HTML5 form validation without submit button - javascript

i want to validate the form inputs without an type="submit" button.
How can i do this?
I tried this ->
<script type="text/javascript">function validateForm() {
if( document.form1.vorname.value == "" )
return false;
if( document.form1.nachname.value == "" )
return false;
if( document.form1.postleitzahl.value == "" )
return false;
if( == "" )
return false;
if( document.form1.telefon_optin_Ja.value == "" )
return false;
if( document.form1.ort.value == "" )
return false;
if( document.form1.straße.value == "" )
return false;
if( document.form1.Anrede.value == "" )
return false;
}else {
backdrop: 'static',
keyboard: 'false',
My form name is: form1 , button -> `Absenden
The "background" of the question is: I want to validate the form inputs first, then (if all inputs ok) it should opens a modal, where u can select the redirect page (redirect yes, redirect no) then it submit the form via post to mail.php.
I hope u understand my question, if u have questions, pls ask. (My english is not so good..)
Thank you for help.

You have said about HTML5.
Then that means all you have to do is to use checkValidity() along with
<input type="text" name="name" required>
<input type="email" name="email" required placeholder="Enter a valid email address">
Here is the nice article about using HTML5 validation.
I have not used by myself. But I am glad to know a bit from your post.
If you want to use jQuery one then go for validation.

You could call your validate function everytime an input changes:
$('#form1 input').change(validateForm);

$("#form1 input").on('change,blur', validateForm);
function validateForm() {
// Caution : this refers to the HTMLElement
You shoud consider to use a jQuery form validation like library like or or create yours.

So I guess you want to do frontend validation with Javascript. There are wrapped library to do this. E.g., validate.js, verifyjs, and this one, ...
And you can bind the validation process on the blur event of an input
JQuery validate is a good choice with clear documentation. You just need to download the .js library and place it somewhere under your web folder, and using tag to include it. And call the .validate() function on the form you want to validate. That should be done.
$('input').on('blur', function(){


Prevent Form from Submitting if there are Errors

Before I get into the problem details, I still need to tell you about this form I am creating. I have a Registration form and once the user submits the form by clicking the Submit button, it will NOT go directly to a Successfully Registered page. The user will be seeing a Confirmation page prior to that. In this page, the user will see all the data he inputted for him to review. Below it are the Confirm button and the Return button (if user still likes/needs to edit his details, it will then show the form for him to edit once this button is clicked). But here's the thing, the Registration form page and the Confirmation page are in just the same page. What I did is that when the user submits the form, it will hide some elements including the Submit button and then just show the details he inputted. When the user clicks the Return button on the Confirmation page, it will just then show again the hidden fields so the user can edit his details.
What I did in preventing the form from submitting when there are errors is that I disabled the submit button. But it is not working. I am using bootstrap for my form so when there are errors, the input fields' borders would turn red and would obtain a class has-error. Here's what I did:
$("td .form-group").each(function() {
if($(this).hasClass('has-error') == true) {
$('#submit').attr('disabled', false);
} else {
But again, it is not working. I also googled some jQueries like the .valid() and .validate() functions but I'm not really sure about it and also didn't work for me.
I also did this code where the Submit button should disable when required fields are still empty. And it is perfectly working:
$('input[id^="account"]').keyup(function() {
if(($('#profile-company_name').val().length !=0) && ($('#account-mail_address').val().length !=0) && ($('#account-confirmemail').val().length !=0) && ($('#account-login_name').val().length !=0) && (($('#account-password').val().length !=0)) && ($('#account-confirmpassword').val().length !=0)) {
$('#submit').attr('disabled', false);
} else {
I hope you understand my problem. I will make it clearer if this confuses you.
What I did in preventing the form from submitting when there are errors is that I disabled the submit button. But it is not working.
When is it checking for errors? It needs to disable the submit button at the same time it is checking for errors. Your code doesn't work because there's no event telling it WHEN to execute. WHEN do you want submit button to be disabled?
Do you want it triggered when the field is validated or when the form is submitted?
You can't really tie it to the submit button unless you want to click it first to validate the form fields, and then again to submit validated fields. Then you'll need to figure out how to tell it that it's been validated like by a class, maybe? Only accept inputs that hasClass('valid')?
below are the changes
$(".form-group").find("td").each(function() {
if($(this).hasClass('has-error')) {
$('input[type="submit"]').prop('disabled', false);
} else {
$('input[type="submit"]').prop('disabled', true);
Try the following
var error = false;
$("td .form-group").each(function() {
if($(this).hasClass('has-error') == true) {
error = true;
return false; //break out of .each
return !error;
You can achieve this by maintaining 2 sections.
1. Form section
<form id="form1">
<input type="text" id="name" />
<input type="email" id="email" />
<input type="button" id="confirm" value="Confirm" />
2. Confirm section
<div id="disp_data" style="display: none;">
<lable>Name: <span id="name_val"></span></lable>
<lable>Email: <span id="email_val"></span></lable>
<input type="button" id="return" value="Return" />
<input type="button" id="submit" value="Submit" />
You have to submit the form by using js submit method on validating the form in confirm section (When the user clicks on submit button)
var error_cnt = false;
if($("#name").val() == '') {
error_cnt = true;
alert("Enter Name");
if($("#email").val() == '') {
error_cnt = true;
alert("Enter Email");
if(error_cnt == false) {
} else {
You have to prevent the form from sumition by return back a boolean false so that it will stop the execution.
var ret = (($('#profile-company_name').val().length !=0) && ($('#account-mail_address').val().length !=0) && ($('#account-confirmemail').val().length !=0) && ($('#account-login_name').val().length !=0) && (($('#account-password').val().length !=0)) && ($('#account-confirmpassword').val().length !=0));
if(!ret) return false;
If you want to disable the submit button in case of any error you need to monitor the changes of each input fields. so better to give a class name to all those input fields like commonClass
function validation_check(){
var ret = (($('#profile-company_name').val().length !=0) && ($('#account-mail_address').val().length !=0) && ($('#account-confirmemail').val().length !=0) && ($('#account-login_name').val().length !=0) && (($('#account-password').val().length !=0)) && ($('#account-confirmpassword').val().length !=0));
return ret;
else {
please use onsubmit attribute in the form element and write a javascript function to return false when there is any error. I've added fiddle you can try.
<form action="" method="" onsubmit="return dosubmit();">
<input type="text" id="name" />
<input type="email" id="email" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
function dosubmit() {
if(false) { //Check for errors, if there are errors return false. This will prevent th form being submitted.
return false;
} else {
return true;
Let me know if this fixes your issue.

