jQuery .get - Specific HTML ID (Not Whole Page) - javascript

I am trying to use jQuery ajax to call in a project page.
Assume the xhr variable contains the correct string to the webpage (target page). I have prevented the page as mobile viewport will not load the ajax request.
$('a.project__block').on('click', function(e){
var $el = $(this),
viewportWidth = $(window).width();
if (viewportWidth >= 768){
var xhr = $.get($(e.currentTarget).data('href'));
alert('Could Not Connect, please report to admin!');
function open_overlay(data){
function close_overlay_window(){
function supporting_code(){
$('.ajax__close__link').on('click', close_overlay_window);
function remove__active__classes(){
// Is the overlay active? If not dont close!
if (viewportWidth < 768 && $('body').hasClass('active--overlay')){
I want to target the specific id which remains constant in all the project pages, e.g:
<div id="wrapper__container"></div>
At present I am getting this error:
Ideally can in addition see modernizr being loaded in which causes my page to crash.
Any ideas?

Is this what you're trying to do? Append just the wrapper?
function open_overlay(data){
var container = $(data).find('#wrapper__container');
I would see if that makes your warning go away. Just looking at the warning, it looks like Google Maps isn't happy about something.


ASP.NET Get window size in page load

I am trying to resize the page based on the size of the window. I need the size of the window on the page load and when the window is being resized.
I've looked online and I found a way to do this with javascript. The problem with this is that javascript gets fired after the page_load. I know it's not possible to get javascript values before the page load, so how am I able to use the values from javascript in my code? Can I use another page that with javascript determines the size of the window, and pass it to my main page?
I hope this is clear. Thank you!
No. you cann't get window size from the server side. However, here is what you can do in javascript assuming you are using jQuery:
var width = $(windows).width(),
height = $(window).height();
After getting these values, pass them through an Ajax call to the server:
data: { w : width, h: height},
// complete your ajax
You won't get page or windows size at server side i.e on page load function, but you will get it using client side script i.e jquery or javascript
<script type="text/javascript">
var w = $(window).width();
var h = $(window).height();
And later on you can do your functionality when resize the window by using following function
window.onresize = function(event)
var height=$(window).height();
var width=$(window).width();
//your functionality

Jquery.height() returns different results using F5 or CTRL+F5

So I am trying to find the height of my images then add a top margin this enables me to impose a a vertical center.
I'm running this code, and on an F5 refresh I get correct height but on CTRL+F5 refresh it gives me a much smaller height. I kind of assume this is a loading/delay thing, but I am using document ready so not really sure whats going on. I tried using a php function but it slows the site down amazingly so have to stick with jquery.
you can see it working here. www.mzillustration.com
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
if (jQuery('.imagedisplay').length != 0) {
var imgheight = jQuery(this).find('img').height();
var topmarg = ((240 - imgheight) / 2) ;
any ideas/help/explanation much appreciated.
There is a difference between onload and onready.
ready will wait until the actual DOM-tree is done, while onload will wait until ALL of the content displayed on the page is finnished loading. So an explanation would be that when clearing the cache and refreshing, the dom tree finishes much faster than the images, hence giving the wrong heigh.
Try using the onload-event instead and see if you get a different result.
You need to insure the image has loaded before asking the browser for its height. If that image path is living in the html you will unfortunately need a jquery pluggin to handle this in a cross browser manner.
Or you will have to wait for the window.onload event which in jquery looks like this:
$(window).on('load', function(){....
However if you use the window load event, it will wait until ALL resources have loaded and depending on your site that can be a serious delay when compared to measuring just the image itself.
Or if you are comfortable with loading the image from javascript, simply ordering your code properly will handle this:
var loadTester = new Image(),
imgH = $('#image').attr('src',loadTester.src).height();
loadTester.src = "paht/to/image.jpg";
The reason you are seeing a difference in the manner you reload the page, is that a simple refresh does not clear the cache, so the image is already loaded. When you hit ctrl+f5 it clears the cache and so the image is not yet loaded when you ask the browser for the height.
For cache control durring development consider getting the firefox web-developer toolbar.
Try this approach:
jQuery(function() {
jQuery('.imagedisplay img').each(function() {
var $this = jQuery(this),
height = $this.height();
if (height) {
$this.css('margin-top', ((240 - height) / 2) + 'px');
} else {
$this.on('load', function() {
$this.css('margin-top', ((240 - $this.height()) / 2) + 'px');
images are/can be cached/loaded separately from the actual page content. the document being ready can (and in my experience usually) occurs before everything is loaded.
try adding an event listener to the actual element being loaded.
You need to make sure the image has loaded before extracting a height. You can easily check this using the complete property on the image. Try this:
var setH = function() {
$(this).css('margin-top', (240 - this.height) / 2);
$('.imagedisplay img').each(function() {
if( this.complete ) {
setH.call(this); // apply height straight away
$(this).load(setH); // apply height when the image has loaded

