How to convert Javascript string of array to array? - javascript

I have a data-type element for each option in select box. When I select an option I get the data-type as "[{:type=>"textbox", :label=>"Age"}]" (string of array of hashes). I want to convert this to array of hashes. I searched in google but couldn't get any. Can anyone help.
I tried replace as well,
str.replace('"[', '[').replace(']"' , ']'); but didnt get result. I want this in Javascript.

Works for this one sample anyway:
var a = '[{:type=>"textbox", :label=>"Age"}]';
var b = JSON.parse(a.replace(/:/g, '"').replace(/=>/g,'":'));


How do I parse part of a JSON object that has mixed string and numbers?

I have a JSON file that was processor generated with lines like this
jsonData: "{data: [350.23,250.32,150.34,340.50,236.70,370.45,380.55]}"
I can target the 'jsonData' object but that returns everything within the double quotes as a string.
I tried ...dataset[0].jsonData[8] which returns the '3' from the first value. I guess I could throw the mixed strings into a JS function and use regex to remove the extra stuff, but thats probably the hackyest way to do this.
Whats the easiest way to target the values only?
If you want to interact with it like the list I would consider something like
var list = jsonData.split("[")[1].split("]")[0].split(",")
The console reads:
'350.23', '250.32',
'150.34', '340.50',
'236.70', '370.45',
From here you can use list[3] to get 340.50
If you don't want to spend the time fixing your JSON just do this:
let values = "{data: [350.23,250.32,150.34,340.50,236.70,370.45,380.55]}".split(',').map(_ => _.replace(/[^0-9.]/g,''))

How do I see if a character exists within each instance of the array as I type within an array of objects?

I've been struggling with this issue so I thought I'd come here to find the fix. I'm trying to filter my objects that are in an array to only show the ones that have for example "h" in them.
This is how my array of objects is being constructed:
Object.keys(data.jello).forEach(function (id, SomeSearchValue) {
var jello = data.jello[id];
type: 'foo',
For example, let's say my array consists of this for names.
array[blue, red, green, apple, abigail, alien]
So, I have an array of objects. In a search bar I type "a" and my array results are then all objects that have a letter 'a' in the name. so...
array[abigail, alien]
Then i type a "b" so my search is now "ab" and my array is ...
So what would my code to implement this using jQuery?
The part I'm stuck on most is the actual searching as the user types without using ajax.
I'm using jQuery. Ive tried things like jQuery.grep(), inArray() but cant seem to search includes. I've also tried array.includes(). Thanks for the help!
Use Array#filter().
jQuery $.grep() is basically the same thing but also works on jQuery objects.
Following assumes you only want to search within name property and will accept the term found in any part of the name rather than just at beginning
const data = [{name:'blue'}, {name:'red'}, {name:'green'}, {name:'apple'}, {name:'abigail'}, {name:'alien'}];
const term ='ab';
const filtered = data.filter(({name}) => name.toLowerCase().includes(term.toLowerCase()))
// or use startsWith() to only match beginning of string

find value in complex object javascript

Basically I have a complex object that retrieves the GPT API (google publisher tag) with this function:
The object value is something like this:
I need to know if there is a way to compare the value of each property with an X value without getting a problem of recursivity (because the object is huge and i need to to that validation several times)
Also, I tried to convert that object into a JSON with JSON.stringify(), and then tried to get the value with a regex, faster, but with this option, I have the problem with Cyclic Object Value.
Any suggestions ?
it's more simple. try it to convert it into an array and later use a filter for comparative with your value.
var objGoogle = {};
var arrayObjectGoogle = [objGoogle];
var filter = arrayObjectGoogle.filter(function(obj){
obj.yourAttr == yourValue; });
this will give you a second array with the values found it. later, index the array for pick up the value do you need.

loop in JSON with undefined elements

I am trying to figure out how to retrieve the values of a json of which i do not know the number of elements.
my json can be something like
var json = ["fixelement1":"value1","fixelement2":"value2","fixelement3":"value3","variableelement4":"value4","variableelement5":"value5"]
var json =["fixelement1":"value1","fixelement2":"value2","fixelement3":"value3","variableelement7":"value7","variableelement8":"value8", "variableelementN":"valueN"]
the only thing that I know is that the first 3 elements are always the same.
I use .indexOf() to search a value in fixelement3. What I would like to do is, if I find the element, I would like to retrieve the name of all the following elements (which number is variable and that are unknown) and their values.
javascript or jquery would work for me, but I have no idea..
thank you in advance!
var json ={
for(prop in json){
console.log('key ======> value', prop, '=====>', json[prop]);

How to write HTML5 Data Attribute as JavaScript Array Elements

I have the following code:
<span data-test="15, 17">
JavaScript / JQuery:
$value = [ $(object).data('test') ]
The $value variable now contains an array with one element. This element has the value "15, 17". I want to change the value of data-test in HTML in a way that $value will contain an array with two elements "15" and "17". In my environment I can only change the data-test attribute of the span. I can not change the JavaScript.
jsFiddle how the result currently looks like: ["15, 17"]
But I need it to be: ["15", "17"]
Is there any way?
Edit 1: I want to highlight the following part again: I can not change the JavaScript, only the HTML
Edit 2: I guess from the answers and comments below that with these requirements it is not possible to achieve the result I aimed for.
You need to store the value as a serialised array, in other words like this:
<span data-test="[15, 17]">
When jQuery stores it in the data cache object it will be deserialised to an array:
var value = $('span').data('test'); // == Array
console.log(value.length); // = 2
Updated fiddle
The right answer: is impossible what you want, if you can't change the Javascript.
However, using javascript, an way to do is:
var array = $('#demo').data('test').split(',');
Example: (Don't forget to open the console.)
You need to store the array in JSON format.
See this fiddle:
The correct data value should be: [15, 17].
<span id="demo" data-test="[15, 17]"></div>

