Setting value of input with jquery - javascript

I'm having problem trying to set the value for an input using jquery, basically you click on a link, and it takes you to a different page with a form, and I'm trying to set the value of one of the inputs of that form. I don't know why is not working. Here's my code:
page 1 (where you click the link that performs the function to set the value of the input)
<table class="tablaObjeto">
<img src="img/ps4Mall.jpg">
<td class="precio">
<p>$<span id="precioPS4">400</span> - PS4</p>
<td class="botonCompra">
<a id="botonCompraPS4" href="paginaSolicitudes.html"><img src="img/BotonCompra.png"></a>
page 2 (form with the input that needs to show the value)
<td class="info">Precio: </td>
<td class="inputs"><input id="precioI" name="precio" type="text" value=""></td>
Here's the javascript (javascript/metodos.js)
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#botonCompraPS4").click(function() {
function obtienePrecioPS4() {
sessionStorage.setItem("precio", $("#precioPS4").text());
function retornaPrecio() {
var r = sessionStorage.getItem("precio");
return r;

try loading the value on document ready, see below
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#botonCompraPS4").click(function() {
// Load value on document ready
Your page1 and page2 should have the same javascript code above


add values in a textarea using a add button & it should be displayed in other textarea appended in a new row

How to add values in a textarea using a add button & that values should be displayed in other textarea using HTML5
<script src="">
var newVal = jQuery('#consEditor_txtarea').attr('value');
<td valign="top"><label>Constarint Editor </label></td>
<td><textarea id="consEditor_txtarea"></textarea></td>
<td> </td>
<td><input type="button" name="" id="constraint_btn" value="Add Constraint" /></td>
<tr id="new_html">
<td><label>Added Constraints </label></td>
<td><textarea id="new_consEditor_txtarea"></textarea></td>
You need to close the script tags with the src and start a new script tag - if there is a src attribute, then you cannot have content inside the script
You need https (and preferably update the jquery to a newer version) in the jQuery source
You did not call the fields the same in the code as in the HTML
You need to execute the code after the page has loaded or the fields rendered - here I wrapped in the $(function() {}) load event handler
#new_html {
display: none;
<script src=""></script>
$(function() {
$('#constraint_btn').click(function() {
let oldVal = $('#consEditor_txtarea').val().trim();
let newVal = $('#new_consEditor_txtarea').val().trim();
const vals = newVal.split("\n").filter(item => item);
if (oldVal) vals.push(oldVal);
$('#consEditor_txtarea').val(""); // remove
<td valign="top"><label>Constraint Editor </label></td>
<td><textarea id="consEditor_txtarea"></textarea></td>
<td> </td>
<td><input type="button" name="" id="constraint_btn" value="Add Constraint" /></td>
<tr id="new_html">
<td><label>Added Constraints </label></td>
<td><textarea id="new_consEditor_txtarea"></textarea></td>

Click event does not return $event on click

I have the following structure in my HTML in an angular 7 application:
What I am trying to do is to call the GetContent() function on click of any of the text inside the div. I am able to get the $event as "Liquidity" when I click on the text but if I click on any empty space between the text, the $event is empty. I tried every possible permutation of changing the location of the function call and id but same issue. Can anyone let me know what is wrong.
<tr (click)="GetContent($event)">
<div id="Liquidity"> lot of text....................... </div>
Because there is no content in your TR's and TD's, its not creating a space at all. Look at my code, I have added padding for table row's ,table and table data tags
<tr (click)="GetContent($event)" >
<td style="padding:20px;background:red">TD
<table style="padding:20px;background:green">Table
<td style="padding:20px;background:blue">TD
<div id="Liquidity" style="padding:10px;background:green"> lot of text....................... </div>
example stackblitz
Do it this way ,
<div id="Liquidity" (click)="GetContent($event)"> lot of text....................... </div>
ts file
GetContent(event) {
var target = || event.srcElement || event.currentTarget;
var idAttr =;
var value = idAttr.nodeValue;
console.log(value) //you will get liquid here.