Validate form's textarea - jQuery

I am trying to develope a plugin for an application that let the users invite their friends to use the application by just sending an email. Juts like Dropbox does to let the users invite friends and receive extra space.
I am trying to validate the only field I have in the form (textarea) with JQuery (I am new to JQuery) before submiting it and be handled by php.
This textarea will contain email addresses, separated by commas if more than one. Not even sure if textarea is the best to use for what I am trying to accomplish. Anyway here is my form code:
<form id="colleagues" action="email-sent.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="user" value="user" />
<textarea id="emails" name="emails" value="emails" placeholder="Example:,,"></textarea>
</br><span class="error_message"></span>
<!-- Submit Button -->
<div id="collegues_submit">
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
Here is what I tried in Jquery with no success:
//handle error
$(function() {
var error_emails = false;
$("#emails").focusout(function() {
function check_email() {
if(your_string.indexOf('#') != -1) {
} else {
$("#error_message").html("Invalid email,,");
error_emails = true;
$("#colleagues").submit(function() {
error_message = false;
if(error_message == false) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
I hope the question was clear enough, if you need more info please let me know.
Many thanks in advance for all your help and advises.
var array = str.split(/,\s*/);
// email is not valid!
return false;
// Code from the famous Email validation
function validateEmail(email) {
var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s#"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s#"]+)*)|(".+"))#((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
return re.test(email);
Few errors as I noted down:
The code snippet posted here has missing braces }); at the end.
Also, what is your_string variable in the function check_email.
Also, error_message is assigned false always so the submit method will return true always.
Fixing this issues should help you.
I would use, as I commented above, append() or prepend() and just add fields. As mentioned in another post, client side use jQuery validation, but you should for sure validate server-side using a loop and filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL). Here is a really basic example of the prepend():
<form id="colleagues" action="" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="user" value="user" />
<input name="emails[]" id="starter" placeholder="Email address" />
<div id="addEmail">+</div>
</br><span class="error_message"></span>
<!-- Submit Button -->
<div id="collegues_submit">
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#addEmail").click(function() {
$("#colleagues").prepend('<input name="emails[]" placeholder="Email address" />');
Hi please use below js code,
$('#emails').focusout(function(e) {
var email_list = $('#emails').val();
var email_list_array = new Array();
email_list_array = email_list.split(",");
var invalid_email_list=' ';
$.each(email_list_array, function( index, value ) {
invalid_email_list=invalid_email_list+' '+value+',';
console.log(invalid_email_list+' is not correct format.');
alert(invalid_email_list+' is not correct format.');
function validEmail(v) {
var r = new RegExp("[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*#(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?");
return (v.match(r) == null) ? false : true;
If you need to check more REGEX just do it validEmail() function. I hope this will help to sort out.
thank you
Your code might look correct, but you are using bad technique. My advice is to use jquery validation plugin that would handle textarea validation.for you. Also notice. There might be many solutions for this problem, but you should stick with simple one. And the first problem i see stright away is: button tag doesnt have type attribute. You are changing #error_message html, not text. Etc...

