JS - focus to a b tag - javascript

I want to set the focus to a b tag (<b>[focus should be here]</b>).
My expected result was that the b tag into the div has the focus and if I would write, that the characters are bold.
Is this impossible? How can I do this?
Idea was from here:
focus an element created on the fly
<div id="editor" class="editor" contentEditable="true">Hallo</div>
JS onDomready:
var input = document.createElement("b"); //create it
document.getElementById('editor').appendChild(input); //append it
input.focus(); //focus it
My Solution thanks to A1rPun:
add: 'input.tabIndex = 1;' and listen for the follow keys.
<h1>You can start typing</h1>
<div id="editor" class="editor" contentEditable="true">Hallo</div>
window.onload = function() {
var input = document.createElement("b"); //create it
document.getElementById('editor').appendChild(input); //append it
input.tabIndex = 1;
var addKeyEvent = function(e) {
//console.log('add Key');
var key = e.which || e.keyCode;
this.innerHTML += String.fromCharCode(key);
var addLeaveEvent = function(e) {
// remove the 'addKeyEvent' handler
e.target.removeEventListener('keydown', addKeyEvent);
// remove this handler
e.target.removeEventListener(e.type, arguments.callee);
input.addEventListener('keypress', addKeyEvent);
input.addEventListener('blur', addLeaveEvent);

You can add a tabIndex property to allow the element to be focused.
input.tabIndex = 1;
input.focus();//now you can set the focus
I think the best way to solve your problem is to style an input tag with font-weight: bold.

I had to cheat a little by adding an empty space inside the bold area because I couldn't get it to work on the empty element.
This works by moving the selector inside the last element in the contentEditable since the bold element is the last one added.
It can be edited to work on putting the focus on any element.
function appendB(){
var bold = document.createElement("b");
bold.innerHTML = " ";
//create it
document.getElementById('editor').appendChild(bold); //append it
function setFocus() {
var el = document.getElementById("editor");
var range = document.createRange();
var sel = window.getSelection();
The SetFocus function I took was from this question: How to set caret(cursor) position in contenteditable element (div)?


how can I move cursor at any position after editing text at paragraph contenteditable in js

I have contenteditable paragraph where I can write specific words which will automatically be colored . But when I try to edit already colored text my cursor position moves backward so how can I put my cursor at current position while editing already colored text.
my html code:-
<p contenteditable="true" id="ide" style="border:1px solid red;" >...</p>
my js code:-
function setEndOfContenteditable(contentEditableElement)
var range,selection;
range = document.createRange();
selection = window.getSelection();
}else if(document.selection){
range = document.body.createTextRange();
var x = $(this).text();
function color(c){
var str = c;
var res = str.replace(/hello|house|car|happy/gi, function myFunction(x)
return '<span style="color:red;">'+x+'</span>';});
document.getElementById("ide").innerHTML = res;
Many people who try this can say this is correct but please try by typing hello or house or car or happy on contenteditable paragraph it will be automatically colored now go back to edit that colored string.
demo:- https://jsbin.com/nodome/edit?html,output
So, your question is a little bit misleading, your problem is keyup event on ⟵→ arrow keys or Select+All, after every keyup your function trying to detect word and execute color(), so if you use keypress event you can avoid this.
$("#ide").bind('keypress', function() {
var x = $(this).text();
But if you want to execute color() after keyup you need to detect which key pressed and exclude arrow keys.