Show rows in table with cells name attribute containing string from input (JQuery)

I would like to have keyup function that would show only rows matching the input text by cell that spans on multiple rows.
Consider following table:
<table border='1'>
<td rowspan='2'>Key1</td>
<td name='Key1'> dummy1 </td>
<td name='Key1'> dummy2 </td>
<td rowspan='2'>Key2</td>
<td name='Key2'> dummy3 </td>
<td name='Key2'> dummy4 </td>
Here each row has second td tag with name that matches its "parent" column text. So when I type 'Key1' at the input field I would like it to show only dummy1 and dummy2. Is it possible in jquery?
I understand that you want to display the rows that has a matching name. If this is wrong, please elaborate more, then I can update it.
Here is a demo:
$("td").filter(function() {
return $(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword) != -1; }).parent().show().next().show();
Here's my take on your issue, assuming you always want the first column to show.
<input type="text" id="myInput" />
<table border='1'>
<td rowspan='2'>Key1</td>
<td name='Key1' class="data"> dummy1 </td>
<td name='Key1' class="data"> dummy2 </td>
<td rowspan='2'>Key2</td>
<td name='Key2' class="data"> dummy3 </td>
<td name='Key2' class="data"> dummy4 </td>
var theData = $('');
var input = $('#myInput').on('keyup', function(){
var value = input.val();
var matches = theData.filter('[name="'+value+'"]');;
Firstly, I would recommend using <ul> to wrap each key in as tables should be used for data structure (Forgive me if that is what it is being used for).
Secondly, just attach an on keyup event to the search box and then find matches based on the id. See example below:
JS Fiddle Demo
It is also worth mentioning that it could be useful attaching a timeout to the keyup event if you end up having large amounts of rows so that only one filter is fired for fast typers!

JavaScript function not working for divid.blur

I have a situation here, I need to calculate tax on the basis of an input using JavaScript. Here is the code:
<td colspan="2" class="blank"> </td>
<td colspan="2" class="total-line">Subtotal</td>
<td class="total-value"><div id="subtotal">$0.00</div></td>
<td colspan="2" class="blank"> </td>
<td colspan="2" class="total-line">Tax(%)</td>
<td class="total-value"><textarea id="txp">0.00</textarea></td>
<td colspan="2" class="blank"> </td>
<td colspan="2" class="total-line">Taxes</td>
<td class="total-value"><div id="tax">$0.00</div></td>
JavaScript code:
function update_tax() {
var txc = $("txp").val() * $("#subtotal").val() / 100;
But the function is not working. Can anyone please help me with why this is not working?
<td class="total-value"><div id="subtotal">$0.00</div></td>
to :
<td class="total-value">$<span id="subtotal">0.00</span></td>
and your code to:
function update_tax() {
var txc = parseFloat($("#txp").val()) * parseFloat($("#subtotal").text()) / 100;
Now the code starts executing when the page has fully loaded. I moved the $-sign from the div and changed the div to a span (inline). So $ and value appear on the same line.
In the multiplying function I used parseFloat to convert any string to a float. The content from the textarea can be retrieved using jQuery val() the content of the span using text(). Also in the function you used txp as a selector, which will refer to a node with the name txp. Updated it to #txp to select the element with id: txp.

Why the alert message is not appearing?

I've a following HTML code:
<form name="question_issue_form" id="question_issue_form" action="question_issue.php">
<table class="trnsction_details" width="100%" cellpadding="5">
<input type="checkbox" name = "que_issue[]" value = "Question is wrong" id ="chkQueWrong">Question is wrong</input>
<td><input type="checkbox" name = "que_issue[]" value = "Answers are wrong" id ="chkAnsWrong">Answers are wrong</input></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name = "que_issue[]" value = "Question direction is incorrect" id ="chkDirIncorrect">Question direction is incorrecct</input></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name = "que_issue[]" value = "Other" id ="chkOther">Other</input></td>
<td class="set_message" style="display:none;"><textarea name="que_issue_comment" rows="4" cols="25" maxlength="100"></textarea></td>
<td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" id="report_question_issue"></td>
Following is my JS code:
$(document).on('click', '#report_question_issue', function (e) {
alert("Jumbo man");
And upon clicking the submit button I'm calling the alert to appear but it's not appearing. I'm not getting why this is happening? For your refrence following is link to the js Fiddle;
You are not including JQuery Reference. And you are missing to close );
In your code bracket isn't closed properly at last. this is required ")" see this updated fiddle
$(document).on('click', '#report_question_issue', function (e) {
alert("Jumbo man");
$(document).on('click', '#report_question_issue', function (e) {
alert("Jumbo man");
$(XXX) this is a jquery syntax, but i saw you are in the Pure JS environment.
Should you use a js library?
The problem is with the submit action of the <form> that reload the page before the JS is called.
To avoid it, you can change it by one of following :
1st using JS into action attribute
<form name="question_issue_form" id="question_issue_form" action="javascript:alert('test')">
2nd using onsubmit attribute
<form name="question_issue_form" id="question_issue_form" onsubmit="alert('test');" action="question_issue.php">
3rd using jQuery on submit event
$('form#question_issue_form').submit(function() {
return false; //to avoid the reload
4th using jQuery on click event on the submit button
$('form#question_issue_form').click(function() {
return false; //to avoid the reload