How to correctly validate form with jQuery?

So I have this jQuery for my form:
frm.submit(function(event) {
if(validateForm()) {
} else {
It does sort of work, but I get JS <error> (and it doesn't say anything else in the console about it), I think the reason is that the function has to go through the validation again? Kind of like a circular dependency.
Can you show me a better way to do the exact thing that I'm trying to achieve here please?
Validate and show errors if filled in the wrong way;
Submit the form if everything is ok
Something like this maybe?
<input type="text" id="name" />
<input type="tel" id="phone" />
<button type="button" id="submit">Submit</button>
<div id="errors"></div>
JS -
const user = {}
// validating form
if(!$('#name').val()) {
$('#errors').text('invalid value in "name" field')
if(!$('#phone').val()) {
$('#errors').text('invalid value in "phone" field')
$('#errors').text(''); = $('#phone').val(); = $('#name').val();
// form submission goes here
Logic -
Once a function returns, the execution of anything else after the return expression itself, is prevented.
If you don't return anything, the interpreter will continue to the next expression.
This gives you the option of manipulating elements and handle errors just before returning and stopping the function from continuing to run.
function validateForm(){
if (input.val().isok && select.val().ispresent){
why not that way?

Validation in jQuery and redirect new page with error fields

How to validate my all fields by using jquery ?
if validation fails,i want to redirect to new page and list out all validation failed fields.If it is success i will do insert operation.
<input class="textbox validate"type="text">
<input class="textbox validate"type="text">
//validate the all the field with having "validate" class
I am using MVC-3 but i want to do in custom j-query logic. I am a new person in j-query.
Thanks in advance !
Assuming you have a single function for validation:
function validate (text) {
return true; //or false
Then one thing you can do:
var validationErrors = [],
errorPageURL = "BASE URL for your error page";
$(".validate").each(function (index, element) {
if (!validate(element.val()) {
if (validationErrors.length === 0) {
//Do your input magic
} else {
window.location.replace(errorPageURL + "?errors=" + encodeURI(JSON.stringify(validationErrors)));
A few reference links:
jQuery val method
jQuery each method
About client-side redirects (with/without jQuery)

make a field mandatory using javascript

I am trying to make a select field mandatory on a web page. I know how to do it with help of JS and form attribute 'onsubmit' and returning the function. But the problem is that form code is already written and I dont know how to add attribute now. Let me know if I can append attribute dynamically from JS.
The other way I tried is to call the JS after page loaded. But this isnt making the field mandatory and form can be submitted.
Following is my code..
<!DOCTYPE html>
function f1()
var countryValue = document.getElementById('count ID').value;
if (countryValue == "")
alert("field value missing");
return false;
var stateValue = document.getElementById('state ID').value;
if (stateValue == "")
alert("state field value missing");
return false;
<form method = "post" action = "33.html">
Country: <input type="text" id="count ID">
state: <select id="state ID">
<option value="ap">ap</option>
<option value="bp">bp</option>
<input type = "submit">
Please help.
Have a look at this since you have messed up the IDs
Live Demo
window.onload=function() {
document.forms[0].onsubmit=function() { // first form on page
var countryValue = this.elements[0].value; // first field in form
if (countryValue == "") {
alert("Please enter a country");
return false;
var stateIdx = this.elements[1].selectedIndex; // second field
if (stateIdx < 1) { // your first option does not have a value
alert("Please select a state");
return false;
return true; // allow submission
PS: It is likely that POSTing to an html page will give you an error
To get the last button to do the submission
window.onload=function() {
var form = document.forms[0]; // first form
// last element in form:
form.elements[form.elements.length-1].onclick=function() {
this.form.submit(); // instead of return true
Once you've got a function to detect improper values (empty mandatory field or anything else, like a bad e-mail address for instance) you have a few different options :
disable the submit button
cancel the onclick event on the button
cancel the submit event on the form
disabling the submit button can be annoying for the user (it might flash on and off while the values are entered).
I had the same issue, but i made a extension. Using hook system to translate fields with "*", in the names, to validate like required field. This is a simple solution not intrusive where is not required addition of fields in the database, only by the use of sufix "*" in configuration of custom fields.
There is the code:

