I am currently learning alot more about callback functions and want to create my own callback functions with a success and failure.
I have written for a Person object a game of rock paper sissors
Person = (function() {
function Person(name) {
this.name = name;
Person.prototype.randomRps = function() {
var choices, randomChoice;
choices = ["rock", "paper", "sissor"];
return randomChoice = choices[Math.floor(Math.random() * choices.length)];
Person.rockPaperSissor = function(player1, player2) {
return player1.randomRps() === player2.randomRps();
return Person;
I want to call Person.rockPaperSissor(p1,p2).then(...) but don't know how I should write this .then() function to chain it to the .rockPaperSissor()
Similar to how jQuery has $.get() and a .success() and error() functions to chain.
You just need to return this at your function
Person.rockPaperSissor = function(player1, player2) {
this.state = player1.randomRps() === player2.randomRps();
return this;
Person.then = function() {
var x = this.state;
Assuming that something in Person.rockPaperSissor is async, you need to return some sort of Promise object. As others have noted, if the result here is synchronous, then there's no point in this particular misdirection. JQuery provides an implementation in DeferredObject; if you want to write your own, you'd need to work out what methods this object should support.
To take a relatively simple case, you could make a Promise class that only supported .then like this:
function Promise() {
// start unresolved
this.resolved = false;
// init list of callbacks to fire on resolution
this.callbacks = [];
Promise.prototype = {
then: function(callback) {
if (this.resolved) {
// if resolved, fire immediately
} else {
// otherwise, queue up the callback for later
resolve: function() {
this.resolved = true;
// fire all callbacks
this.callbacks.forEach(function(callback) {
Then, in your async function, you'd do something like:
Person.rockPaperSissor = function(player1, player2) {
var promise = new Promise();
doSomethingAsync(function callback() {
return promise;
In your specific case, .then won't be super-useful unless you expose the results of the rockPaperSissor function as persistent state on Person; if you want to pass the result to the callbacks, you'll need slightly more involved handling to pass arguments to your callbacks and potentially handle failure cases.
I'm trying to write a promise polyfill to get a better understanding of promise.
I've searched the internet and found a code which I'm able to understand to some extent.
function CustomPromise(executor) {
var state=PENDING;
var value = null;
var handlers=[];
var catchers = [];
function resolve(result) {
if(state!==PENDING) return;
value = result;
handlers.forEach((h)=>h(value)); //this line
function reject(error) {
catchers.forEach(c=>c(value)); // this line
this.then = function(successCallback) {
if(state === FULFILLED) {
}else {
return this;
this.catch = function(failureCallback) {
} else {
Even in this I'm unable to understand the use of handlers and catchers. It was said that they are for situation when promise is not fulfilled or rejected. Explaining these two lines will also help.
Now, the actual issue with above implementation is it doesn't work for when used like let p1 = Promise.resolve("Hello World");. I have tried converting it to class based but I'm unable to do that.
My attempt:
class CustomPromise {
this.state = PENDING;
this.executor = callback;
this.value = null;
this.handlers = [];
this.catchers = [];
this.then = function(successCallback) {
if(this.state === FULFILLED) {
}else {
return this;
this.catch = function(failureCallback) {
} else {
static resolve(result) {
if(this.state!==PENDING) return;
this.value = result;
// return new CustomPromise( function ( fulfil ) {
// fulfil( value );
// });
static reject(error) {
// executor(resolve,reject);
Can someone correct the functional approach so that it works for CustomPromise.resolve() scenario or correction in my class based approach will also be appreciated.
EDIT: Tried CustomPromise.prototype.resolve = function(error) {...}
still getting same error CustomPromise.resolve is not a function
EDIT2 : In class based approach I'm unable to implement executor callback. I just want either one of the approach to work for case like Promise.resolve()
To extend the first (working) version of CustomPromise, add the code you seem to have been trying with in commented-out code in the (non-working) class-version you had. But it had two little problems. Still, the idea to use new CustomPromise is the right one:
CustomPromise.resolve = value => new CustomPromise(fulfil => fulfil(value));
CustomPromise.reject = error => new CustomPromise((_, reject) => reject(error));
So if you add that below your CustomPromise function definition, it'll work:
const PENDING = "pending";
const FULFILLED = "fulfilled";
const REJECTED = "rejected";
function CustomPromise(executor) {
var state=PENDING;
var value = null;
var handlers=[];
var catchers = [];
function resolve(result) {
if(state!==PENDING) return;
value = result;
function reject(error) {
this.then = function(successCallback) {
if(state === FULFILLED) {
}else {
return this;
this.catch = function(failureCallback) {
} else {
// Added:
CustomPromise.resolve = value => new CustomPromise(fulfil => fulfil(value));
CustomPromise.reject = error => new CustomPromise((_, reject) => reject(error));
// Demo
let p = CustomPromise.resolve(42);
let q = CustomPromise.reject("custom error");
p.then(value => console.log("p", value));
q.catch(error => console.log("q", error));
Disclaimer: this polyfill is not compliant with the Promises/A+ specification let be it would be compliant with the ECMAScript specification for Promise.