Load (Lazy Loading) a Div whenever the DIV gets visible for the first time

I want to enable a lazy loading for the contents of my website.
Just like Jquery Image loading http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload that is valid only for images.
I want to do it for the content (DIV's).
Suppose we have a long page then i want to download the div as they becomes visible.
I will download the content using JSON or PageMethods. But i want the code that will execute the function for loading contents.
So whether we can somehow find this that div is visible only scrolling down.
Means i need to use some scroll events but dont know how.
Any help is appreciated.
I was looking for this to load advertising from my openX server only when the advertising should be visible. I'm using the iFrame version of openX which is loaded in a div. The answer here put me on my way to solving this problem, but the posted solution is a bit too simple. First of all, when the page is not loaded from the top (in case the user enters the page by clicking 'back') none of the divs are loaded. So you'll need something like this:
Also, you'll need to know what defines a visible div. That can be a div that's fully visible or partially visible. If the bottom of the object is greater or equal to the top of the window AND the top of the object is smaller or equal to the bottom of the window, it should be visible (or in this case: loaded). Your function lazyload() might look like this:
function lazyload(){
var wt = $(window).scrollTop(); //* top of the window
var wb = wt + $(window).height(); //* bottom of the window
var ot = $(this).offset().top; //* top of object (i.e. advertising div)
var ob = ot + $(this).height(); //* bottom of object
if(!$(this).attr("loaded") && wt<=ob && wb >= ot){
$(this).html("here goes the iframe definition");
I tested this on all major browsers and even on my iPhone. It works like a charm!!
The code below does not cover cases where the user scrolls up from the bottom (read patrick's comment below). Also, it allows multiple event executions because of several concurrent onscroll events (in most browsers you won't see this, most of the time).
$(window).scroll(function() {
//check if your div is visible to user
if ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() >= $('#your_element').offset().top) {
if(!$('#your_element').attr('loaded')) {
//not in ajax.success due to multiple sroll events
$('#your_element').attr('loaded', true);
//ajax goes here
//in theory, this code still may be called several times
Proper solution, that takes into consideration scrolling from bottom here.
You may consider way point library :)
Its use cases and api's are defined in above link
It is of 9 kb when compressed. It will add an additional -100 ms- 50ms timelag while loading page on 3g/ 4g
Edit :-
It can be used standalone and it also supports all major frameworks.
Here is a solution that lazy loads images when they come within 500px of view. It can be adapted to load other types of content. The images themselves have an attribute data-lazy="http://..." with the image url in it, and then we just put a dummy transparent image for the src attribute.
var pixelLoadOffset = 500;
var debouncedScroll = debounce(function () {
var els = app.getSelector(el, 'img[data-lazy]');
if (!els.length) {
$(window).unbind('scroll', debouncedScroll);
var wt = $(window).scrollTop(); //* top of the window
var wb = wt + $(window).height(); //* bottom of the window
els.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var ot = $this.offset().top; //* top of object
var ob = ot + $this.height(); //* bottom of object
if (wt <= ob + pixelLoadOffset && wb >= ot - pixelLoadOffset) {
$this.attr('src', $this.attr('data-lazy')).removeAttr('data-lazy');
}, 100);
$(window).bind('scroll', debouncedScroll);
The debounce function I'm using is as follows:
function debounce(func, wait, immediate) {
var timeout;
return function () {
var context = this, args = arguments;
timeout = setTimeout(function () {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
}, wait);
if (immediate && !timeout) func.apply(context, args);
You need to keep in mind that this isn't very effective on iOS, as the scroll event doesn't fire until after the user has finished scrolling, by which time they will already have seen the blank content.

