How to alert text after slide range? - javascript

How to alert text after slide range [jquery] ?
my first question is in picture.
And my second question is , When checked checkbox it's will disable slide range,
but when user click slide range it's will alert. How to apply code for, If slide range disable it's will not alert when click.
and this is my script code
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<input id="display_value" type="text" value="0">
<div id="slide_data" style=" width: 300px; float: left; margin-top: 7px;"></div>
<label style=" font-family: lato; font-size: 13px; ">
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox_disable" id="checkbox_disable" style="cursor: pointer;" />Disable Slide Range
$(function() {
$("#slide_data" ).slider({
range: "min",
value: 0,
min: 0,
max: 1000,
slide: function( event, ui ) {
$( "#display_value" ).val(ui.value);
$( "#checkbox_disable" ).click(function(){
$( "#slide_data" ).slider( "option", "disabled", true );
$( "#slide_data" ).slider( "option", "disabled", false );
alert('not checked');
// after user slide we will call function filters_web_hosting_package //
$(document).ready(function (){
function () {

It's in jQuery's API:
stop: function( event, ui ) {}
Your case:
stop: function(event, ui) {
Updated fiddle

Use $("#slide_data").mouseup instead of $("#slide_data").click.
Working FIDDLE.

you dont need to use the slide method in the slide object. you can use the stop method. it will fire after you have slided. This way you dont need the last function you created.
The display of the value can still be in the slide method* so add the stop method for the if statement
$(function() {
$("#slide_data" ).slider({
range: "min",
value: 0,
min: 0,
max: 1000,
slide: function( event, ui ) {
$( "#display_value" ).val(ui.value);
stop: function( event, ui ) {
if(ui.value > 500)
$( "#checkbox_disable" ).click(function(){
if(this.checked) {
$( "#slide_data" ).slider( "option", "disabled", true );
} else {
$( "#slide_data" ).slider( "option", "disabled", false );
alert('not checked');
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<input id="display_value" type="text" value="0">
<div id="slide_data" style=" width: 300px; float: left; margin-top: 7px;"></div>
<label style=" font-family: lato; font-size: 13px; ">
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox_disable" id="checkbox_disable" style="cursor: pointer;" />Disable Slide Range


JQuery Slider - How to also change the slider input value change

In addition to changing the input values on change of the slider ... how can I vise versa change the slider on input change in addition?
<div style="margin-bottom:20px;">
<label for="amount">Price range:</label>
<span style="float:right;">
<input id="amount-min" type="number" placeholder="0.000" style="border: 1px solid #ddd;; color:#f6931f; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; width:75px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px;">
<input id="amount-max" type="number" placeholder="0.000" style="border: 1px solid #ddd;; color:#f6931f; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; width:75px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px;">
<div id="slider-range"></div>
$(function() {
$( "#slider-range" ).slider({
range: true,
min: 0,
max: 500,
values: [ 75, 300 ],
slide: function( event, ui ) {
$( "#amount-min" ).val( ui.values[ 0 ] );
$( "#amount-max" ).val( ui.values[ 1 ] );
$( "#amount-min" ).val( $( "#slider-range" ).slider( "values", 0 ) );
$( "#amount-max" ).val( $( "#slider-range" ).slider( "values", 1 ) );
$('#amount-min').on('change', function () {
$(this).val( $( "#slider-range" ).slider( "values", 0 ) );
$('#amount-max').on('change', function () {
$(this).val( $( "#slider-range" ).slider( "values", 1 ) );
I want to keep the original range as given. And I want to only allow an input value that is within the range and considering the other value
I suggest you change your on change to on input. Works better on type number inputs as you want the value to change immediately as the user changes the values in the inputs ( including with the arrows or up/down keys )
This event is similar to the onchange event. The difference is that the oninput event occurs immediately after the value of an element has changed, while onchange occurs when the element loses focus, after the content has been changed.
Then just add this.val() ( which is the input val ) as low or high value of the slider
$(function() {
range: true,
min: 0,
max: 500,
step: 0.001,
values: [35.113, 300.123],
slide: function(event, ui) {
$("#amount-min").val($("#slider-range").slider("values", 0));
$("#amount-max").val($("#slider-range").slider("values", 1));
$("#amount-min").val() );
$('#amount-min').on('input', function() {
if ($(this).val() < $("#amount-max").val()) {
$("#slider-range").slider('values', 0, $(this).val());
$('#amount-max').on('input', function() {
if ($(this).val() > $("#amount-min").val()) {
$("#slider-range").slider('values', 1, $(this).val());
<title>jQuery UI Slider - Range slider</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<div style="margin-bottom:20px;">
<label for="amount">Price range:</label>
<span style="float:right;">
<input id="amount-min" step=".001" type="number" placeholder="0.000" style="border: 1px solid #ddd;; color:#f6931f; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; width:75px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px;">
<input id="amount-max" step=".001" type="number" placeholder="0.000" style="border: 1px solid #ddd;; color:#f6931f; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; width:75px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px;">
<div id="slider-range"></div>

