Filtering with AngularJS within an Object - javascript

I've been beating myself up over this for the past two days and I cant find a solution. I'm trying to filter a set of articles based off of their tags. I've used an ng-repeat to repeat the article and display the data coming from my API. But cant seem to get the filter correct.
Here is an example of the Article Object
{"id":"05390344-57f8-4f2a-ada0-0705edacd0ef","type":"Article","title":"Lorem title","topics":[{"Id":"bb2a6222-34b1-4abd-8d19-c07eb7ff4d0c","Name":"Pajamas"},{"Id":"7f752e06-092b-473a-9f4e-b79796c7ab7b","Name":"Undies"},{"Id":"bd533c42-90e9-4dce-9316-e3be6c8fc55c","Name":"Briefs"}],"synopsis":"<p>Lorem Ipsem synposis</p>","date":"August 20, 2014","time":"9:28 AM","source":"Localhost","url":"#"}
My controller contains
$scope.filterTopics = {};
function getChecked(obj) {
var checked = [];
for (var key in obj) if (obj[key]) checked.push(key);
return checked;
$scope.searchFilter = function (row) {
var topicChecked = getChecked($scope.filterTopics);
if (topicChecked.length == 0)
return true;
else {
if ($scope.filterTopics[row.topics])
return true;
$scope.$watch('cards', function (cards) {
$scope.count = 0;
angular.forEach(cards, function (card) {
if (card.filterTopics) {
$scope.count += 1;
My view to create the ng-repeat
<div ng-repeat="article in articles | filter: searchFilter">
Then I have checkboxes that I can click to pass search filter the topic Id
Any help would be great!!!!
Solution was to add a for loop to grab each object
for (var i in row.topics) {
if (topicChecked.indexOf(row.topics[i].Id) != -1) {
return true;


How to combine two or multiple JSON objects into one in AngularJS?

Is it possible to add new data in API JSON response in AngularJS? I am consuming a REST API which returns country details, but I want to add more details to it.
After the API call, I'm getting this response:
There are few empty fields (red arrow). I need to fill it up using another API into each respective country, and also add new keys such as "id" etc if possible.
Is it possible to achieve this? and how?
Here is the code:
Api service.js (data which are going to be added)
$http.get("https://api.../getfile/rohit/fw18countries").success(function(data) {
teams = data.teams;
/* shuffle(teams); */
return {
GetTeams: function(){
return teams;
get: function(teamId) {
for (var i = 0; i < teams.length; i++) {
if (teams[i].id === parseInt(teamId)) {
return teams[i];
return null;
/* all teams data */
$scope.Allteams = wcAPI.GetTeams();
/* REST API call */
.then(function(data) {
$ = data;
So now, I need to update $ (REST API data) using $scope.Allteams (my static data) with respective fields as mentioned above. Need to merge them respectively.
You can try this with the following code. Looping through the data arrays and findig the right one. Then adding all values to the object.
for(var i = 0; i< $; i++) {
//Find the right index from $
for(var j = 0; j< $scope.Allteams.length; j++) {
// TODO here you have to campare by right value
if($[i].id == $scope.Allteams[j].teamId) {
for(var key in $scope.AllTeams[j]) {
if(!$scope.Allteams[j].hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
//Adds the value to the object
$[i][key] = $scope.Allteams[j][key];