Some of the problems it has:
It allows the then callback to be executed synchronously. The then callback should never be executed synchronously, but always be called via a queued job (i.e. asynchronously).
The catch method wrongly returns undefined. It should return a promise.
The then method wrongly returns the same promise as it is called on. It should return a different promise, that resolves with the value that will be returned by the callback.
The then method ignores a second argument. It should take a second function which should serve as a rejection callback (like catch).
When the promise is resolved with a thenable, the thenable is wrongly used as fulfillment value. This is not how it is supposed to work. A very important aspect of promises, is that promises chain, i.e. when a promise resolves to another promise (or thenable), it gets "locked in" to that second promise, so that it will follow the way that second promise resolves.
There are many correct implementations to be found. I posted my own Promises/A+ compliant implementation in this answer. It does not have the resolve and reject static methods, but it would require the same additional code as given above.
Sometimes code would like to know if a particular function (or children) are running or not. For instance, node.js has domains which works for async stuff as well (not sure if this includes async functions).
Some simple code to explain what I need would by like this:
inUpdate = true;
try {
} finally {
inUpdate = false;
This could then be used something like:
function modifyThings() {
if (inUpdate) throw new Error("Can't modify while updating");
With the advent of async this code breaks if the doUpdate() function is asynchronous. This was of course already true using callback-style functions.
The doUpdate function could of course be patched to maintain the variable around every await, but even if you have control over the code, this is cumbersome and error prone and this breaks when trying to track async function calls inside doUpdate.
I tried monkey-patching Promise.prototype:
const origThen = Promise.prototype.then;
Promise.prototype.then = function(resolve, reject) {
const isInUpdate = inUpdate;
origThen.call(this, function myResolve(value) {
inUpdate = isInUpdate;
try {
return resolve(value);
} finally {
inUpdate = false;
}, reject);
Unfortunately this doesn't work. I'm not sure why, but the async continuation code ends up running outside of the resolve call stack (probably using a microtask).
Note that it's not enough to simply do:
function runUpdate(doUpdate) {
inUpdate = true;
doUpdate.then(() => inUpdate = false).catch(() => inUpdate = false);
The reason is:
console.log(inUpdate); // incorrectly returns true
Is there any way to track something from outside an async function so it's possible to tell if the function called, or any of its descendant calls are running?
I know that it's possible to simulate async functions with generators and yield, in which case we have control over the call stack (since we can call gen.next()) but this is a kludge which the advent of async functions just got around to solving, so I'm specifically looking for a solution that works with native (not Babel-generated) async functions.
Edit: To clarify the question: Is there's a way for outside code to know if a particular invocation of an async function is running or if it is suspended, assuming that this code is the caller of the async function. Whether it's running or not would be determined by a function that ultimately is called by the async function (somewhere in the stack).
Edit: To clarify some more: The intended functionality would be the same as domains in node.js, but also for the browser. Domains already work with Promises, so async functions probably work as well (not tested).
