AJAX href='#' navigates the url - javascript

This is a simplistic version of what I'm trying to do, but when you click on the link it redirects the page to the url + #, this is creating an additional navigation step when attempting to use the browser back button.
If I remove the href it doesn't work, if I change it to href='' then it refreshes the page every single time.
What is the proper way to handle this? I'm still attempting to learn jQuery / AJAX, so this may be a very basic question.
<div id='updateMe'>Old Value</div>
<a href='#' id='test'>Test</a>
type: "GET",
url: '',
success: function(data) {
$('#updateMe').html('New Value');
return false;

another way to stop the link being followed, is to call preventDefault() on the click event.
$('#test').click(function( e ){


Control whether a link is clickable or not

I want to control whether a link is clickable or an error should be displayed (Based on result of an ajax call).
<a class="lnkCustomer" href="http://localhost/viewcustomer" target="_blank" data-customerno="237">View</a>
I get to the point where I am able to set the link as "allowed to be clicked":
// Authorized
anchor.data("authorized", true);
However when I run this code, the link still does not open. Ideally once the ajax call is complete, it should invoke the click event. I believe the issue is in this line.
// Trigger Anchor
This is the entire code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var customerNo = $(this).data('customerno');
var anchor = $(this);
// Check for authorized
if (anchor.data("authorized"))
return true;
url: 'http://localhost/checkcustomer',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: { customerNo: customerNo },
cache: false,
success: function (result)
if (result.success)
// Authorize
anchor.data("authorized", true);
// Trigger Anchor
// Show a message in a alert or div
alert('Not authorized');
// Default to false (Do not process anchor)
return false;
Notes: I am using class instead of id in the anchor because I have various links that will trigger this event. However as you can see, this should not be an issue since I am always referring to the individual object:
var anchor = $(this);
You cannot open a new tab without popups enabled or the user's click for that event.
You cannot delay it with promises or invoke a trusted click event.
If you want to verify a user can click your link, then do the API request on page load and store the result.
Or make your link into a button with a two click process for checking and then opening.
There is a simple answer : you can't trigger a click if it doesn't come from a trusted event (change, click, dblclick, mouseup, reset, submit).
Here you are trying to trigger a click after an AJAX (asynchronous) request, which is not allowed.
More info here.
As suggested you could replace it by window.open(href, '_blank'); but beware it could also be blocked by the browser parameters.
Unfortunately, as others mentioned, href cannot be delayed. I did find a work-around to suit the particular scenario. I created an intermediary page when user clicks on the href. This page then performs the ajax request (server side), if it is validated it goes on and display the resource. Otherwise it displays an error and stays on the intermediary page.
Anytime you want to override a browsers default action, you need to call .preventDefault() at the top of the event listener.
After that, since you're server side validating the link every time it's clicked, there's really no reason to store it's state client side. Instead of trying to re-click the link, you could just call window.open(), which is what achors do by default.
$('.lnkCustomer').on('click', function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); //makes anchor click do nothing
let href = this.href;
//pretend this is the call back from your ajax call
// success: function(result) {
if (result.success) {
window.open(href, '_blank'); //what an anchor click does when not prevented
} else {
alert('Not authorized');
Try triggering click like this: anchor[0].click(); and see if that works.
For readability, you can save a reference to DOM element of anchor, not just the jQuery object:
var anchor = $(this);
var anchorEl = $(this)[0];
and trigger click using the DOM element:
I think we cannot overwrite the default behavior of the anchor tag but we can work around it. In this solution, I have replaced href with data-link. And mimic the anchor mechanism with window.open.
Code :
<a class="lnkCustomer" data-link="http://localhost/viewcustomer1" data-customerno="111" data-auth>View</a>
<a class="lnkCustomer" data-link="http://localhost/viewcustomer2" data-customerno="237" data-auth>View</a>
<a class="lnkCustomer" data-link="http://localhost/viewcustomer3" data-customerno="237" data-auth>View</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(".lnkCustomer").click(function (e) {
var customerNo = $(this).data('customerno');
var linkToGo = $(this).data('link');
var anchor = $(this);
// Check for authorized
if (anchor.data("authorized")) {
var win = window.open(linkToGo, '_blank');
url: './checkcustomer.php',
type: 'POST',
data: { customerNo: customerNo },
cache: false,
success: function (result) {
if (result == 'authorized') {
anchor.data("authorized", true);
//new code
anchor.attr("href", linkToGo);
// Dont us this due to popup blocker
//var win = window.open(linkToGo, '_blank');
else {
// Show a message in a alert or div
alert('Not authorized');
Please note :
New note for security: As you can see we are using quite a visible data-link and anyone with enough effort can visit the link whether it is authorized or not. If the above answer gets you through the popup blocker, the next few things you can do is maybe only fetch accessible links from the start
OR add a "show links" button and then fetch only accessible links to the user. You can do it via ajax. and also you will not need this JS/Jquery code.
OR assign a random number to data-link and then fetch in your PHP code see if it is authorized if it is then only return accessible HTTP link. many ways to improve.
You can use CSS to style the anchor tags, which I have not in the solution
One method I tried was with use of preventDeault, but it do not work
AFAICT you are 90% of the way there, you're just missing a few key details.
Working JSFiddle.
e.preventDefault(): As already mentioned in other answers/comments, you need to prevent the default action which the event triggers, otherwise the browser will just begin the process of navigating to the link while your JS is still running.
anchor.click() will trigger a click on your link, which will ... start the whole process again! You'll get stuck in a recursive loop. The click is done, you now want to navigate. To open a new window in Javascript, use window.open(href, '_blank');
If your link is already authorised, you need to do the same as if the AJAX authorises it the first time around. Instead of return true;, you need to do the same window.open() again.
Also a suggestion - the convention for using GET or POST is:
use POST when changing data, eg creating a user, or making a purchase, logging in - something which should not happen 2x if you hit reload;
use GET when viewing data, no state changes, no harm in reloading;
AFAICT you are simply querying some customer details, so this should be a GET request.
I've modified you code to work with JSONPlaceholder - a dummy REST API which provides JSON data for this kind of situation (where we need to test an AJAX call with a working response), so we can simulate your AJAX call. It only accepts GET requests, so I've changed your POST to GET, and I've updated the test of the response based on the dummy data it sends back. You can see the output we're working with for User ID 1, and User ID 2.
Since you need to do the "go to the link" chunk of code in more than one place, I extracted that to a function you can call, so we don't need to duplicate that code in several places.
I also added a few extra alerts so you can be sure of what is happening.
See it all in action on JSFiddle.
// A function to actually open the new page, since we need to do this in
// more than one place.
function goToLink(anchor) {
let href=anchor.attr('href');
window.open(href, '_blank');
$(".lnkCustomer").click(function(e) {
// Prevent the default action this event would normally trigger from
// happening - in this case, navigating to the target href.
var customerNo = $(this).data('customerno');
var anchor = $(this);
// Check for authorized, and open the link if so
if (anchor.data("authorized")) {
alert("Already authorized, let's go!");
// https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/ is a dummy REST JSON generator.
// Let's use it to simulate your AJAX call. User ID 1's username is Bret,
// user ID 2's username is Antonette. Let's use customerNo in the URL to
// retrieve user ID 1 or 2, and simply allow the click if the username is
// Antonette.
// First build the URL:
let url = 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users/' + customerNo
url: url,
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
customerNo: customerNo
cache: false,
success: function(result) {
if (result.username === 'Antonette') {
// Authorize and go
alert("Authorization success, let's go!");
anchor.data("authorized", true);
} else {
// Show a message in a alert or div
alert('Not authorized');
// Default to false (Do not process anchor)
return false;
<li><a class="lnkCustomer" href="https://google.com/" target="_blank" data-customerno="1">Google (no go)</a></li>
<li><a class="lnkCustomer" href="https://stackoverflow.com/" target="_blank" data-customerno="2">Stackoverflow (allowed)</a></li>