Place cursor(caret) in specific position in <pre> contenteditable element

I'm making a web application to test regular expressions. I have an input where I enter the regexp and a contenteditable pre element where I enter the text where the matches are found and highlighted.
Example: asuming the regexp is ab, if the user types abcab in the pre element, both regexp and text are sent to an api I implemented which returns
<span style='background-color: lightgreen'>ab</span>c<span style='background-color: lightgreen'>ab</span>
and this string is set as the innerHTML of the pre element
This operation is made each time the user edites the content of the pre element (keyup event to be exact). The problem I have (and I hope you can solve) is that each time the innterHTML is set, the caret is placed at the beginning, and I want it to be placed right after the last character input by de user. Any suggestions on how to know where the caret is placed and how to place it in a desired position?
UPDATE For better understanding...A clear case:
Regexp is ab and in the contenteditable element we have:
<span style='background-color: lightgreen'>ab</span>c<span style='background-color: lightgreen'>ab</span>
Then I type a c between the first a and the first b, so now we have:
acbc<span style='background-color: lightgreen'>ab</span>
At this moment the caret has returned to the beginning of the contenteditable element, and it should be placed right after the c I typed. That's what I want to achieve, hope now it's more clear.
function refreshInnerHtml() {
document.getElementById('textInput').innerHTML = "<span style='background-color: lightgreen'>ab</span>c<span style='background-color: lightgreen'>ab</span>";
<pre contenteditable onkeyup="refreshInnerHtml()" id="textInput" style="border: 1px solid black;" ></pre>
With some help from these functions from here ->
Add element before/after text selection
I've created something I think your after.
I basically place some temporary tags into the html where the current cursor is. I then render the new HTML, I then replace the tags with the span with a data-cpos attribute. Using this I then re-select the cursor.
var insertHtmlBeforeSelection, insertHtmlAfterSelection;
(function() {
function createInserter(isBefore) {
return function(html) {
var sel, range, node;
if (window.getSelection) {
// IE9 and non-IE
sel = window.getSelection();
if (sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount) {
range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
// Range.createContextualFragment() would be useful here but is
// non-standard and not supported in all browsers (IE9, for one)
var el = document.createElement("div");
el.innerHTML = html;
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(), node, lastNode;
while ( (node = el.firstChild) ) {
lastNode = frag.appendChild(node);
} else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) {
// IE < 9
range = document.selection.createRange();
insertHtmlBeforeSelection = createInserter(true);
insertHtmlAfterSelection = createInserter(false);
function refreshInnerHtml() {
tag_start = '⇷', //lets use some unicode chars unlikely to ever use..
tag_end = '⇸',
sel = document.getSelection(),
input = document.getElementById('textInput');
//remove old data-cpos
function(e) { e.remove() });
//insert the tags at current cursor position
//now do our replace
let html = input.innerText.replace(/(ab)/g, '<span style="background-color: lightgreen">$1</span>');
input.innerHTML = html.replace(tag_start,'<span data-cpos>').replace(tag_end,'</span>');
//now put cursor back
var e = input.querySelector('[data-cpos]');
if (e) {
var range = document.createRange();
range.setStart(e, 0);
range.setEnd(e, 0);
Type some text below, with the letters 'ab' somewhere within it. <br>
<pre contenteditable onkeyup="refreshInnerHtml()" id="textInput" style="border: 1px solid black;" >It's about time.. above and beyond</pre>
function test(inp){
document.getElementById(inp).value = document.getElementById(inp).value;
<input id="search" type="text" value="mycurrtext" size="30"
onfocus="test(this.id);" onclick="test(this.id);" name="search"/>
I quickly made this and it places the cursor at the end of the string in the input box. The onclick is for when the user manually clicks on the input and the onfocus is for when the user tabs on the input.
<input id="search" type="text" value="mycurrtext" size="30"
onfocus="test(this.id);" onclick="test(this.id);" name="search"/>
function test(inp){
document.getElementById(inp).value = document.getElementById(inp).value;
Here to make selection easy, I've added another span tag with nothing in it, and given it a data-end attribute to make it easy to select.
I then simply create a range from this and use window.getSelection addRange to apply it.
Update: modified to place caret after the first ab
var e = document.querySelector('[data-end]');
var range = document.createRange();
range.setStart(e, 0);
range.setEnd(e, 0);
var sel = window.getSelection();
<div contenteditable="true">
<span style='background-color: lightgreen'>ab</span><span data-end></span>c<span style='background-color: lightgreen'>ab</span>

Disable tab key blur in focused contentEditable

I'm fully aware that this question looks like a duplicate, but it isn't. Please read.
I have a div tag with the attribute contentEditable="true". I'm trying to make it so I can use the tab key inside the div without it moving focuses. Here's some code I have that doesn't fully fix the problem:
var tab = function(id){
if(event.keyCode === 9){
document.getElementById(id).innerHTML += " ";
var setCaretPos = function(id){
var node = document.getElementById(id);
var textNode = node.firstChild;
var caret = textNode.length;
var range = document.createRange();
range.setStart(textNode, caret);
range.setEnd(textNode, caret);
var sel = window.getSelection();
That is basically just adding four spaces to the end of the value of the text inside the div, then moving the caret to the end. That becomes a problem when I use tabs on other lines, because it will just add the tab to the end (If I'm not already on the last line).
So, I want to insert the four spaces where the caret is. This is where the trouble comes. I'll show the code, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I want it to add the four spaces to the text before the caret, then add all the text after the caret. Here's the code:
var insertTabAtCaret = function(id){
if(event.keyCode === 9){
var box = document.getElementById(id);
if(box.selectionStart || box.selectionStart == "0"){
var startPos = box.selectionStart;
var endPos = box.selectionEnd;
box.innerHTML.substring(0, startPos) + " " + box.innerHTML.substring(endPos, box.innerHTML.length);
Please help! Let me know how I can achieve tabbing in a contentEditable div using the method described above! (I would prefer it in normal JavaScript, but jQuery is permissible. Please, don't tell me about libraries, plugins, extensions, etc. I don't want to use any of those.)
function insertTabAtCaret(event){
if(event.keyCode === 9){
var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
var tabNode = document.createTextNode("\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0");
height: 200px;
border: solid
<div contenteditable id="editor">
some text

