jquery prompted variable value given to python script - javascript

I have what I think to be a simple problem, but I cannot figure out the solution. I have a javascript form with options, and when the user selects an option they get prompted to input a value as below:
var integer_value = window.prompt("What is the integer value?", "defaultText")
I then need this integer value to be used by a python script. So, if say in my python script:
integer_value = 2
It would need to change to whatever value the user inputs in the prompt window.

The code below should do what you need. There may be better ways to do this, but at least this way is fairly simple.
Next time you have a Web programming question, tell us what server you're using, and what framework, and any JavaScript things like jQuery or Ajax. And post a small working demo of your code, both the HTML/JavaScript and the Python, that we can actually run so we can see exactly what you're talking about.
Firstly, here's a small HTML/JavaScript page that prompts the user for data and sends it to the server.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title>Send data to Python demo</title>
function get_and_send_int()
var s, integer_value, default_value = 42;
s = window.prompt("What is the integer value?", default_value);
if (s==null || s=='')
//Check that the data is an integer before sending
integer_value = parseInt(s);
if (integer_value !== +s)
alert(s + ' is not an integer, try again');
//Send it as if it were a GET request.
location.href = "cgi-bin/save_js_data.py?data=" + integer_value;
<h4>"Send data to Python" demo</h4>
<p>This page uses JavaScript to get integer data from the user via a prompt<br>
and then sends the data to a Python script on the server.</p>
<p>Click this button to enter the integer input and send it.<br>
<input type="button" value="get & send" onclick="get_and_send_int()">
And now for the CGI Python program that receives the data and logs it to a file. A proper program would have some error checking & data validation, and a way of reporting any errors. The Python CGI module would make this task a little easier, but it's not strictly necessary.
The Web server normally looks for CGI programs in a directory called cgi-bin, and that's generally used as the program's Current Working Directory. A CGI program doesn't run in a normal terminal: its stdin and stdout are essentially connected to the Web page that invoked the program, so anything it prints gets sent back to the Web page. And (depending on the request method used) it may receive data from the page via stdin.
The program below doesn't read stdin (and will appear to hang if you try). The data is sent to it as part of the URL used to invoke the program, and the server extracts that data and puts it into an environment variable that the CGI program can access.
#! /usr/bin/env python
''' save_js_data
A simple CGI script to receive data from "send_to_python.html"
and log it to a file
import sys, os, time
#MUST use CRLF in HTTP headers
CRLF = '\r\n'
#Name of the file to save the data to.
outfile = 'outfile.txt'
def main():
#Get the data that was sent from the Web page
query = os.environ['QUERY_STRING']
#Get the number out of QUERY_STRING
key, val = query.split('=')
if key == 'data':
#We really should check that val contains a valid integer
#Save the current time and the received data to outfile
s = '%s, %s\n' % (time.ctime(), val)
with open(outfile, 'a+t') as f:
#Send browser back to the refering Web page
href = os.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
s = 'Content-type: text/html' + CRLF * 2
s += '<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=%s">' % href
print s
if __name__ == '__main__':
When you save this program to your hard drive, make sure that you give it execute permissions. Since you're using Flask, I assume your server is configured to run Python CGI programs and that you know what directory it looks in for such programs.
I hope this helps.


How you can save appends to variables an then convert them to php so you can save them in a database?