How can we keep OpenX from blocking page load?

We're using OpenX to serve ads on a number of sites. If the OpenX server has problems, however, it blocks page loads on these sites. I'd rather have the sites fail gracefully, i.e. load the pages without the ads and fill them in when they become available.
We're using OpenX's single page call, and we're giving divs explicit size in CSS so they can be laid out without their contents, but still loading the script blocks page load. Are there other best practices for speeding up pages with OpenX?
We load our ads in iframes to avoid the problem you're having. We size div and the iframe the same, with the iframe pointing to a page which just contains the ad snippet (you can pass the zone and other required options as parameters to that page).
We lazy-load OpenX's code. Instead of putting the single-page call at the top of the page, we put it at the bottom. After the page has loaded, the call will get the banner data and a custom code will add the correct banners in the correct zones.
The code below requires a proper DOM. If you have jQuery, DOMAssistant, FlowJS, etc, the DOM should be fixed for you.
This code will work with normal banners with images, flash, or HTML content. It may not work in some cases like when using banners from external providers (adform, etc). For that you may need to hack the code a bit.
How to use it?
add your SinglePageCall code towards the end of your HTML code
add this code under the SPC code.
after half a second or so, your OpenX code should be ready, and the code below will put the banners within the specified DIVs.
Oh, yeah, you need to add to your HTML code some DIVs as place holders for your banners. By default I have these banners set with CSS class "hidden" which totally hides the DIVs (with visibility, display, and height). Then, after the banner in a given DIV is successfully loaded, we remove the hidden class and the DIV (and the banner within) become visible.
Use at your own risk! :) Hope it helps
if (!document || !document.getElementById || !document.addEventListener || !document.removeClass) {
return; // No proper DOM; give up.
var openx_timeout = 1, // limit the time we wait for openx
oZones = new Object(), // list of [div_id] => zoneID
displayBannerAds; // function.
// oZones.<divID> = <zoneID>
// eg: oZones.banner_below_job2 = 100;
// (generated on the server side with PHP)
oZones.banner_top = 23;
oZones.banner_bottom = 34;
displayBannerAds = function(){
if( typeof(OA_output)!='undefined' && OA_output.constructor == Array ){
// OpenX SinglePageCall ready!
if (OA_output.length>0) {
for (var zone_div_id in oZones){
zoneid = oZones[zone_div_id];
if(typeof(OA_output[zoneid])!='undefined' && OA_output[zoneid]!='') {
var flashCode,
oDIV = document.getElementById( zone_div_id );
if (oDIV) {
// if it's a flash banner..
// extract javascript code
var pre_code_wrap = "<script type='text/javascript'><!--// <![CDATA[",
post_code_wrap = "// ]]> -->";
flashCode = OA_output[zoneid].substr(OA_output[zoneid].indexOf(pre_code_wrap)+pre_code_wrap.length);
flashCode = flashCode.substr(0, flashCode.indexOf(post_code_wrap));
// replace destination for the SWFObject
flashCode = flashCode.replace(/ox\_swf\.write\(\'(.*)'\)/, "ox_swf.write('"+ oDIV.id +"')");
// insert SWFObject
if( flashCode.indexOf("ox_swf.write")!=-1 ){
}// else: the code was not as expected; don't show it
// normal image banner; just set the contents of the DIV
oDIV.innerHTML = OA_output[zoneid];
} // end of loop
}//else: no banners on this page
// not ready, let's wait a bit
if (openx_timeout>80) {
return; // we waited too long; abort
setTimeout( displayBannerAds, 10*openx_timeout );
OpenX has some documentation on how to make their tags load asynchronously:
I've tested it, and it works well in current Chrome/Firefox.