How to update JavaScript array dynamically

I have an empty javascript array(matrix) that I created to achieve refresh of divs. I created a function to dynamically put data in it. Then I created a function to update the Array (which I have issues).
The Data populated in the Array are data attributes that I put in a JSON file.
To better undertand, here are my data attributes which i put in json file:
var currentAge = $(this).data("age");
var currentDate = $(this).data("date");
var currentFullName = $(this).data("fullname");
var currentIDPerson = $(this).data("idPerson");
var currentGender = $(this).data("gender");
Creation of the array:
var arrayData = [];
Here is the function a created to initiate and addind element to the Array :
function initMatrix(p_currentIDPerson, p_currentGender, p_currentFullName, p_currentDate, p_currentAge) {
var isFound = false;
// search if the unique index match the ID of the HTML one
for (var i = 0; i < arrayData.length; i++) {
if(arrayData[i].idPerson== p_currentIDPerson) {
isFound = true;
// If it doesn't exist we add elements
if(isFound == false) {
var tempArray = [
currentIDPerson: p_currentIDPerson,
currentGender: p_currentGender,
currentFullName: p_currentFullName,
currentDate: p_currentDate, currentAge: p_currentAge
The update function here is what I tried, but it doesn't work, maybe I'm not coding it the right way. If you can help please.
function updateMatrix(p_currentIDPerson, p_currentGender, p_currentFullName, p_currentDate, p_currentAge) {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
for (var key in arguments[i]) {
arrayData[i] = arguments[i][key];
To understand the '$this' and elm: elm is the clickableDivs where I put click event:
(function( $ ) {
// Plugin to manage clickable divs
$.fn.infoClickable = function() {
this.each(function() {
var elm = $( this );
//Call init function
//call function update
updateMatrix("idTest", "Alarme", "none", "10-02-17 08:20", 10);
// Définition de l'evenement click
elm.on("click", function(){});
}( jQuery ));
Thank you in advance
Well... I would recommend you to use an object in which each key is a person id for keeping this list, instead of an array. This way you can write cleaner code that achieves the same results but with improved performance. For example:
var myDataCollection = {};
function initMatrix(p_currentIDPerson, p_currentGender, p_currentFullName, p_currentDate, p_currentAge) {
if (!myDataCollection[p_currentIDPerson]) {
myDataCollection[p_currentIDPerson] = {
currentIDPerson: p_currentIDPerson,
currentGender: p_currentGender,
currentFullName: p_currentFullName,
currentDate: p_currentDate,
currentAge: p_currentAge
function updateMatrix(p_currentIDPerson, p_currentGender, p_currentFullName, p_currentDate, p_currentAge) {
if (myDataCollection[p_currentIDPerson]) {
myDataCollection[p_currentIDPerson] = {
currentGender: p_currentGender,
currentFullName: p_currentFullName,
currentDate: p_currentDate,
currentAge: p_currentAge
Depending on your business logic, you can remove the if statements and keep only one function that adds the object when there is no object with the specified id and updates the object when there is one.
I think the shape of the resulting matrix is different than you think. Specifically, the matrix after init looks like [ [ {id, ...} ] ]. Your update function isn't looping enough. It seems like you are trying to create a data structure for storing and updating a list of users. I would recommend a flat list or an object indexed by userID since thats your lookup.
var userStorage = {}
// add/update users
userStorage[id] = {id:u_id};
// list of users
var users = Object.keys(users);