This code allows me to do what I want to a certain extent:
function installAsyncTrack() {
/* global Promise: true */
if (Promise.isAsyncTracker) throw new Error('Only one tracker can be installed');
const RootPromise = Promise.isAsyncTracker ? Promise.rootPromise : Promise;
let active = true;
const tracker = {
track(f, o, ...args) {
const prevObj = tracker.trackObj;
tracker.trackObj = o;
try {
return f.apply(this, args);
} finally {
tracker.trackObj = prevObj;
trackObj: undefined,
uninstall() {
active = false;
if (Promise === AsyncTrackPromise.prevPromise) return;
if (Promise !== AsyncTrackPromise) return;
Promise = AsyncTrackPromise.prevPromise;
AsyncTrackPromise.prototype = Object.create(Promise);
AsyncTrackPromise.rootPromise = RootPromise;
AsyncTrackPromise.prevPromise = Promise;
Promise = AsyncTrackPromise;
AsyncTrackPromise.resolve = value => {
return new AsyncTrackPromise(resolve => resolve(value));
AsyncTrackPromise.reject = val => {
return new AsyncTrackPromise((resolve, reject) => reject(value));
AsyncTrackPromise.all = iterable => {
const promises = Array.from(iterable);
if (!promises.length) return AsyncTrackPromise.resolve();
return new AsyncTrackPromise((resolve, reject) => {
let rejected = false;
let results = new Array(promises.length);
let done = 0;
const allPromises = promises.map(promise => {
if (promise && typeof promise.then === 'function') {
return promise;
return new AsyncTrackPromise.resolve(promise);
allPromises.forEach((promise, ix) => {
promise.then(value => {
if (rejected) return;
results[ix] = value;
if (done === results.length) {
}, reason => {
if (rejected) return;
rejected = true;
AsyncTrackPromise.race = iterable => {
const promises = Array.from(iterable);
if (!promises.length) return new AsyncTrackPromise(() => {});
return new AsyncTrackPromise((resolve, reject) => {
let resolved = false;
if (promises.some(promise => {
if (!promise || typeof promise.then !== 'function') {
return true;
})) return;
promises.forEach((promise, ix) => {
promise.then(value => {
if (resolved) return;
resolved = true;
}, reason => {
if (resolved) return;
resolved = true;
function AsyncTrackPromise(handler) {
const promise = new RootPromise(handler);
promise.trackObj = tracker.trackObj;
promise.origThen = promise.then;
promise.then = thenOverride;
promise.origCatch = promise.catch;
promise.catch = catchOverride;
if (promise.finally) {
promise.origFinally = promise.finally;
promise.finally = finallyOverride;
return promise;
AsyncTrackPromise.isAsyncTracker = true;
function thenOverride(resolve, reject) {
const trackObj = this.trackObj;
if (!active || trackObj === undefined) return this.origThen.apply(this, arguments);
return this.origThen.call(
myResolver(trackObj, resolve),
reject && myResolver(trackObj, reject)
function catchOverride(reject) {
const trackObj = this.trackObj;
if (!active || trackObj === undefined) return this.origCatch.catch.apply(this, arguments);
return this.origCatch.call(
myResolver(trackObj, reject)
function finallyOverride(callback) {
const trackObj = this.trackObj;
if (!active || trackObj === undefined) return this.origCatch.catch.apply(this, arguments);
return this.origCatch.call(
myResolver(trackObj, reject)
return tracker;
function myResolver(trackObj, resolve) {
return function myResolve(val) {
if (trackObj === undefined) {
return resolve(val);
RootPromise.resolve().then(() => {
const prevObj = tracker.trackObj;
tracker.trackObj = trackObj;
RootPromise.resolve().then(() => {
tracker.trackObj = prevObj;
const prevObj = tracker.trackObj;
tracker.trackObj = trackObj;
try {
return resolve(val);
} finally {
tracker.trackObj = prevObj;
tracker = installAsyncTrack();
function track(func, value, ...args) {
return tracker.track(func, { value }, value, ...args);
function show(where, which) {
console.log('At call', where, 'from', which, 'the value is: ', tracker.trackObj && tracker.trackObj.value);
async function test(which, sub) {
show(1, which);
await delay(Math.random() * 100);
show(2, which);
if (sub === 'resolve') {
await Promise.resolve(test('sub'));
show(3, which);
if (sub === 'call') {
await test(which + ' sub');
show(3, which);
function delay(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
track(test, 'test1');
track(test, 'test2');
track(test, 'test3', 'resolve');
track(test, 'test4', 'call');
It replaces the native Promise with my own. This promise stores the current context (taskObj) on the promise.
When the .then callback or its ilk are called, it does the following:
It creates a new native promise that immediately resolves. This adds a new microtask to the queue (according to spec, so should be reliable).
It calls the original resolve or reject. At least in Chrome and Firefox, this generates another microtask onto the queue that will run next part of the async function. Not sure what the spec has to say about this yet. It also restores the context around the call so that if it's not await that uses it, no microtask gets added here.
The first microtask gets executed, which is my first (native) promise being resolved. This code restores the current context (taskObj). It also creates a new resolved promise that queues another microtask
The second microtask (if any) gets executed, running the JS in the async function to until it hits the next await or returns.
The microtask queued by the first microtask gets executed, which restores the context to what it was before the Promise resolved/rejected (should always be undefined, unless set outside a tracker.track(...) call).
If the intercepted promise is not native (e.g. bluebird), it still works because it restores the state during the resolve(...) (and ilk) call.
There's one situation which I can't seem to find a solution for:
tracker.track(async () => {
console.log(tracker.taskObj); // 'test'
await (async () => {})(); //This breaks because the promise generated is native
console.log(tracker.taskObj); // undefined
}, 'test')
A workaround is to wrap the promise in Promise.resolve():
tracker.track(async () => {
console.log(tracker.taskObj); // 'test'
await Promise.resolve((async () => {})());
console.log(tracker.taskObj); // undefined
}, 'test')
Obviously, a lot of testing for all the different environments is needed and the fact that a workaround for sub-calls is needed is painful. Also, all Promises used need to either be wrapped in Promise.resolve() or use the global Promise.