It takes some manual tweaking of their ad code. Their example of how the ad tags should end up:
Some content here.
Ad goes here.
<!-- Preserve space while the rest of the page loads. -->
<div id="placeholderId" style="width:728px;height:90px">
<!-- Fallback mechanism to use if unable to load the script tag. -->
<iframe id="4cb4e94bd5bb6" name="4cb4e94bd5bb6"
frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="728"
<a href="http://d.example.com/w/1.0/rc?cs=
<img src="http://d.example.com/w/1.0/ai?auid=8&cs=
border="0" alt=""></a></iframe>
<!--Async ad request with multiple parameters.-->
<script type="text/javascript">
var OX_ads = OX_ads || [];
"imp_beacon":"HTML for client-side impression beacon",
"fallback":"HTML for client-side fallback"
<!-- Fetch the Tag Library -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://d.example.com/w/1.0/jstag"></script>
Some other content here.
Following #Rafa excellent answer, i'm using this code to invoke OpenX banners after the page loads. I'm using jquery as well and had to add a new replace call for the "document.write" that flash banners use, and replacing it with "$('#"+ oDIV.id +"').append" instead. I'm using a custom "my_openx()" call, to replace "OA_show()". My banners area called by the zone_id and are wrapped inside a div, like this:
<div id="openx-4"><script>wm_openx(4);</script></div>
It's working :)
<script type="text/javascript">
$is_mobile = false;
$document_ready = 0;
$(document).ready(function() {
$document_ready = 1;
if( $('#MobileCheck').css('display') == 'inline' ) {
$is_mobile = true;
//alert('is_mobile: '+$is_mobile);
function wm_openx($id) {
if($is_mobile) return false;
if(!$document_ready) {
setTimeout(function(){ wm_openx($id); },1000);
return false;
if(typeof(OA_output[$id])!='undefined' && OA_output[$id]!='') {
var flashCode,
oDIV = document.getElementById('openx-'+$id);
if (oDIV) {
// if it's a flash banner..
if(OA_output[$id].indexOf("ox_swf.write")!=-1) {
// extract javascript code
var pre_code_wrap = "<script type='text/javascript'><!--// <![CDATA[",
post_code_wrap = "// ]]> -->";
flashCode = OA_output[$id].substr(OA_output[$id].indexOf(pre_code_wrap)+pre_code_wrap.length);
flashCode = flashCode.substr(0, flashCode.indexOf(post_code_wrap));
// replace destination for the SWFObject
flashCode = flashCode.replace(/ox\_swf\.write\(\'(.*)'\)/, "ox_swf.write('"+ oDIV.id +"')");
flashCode = flashCode.replace(/document.write/, "$('#"+ oDIV.id +"').append");
// insert SWFObject
if( flashCode.indexOf("ox_swf.write")!=-1 ) {
}// else: the code was not as expected; don't show it
// normal image banner; just set the contents of the DIV
oDIV.innerHTML = OA_output[$id];
I was looking for this to load advertising from my openX server only when the advertising should be visible. I'm using the iFrame version of openX which is loaded in a div. The answer here put me on my way to solving this problem, but the posted solution is a bit too simple. First of all, when the page is not loaded from the top (in case the user enters the page by clicking 'back') none of the divs are loaded. So you'll need something like this:
also, you'll need to know what defines a visible div. That can be a div that's fully visible or partially visible. If the bottom of the object is greater or equal to the top of the window AND the top of the object is smaller or equal to the bottom of the window it should be visible (or in this case: loaded). Your function lazyload may look like this:
function lazyload(){
var wt = $(window).scrollTop(); //* top of the window
var wb = wt + $(window).height(); //* bottom of the window
var ot = $(this).offset().top; //* top of object (i.e. advertising div)
var ob = ot + $(this).height(); //* bottom of object
if(!$(this).attr("loaded") && wt<=ob && wb >= ot){
$(this).html("here goes the iframe definition");
Tested on all major browsers and even on my iPhone, works like a charm!!

