How do I set a RequireJS context recursively - javascript

I'm trying to add Jasmine tests to my Marionette application by creating a specific context for each test containing a map that substitutes all dependencies with mocks except for the module being tested (as described here:
mockRequire = requirejs.config({
map: {
'*': {
'dep1': '../mocks/dep1'
mockRequire(['appTest'], function(){...})
However since my module appTest has a nested call to require the context is lost:
function () {
require(['dep1'], function (dep1) {
//Here is not the mocked dep1 but the real one.
So the question is how I can tell requirejs to use the same context for all child calls to require/define or if there are any other ways to solve this.

Change your module definition so that it requires require:
define(['require'], function (require) {
Without it, you use the global require. With it, you use a require that has the proper context. From the documentation:
Note that "require" is specified as a dependency for the module. This allows the require() function that is passed to the function callback to use the right context to load the modules correctly for multiversion support. If "require" is not specified as a dependency, then there will likely be an error.


Building a JavaScript library, why use an IIFE this way?

I have noticed a lot of libraries use this style below to define their library. I also notice that the first self invoking function has something to do with Require.js or AMD systems, they always have factory as an argument, I will look more into Require.js, always been into Browserify.
Why is the main code passed into the end of the first self invoking function inside parentheses, is this is a closure, or just considered an anonymous function, I will dig deeper into both. What are the benefits to this? It looks like inside the closure the author passes a string, this, and a callback.
Will this give my library a clean safe way to globalize the main object in this example below Please?
(function( globalName, root, factory ) {
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
define( [], factory );
else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
module.exports = factory();
root[globalName] = factory();
}('Please', this, function(){
I am trying to dig really deep into JavaScript and create my own small MVC architecture, I don't want to hear I am silly or its been done before, I want to challenge myself and learn.
If there are any great resources for creating a JavaScript library or even better an MVC library I would love to know.
This code pattern is called Universal Module Definition (UMD). It allows you to make your JavaScript library usable in different environments. It provides three ways of defining modules:
Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD), implemented by RequireJS and Dojo Toolkit.
define( [], factory );
CommonJS — NodeJS modules.
module.exports = factory();
Assigning module to the global object, for example window in browsers.
root[globalName] = factory();
The IIFE has three parameters: globalName, root and factory.
globalName is the name of your module. It applies only to the third way of defining a module, i.e. assigning your module object to the global variable. For example, if you set this parameter to "myAwesomeModule" and use the code in browser (without AMD), you can access your module using myAwesomeModule variable.
root is the name of global object. Obviously, it also applies only to the third way of defining a module. Usually this is passed as this parameter, because this is a reference to window in browser. However, this doesn't work in strict mode. If you want your code to work in strict mode, you can replace this with typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : undefined.
Finally, factory is an anonymous function, which should return your module as object.
See also:
What is the (function() { } )() construct in JavaScript?
What Is AMD, CommonJS, and UMD?
This is an example of Universal Module Definition (UMD). It is a technique to make a JS module compatible with the three popular JS module specs:
Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD, used by Require.js)
define('name', [ /* dependencies */ ], factory);
CommonJS (Node.js ecosystem)
module.exports = object;
Global exports (for example, on window in the browser)
global['name'] = object;
UMD wraps a factory function responsible for creating the object to be exported and passes it as an argument to an immediately invoked function expression (IIFE), as in the snippet you pasted. The IIFE is responsible for detecting the module environment, and exporting the object created by the factory in an appropriate way. The pattern is as follows:
(function (name, root, factory) {
// detect the module environment and
// export the result of factory()
})('name', this, function () {
// module code
// return the object to be exported
Many transpilers and build tools generate this wrapper automatically.

access module of other context in requirejs

I am trying to access a togetherJS ( module from an external requireJS app. It seems impossible.
TogetherJSConfig_noAutoStart = true;
var CJS = CJS || {};
CJS.require = require.config({
paths: {
togetherjs: '',
cjs: 'scripts/c'
CJS.require(['togetherjs'], function() {
// not working
peers = require({context: "togetherjs"})("peers");
// not working
// Module name "peers" has not been loaded yet for context: togetherjs. Use require([])
TogetherJS.require = require.config(TogetherJS.requireConfig);
If I do not use requireJS in my app, I can access the module I want:
// works if I do not use requireJS in my app.
var peers = TogetherJS.require('peers').getAllPeers();
Is it possible, and if so, how? I could not find any information anywhere.
I'm not entirely sure of what you are trying to accomplish here. It looks like you are mixing up require.js asynchronous api with node.js synchronous require api.
I think that when you do require.config without specifying a context name, you are configuring the global require context. So calling CJS.require(..) should be equivalent to calling window.require(..).
The line
peers = require({context: "togetherjs"})("peers");
looks strange to me. Usually you would specify the context name in the require.config call and the first parameter to a require(..) call would be the dependency list. Also, you would normally pass a callback function to the require(..) call as well.
I hope those pointers can help you (or others) get better acquainted with require.js