Angular Check All button

I have a handful of simple checkbox lists that I need to create for an application. I built a "Check All" button for my initial test and it worked beautifully. But, when I changed the code to fetch a subset of the list via a Node call, the list still appeared as expected, but the Check All functionality no longer did. In my initial test, the list was just an array of objects with "description" and "value" but after inserting Node into the middle, the objects also had a $$hashkey property. I'm not sure if this is the source of the problem, but if someone could take a look and tell me what's wrong, I'd appreciate it.
My HTML looks like this:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3" id="semRushApiList_None">
<input type="checkbox" value="semRushCheckAll_None" name="semRushCheckAll_None" ng-click="toggleSemRushApiTypes_None()" /><strong>Check All</strong>
<div ng-repeat="apiCall in semRushApiTypes_None">
<input type="checkbox" name="selectedSemRushApiTypes_None[]" value="{{apiCall.apiName}}" ng-checked="selectedSemRushApiTypes_None.indexOf(apiCall) > -1" ng-click="toggleSemRushApiSelection_None(apiCall)" /> {{apiCall.description}}
My angular js looks like this:
$scope.semRushCheckAll_None = false;
$scope.semRushApiTypes_None = [];
$scope.semRushApiTypes_None = types;
$scope.selectedSemRushApiTypes_None = [];
$scope.toggleSemRushApiTypes_None = function() {
$scope.semRushCheckAll_None = !$scope.semRushCheckAll_None;
if ($scope.semRushCheckAll_None) {
$scope.selectedSemRushApiTypes_None = angular.copy($scope.semRushApiTypes_None);
} else {
$scope.selectedSemRushApiTypes_None = [];
$scope.toggleSemRushApiSelection_None = function(apiCall) {
var idx = $scope.selectedSemRushApiTypes_None.indexOf(apiCall);
if (idx > -1) {
$scope.selectedSemRushApiTypes_None.splice(idx, 1);
} else {
function fetchApiTypesByCategory(category) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
$http.get(rootApiUrl + "/fetchSemRushApiTypesByCategory?category=" + category).then(function(response) {
}, function(response){
deferred.reject("Error: " +;
return deferred.promise;
The node call looks like this:
var q = Qs.parse(request.query);
return reply(factory.createApiTypeList(q["category"])).code(200);
and the factory looks like this:
exports.createApiTypeList = function(category) {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < semRushApiJson.length; i++) {
if (semRushApiJson[i].category === category) {
var description = semRushApiJson[i].description;
var apiName = "";
for (var p = 0; p < semRushApiJson[i].params.length; p++) {
if (semRushApiJson[i].params[p].key == "type") {
apiName = semRushApiJson[i].params[p].value;
"description": description,
"apiName": apiName
return result;
Some simple console.log statements have proven that things are being populated as expected, with the exception of the $$hashkey property on the objects coming out of the Node call.
When I check the checkboxes individually, the selected array is populated with a value that doesn't have the $$hashkey and when I check the check all, the selected list gets all of the appropriate values including the $$hashkey, but the checkboxes do not get updated on the UI like they did before I moved the populating of the list to a Node call.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?

Filtering through nested ng-repeats with custom filters

It seems like custom filters is what I'm going after here. There's a specific behavior I'm looking for when filtering out elements. I'm looking to make a unified search bar to return entire matching group names with all students failing a group name match, group names with just the matching students.
Here's my plunker with all the code
For example, by searching for "er" the results should be the entire listing of "FiddlER Crabs" and "FiERy Skippers" but "Golden Bears" should only show Drew ParkER and ERic.
The plunkr currently demonstrates the default filter behavior. If one changes the filter in the HTML to my custom filter, nestFilter on line 27, and follows the console logs, you can see that the returned array is updating with the addition and removal of search terms but the elements aren't being redrawn. Here's my filter
bootTracker.filter('nestFilter', function() {
return function(elements, input) {
var filteredCohorts, filteredCohortsStudents;
filteredCohorts = [];
filteredCohortsStudents = [];
angular.forEach(elements, function(cohort) {
var matchedStudents;
matchedStudents = [];
if ( RegExp(input, 'ig'))) {
angular.forEach(cohort.students, function(student) {
if ( RegExp(input, 'ig'))) {
return matchedStudents.push(student);
cohort.students = matchedStudents;
if (cohort.students.length > 0) {
return filteredCohortsStudents.push(cohort);
return filteredCohorts;
There are a couple of issues with your nestFilter, one of which was that you were modifying to original array (setting cohort.students = matchedStudents).
Here's a working version of the nestFilter (see this Plunker for a demo)
bootTracker.filter('nestFilter', function() {
return function(elements, input) {
var filteredCohorts = [];
angular.forEach(elements, function(element) {
if ( RegExp(input, 'ig'))) {
} else {
var matchedStudents = [];
angular.forEach(element.students, function(student) {
if ( RegExp(input, 'ig'))) {
if (matchedStudents.length > 0) {
var cohort = angular.extend({}, element);
cohort.students = matchedStudents;
return filteredCohorts;