Uservoice Javascript widget - How to popup feedback form automatically on page load

In an HTML page, how can I know when a externally loaded Javascript object is defined and ready for methods to be called on it?
Problem specifics:
I'm using the uservoice feedback web application including their Javascript widget and their SSO (Single-SignOn) option.
Everything works fine. There is a prominent Feedback tab stuck on the left of the window. And I can use the following anchor for additional links to open their popup feedback widget:
But... I'm having trouble trying to support a extra workflow - on one particular page (e.g. the feedback page) I want the uservoice feedback form to automatically popup when the user goes to the page without being initiated via a click event.
I tried putting the following at the bottom of the page:
<script type="text/javascript">
function _autoPopupUserVoice() {
_loadSuper = window.onload;
window.onload = (typeof window.onload != 'function') ? _autoPopupUserVoice : function() { _loadSuper(); _autoPopupUserVoice(); };
But Firebug shows a error:
"UserVoice is not defined".
So I guess the uservoice Javascript hasn't been executed by the time _autoPopupUserVoice() is called.
I've tried a few other things but haven't managed to get it working. How can know when the Uservoice Javascript object is loaded and ready for methods to be called on it?
For reference the Uservoice object is loaded via the following Javascript at the end of the page:
<script type="text/javascript">
function _loadUserVoice() {
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
s.setAttribute('src', ("https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://" : "http://") + "cdn.uservoice.com/javascripts/widgets/tab.js");
_loadSuper = window.onload;
window.onload = (typeof window.onload != 'function') ? _loadUserVoice : function() { _loadSuper(); _loadUserVoice(); };
I came up with the following javascript which I put at the bottom of the page, under the Uservoice widget code. It loops round every 100ms and tests whether the Uservoice object is defined. Once it is defined, it calls the Popin method to popup the widget:
<script type="text/javascript">
// Show the Uservoice feedback widget
function _autoPopupUserVoice() {
// Wait for the uservoice JS object to load, fire _autoPopupUserVoice when it is finished.
if ((typeof window['UserVoice'] == 'undefined')) {
var timer = setInterval(function () {
ok = false;
try { ok = (typeof window['UserVoice'] != 'undefined');} catch (e) {}
if (ok) {
}, 100);
I'm sure there's a better way to do this. Perhaps there is even a callback function that I'm unaware of?
Update (8/Dec/09):
This method is semi-approved by Uservoice:
Thanks for contacting UserVoice
support. That method looks perfectly
reasonable. We don't have any in built
methods for doing this (currently, we
are looking at this type of
functionality) but the code described even though quite hacky, should do the trick.
This will done by using jquery. Instead of calling the page you can call the particular section on page load using Javascript.
$(document).ready(function() {
var id = '#dialog';
//Get the screen height and width
var maskHeight = $(document).height();
var maskWidth = $(window).width();
//Set heigth and width to mask to fill up the whole screen
//transition effect
//Get the window height and width
var winH = $(window).height();
var winW = $(window).width();
//Set the popup window to center
$(id).css('top', winH/2-$(id).height()/2);
$(id).css('left', winW/2-$(id).width()/2);
//transition effect
//if close button is clicked
$('.window .close').click(function (e) {
//Cancel the link behavior
//if mask is clicked
$('#mask').click(function () {