[is it] possible to tell if the function called, or any of its descendant calls are running?
Yes. The answer is always no. Cause there is only one piece of code running at a time. Javascript is single threaded per definition.
Don't make it any more complicated than it needs to be. If doUpdate returns a promise (like when it is an async function), just wait for that:
inUpdate = true;
try {
await doUpdate();
} finally {
inUpdate = false;
You can also use the finally Promise method:
var inUpdate = true;
doUpdate().finally(() => {
inUpdate = false;
That'll do just like like your synchronous code, having inUpdate == true while the function call or any of its descendants are running. Of course that only works if the asynchronous function doesn't settle the promise before it is finished doing its thing. And if you feel like the inUpdate flag should only be set during some specific parts of the doUpdate function, then yes the function will need to maintain the flag itself - just like it is the case with synchronous code.
I have this function:
waitForFreeAccnt.prototype.isMemberFree = function () {
var self = this;
self.api.getMemberInfo(function () {
var accType = self.api.connect.accountType;
if (accType === 'FREE') {
console.log('it is free');
return true;
} else {
console.log('it is not free');
return false;
I would like to wait till the account is free for up to 10 seconds with something like that:
var test = function () {
for (var start = 1; start < 10; start++) {
var result = self.isMemberFree();
if (result) {
} else {
But it doesn't work because self.api.getMemberInfo is asynch call. This is super frustrating with Javascript. Any other language it would be so simple to do. How do I force the for loop to wait for self.isMemberFree() to finish executing before proceeding with the loop?
Also to note, this is not in browser execution so I don't care about anything hanging.
When dealing with asynchronous code, you need to make use of callbacks. That is, if you want to do a() and b() in order but a() does something asynchronously, then you need to call b() from within a() once a() has a result. So not:
a(); // does something asynchronously
b(); // tries to use a()'s result but it isn't available yet
... but rather
a(b); // pass b to a() and a() will call it when ready
function a(callback) {
triggerAsyncFunction(function(result) {
if (result === something)
callback("a just finished");
Note that a() doesn't refer to b() by name, it just calls whatever function is passed in as an argument.
So applying that to your code, maybe something like this:
waitForFreeAccnt.prototype.isMemberFree = function (cbf) {
var self = this;
self.api.getMemberInfo(function () {
cbf(self.api.connect.accountType === 'FREE');
waitForFreeAccnt.prototype.testMemberXTimes = function(maxAttempts, callback) {
var attempts = 0;
var self = this;
(function attempt() {
self.isMemberFree(function(free) {
if (free)
else if (++attempts < maxAttempts)
setTimeout(attempt, 1000);
this.testMemberXTimes(10, function(isFree) {
// the next part of your code here, or called from here
// because at this point we know we've tested up to
// ten times and isFree tells us the result
Note that the way I coded getMemberInfo() it is basically doing the same thing yours was, but instead of returning a boolean it is calling the callback function and passing the same boolean value that you were returning. (I've removed the console.log()s to make the code shorter.)
Note also that you could structure the above to use promises, but the end result will be the same.
You could return a Promise
waitForFreeAccnt.prototype.isMemberFree = function () {
return new Promise((reject, resolve)=>
// set a timeout if api call takes too long
var timeout = setTimeout(()=> reject(Error('API timeout')), 10000);
// make api call
this.api.getMemberInfo(()=> {
resolve(this.api.connect.accountType === 'FREE');
Then use it like this
whatever.isMemberFree().then(isFree=> {
if (isFree)
console.log('it is free');
console.log('it is not free');
// handle timeout or other errors
.catch(err=> {
Building on naomik's answer, if you do it that way you can pretty easily use a for loop with it, using the (most likely) upcoming async/await feature - though it's not part of ES2015.
// Note "async" here! That will make "await" work. It makes the function
// return a promise, which you'll be able to either "await" or
// "test().then" later.
var test = async function () {
for (var start = 1; start < 10; start++) {
// Right here we're using "await" - it makes JavaScript *wait* for
// the promise that comes from self.isMemberFree() to be finished.
// It's really handy because you can use it in loops like "for" and
// "while" without changing the flow of your program!
var result = await self.isMemberFree();
if (result) {
} else {
For now you'll need to use a transpiler like Babel or Traceur before you can really use async/await, though. It's only supported in Microsoft Edge 14 right now.
And a big emphasis that what is returned from test() isn't whatever you directly return from inside it. If I do this:
var test = async function() { return 15; };
var result = test();
I'm not going to get 15 - I'll get a promise that will resolve as 15:
result.then(function(res) {
console.log(res); // 15
// or, use an async function again:
var main = async function() {
console.log(await res); // 15
I don't have my work laptop today because it is Sunday, I'm coding this on sublime. Apologise if the syntax is a bit off.
