Polymer's Animated Pages used with Angularjs - javascript

I would like to ask if there are any examples related to Polymer's animated pages ( http://www.polymer-project.org/docs/elements/core-elements.html#core-animated-pages ) and how we can build a similar demo using the resources provided in the Angular/material repo (https://github.com/angular/material).
I would like to achieve http://www.polymer-project.org/components/core-animated-pages/demos/music.html but I don't want to use Polymer since I would like to use Angular.
Can you please provide me some directions in order to start?

What they typically do with Polymer is have two connected elements which shows only one and when you perform some action, the other gets shown (from display: none) and animates from certain dimentions to its final form. Sometimes elements also shift but it depends on whether the content is able to move to its new position or not.
You have to work with css transition, transform and display. Sometimes even custom animations. And you are mostly changing multiple divs to their final form. I think the most difficult would be animating colors (from white to pink or from yellow to green for example) as those are most difficult to do (performance-wise).
If you look at the example you've set (final link) you see there's a list of items with a detail div and once you click the item you show the detail and transform the contents to its final dimentions.
Just know that these things are pretty hard if you aren't very much into Angular or HTML/CSS/Javascript.
The framework of Polymer for Web is very much a work in progress and i wouldn't be surprised if it took a few months to get similar results for both native and web.
You can take example from things like this: https://medium.com/tictail-makers/giving-animations-life-8b20165224c5 or https://www.polymer-project.org/apps/topeka/ or http://codepen.io/collection/amheq/ . And don't forget to speed it up by using some bootstrap theme like this http://fezvrasta.github.io/bootstrap-material-design/ or something.
I've been struggling with the same problem as there isn't much to go from right now. You stated the Angular project but that will take time. If you want to do it now, you have to do quite some work (if you do, share it with us), but you might be better of with postponing this until most of the bugs and problems have been solved.
Thats what i'm doing now.


Generate a masonry layout and then apply gravity to it

Here's a weird one that I've been wracking my brain on.
I want to do two things, in order:
Generate a masonry-style layout from a list of divs, imgs, or whatever. These will utilize images but they can be background images, within the divs, or some other method that works. This can be pure CSS or a jquery plugin.
Once the grid has been generated, apply a physics based plugin like '.throwable' to the individual divs/objects. The objects will fall on each other, but overall retain their structure, much like you'd see in Angry Birds or something.
The goal here is to paste in a list of divs, let a jquery plugin or even pure CSS automatically figure out how to align them, and then apply gravity to the masonry grid.
The problem I've run into over and over is that the masonry grid is generated... but then when I apply a physics system to it, the individual objects snap back to a different position. I think masonry wants them as "relative" while the physics system wants them in "absolute"? Not sure...
I have a rough version of my latest attempt up here if anyone wants to get an idea of what I'm attempting: http://cssdeck.com/labs/full/f5dm0zv8
Jasper's reply hinted at the solution, although I'm not sure why things seemed to work this time for me. I had tried multiple javascript/jquery based masonry plugins, and nothing had worked. I ended up trying "http://masonry.desandro.com/methods.html" and it ended up working for me. I thought I had tried this one already - maybe not? Anyways, I have a more or less working example here, but new issues have arisen: http://output.jsbin.com/runewidapi/2/

How to create styled boxes on a webpage in where I can add graphs,gaugs,numbers?

I'm creating a 1 page dashboard that will run fullscreen on a monitor on which I want to display some graphs. I made the graphs already all I need now is a proper template for the page. I was thinking something like this
I really dig the look but I'm clueless on how to make something like this using presumably css/js. Especially the lines in the background and a titlebox.
First of all, you have to code all of the man div-containers including your graphs and data-visuals. For that, a css-framework could help you managing the different views for all devices (http://getbootstrap.com/).
Later on, you could add inner divs for the title box and the background. Also get yourself some inspiration. For example: this is the admin-theme I am using for my actual project: http://admindesigns.com/framework/dashboard.html
After digging into that, you may ask some deeper questions about styling your Dashboard, so it's easier for us to respond to an actual problem ;)

