How to set a div's content to another div's content - javascript

So I have two divs
<div id="1"><p>Hello<p></div>
<div id="2"><p>Goodbye<p></div>
And I am wondering if there is a simple technique to set div "1" equal to div "2" ?
So, the end result will be:
<div id="1"><p>Goodbye<p></div>
<div id="2"><p>Goodbye<p></div>

Do exactly that..
var div1 = document.getElementById("1");
document.getElementById("2").innerHTML = div1.innerHTML;

Try it using javascript
document.getElementById("1").innerHTML = document.getElementById("2").innerHTML
to get specific tags within an element use:
var x = document.getElementById("1");
var y = x.getElementsByTagName("p");
or in one line:


Increment div class by +1 on click

I'm sure this is an easy question but I cannot figure it out.
I basically have a div with a number, 'div-1' for example, and need to +1 to the number every time another div is clicked. e.g. 'div-2' 'div-3' etc..
When you say a div with a number, It should be on id attribute.
<div class="your_div_selector" id="div-1">
so, in your javascript, using jquery and when the other div is clicked, just do this:
var div_id = $('.your_div_selector').attr("id")
var new_id = 1 + parseInt(div_id.split("-").pop());
Based on what you've described, it looks like you have an HTML div, which starts with a class of div-1. Every time the div is clicked, you want the div-n class to be replaced with a div-(n+1) class.
This is easily accomplished with an onclick listener.
<div id="mydiv" class="div-1"></div>
var mydiv = document.getElementById('mydiv');
mydiv.currentClass = 1;
mydiv.addEventListener('click', function() {
mydiv.classList.remove('div-' + mydiv.currentClass);
mydiv.classList.add('div-' + (++mydiv.currentClass));
Note that there should be a better solution, depending on your specific problem.
<div class="yourDivClass" id="myDiv"></div> <button id="incriment" onclick="incrementDivClass()">Click</button>
function incrementDivClass()
var divIncriment = ($('.yourDivClass').length);
$('#myDiv').append('<div class="yourDivClass" id="div-'+divIncriment+'">div-'+divIncriment+'</div>')

How do I use JavaScript/jQuery to populate multiple divs dynamically?

I apologise in advance, I'm not allowed to post images until I have 10 reputation. So, I hope that my description would be enough to get across the idea I have.
So, say I have three columns; a, b, and c. And when there's too much content to be hosted in just a, b, and c, I'd want new off-screen columns to be made, d, e, and f. - This goes on until all the content is used.
So, my current setup has the "hidden-text" div play host to all the content, and then I'd have a JavaScript function, or jQuery function to dynamically populate each of the divs, and create divs where needed along with buttons to then get to the new divs it creates.
The way it determines which to populate is simply grabbing the content and putting it into column a. Column a is full when the content reaches the bottom of the screen. Then it grabs the rest of the content and puts it in b, until b is full and so on until all the content available is used.
I really hope I'm being clear enough, I have no idea if anyone is going to even remotely understand what I'm trying to say... Any help at all is much appreciated!
Here's a code snippet of how the HTML is structured, maybe it'll help someone understand what I mean... Thanks again, everyone!
<div id="parent-div">
<div class="a"></div>
<div class="b"></div>
<div class="c"></div>
<div id="hidden-text">
This is the content I would like to have displayed across the three divs above.
Here is some JS that I have so far and I'm rather stuck on where to go from here:
function Populate(){
//paragraph is equal to all of the content in the hidden-text div
var paragraph = document.getElementById('hidden-text').innerHTML;
var newParagraph = "";
//the variable div would play host to the names of each of the divs in the HTML
var div = "";
//words stores each character of paragraph and passes them into the new paragraph
var words = "";
for (words in paragraph)
newParagraph += paragraph[words];
//the column with the name equal to the value of the div variable gets populated by the value of newParagraph
document.getElementByClassName(div).innerHTML = newParagraph;}
I think it should be something like this:
var divs = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
var word_limit = 50;
var paragraph_words = paragraph.split(' ');
for (var i = 0, div_index = 0; i < paragraph_words.length && div_index < divs.length; i++) {
newParagraph += ' ' + paragraph_words[i];
if (i > 0 && i % word_limit == 0) {
document.getElementsByClassName(divs[div_index])[0].innerHTML = newParagraph;
newParagraph = '';
if (newParagraph) { // If we didn't fill up the last DIV
document.getElementsByClassName(divs[div_index])[0].innerHTML = newParagraph;

