Read attributes of json external link with javascript - javascript

Hi I want to do a reverse geocodoing from longitude and lontitude google map api to do that I should add the LonLat to a link to get a JSON structure this the link of JSON file,-6.8317697&sensor=true
from this link I want to read the attribute
this how I get the JSON file
function(data) {
}); }
but it shows me this error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
and thank you for helping me

The response from the api looks something like this:
results: [{
formatted_address: "39 Tirle Bank Way, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire GL20 8ES, UK"
status: "OK"
You're trying to access formatted_address like an array with [0], when it is actually a string. It's results that is an array. This should work for you if you only care about the first result:
$.getJSON(''+loca.toString()+'&sensor=true', function(data) {
if (data.status === 'OK') {
else {
alert('Error! ' + data.status)

function(data) { alert(data.results[0].formatted_address); });


Suitescript RESTlet data get Error Empty JSON string

I have issue using POST Function, I want to transform Transfer Order to Item Receipt, But when I tried to execute the script, it failed with error "org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: SyntaxError: Empty JSON string (INVOCATION_WRAPPER$sys#24".
Anyone can help me about my issue ?
Here is my Suitescript Code :
function postData (receiptItem) {
doValidation([receiptItem.recordtype], ['recordtype'], 'POST');
if (receiptItem.recordtype == 'transferorder') {
var recordId = [];
var recStr = [];
var objRecord = record.transform({
fromType: record.Type.TRANSFER_ORDER,
fromId: 131, // transfer Order internalid
toType: record.Type.ITEM_RECEIPT,
defaultValues: {
customform: '433'}
var itemReceiptId ={
enableSourcing: false,
ignoreMandatoryField: false
"title": "[success] recordId: ",
"details": recordId
var recLoad = record.load({
type: receiptItem.recordtype,
id: recordId.getValue('internalid')
use_form: recLoad.getText('customform'),
tran_id: recLoad.getValue('tranid'),
tran_date: recLoad.getValue('trandate'),
tran_from: recLoad.getValue('transferlocation'),
tran_to: recLoad.getValue('location'),
tran_ord_id: recLoad.getvalue('createdfrom'),
tran_memo: recLoad.getValue('memo')
"title": "recStr",
"details": recStr
return recStr;
return {
post: postData
It's a syntax error, very likely some misplaced bracket.
Make sure you are posting valid JSON and that the content type is set on your request
You must send data as JSON. if empty or no data then send {} at least in POST as ContentType is Application/JSON. ECMA Standard. The error message clearly states that "Empty JSON string".
Then try this in Postman tool.

Fail to load response data jquery.easy-autocomplete.min.js:10 WARNING:

I am using the easyautocomplete,, to populate a list as the user types in a search field. The code is as follows:
var options = {
url: function(phrase) {
if (phrase !== "") {
return "http://<url>/todo?query=" + phrase + "&format=json";
} else {
return "http://<url>/todo?query=empty&format=json";
getValue: "results",
ajaxSettings: {
dataType: "jsonp"
requestDelay: 300,
theme: "round"
I am getting a response from my API that looks like:
"results": [
I have a feeling I'm not formatting the response properly, but I'm not sure how to fix it.
A look through the guide it looks like getValue would be if you had an array of objects and wanted to pull a particular key from each one. From the list location section it looks like you are looking for listLocation to specify the object key that has the array of things to autocomplete. So changing getValue to listLocation should give you the results you are looking for

AngularJS $http patch request not sending data

The data is being passed to the replyMessage as the console log is showing the correct data, however, the API isn't receiving this data. Input is empty?
replyMessage: function(data) {
return $http.patch('/api/email/inbox/0', data);
Can you see any issues with this or any things to look at?
Are you formatting patch correctly?
It needs to be a JSON.stringify(data) Array.
With data being formatted like so:
"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/Name", // <-- this is what field you're editing
"value" : "John Doe"
Also you might need your contentType to be application/json-patch+json;

Not able to set text in input field from json response

I have a form in which I have to fill data after I have got a json object from httpGet in javascript.
$("#getDetails").click(function() {
mID : 5
.done(function(data) {
$("#input1").val(data["some key"]);
In the above 3 fields, only input3 gets filled with "directvalue".
Is there some problem in accessing json object or in setting value of input fields.
Note: the json object contains keys with spaces like "some key":"some value"
When I tried Object.keys(data)[index] to access the object field, I got Uncaught TypeError: Object.keys called on non-object
Try This
$("#getDetails").click(function () {
$.get("/servlet", {
mID: 5 })
.success(function (data) {
In the comments, you say it's returning this object:
"Name": "my name",
"my address": "23,round street",
"Description": "PM Speech at Red Fort on Indep Day 2014"
When I did console.out(data), it was printing a json object.
But when I tried Object.keys(data)[index] to access the object field, I got Uncaught TypeError: Object.keys called on non-object.
This means that dataitself was not a json object.
So I got a hint that server was giving a string in which json object was written. I had to simply parse the json object from the data string.
Following is the working code:
$("#getDetails").click(function() {
mID : 5
.done(function(data) {
var dataObj=JSON.parse(data);
$("#input1").val(dataObj["some key"]);

Parsed elements coming up as undefined

I'm trying to parse the following JSON:
"customers": [
{ "name":"joe" , "cars":[
{ "name":"bob" , "cars":[
Using the following jQuery script:
$.getJSON("data1.json", function(json) {
console.log(json); // this will show the info it in firebug console
The JSON is coming through in the console but the fields I'm trying to parse are coming up as undefined. Can anyone ell me what I'm doing wrong?
I think the issue here is your usage of $.each, your callback function will receive the index as the first argument and the value as the second argument and it looks like you are expecting the first argument to be the value. So in your current code customer will be an index (0, 1, etc.) rather than the object from your JSON.
Try changing your $.each call to the following:
$.each(json.customers, function(index, customer) {