<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Test page for Query YQL</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://hail2u.github.io/css/natural.css">
<!--[if lt IE 9]><script src="http://hail2u.github.io/js/html5shiv.min.js"></script><![endif]-->
<h1>Test page for Query YQL</h1>
<div id="content"></div>
<input type="button" name="bt1" value="click" onclick="pesquisa()">
<form name="s2">
<input type="text" name="s1">
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.query-yql.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function pesquisa(){
$(function () {
var t = $('#content').empty();
var url= document.s2.s1.value;
var statement = 'select * from feed where url="'+url+'"';
$.queryYQL(statement, function (data) {
$('<h2/>').text('Test: select * from feed').appendTo(t);
var r = data.query.results;
var ul = $('<ul/>');
$.each(r.item, function () {
$titulo = "<script>document.write(titulo);</script>";
$site = "<script>document.write(site);</script>";
//echo $titulo;
//echo $site;
How can you save the this.title and the this.link values into 2 different variables an then call them into php so you can insert the data into a DB?
It's just a simple YQL query to search on rss feeds.
After doing the query, I want the results to be saved in a database, but I can't discover how to do that.
First of all, you have to understand that you are working on a Client-Server architecture.
This means:
Let's say that this file you are showing us is called "TestYQL.php" (because you did not say the name of it). This file is executed by php (server side), which reads line by line the contents of it, and generates another new file from the original. For educational purposes, let's say the generated file is called "GeneratedTestYQL.html". This file no longer has any php code inside, since it is directly html and js flat. It knows nothing about php. So there are no php functions, variables, nothing. This last file is the one that reaches the client, and the code is executed by a web browser like Chrome, Firefox, etc.
In your case, the file "TestYQL.php" all you have of php is what is inside the <? Php ....?> Tags. With php you creates 2 variables, each with a tag inside, but without any purpose since they are not used in any way. So, the generated "GeneratedTestYQL.html" file is the same as the original, but without the lines inside the <? Php ...?>.
This means that: The contents of the variables that you use in PHP can be sent to the browser, because with PHP you will generate the file that will be executed in the browser.
Now, when the file "GeneratedTestYQL.html" arrives, the browser starts to show all the contents of the file, it generates the form in which, when you click the button, executes the function pesquisa() and now starts javascript (JQuery) bringing data of the feeds, and for the first time, these variables "this.title" and "this.link" begin to exist in javascript.
Since there is no such thing as php here, you can NOT access those variables from php.
So, how to save that data in a DB?, well, the common way is to send all the data you want from the browser, to the server, then the server sees what to do with that data. To send data from the browser to the server, you do it by making GET or POST requests to a php file from the server (preferably another file, let's say it will be called "saveFeeds.php").
Data can be sent with a GET request, but it is semantically incorrect since GET means you want to fetch data from the server. So to send that data to the server, you will have to make a POST request from the browser, which is more appropriate.
There are now 2 simple ways to make a POST request. The first and most common of these is from a form in the browser, the other way is using Ajax.
How to do it from a form?
Currently in your code, you have already put a form (That is called "s2"), although currently the same is not necessary, but leave that now.
If you wanted to send the data through a form, you should do 2 things. First and most obvious, create the form; second, the data received from the internet (title and link of feed), send them to the server.
Assuming you fetch data from a single feed per url, and the designated file in charge of receiving the request will be "saveFeeds.php". So, you could create a form like the following after the previous one:
<Form class = "sender" action = "saveFeeds.php" method = "post">
  <Input type = "hidden" name = "title" value = ""> <br>
  <Input type = "hidden" name = "link" value = ""> <br>
  <Input type = "submit">
</ Form>
Then you need to put the feed data inside the form, because, at this moment, you can't send anything. You could add a function like:
Function appendFeedToForm (title, link) {
  Var form = $ (". Sender");
  Form.title.value = title;
  Form.link.value = value;
And then call it from inside the $ .each of the result as
AppendFeedToForm(this.title, this.link);
The second case, the easiest way to make a request to the same file using Ajax is with a JQuery shortcut:
$.post("saveFeeds.php", r.item);
If you are interested in validations, you can take a look at the JQuery documentation. The important thing about ajax requests is that you can send all the data you want without having to force you to reload the page. Therefore, you can send as many feeds as you want in the same way you would send one.
Now with the data sent from the client to the server, it is necessary to handle the reception of the data. Currently we were pointing all the data to the file "saveFeeds.php", so, now, finally we can put the content from javascript. To access them, simply in that file, you should check the fields:
$ _POST ['title'] // This names are from input names of form
$ _POST ['link'] // or properties sended through Ajax
So, here, you have tp prepare the connection to your database and save those parameters. Currently you did not mention which database engine you are using, so, for this moment, I'll shorten the answer here.
Note: I was not giving you the best practices to solve your problem, but rather the minimum necessary.