To solve your problem I would recommend changing isMemberFree() to take in a callback function. This is because isMemberFree is async, and you will need a way to report the result after it has done the work.
Then change test function to use setTimeout API to wait a second.
Wrap the function call for isMemberFree() to be in a nested function and call it recursively, that way you'll have synchronize control over the async calls.
Look at the coding example:
waitForFreeAccnt.prototype.isMemberFree = function (done) {
var self = this;
self.api.getMemberInfo(function () {
var accType = self.api.connect.accountType;
if (accType === 'FREE') {
console.log('it is free');
return done(null, true);
} else {
console.log('it is not free');
return done(null, false);
var test = function () {
var testMembership = function(waitAttempt, isFree) {
if (isFree) {
else if (waitAttempt > 10) {
// wait exceeded, do something.
setTimeout(function() {
self.isMemberFree(function(err, isFree) {
testMembership(waitAttempt+=1, isFree);
}, /*total milliseconds in 1sec=*/1000);
testMembership(/*WaitAttempts=*/0, /*isFree=*/false);
What the above code does is that, presumably something has already been done to the member's account and now test function is called. So it waits for 1 second, then call isMemberFree function, this happens recursively until either isMemberFree() returns true OR the 10 seconds wait has been exceeded.
Using javascript getters is a cool way to bind function calls to object definitions. I've used it a number of times before, but in a recent problem I wanted to use it to bind a function that returns a jQuery promise object that gets used in a $.when...$.then chain.
It seems as though using a getter doesn't work the way I was expecting it to; specifically, $.then() doesn't wait for the bound function's promise object to be resolved when it uses the function definition that the getter returns. However, if no getter is used and I just call the function directly, things work as expected.
Any idea why this might be the case?
var myObj = {
asynch1: {
a: 200,
b: 300,
get runAsynch3() {return function() {
myCustomAsynchCode3(this.a, this.b);
function myCustomAsynchCode1() {
var df = $.Deferred();
// do stuff that, when done, calls
// df.resolve();
return df.promise();
function myCustomAsynchCode2() {
var df = $.Deferred();
// do stuff that, when done, calls
// df.resolve();
return df.promise();
function myCustomAsynchCode3(val1, val2) {
var df = $.Deferred();
// do stuff that, when done, calls
// df.resolve();
return df.promise();
If I make a call such as
var that = this;
then(function() {
return that.myCustomAsynchCode2();
then(function() {
return that.myObj.runAsynch3();
runAsynch3() executes before myCustomAsynchCode2() resolves its promise object.
But, if I make a call like this
var that = this;
then(function() {
return that.myCustomAsynchCode2();
then(function() {
return myCustomAsynchCode3(that.myObj.a, that.myObj.b);
everything works as expected - the promise objects are resolved without stepping on each other.
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 7 years ago.
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How is a promise/defer library like q implemented? I was trying to read the source code but found it pretty hard to understand, so I thought it'd be great if someone could explain to me, from a high level, what are the techniques used to implement promises in single-thread JS environments like Node and browsers.
I find it harder to explain than to show an example, so here is a very simple implementation of what a defer/promise could be.
Disclaimer: This is not a functional implementation and some parts of the Promise/A specification are missing, This is just to explain the basis of the promises.
tl;dr: Go to the Create classes and example section to see full implementation.
First we need to create a promise object with an array of callbacks. I'll start working with objects because it's clearer:
var promise = {
callbacks: []
now add callbacks with the method then:
var promise = {
callbacks: [],
then: function (callback) {
And we need the error callbacks too:
var promise = {
okCallbacks: [],
koCallbacks: [],
then: function (okCallback, koCallback) {
if (koCallback) {
Now create the defer object that will have a promise:
var defer = {
promise: promise
The defer needs to be resolved:
var defer = {
promise: promise,
resolve: function (data) {
this.promise.okCallbacks.forEach(function(callback) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
And needs to reject:
var defer = {
promise: promise,
resolve: function (data) {
this.promise.okCallbacks.forEach(function(callback) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
reject: function (error) {
this.promise.koCallbacks.forEach(function(callback) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
Note that the callbacks are called in a timeout to allow the code be always asynchronous.
And that's what a basic defer/promise implementation needs.