Split div content at cursor position

I need to split an element after user clicks on it and the attr 'contenteditable' becomes 'true'. This fiddle works for the first paragraph but not second because the latter is in a p tag. Similary in this fiddle you will see that when the element has html tags in it, the counter loses accuracy and hence the text before and after the cursor is not what you'd expect.
The assumption here is that the users will split the data in a way that the help tags will stay intact. As pointed out by dandavis here, e.g. the div has <i>Hello</i> <b>Wo*rld</b>, the user will only need to split the div into two divs, first will have <i>Hello</i> and the second div will have <b>Wo*rld</b> in it.
<div><mark>{DATE}</mark><i>via email: </i><mark><i>{EMAIL- BROKER OR TENANT}</i></mark></div>
var $splitbut = $('<p class="split-but">Split</p>');
$(this).attr('contenteditable', 'true').addClass('editing').append($splitbut);
var userSelection;
if (window.getSelection) {
userSelection = window.getSelection();
var start = userSelection.anchorOffset;
var end = userSelection.focusOffset;
var before = $(this).html().substr(0, start);
var after = $(this).html().substr(start, $(this).html().length);
The "Split" button is not working as generating the html is not an issue once I get proper "after" and "before" text. Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong here?
Something like this could work for the specific case you describe
$('div, textarea').on('click', function(e) {
var userSelection;
if (window.getSelection) {
userSelection = window.getSelection();
var start = userSelection.anchorOffset,
end = userSelection.focusOffset,
node = userSelection.anchorNode,
allText = $(this).text(),
nodeText = $(node).text();
// before and after inside node
var nodeBefore = nodeText.substr(0, start);
var nodeAfter = nodeText.substr(start, nodeText.length);
// before and after for whole of text
var allExceptNode = allText.split(nodeText),
before = allExceptNode[0] + nodeBefore,
after = nodeAfter + allExceptNode[1];
console.log('Before: ', before);
console.log('After: ', after);
Updated demo at https://jsfiddle.net/gaby/vaLz55fv/10/
It might exhibit issues if there are tags whose content is repeated in the whole text. (problem due to splitting)

How do I insert a character at the caret with javascript?

I want to insert some special characters at the caret inside textboxes using javascript on a button. How can this be done?
The script needs to find the active textbox and insert the character at the caret in that textbox. The script also needs to work in IE and Firefox.
EDIT: It is also ok to insert the character "last" in the previously active textbox.
I think Jason Cohen is incorrect. The caret position is preserved when focus is lost.
[Edit: Added code for FireFox that I didn't have originally.]
[Edit: Added code to determine the most recent active text box.]
First, you can use each text box's onBlur event to set a variable to "this" so you always know the most recent active text box.
Then, there's an IE way to get the cursor position that also works in Opera, and an easier way in Firefox.
In IE the basic concept is to use the document.selection object and put some text into the selection. Then, using indexOf, you can get the position of the text you added.
In FireFox, there's a method called selectionStart that will give you the cursor position.
Once you have the cursor position, you overwrite the whole text.value with
text before the cursor position + the text you want to insert + the text after the cursor position
Here is an example with separate links for IE and FireFox. You can use you favorite browser detection method to figure out which code to run.
<script language="JavaScript">
var lasttext;
function doinsert_ie() {
var oldtext = lasttext.value;
var marker = "##MARKER##";
var sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = marker;
var tmptext = lasttext.value;
var curpos = tmptext.indexOf(marker);
pretext = oldtext.substring(0,curpos);
posttest = oldtext.substring(curpos,oldtext.length);
lasttext.value = pretext + "|" + posttest;
function doinsert_ff() {
var oldtext = lasttext.value;
var curpos = lasttext.selectionStart;
pretext = oldtext.substring(0,curpos);
posttest = oldtext.substring(curpos,oldtext.length);
lasttext.value = pretext + "|" + posttest;
<form name="testform">
<input type="text" name="testtext1" onBlur="lasttext=this;">
<input type="text" name="testtext2" onBlur="lasttext=this;">
<input type="text" name="testtext3" onBlur="lasttext=this;">
Insert IE
Insert FF
This will also work with textareas. I don't know how to reposition the cursor so it stays at the insertion point.
In light of your update:
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
var lastTextBox = null;
for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++)
if(inputs[i].getAttribute('type') == 'text')
inputs[i].onfocus = function() {
lastTextBox = this;
var button = document.getElementById("YOURBUTTONID");
button.onclick = function() {
lastTextBox.value += 'PUTYOURTEXTHERE';
Note that if the user pushes a button, focus on the textbox will be lost and there will be no caret position!
loop over all you input fields...
finding the one that has focus..
then once you have your text area...
you should be able to do something like...
myTextArea.value = 'text to insert in the text area goes here';
I'm not sure if you can capture the caret position, but if you can, you can avoid Jason Cohen's concern by capturing the location (in relation to the string) using the text box's onblur event.
A butchered version of #bmb code in previous answer works well to reposition the cursor at end of inserted characters too:
var lasttext;
function doinsert_ie() {
var ttInsert = "bla";
var sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = ttInsert;
function doinsert_ff() {
var oldtext = lasttext.value;
var curposS = lasttext.selectionStart;
var curposF = lasttext.selectionEnd;
pretext = oldtext.substring(0,curposS);
posttest = oldtext.substring(curposF,oldtext.length);
var ttInsert='bla';
lasttext.value = pretext + ttInsert + posttest;