Advanced search/queue array collection question

I have a pretty large number of objects "usrSession" I store them in my ArrayCollection usrSessionCollection.
I'M looking for a function that returns the latest userSessions added with a unique userID. So something like this:
search the usrSessionCollection and only return one userSessions per userID.
When it has returned x number of userSessions then deleted them from the usrSessionCollection
I'M stuck - would really love some code that can help me with that.
function ArrayCollection() {
var myArray = new Array;
return {
empty: function () {
myArray.splice(0, myArray.length);
add: function (myElement) {
function usrSession(userID, cords, color) {
this.UserID = userID;
this.Cords = cords;
this.Color = color;
usrSessionCollection = new ArrayCollection();
$.getJSON(dataurl, function (data) {
for (var x = 0; x < data.length; x++) {
usrSessionCollection.add(new usrSession(data[x].usrID.toString(), data[x].usrcords.toString() ,data[x].color.toString());
The biggest issue is that you have made the array private to the outside world. Only methods through which the array can be interacted with are add and empty. To be able to search the array, you need to either add that functionality in the returned object, or expose the array. Here is a modified ArrayCollection:
function ArrayCollection() {
var myArray = new Array;
return {
empty: function () {
myArray.splice(0, myArray.length);
add: function (myElement) {
getAll: function() {
return myArray;
Now to get the last N unique session objects in usrSessionCollection, traverse the sessions array backwards. Maintain a hash of all userID's seen so far, so if a repeated userID comes along, that can be ignored. Once you've collected N such user sessions or reached the beginning of the array, return all collected sessions.
usrSessionCollection.getLast = function(n) {
var sessions = this.getAll();
var uniqueSessions = [];
var addedUserIDs = {}, session, count, userID;
for(var i = sessions.length - 1; i >= 0, uniqueSessions.length < n; i--) {
session = sessions[i];
userID = session.userID;
if(!addedUserIDs[userID]) {
addedUserIDs[userID] = true;
return uniqueSessions;
I wouldn't combine the delete step with the traversal step, just to keep things simple. So here's the remove method that removes the given session from the array. Again, it's better to modify the interface returned by ArrayCollection rather than tampering with the sessions array directly.
function ArrayCollection(..) {
return {
remove: function(item) {
for(var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
if(item == myArray[i]) {
return myArray.splice(i, 1);
return null;
Example: Get the last 10 unique sessions and delete them:
var sessions = usrSessionCollection.getLast(10);
for(var i = 0; i < sessions.length; i++) {
console.log(sessions[i].UserID); // don't need dummy variable, log directly
See a working example.
You made your array private, so you can't access the data, except adding a new element or removing them all. You need to make the array public, or provide a public interface to access the data. Like first(), next() or item(index).
Then you can add a search(userID) method to the usrSessionCollection, which uses this interface to go through the elements and search by userID.
UPDATE: this is how I would do it: - See it in action. (click preview)
// user session
function userSession(userID, cords, color) {
this.UserID = userID;
this.Cords = cords;
this.Color = color;
// a collection of user sessionions
// a decorated array basically, with
// tons of great methods available
var userSessionCollection = Array;
userSessionCollection.prototype.lastById = function( userID ) {
for ( var i = this.length; i--; ) {
if ( this[i].UserID === userID ) {
return this[i];
// NOTE: returns undefined by default
// which is good. means: no match
// we can have aliases for basic functions
userSessionCollection.prototype.add = Array.prototype.push;
// or make new ones
userSessionCollection.prototype.empty = function() {
return this.splice(0, this.length);
// make a new collection
var coll = new userSessionCollection();
// put elements in (push and add are also available)
coll.add ( new userSession(134, [112, 443], "#fffff") );
coll.push( new userSession(23, [32, -32], "#fe233") );
coll.push( new userSession(324, [1, 53], "#ddddd") );
// search by id (custom method)
var search = coll.lastById(134);
if( search ) {
} else {
console.log("there is no match");
// empty and search again
search = coll.lastById(134);
if( search ) {
} else {
console.log("there is no match");