Create classes and example:
Now lets convert both objects to classes, first the promise:
var Promise = function () {
this.okCallbacks = [];
this.koCallbacks = [];
Promise.prototype = {
okCallbacks: null,
koCallbacks: null,
then: function (okCallback, koCallback) {
if (koCallback) {
And now the defer:
var Defer = function () {
this.promise = new Promise();
Defer.prototype = {
promise: null,
resolve: function (data) {
this.promise.okCallbacks.forEach(function(callback) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
reject: function (error) {
this.promise.koCallbacks.forEach(function(callback) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
And here is an example of use:
function test() {
var defer = new Defer();
// an example of an async call
serverCall(function (request) {
if (request.status === 200) {
} else {
defer.reject(new Error("Status code was " + request.status));
return defer.promise;
test().then(function (text) {
}, function (error) {
As you can see the basic parts are simple and small. It will grow when you add other options, for example multiple promise resolution:
Defer.all(promiseA, promiseB, promiseC).then()
or promise chaining:
To read more about the specifications: CommonJS Promise Specification. Note that main libraries (Q, when.js, rsvp.js, node-promise, ...) follow Promises/A specification.
Hope I was clear enough.
As asked in the comments, I've added two things in this version:
The possibility to call then of a promise, no matter what status it has.
The possibility to chain promises.
To be able to call the promise when resolved you need to add the status to the promise, and when the then is called check that status. If the status is resolved or rejected just execute the callback with its data or error.
To be able to chain promises you need to generate a new defer for each call to then and, when the promise is resolved/rejected, resolve/reject the new promise with the result of the callback. So when the promise is done, if the callback returns a new promise it is bound to the promise returned with the then(). If not, the promise is resolved with the result of the callback.
Here is the promise:
var Promise = function () {
this.okCallbacks = [];
this.koCallbacks = [];
Promise.prototype = {
okCallbacks: null,
koCallbacks: null,
status: 'pending',
error: null,
then: function (okCallback, koCallback) {
var defer = new Defer();
// Add callbacks to the arrays with the defer binded to these callbacks
func: okCallback,
defer: defer
if (koCallback) {
func: koCallback,
defer: defer
// Check if the promise is not pending. If not call the callback
if (this.status === 'resolved') {
func: okCallback,
defer: defer
}, this.data)
} else if(this.status === 'rejected') {
func: koCallback,
defer: defer
}, this.error)
return defer.promise;
executeCallback: function (callbackData, result) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
var res = callbackData.func(result);
if (res instanceof Promise) {
} else {
}, 0);
And the defer:
var Defer = function () {
this.promise = new Promise();
Defer.prototype = {
promise: null,
resolve: function (data) {
var promise = this.promise;
promise.data = data;
promise.status = 'resolved';
promise.okCallbacks.forEach(function(callbackData) {
promise.executeCallback(callbackData, data);
reject: function (error) {
var promise = this.promise;
promise.error = error;
promise.status = 'rejected';
promise.koCallbacks.forEach(function(callbackData) {
promise.executeCallback(callbackData, error);
// Make this promise behave like another promise:
// When the other promise is resolved/rejected this is also resolved/rejected
// with the same data
bind: function (promise) {
var that = this;
promise.then(function (res) {
}, function (err) {
As you can see, it has grown quite a bit.
Q is a very complex promise library in terms of implementation because it aims to support pipelining and RPC type scenarios. I have my own very bare bones implementation of the Promises/A+ specification here.
In principle it's quite simple. Before the promise is settled/resolved, you keep a record of any callbacks or errbacks by pushing them into an array. When the promise is settled you call the appropriate callbacks or errbacks and record what result the promise was settled with (and whether it was fulfilled or rejected). After it's settled, you just call the callbacks or errbacks with the stored result.
That gives you aproximately the semantics of done. To build then you just have to return a new promise that is resolved with the result of calling the callbacks/errbacks.
If you're interested in a full explenation of the reasonning behind the development of a full on promise implementation with support for RPC and pipelining like Q, you can read kriskowal's reasonning here. It's a really nice graduated approach that I can't recommend highly enough if you are thinking of implementing promises. It's probably worth a read even if you're just going to be using a promise library.
As Forbes mentions in his answer, I chronicled many of the design decisions involved in making a library like Q, here https://github.com/kriskowal/q/tree/v1/design. Suffice it to say, there are levels of a promise library, and lots of libraries that stop at various levels.
At the first level, captured by the Promises/A+ specification, a promise is a proxy for an eventual result and is suitable for managing “local asynchrony”. That is, it is suitable for ensuring that work occurs in the right order, and for ensuring that it is simple and straight-forward to listen for the result of an operation regardless of whether it already settled, or will occur in the future. It also makes it just as simple for one or many parties to subscribe to an eventual result.
Q, as I have implemented it, provides promises that are proxies for eventual, remote, or eventual+remote results. To that end, it’s design is inverted, with different implementations for promises—deferred promises, fulfilled promises, rejected promises, and promises for remote objects (the last being implemented in Q-Connection). They all share the same interface and work by sending and receiving messages like "then" (which is sufficient for Promises/A+) but also "get" and "invoke". So, Q is about “distributed asynchrony”, and exists on another layer.