Display none to All div by loop and display a perticular div which I want to show

I am using Javascrip and I have a function like the following where I want to hide all div. But I don't know why this code is not working. Will anyone help me with this?
function showDiv(divTag,id)
var i;
document.getElementById(divTag+i).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(divTag+id).style.display = 'block';
function showDiv(divTag,id)
var i;
var tempDiv = divTag + i;
document.getElementById(tempDiv).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(divTag+id).style.display = 'block';
Show Only Div1
<div id="hide_1">
Show Only Div2
<div id="hide_2">
Show Only Div2
<div id="hide_3">
Show Only Div2
<div id="hide_4">
Both of the abov process I have tried but failed to do that
Several things:
The "onclick" (not "onClick") is the correct way to assign the click event handler in both html and JavaScript.
You are looping from 1 to 6 in for(i=1;i<7;i++) line of the first function, but you only have 4 elements in your html. When reaching the non-existing fifth - your code will throw an error. Something along the lines of "TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null".
As #verisimilitude has mentioned, you have a syntax error in your html where you put a quoted text inside another text that's quoted in the same way. It should be onclick="showDiv('hide_',1)". Note the single quotes around 'hide_'.
Here's the code that works. Click here to see it in action.
Here's your JavaScript function:
// Please note that it must be in the global scope
// otherwise you won't be able to call it from your html.
function showDiv(divTag, id) {
var i;
for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
var tempDiv = divTag + i;
document.getElementById(tempDiv).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(divTag+id).style.display = 'block';
Also, take a look at another working version of your code that pre-validates the existence of your elements before hiding/showing them. So you don't have to worry about your for loop iterating over elements that have been removed.
And here's your html:
Show Only Div1
<div id="hide_1">Div1</div>
Show Only Div2
<div id="hide_2">Div2</div>
Show Only Div3
<div id="hide_3">Div3</div>
Show Only Div4
<div id="hide_4">Div4</div>​
Show Only Div1
yields a javascript syntax error. This should be
Show Only Div1
Check the single quotes around "hide_"

I generated html code (lots of divs) with javascript. Now I want to find the generated divs with GetElementById

GetElementById works if I manually added a div id="something" inside the body and use window.onload = init method in the script to get it. Works great.
But if I used a for loop to generate divs where id's is 1,2,3 and so on. I can't get it. Is there a way to get to those generated divs?
This is what generates the html code (just to be clear what I mean):
for(i=0; i<randomizeColoursList.length; i++)
document.getElementById("renderColors").innerHTML +=
'<div class=\"box\"><div class=\"' + i + '\"><font color=\"'
+ randomizeColoursList[i] + '\">'
+ "" + '<img src=\"dist/card_bg.gif\"></div></div>';
Generates one of these:
<div class="8"><font color="#3be6c4"><img src="dist/card_bg.gif"></font></div>
Div with class 8 is the id I want to get for example. But is says it's null.
The id is null because you haven't specified it in your markup creation. Looks like you're assigning the id value to class instead.
Generate something more like this:
<div id="div1" class="8"><font color="#3be6c4"><img src="dist/card_bg.gif"></font></div>
Also, you don't need to use font tags, nor should you use them. Just add the styling to the div.
<div id="div1" class="8" style="color:#3be6c4;"><img src="dist/card_bg.gif"></div>
The way you're going about this is a little backwards. If you write your code like I have below, then you don't need to give the divs IDs, you end up with an array full of references to them anyway.
var i, div, img;
var createdDivs = [];
for(i=0; i<randomizeColoursList.length; i++)
div = document.createElement('div');
img = document.createElement('img');
div.className = "box"; = randomizeColoursList[i]; = randomizeColoursList[i];
img.src = "dist/card_bg.gif"
Live link:

How to increase div content value?

I want to increase div value +1 in certain events.How can i get div value and increase it?
this.innerHTML = +this.innerHTML + 1;
<div id="x">42</div>
You can do this:
var $x = $('#x');
$x.text(parseInt($x.text(), 10) + 1);
For your education:
parseInt() (and always include the radix argument)
If the div's HTML is simply a number:
var element = document.getElementById('yourElementID');
element.innerHTML = parseInt(element.innerHTML, 10)+1;
Here you use below code
In javascript
var demoInt = $('#divInt').text();
demoInt =parseInt(demoInt);
<div id="divInt">111</div>

