive any requests other than options calls. CORS is enabled and exposing all headers for all origins.
Does anybody have ideas for what might be wrong? I'm quite new to frontend development.
The answer was I was that my corporate computer that has hardcoded in restrictions in the browser for not allowing custom headers. So I went in and found a standard header that in conjunction with the url could be used for the id so in my case.
Another evidence for this is that I could make post anything on my corporate computer on Facebook. Since the Facebook application uses custom headers.

Unable to call web-service from angularjs app

Unable to call post webservice from my application. following is the code.
var postLogin = "";
var loginvalue = {"email":"","password":"cbsjc6dw3bgjyfdgdKHGGDF="};
var config = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
$ ,loginvalue,config ).success( function(response) {
alert("response "+ response)
alert("dddddd" + JSON.stringify(error));
If i write this code then it is returning as 400 error but if i use the postman application of google then i am getting the response without any error. So i am in confusion that whatever the code i have written is right or wrong. Hence i need to solve this issue.
Please go through the above image.
This usually happens when Client and Server are on different domains. The POST requests done by the client are first verified with a OPTIONS pre-flight check, to see if a POST would be possible. Sometimes, servers are configured to not allow OPTIONS request method. This will be the outcome of a pre-flight OPTIONS check, in such a case.
There is more information here - Why is an OPTIONS request sent and can I disable it?
Other resources for understanding the concept and helping us to configure the Response headers from the Server-side application are here:
At the end of the day, if the Server is NOT configured to handle Cross-site requests, nothing can be done from the client-side.
Also, there are cases where the server does allow cross-site request, processes and send the response back to client, without the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header or with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, but not the same as the request origin or a wildcard "*". In such cases, browser stops processing the response, even when the call turns out to be in HTTP 200 OK Status.
Below is one such example, that I recently encountered while integrating with an external application.

how to call IBM Watson services from javascript

I am implementing a virtual agent using IBM Watson services. My application is developed using Jquery, Angular JS & Java.Currently i am calling the watson services from middle layer that is java. But i want to avoid that and call directly from javascript.When i call from javascript using XML Http request, i am getting CORS error.How to solve this?
Below is my code:
var username = "uid";
var password = "pwd";
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'url');
//xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.setRequestHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Content-Type, application/json, Authorization");
xhr.setRequestHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
xhr.setRequestHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', '*');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', undefined);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + btoa(username + " " + password));
The IBM Watson services don’t yet support getting cross-origin requests from browser-based apps.
See the answer at Can't access IBM Watson API locally due to CORS on a Rails/AJAX App:
We don't support CORS, we are working on it but in your case Visual Recognition is not supported yet.
That implies some of the services support CORS but I guess the one you’ve tried isn’t one of them.
So other than what you say you’re doing now (accessing the services from your server-side Java layer instead), your only option to get at the services from JavaScript code running in a web app is, either set up your own server-side proxy with or such, or send your requests through an open CORS proxy like (though it’s unlikely you’ll want to do that in the case where your requests include any kind of authentication token that you don’t want to expose to the operator of a third-party proxy service).
The way such proxies works is, instead of using as the request URL that specify in your client-side JavaScript code, you instead specify the proxy URL, like, and the proxy sends the actual request to the service, gets back the response, and adds the needed Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header and other headers to it and passes it on.
So that response with the CORS headers included is what the browser sees. has more details about how CORS works, but the main thing to know is that the browser is the CORS enforcement point. So in the case with the Watson services, the browser will actually get the response from the Watson API—you will be able to use devtools in the browser to see the response—but the browser will expose the response to your client-side JavaScript code only if the response includes the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header to indicate the server that sent the response has opted in to receiving cross-origin requests from client-side JavaScript running in web apps.
So that’s why, regardless, all the xhr.setRequestHeader("Access-Control-Allow- lines in your XHR code snippet above need to just be removed—because Access-Control-Allow-* headers are response headers, not request headers; sending them in a request to a server has no effect on CORS, because as noted above, the browser’s the CORS enforcement point, not the server.
So it’s not the case that the server receives some request from a browser and says, OK I see this request has the right headers, so I’ll allow it. Instead the server allows all requests from browsers, just as it allows all requests from non-browser tools like your Java code or curl or Postman or whatever (as long as they are authenticated of course) and sends a response.
The difference is, when a non-browser-based app receives a response, it doesn’t refuse to let you access the response if it lacks the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. But the browser does refuse to let your client-side JavaScript web-app code access the response if it lacks that.
You might also want to look at some of the Watson SDK's available on GitHub.
Some Watson services support CORS, others do not. However, when accessing over CORS, you must use an Auth Token rather than a username/password combination*.
This is a partial list of which services support CORS:
Here are a couple of examples using the Node.js SDK:
And, a whole host of examples with the Speech JavaScript SDK:
* There are a couple of services that use API keys rather than username/password combinations. In that case, you can use the API key directly from client-side code if the service supports CORS.
take a look at this tutorial on IBM developerWorks on using Watson's Question and Answer service -

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header present AngularJS

I am trying to build a quick demo site that I do not have control over the server I am trying to connect to. Here is the code that I am using to build it with AngularJS. I am running the file through a simple Python HTTP Server and viewing it at localhost:8000.
var retrieveAppliances = function () {
console.log('Attempting to retrieve appliance list.');
var requestUrl = '****';
method: 'GET',
url: requestUrl,
.then(function (response) {
I have read multiple places to try switching the method to JSONP but doing so resulted in a parsing error.
While I have considered trying to build a server.js file and running NodeJS with it, I am unsuccessful in learning the basics of making an AJAX request and proxying that to my app.js.
I will greatly appreciate any help that someone may be able to give me, with clear and easy to follow steps.
If you're running an Ajax call to a different origin (e.g. different host, port or protocol) and the server at that origin does not have support for cross origin requests, then you cannot fix that from your client. There is nothing you can do from the client.
If the server supported JSONP, you could use that, but that also requires specific server support.
The only solutions from a browser web page are:
CORS support on the target server.
JSONP (also requires support on the target server).
Set up your own server that you do have access to (either on your existing page domain or with CORS) and then have that server get the file/data for you and proxy it back to you. You can either write your own proxy or deploy a pre-built proxy.
Find some existing third party proxy service that you can use.
If you're interested in making your own node.js proxy, you can see a simple example here: How to create a simple http proxy in node.js?.