store data via ajax and then go to that URL

I am here for an help.
<a class="text" href="http://test.com?id=87"><img src="/2016/02/BlueFantasyThumb.jpg"><h3>Milky</h3></a>
When i click on this, i need to do certain ajax things that i know how to do. But the problem is i need to perform ajax and then go to that href link.
Upon clicking i know using e.preventDefault(); we can prevent default behaviour. But the case is i dont want to prevent this. I want to occur that event just after that ajax implementation without any obstruction in viewers point.
Any kind of inputs will help me a lot. Thanks.
You can store the href value in a variable, call e.preventDefault() to prevent redirection and run your ajax code. In your ajax success callback, you can pick the href value and redirect to that link using javascript.
$("a.text").on("click", function(e){
var href = $(this).attr("href");
url: URL,
data: DATA,
success: function(response){
// your code here to be executed before redirecting
window.location.href = href;
1) Set html like
<a class="text" data-href="http://test.com?id=87"><img src="/2016/02/BlueFantasyThumb.jpg"><h3>Milky</h3></a>
2) add click event
$(".text").click(function() { // set ajax
var url = $(this).attr("data-href");
url: "ajax.php", // set required url here
}).done(function() {
window.location.href = url; // redirect page in ajax success
change href to javascript:;
and then your ancor tag onclick event call a function of ajax call
inside ajax success function
window.location.href = "http://test.com?id=87";

How to make sure hashtag attach the ajax updated content?