However, Q was actually taken down from a higher layer, where promises are used for managing distributed asynchrony among mutually suspicious parties like you, a merchant, a bank, Facebook, the government—not enemies, maybe even friends, but sometimes with conflicts of interest. The Q that I implemented is designed to be API compatible with hardened security promises (which is the reason for separating promise and resolve), with the hope that it would introduce people to promises, train them in using this API, and allow them to take their code with them if they need to use promises in secure mashups in the future.
Of course, there are trade-offs as you move up the layers, usually in speed. So, promises implementations can also be designed to co-exist. This is where the concept of a “thenable” enters. Promise libraries at each layer can be designed to consume promises from any other layer, so multiple implementations can coexist, and users can buy only what they need.
All this said, there is no excuse for being difficult to read. Domenic and I are working on a version of Q that will be more modular and approachable, with some of its distracting dependencies and work-arounds moved into other modules and packages. Thankfully folks like Forbes, Crockford, and others have filled in the educational gap by making simpler libraries.
First make sure you're understanding how Promises are supposed to work. Have a look at the CommonJs Promises proposals and the Promises/A+ specification for that.
There are two basic concepts that can be implemented each in a few simple lines:
A Promise does asynchronously get resolved with the result. Adding callbacks is a transparent action - independent from whether the promise is resolved already or not, they will get called with the result once it is available.
function Deferred() {
var callbacks = [], // list of callbacks
result; // the resolve arguments or undefined until they're available
this.resolve = function() {
if (result) return; // if already settled, abort
result = arguments; // settle the result
for (var c;c=callbacks.shift();) // execute stored callbacks
c.apply(null, result);
// create Promise interface with a function to add callbacks:
this.promise = new Promise(function add(c) {
if (result) // when results are available
c.apply(null, result); // call it immediately
callbacks.push(c); // put it on the list to be executed later
// just an interface for inheritance
function Promise(add) {
this.addCallback = add;
Promises have a then method that allows chaining them. I takes a callback and returns a new Promise which will get resolved with the result of that callback after it was invoked with the first promise's result. If the callback returns a Promise, it will get assimilated instead of getting nested.
Promise.prototype.then = function(fn) {
var dfd = new Deferred(); // create a new result Deferred
this.addCallback(function() { // when `this` resolves…
// execute the callback with the results
var result = fn.apply(null, arguments);
// check whether it returned a promise
if (result instanceof Promise)
result.addCallback(dfd.resolve); // then hook the resolution on it
dfd.resolve(result); // resolve the new promise immediately
// and return the new Promise
return dfd.promise;
Further concepts would be maintaining a separate error state (with an extra callback for it) and catching exceptions in the handlers, or guaranteeing asynchronity for the callbacks. Once you add those, you've got a fully functional Promise implementation.
Here is the error thing written out. It unfortunately is pretty repetitive; you can do better by using extra closures but then it get's really really hard to understand.
function Deferred() {
var callbacks = [], // list of callbacks
errbacks = [], // list of errbacks
value, // the fulfill arguments or undefined until they're available
reason; // the error arguments or undefined until they're available
this.fulfill = function() {
if (reason || value) return false; // can't change state
value = arguments; // settle the result
for (var c;c=callbacks.shift();)
c.apply(null, value);
errbacks.length = 0; // clear stored errbacks
this.reject = function() {
if (value || reason) return false; // can't change state
reason = arguments; // settle the errror
for (var c;c=errbacks.shift();)
c.apply(null, reason);
callbacks.length = 0; // clear stored callbacks
this.promise = new Promise(function add(c) {
if (reason) return; // nothing to do
if (value)
c.apply(null, value);
}, function add(c) {
if (value) return; // nothing to do
if (reason)
c.apply(null, reason);
function Promise(addC, addE) {
this.addCallback = addC;
this.addErrback = addE;
Promise.prototype.then = function(fn, err) {
var dfd = new Deferred();
this.addCallback(function() { // when `this` is fulfilled…
try {
var result = fn.apply(null, arguments);
if (result instanceof Promise) {
} else
} catch(e) { // when an exception was thrown
this.addErrback(err ? function() { // when `this` is rejected…
try {
var result = err.apply(null, arguments);
if (result instanceof Promise) {
} else
} catch(e) { // when an exception was re-thrown
} : dfd.reject); // when no `err` handler is passed then just propagate
return dfd.promise;
You might want to check out the blog post on Adehun.
Adehun is an extremely lightweight implementation (about 166 LOC) and very useful for learning how to implement the Promise/A+ spec.