convert a javascript library to AMD

I'm trying to use a library -- Google's libphonenumber -- in my require application that is not AMD. What is the best way to consume this? I know I can create a module like this:
define(['module'], function (module) {
// insert and return library code here.
But that doesn't seem great. It seems like I would have to refactor some of their code to get that working (e.g., turn it all into an object and return that object). I see a lot of libraries using a different pattern where they use an immediately invoked function that defines the module on the window object and returns it.
(function() {
var phoneformat = {};
window.phoneformat = phoneformat;
if (typeof window.define === "function" && window.define.amd) {
window.define("phoneformat", [], function() {
return window.phoneformat;
** UPDATE **
Is there any reason not to just do this?
define(['lib/phoneformatter'], function(phoneformatter) {
I get access to all of my methods but now it seems they are global because I did not wrap the library in a define...
Use RequireJS's shim. It'll look something like this
shim: {
'libphonenumber': {
exports: 'libphonenumber' // Might not apply for this library
This will load libphonenumber and put its variables in the global scope
This ended up working for me:
define(['module'], function (module) {
// insert and return library code here.
I am not entirely sure why 'module' was necessary. But it doesn't work without it. Also, I just returned an object and attached functions to it like so:
return {
countryForE164Number: countryForE164Number,
nextFunction: nextFunction,
// more functions as needed.
There is not much in the way of documentation for using 'module' but from what I can ascertain: Module is a special dependency that is processed by requireJS core. It gives you information about the module ID and location of the current module. So it is entirely possible that I messed up the paths in config.

Strange behavior with RequireJS using CommonJS sintax

I'm a strange behavior with RequireJS using the CommonJS syntax. I'll try to explain as better as possible the context I'm working on.
I have a JS file, called Controller.js, that registers for input events (a click) and uses a series of if statement to perform the correct action. A typical if statement block can be the following.
if(something) {
// RequireJS syntax here
} else if(other) { // ...
To implement the RequireJS syntax I tried two different patterns. The first one is the following. This is the standard way to load modules.
if(something) {
require(['CompositeView'], function(CompositeView) {
// using CompositeView here...
} else if(other) { // ...
The second, instead, uses the CommonJS syntax like
if(something) {
var CompositeView = require('CompositeView');
// using CompositeView here...
} else if(other) { // ...
Both pattern works as expected but I've noticed a strange behavior through Firebug (the same happens with Chrome tool). In particular, using the second one, the CompositeView file is already downloaded even if I haven't follow the branch that manages the specific action in response to something condition. On the contrary, with the first solution the file is downloaded when requested.
Am I missing something? Is it due to variable hoisting?
This is a limitation of the support for CommonJS-style require. The documentation explains that something like this:
define(function (require) {
var dependency1 = require('dependency1'),
dependency2 = require('dependency2');
return function () {};
is translated by RequireJS to:
define(['require', 'dependency1', 'dependency2'], function (require) {
var dependency1 = require('dependency1'),
dependency2 = require('dependency2');
return function () {};
Note how the arguments to the 2 require calls become part of the array passed to define.
What you say you observed is consistent with RequireJS reaching inside the if and pulling the required module up to the define so that it is always loaded even if the branch is not taken. The only way to prevents RequireJS from always loading your module is what you've already discovered: you have to use require with a callback.

requirejs plugin loads module in fresh context

I want to have a module load multiple times on a page, with a unique context for each instance. There are two normal ways to do this.
the module can return a constructor
i can explicitly run the require method, providing a context id.
Either of these would work in my situation, but I want a third option. :)
I want a requirejs plugin that will return a module to me in a fresh context. ie,
require(["new!some/module"], function(SomeModule) {
// SomeModule, here, is in its own context. If i were to run this
// method call again, SomeModule would be in a new context.
I've started looking into building a plugin to do this...
load: function (name, req, load, config) {
var index = get_unique_index();
req({context:index}, [name], function(value) {
but the {context:index} dict doesn't work here... thoughts?
Instead of using the local req passed to load, use the global require function, just called require(). The local one passed to load is already bound to a context.