Constantly read JSON database

I want to constantly read a JSON-formatted js file so my page shows the changes of that file.
I want some content in my page to change everytime I change the database file within the directory.
My files are:
var rightFencer;
rightFencer = {"name":"Jorge ANZOLA","nacionality":"VEN","points":10};
var leftFencer;
leftFencer = {"name":"John DOE","nacionality":"USA","points":5};
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<center><p id="rightFencerName"></p><p id="rightFencerPoints"></p> - <p id="leftFencerName"></p> <p id="leftFencerPoints"></p></center>
<script src="objetoJSON.js"></script>
document.getElementById("rightFencerName").innerHTML = rightFencer.name;
document.getElementById("leftFencerName").innerHTML = leftFencer.name;
document.getElementById("rightFencerPoints").innerHTML = rightFencer.points;
document.getElementById("leftFencerPoints").innerHTML = leftFencer.points;
I thought about putting those two scripts into an infinite while loop so by the time I change the file in the directory, it'd change. But it didn't work.
Also, I thought about using setInterval() to run the scripts every few seconds, but I didn't know how to make it work.
As you can see, I'm a complete noob, so ANY idea would be very appreciated.
Your "objectoJSON.js" is not a JSON file... it's a simple javascript object.
A JSON file would be something like this.
"name":"Jorge ANZOLA",
"name":"John DOE",
What you are searching for is
Ajax, Server Sent Events or webSockets
Those update the pagecontent without the need to refresh the page or clicking something.
The following codes shows how to interact with each technology.
They have many advantages and disadvantages... to many to write right now.
ask specific and i can add that to the answer.
All the following examples are pure javascript and so don't need any type of library.They work with almost all new browsers... ios,android,windows also.
All the following examples could be adapted to work with a non properly formatted json file like that you posted. Look at the bottom.
Client asks for data
This updates the client every 30seconds.
function $(a){
return document.getElementById(a)
function ajax(a,b,c){ // Url, Callback, just a placeholder
c=new XMLHttpRequest;
function reloadData(){
function updateText(){
var db=JSON.parse(this.response);
window.setInterval(reloadData,30000);//30 seconds
/*setinterval is a very bad way to update stuff ,
especially with ajax.. there are many other ways to do that.*/
Ajax does not need any type of server if you read the JS file locally.
Also appendding it... but both examples are time based... and that is not good if you have many users online. WS & SSE allow you to update each user individually depending on the necessity.
Server sends data when needed
This uses php to create a Server Sent Events Server
Also this updates the client every 30 seconds, but in this case the server updates the client. Using Ajax the client asks the server to update.
The php file "sse.php"
header('Content-Type: text/event-stream'); // specific sse mimetype
header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); // no cache
while(true) {
if(/*something changes*/){
echo "id: ".time().PHP_EOL;
echo "data: ".$data.PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
ob_flush(); // clear memory
flush(); // clear memory
sleep(30);// seconds
The javascript file
function $(a){
return document.getElementById(a)
function updateText(e){
var db=JSON.parse(e.data);
var sse=new EventSource("sse.php");
Server sends data when needed, Client asks for data when needed
webSockets is cool ... comunication is bidirectional. it is fast. but you need something like a nodejs server to be able to handle it properly.
function $(a){
return document.getElementById(a)
function updateText(e){
var db=JSON.parse(e.data);
var ws=new WebSocket('ws://YOURIP:YOURPORT');
/*ws.onopen=function(){ //those events are also aviable with sse
ws.send('WS open!');//sending data to the server
console.log('WS closed!');
Adapting the js
load the "objectoJSON.js" with ajax and evulate it ... but not using eval(). eval is evil. use new Function()
function updateText(){
document.getElementById("rightFencerName").innerHTML = rightFencer.name;
document.getElementById("leftFencerName").innerHTML = leftFencer.name;
document.getElementById("rightFencerPoints").innerHTML = rightFencer.points;
document.getElementById("leftFencerPoints").innerHTML = leftFencer.points;
(new Function(this.response+'\n updateText()'))();
or append the script every 30 seconds or whatever....
I don't write that example as it is the worst approach.
With 30 clients it means that you have to read the file from server evey second.
With SSE or WS you read it once and broadcast it to hundreds of clients.
I suggest to fix your json file.
if you have any other questions ask.
I guess you are working with framework which supports websockets.
You could listen for a change in file using websocket.it may return change in data set like new record or update on any record, or using javascript/ajax call get latest content from server and update your HTML.
https://www.websocket.org/demos.html, see foreign exchange dashboard to see how websockets can be used for constantly updating data.
The way you are doing it now isn't scalable, testable or manageable.
You really don't want to save data on the server using plaintext json files.
If you want a more robust framework for handling your use case, I suggest using web sockets on both the client side and server side (socket.io is a great choice), and using RethinkDB on your server as the DB.