Disclaimer: I wrote the blog post but the blog post does explain all about Adehun.
The Transition function – Gatekeeper for State Transition
Gatekeeper function; ensures that state transitions occur when all required conditions are met.
If conditions are met, this function updates the promise’s state and value. It then triggers the process function for further processing.
The process function carries out the right action based on the transition (e.g. pending to fulfilled) and is explained later.
function transition (state, value) {
if (this.state === state ||
this.state !== validStates.PENDING ||
!isValidState(state)) {
this.value = value;
this.state = state;
The Then function
The then function takes in two optional arguments (onFulfill and onReject handlers) and must return a new promise. Two major requirements:
The base promise (the one on which then is called) needs to create a new promise using the passed in handlers; the base also stores an internal reference to this created promise so it can be invoked once the base promise is fulfilled/rejected.
If the base promise is settled (i.e. fulfilled or rejected), then the appropriate handler should be called immediately. Adehun.js handles this scenario by calling process in the then function.
function then(onFulfilled, onRejected) {
var queuedPromise = new Adehun();
if (Utils.isFunction(onFulfilled)) {
queuedPromise.handlers.fulfill = onFulfilled;
if (Utils.isFunction(onRejected)) {
queuedPromise.handlers.reject = onRejected;
return queuedPromise;
The Process function – Processing Transitions
This is called after state transitions or when the then function is invoked. Thus it needs to check for pending promises since it might have been invoked from the then function.
Process runs the Promise Resolution procedure on all internally stored promises (i.e. those that were attached to the base promise through the then function) and enforces the following Promise/A+ requirements:
Invoking the handlers asynchronously using the Utils.runAsync helper (a thin wrapper around setTimeout (setImmediate will also work)).
Creating fallback handlers for the onSuccess and onReject handlers if they are missing.
Selecting the correct handler function based on the promise state e.g. fulfilled or rejected.
Applying the handler to the base promise’s value. The value of this operation is passed to the Resolve function to complete the promise processing cycle.
If an error occurs, then the attached promise is immediately rejected.
function process() {
var that = this,
fulfillFallBack = function(value) {
return value;
rejectFallBack = function(reason) {
throw reason;
if (this.state === validStates.PENDING) {
Utils.runAsync(function() {
while (that.queue.length) {
var queuedP = that.queue.shift(),
handler = null,
if (that.state === validStates.FULFILLED) {
handler = queuedP.handlers.fulfill ||
if (that.state === validStates.REJECTED) {
handler = queuedP.handlers.reject ||
try {
value = handler(that.value);
} catch (e) {
Resolve(queuedP, value);
The Resolve function – Resolving Promises
This is probably the most important part of the promise implementation since it handles promise resolution. It accepts two parameters – the promise and its resolution value.
While there are lots of checks for various possible resolution values; the interesting resolution scenarios are two – those involving a promise being passed in and a thenable (an object with a then value).
Passing in a Promise value
If the resolution value is another promise, then the promise must adopt this resolution value’s state. Since this resolution value can be pending or settled, the easiest way to do this is to attach a new then handler to the resolution value and handle the original promise therein. Whenever it settles, then the original promise will be resolved or rejected.
Passing in a thenable value
The catch here is that the thenable value’s then function must be invoked only once (a good use for the once wrapper from functional programming). Likewise, if the retrieval of the then function throws an Exception, the promise is to be rejected immediately.
Like before, the then function is invoked with functions that ultimately resolve or reject the promise but the difference here is the called flag which is set on the first call and turns subsequent calls are no ops.
function Resolve(promise, x) {
if (promise === x) {
var msg = "Promise can't be value";
promise.reject(new TypeError(msg));
else if (Utils.isPromise(x)) {
if (x.state === validStates.PENDING){
x.then(function (val) {
Resolve(promise, val);
}, function (reason) {
} else {
promise.transition(x.state, x.value);
else if (Utils.isObject(x) ||
Utils.isFunction(x)) {
var called = false,
try {
thenHandler = x.then;
if (Utils.isFunction(thenHandler)){
function (y) {
if (!called) {
Resolve(promise, y);
called = true;
}, function (r) {
if (!called) {
called = true;
} else {
called = true;
} catch (e) {
if (!called) {
called = true;
else {
The Promise Constructor
And this is the one that puts it all together. The fulfill and reject functions are syntactic sugar that pass no-op functions to resolve and reject.
var Adehun = function (fn) {
var that = this;
this.value = null;
this.state = validStates.PENDING;
this.queue = [];
this.handlers = {
fulfill : null,
reject : null
if (fn) {
fn(function (value) {
Resolve(that, value);
}, function (reason) {
I hope this helped shed more light into the way promises work.