Famo.us Prevent Scrollview Bounce

I can't seem to find the correct set of scrollView options to disable the overscroll/bounce effect. I'm using the last example on this page:
End goal is to have a sidebar menu like every single app ever made in the last 5 years. You would think it would be a more popular example for this framework, but I can't seem to find any useful ones for FA.
I have been told multiple times that setting edgeGrip : 1 in the options will make it no longer bounce. It doesn't work for me and no ones showed me a fiddle where it does work. I don't use the angular integrated version of famo.us so I'm not sure I can be of much help.
I personally used a generic sync and built a scrollview with that. Its similar to how the draggable works. Which is what i suggest, the draggable can give you a 'scroller' without a bounce. The down side is it won't be smart enough to not render things outside it's view. For my use I was building a form that was maybe twice the height of the screen and it works fine. If you want the non angular / straight famo.us version I use let me know. Hope the edgeGrip works for you.

Debugging CSS (Possibly JavaScript or JQuery) Issue

Issue: I have problems with this page: http://kivusandcamera.com/blog/ The page loads with a proper layout, but then the two blog entries "jump" to the left behind the navigation bar. I have spent a good bit of time trying work through the various CSS, inspecting it with developer tools, etc..., but I have reached a point where I feel like I need some help. Any advice would be appreciated.
Background: This is just a basic Wordpress theme that I am trying to customize for a website, so I am not 100% sure how
Additional Information: Though I am passingly familiar with CSS, I have done hardly any work involving responsive design, media queries, etc... Basically, I am saying (1) I would not be surprised if it is something really simple that I am missing, and (2) if something could be done a better way, please feel free to let me know.
UPDATE - It looks like this issue might be Javascript or JQuery related. Basically, a style attribute is getting injected into one of the div tags. The style attribute used an absolute position, with a certain width, and I have no idea how to modify it.
UPDATE #2 - It appears the issue happens with any pages I set in the theme to "Full Width" (see also the http://kivusandcamera.com/about page.) I think those pages must get processed differently by JS layout framework that is used. Again, I still haven't figured out how that is all happening.
Turns out there were two separate issues:
(1) The JQuery auto-layout framework was resizing the various page columns with the assumption that the navigation bar was the same size as the individual columns of blog entries. That caused an issue that had to be solved.
(2) The full page CSS had to be updated to reflect the lack of a resizing navigation bar.
Ultimately, these issues were very specific to the this particular Wordpress theme, so I doubt full description of the solution would provide much of a benefit to the community. Thank you to everyone who helped lead me to the solution.

Arranging elements on the screen and saving their positions

I want to build a tool (with HTML5, JS and CSS3), which helps customers to arrange elements on a website mockup (e.g. text blocks and pictures). I want to save the position of these
elements in order to reconstruct the whole mockup website later.
Maybe a grid system would be the best?
alt text http://img.skitch.com/20090817-t4p54kbxw3rj58mkmqxspj4qch.png
I would be happy to get some ideas on approaches for this challenge. Are there any similar projects, I should take a look at?
YUI has lots of widgets for this sorta thing with lots of examples.
Drag & Drop: Examples
Especially this example
Drag & Drop: Using Interaction Groups
All you would have to do register a listener on the drop event to send an ajax request to the server and save the xy co-ordinates.
ALSO, if you want to do resizing as well
Resize Utility: Examples
They have a few really neat examples, including this image cropper
ImageCropper Control: Real Time Crop Feedback
The jQuery framework would help you in synchronizing the JS and DHTML events. As far as other projects that use this, I'm not aware of any, but a grid model seems like a good way to go. Just make sure it's more precise than the 125px you currently have :)
EDIT: The website that was mentioned in the DHTML book I mentioned in my comment was http://www.panic.com . You can take a look at their JavaScript code for some inspiration, as they implement a drag and drop system for downloading their products.
Not sure if it'll help, but my "PanelManager" might make things a little easier (if you're not already using a larger framework with similar functionality):
"Panels" are just normal DOM elements with extensions for common actions/modifications (moving, resizing, etc). Panels can exist within one or more "PanelManagers" which allow you to treat them as a single unit (sorting, looping, etc).
Look at the example "Drag-and-Drop with Ordering" for a simplified example of (what I think) you're looking for. You would then need to do the same kind of looping to save whatever information you want (probably just name and position).
In any case there might be some code there you can rip out - feel free to fold, spindle and/or mutilate.