Passing form data to python

I have an HTML form with data that I would like to send to my SVN. Since HTML/JS have no means of doing this, I want to use Python as a link between the form and the SVN. My problem is that I do not know how to send data from HTML/JS to Python, both of which are client side (there is no server involved).
What I imagined would happen is that a user would fill out the form, then press a 'submit' button, which would call a Python script and pass their form data as arguements.
I have been searching and found that people are running Python server side and POSTing to it from their javascript, but since I have no server I don't think this is possible for me.
Is it possible to send data from HTML/JS to Python if they are both client side?
EDIT: I should add that I do have a good background in Python and JS
Here's a few neat ways of combining Python with JavaScript:
Return data from html/js to python
Note: Since you mentioned you had no server, the request you call with the javascript has to be pointed to the listening port of the socket that the python code runs on.
Easy enouhg would be to listen on port 80 with python and just do regular calls without thinking twice to the :80 from JavaScript.
Basically, HTML form, use JavaScript onSubmit() or a button that calls the AJAX code in the post above, then have Python read the JSON data (structure the <form> data according to the JSON format shown at the top of the link)
Here's a short intro on how to use form data via javascript:
<TITLE>Test Input</TITLE>
function testResults (form) {
var TestVar = form.inputbox.value;
alert ("You typed: " + TestVar);
<FORM NAME="myform" ACTION="" METHOD="GET">Enter something in the box: <BR>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="inputbox" VALUE=""><P>
<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="button" Value="Click" onClick="testResults(this.form)">
Use this principle to gather your information,
then build in the AJAX part in the link mentioned at the top..
Once you've done that, start a python script (shown in the link as well) that listens for these calls.
Remember: To use JSON, format it properly, ' will not be allowed for instance, it has to be "!
In my link, this is the important part that sends the GET request to the "server" (python script):
Here's the python part:
from socket import *
import json
s = socket()
s.bind(('', 80)) # <-- Since the GET request will be sent to port 80 most likely
ns, na = s.accept()
while 1:
data = ns.recv(8192) # <-- Get the browser data
## ---------- NOTE ------------ ##
## "data" by default contains a bunch of HTTP headers
## You need to get rid of those and parse the HTML data,
## the best way is to either just "print data" and see
## what it contains, or just try to find a HTTP parser lib (server side)
data = json.loads(data)
print data

passing a value from one file to another javascript

I have a file called functions.js where I have the functiom sum which computes the score that a student takes at a test. I want that sum to be printed into a table in the file admin.php so that the administrator sees all the scores that each student has.
So how can I pass the sum variable to another file? I tried calling the function using the onlick action but that didn't work
I guess you probably want something like this
document.getElementById('saveScoreButton').onclick = {
var r = new XMLHttpRequest,
message = document.getElementById('message'),
score = sum();
message.innerHTML = 'Saving your score; please wait a second';
r.open('get', 'savescore.php?score=' + score, true);
r.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (r.readyState == 4 && r.status == 200) {
message.innerHTML = 'Saved your score';
This passes the score to a PHP programme savescore.php when you click a button with id saveScoreButton. The PHP programme then has to retrieve it using $_GET["score"].
Note that this would be easy for the user to trick if they understand javascript and see what is happening. They could just type 'savescore.php?score=100' in the browser's address bar. If you want a secure solution the javascript should only pass the user's answers to the PHP programme, which would then mark the test and sum the results.
It is also possible to use the POST method instead of GET to pass a value:
r.open('post', 'savescore.php?score=' + score, true);
r.send('score=' + score);
Then pick it up in the PHP programme using $_POST["score"].
As mentioned in comments, if you want to compare/tabulate scores, then savescore.php will need to store the values in a database or file so that they can be retrieved by admin.php.
Javascript is ran client-sided, PHP is ran server-sided. Therefor, you have to code something in your javascript which alters the HTML page returned by the PHP script, displaying the result.
Once all of your files are loaded on the client, there isn't a concept of separate js files. The client (browser + javascript) and server (php) are 2 separate entities. When your data is one place the other has no clue it exists. Either research ajax as a method of communicating between the 2 locations or use a form and submit the page to the server.
Good overview of how the server and browser communicate: How does the communication between a browser and a web server take place?
Basics of Form submission: http://www.htmlgoodies.com/tutorials/forms/article.php/3479121/So-You-Want-A-Form-Huh.htm
Basics of Ajax: http://webdesign.about.com/od/ajax/a/aa101705.htm
Ajax with PHP: http://www.switchonthecode.com/tutorials/simple-ajax-php-and-javascript

Sending data from javascript to python

I have a website which contains some JavaScript code. On a different server, I have a python script. I am trying to send data to the python script and then have the python script return some text.
The JavaScript calls the python file with a call like:
My first question is how do I read in those parameters (type=ball and color=blue) in the python script? Would using any of these methods work:
import cgi
My second question is then how to I send data back to the JavaScript code. Now, I will be sending text back using JSONP (JavaScript uses callback). Will a simple print or return statement work as shown below?
return output_text
Thanks for the help!!! It is really appreciated!
If you're using the cgi module, then you use FieldStorage and print output
Taken from http://docs.python.org/2/library/cgi.html - this can be used as a base that you just tweak slightly...
import cgi
print "Content-Type: text/html" # HTML is following
print # blank line, end of headers
print "<TITLE>CGI script output</TITLE>"
print "<H1>This is my first CGI script</H1>"
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
if "name" not in form or "addr" not in form:
print "<H1>Error</H1>"
print "Please fill in the name and addr fields."
print "<p>name:", form["name"].value
print "<p>addr:", form["addr"].value