I had created a pagination with ajax. When user click the page number, it called the ajax function. I want to remember the previous ajax html data when user hit the back button. Therefore, I am trying to add the hash to each page. eg. when user click page 3, url is www.site.com/#3, page 4, is www.site.com/#4. It works OK so far. However, when I click the back button, it always load the second last page no matter the hash is 3 or 4. So, how can I make sure each hash attach to the ajax's update content? if the url is www.site.com/#4, it will always load the page 4 content. Appreicate.
$('#pagination a').click(function(e){
$this = $(this).attr('href');//href is the page number
var data = {
action: 'post_pagination_ajax',
post_num : $this,
url: ajax_front_gallery.ajaxurl,
data: data,
success: function(data){
window.location.hash = $this;
return false;
You have a click event, however when you hit back button there is no any click event, browser just loads previous page from history. So what you have to do is to make also a load event. Final result will look something like this:
function loadContent ( url,data ) {
url: url,
data: data,
success: function(data){
$('#pagination a').click(function(e){
var hash = $(this).attr('href');
var data = {
action: 'post_pagination_ajax',
post_num : $(this).attr('href')
loadContent( ajax_front_gallery.ajaxurl,data );
window.location.hash = hash;
return false;
$( window ).load(function() {
var data = {
action: 'post_pagination_ajax',
post_num : window.location.hash
loadContent( ajax_front_gallery.ajaxurl,data );
Even though this solves your problem i would recommend doing it other way. Since you change hash and want to load content based on hash. There is a hashchange event for that. So you could do:
$(window).hashchange( function(){
var data = {
action: 'post_pagination_ajax',
post_num : location.hash
loadContent( ajax_front_gallery.ajaxurl,data );
//Trigger hash-change if page laoded with existing hash
And you won't need any click event on a preventing the default behaviour, because default behaviour of changing hash in url is what you want.
So I am not really sure if there is a standard how browser handle the url fragment (hash). The problem is that setting the hash is originally used for saying the browser where to scroll (with anchors etc.: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_loc_hash.asp). So when you set the hash most browser will put a new state in the history but will not use the current state of the DOM but use the old one before the hash was set.
But I can say, when ever I implement asynchrone paging with Javascript I do it similiar like you do, but I check the hash on the page load and load the specific page, so you always have the result you want.
I think this is the way the Google search works and it was the source of my idea.

django like button with ajax call

I have a template where I have like link for my article :
<div id="voteUp">
<h4>Like {{article.up_vote}}</h4>
Here I want to increase the vote count for my article when user clicks it.
I have written view for it and it is working nicely.
But now I dont want to refresh the page.
I want to call it from ajax. Here is what I am doing.
//type: "POST",
url: "/service/vote/up/{{article.id}}",
success: function(response) {
I just want when the user click the like button it should be increased without refreshing the page.
When I see from firebug I dont see any javascript called.
Whats wrong in here ?
Thank you
valentjedi is right: #voteUp is targeting the <div>, but the click event will be on <a>.
Either you give an id to the <a> tag, or you should change your jquery selector.
You will also have to prevent the default behaviour of the browser (that is, open the page in the browser)
<a id="voteUp" href="{% url "vote_up" article.id %}">Like {{article.up_vote}}</a>
//type: "POST",
url: $(evt.currentTarget).attr("href"),
success: function(response) {

Using PushState/PopState to keep div content when navigating to another page

I was learning some about this html5 concept and i was trying to integrated in my project .
I have a page called chat_wnd.aspx wish is a chat page between two client programmed by Signalr, and a masterpage having a div like so :
<script type="text/javascript">
function OpenChatwnd() {
$("#ifrm").attr("src", "/chat_wnd.aspx");
Open chat wnd
<div id="dv_chat">
<iframe id="ifrm"></iframe>
Is there any way to use the push/pop state to prevent the iframe from reloading inside the div every time i navigate to another page in my website
PushState only changes URL and adds the URL into history without change content, so you should use ajax to change your content.
Note that if you want to use <a> to navigate another page, your javascript may like below:
$('a').click(function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); // prevent default action of navigating to another page
// ajax load data
url: $(this).attr('href'),
type: "GET",
success: function(html){
error:function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
// change the current URL
window.history.pushState('', document.title, $(this).attr('href'));
Also, here is a jQuery plugin PJAX provides the integration of AJAX and pushState, you can see there demo at here.