How to show a indicator when clicked on a Button in this case

On Click Of the Try Again Button , is it possible to show some processing happening on the device
My jsfiddle
My code as below
$(document).on("click", ".getStarted", function(event) {
// Simulating Net Connection here
var a = 10;
if (a == 10) {
history : false
return false;
$(document).on('click', '.nonetconnmainclose', function(event) {
return false;
$(document).on("popupbeforeposition", "#nonetconnmain", function(event, ui) {
With my code , the functionality is working , but it seems that the application is not doing any action
So my question is it possible to show any indication (For example , delay , progressbar , anything )
Here ya go
$(document).on("click", ".getStarted", function(event) {
$.mobile.loading("show", {
text: "",
textVisible: true,
theme: "z",
html: ""
// Simulating Net Connection here
var a = 10;
if (a == 10) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
history: false
return false;
$(document).on('click', '.nonetconnmainclose', function(event) {
return false;
$(document).on("popupbeforeposition", "#nonetconnmain", function(event, ui) {
.popup {
height: 200px;
width: 150px;
.popup h6 {
font-size: 1.5em !important;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<div data-role="page">
<div data-role="popup" id="nonetconnmain" data-dismissible="false" class="ui-content" data-theme="a">
<div class="popup_inner popup_sm">
<div class="popup_content" style="text-align:center;">
<p class="">Please check net connectivcty</p>
<label id="mainlabel" style="margin:100px auto 60px auto;color:Red; line-height:40px;font-size:medium;display:none">Please check</label>
<div class="popup_footer nonetconnmainclose">
<a class="">Try Again</a>
<button class="getStarted btn btn-a get_btn">Click Here</button>
You can use a small function (with time as parameter) and use jQuery animate() to create the process effect like below.
var updateProgress = function(t) {
$( "#p" ).css("width",0);
$( "#p" ).show();
$( "#p" ).animate({ "width": "100%" }, t , "linear", function() {
Do notice that the time that is chosen when calling updateProgress() is relevant with the delay and the fade in effect of the text message
Check it on the snippet below
var updateProgress = function(t) {
$( "#p" ).css("width",0);
$( "#p" ).show();
$( "#p" ).animate({ "width": "100%" }, t , "linear", function() {
$(document).on("click", ".getStarted", function(event) {
var a = 10;
$('#nonetconnmain').popup({history: false}).popup('open');
return false;
$(document).on('click', '.nonetconnmainclose', function(event) {
return false;
$(document).on("popupbeforeposition", "#nonetconnmain",function( event, ui ) {
.popup {
height: 200px;
width: 400px;
.popup h6 {
font-size: 1.5em !important;
#p {
background: #0063a6;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div data-role="page">
<div data-role="popup" id="nonetconnmain" data-dismissible="false" class="ui-content" data-theme="a">
<div class="popup_inner popup_sm">
<div class="popup_content" style="text-align:center;">
<p class="">Please check net connectivcty</p>
<div id="p"></div><br>
<label id="mainlabel" style="margin:100px auto 60px auto;color:Red; line-height:40px;font-size:medium;display:none">Please check </label>
<div class="popup_footer nonetconnmainclose">
<a class="">Try Again</a>
<button class="getStarted btn btn-a get_btn">Click Here</button>
Probably when you click on try again , you can have a setinterval triggered which can check for online connectivity and when found can close the popup and get started again, also when we do retries in the interval the progress can be shown as progressing dots..
Below is the code, i haven't tried to run the code, but it shows the idea
$(document).on('click', '.nonetconnmainclose', function(event) {
var msgUI = $("#mainlabel");"previoustext",msgUI.html()).html("retrying...");
var progress = [];
var counter = 0 ,timeout = 5;
var clearIt = setInterval(function(){
var online = navigator.onLine;
if(counter > timeout && !online){
msgUI.html("retrying" + progress.join(""));
return false;
try appending a loader GIF to one of the div and remember to remove the same when your process is finished.
Kindly refer to StackOverflow
And try appending this
$('#nonetconnmain').append('<center><img style="height: 50px; position:relative; top:100px;" src="…; alt="loading..."></center>');
This will append a loader to your HTML to show some kind of processing.

Jquery drag resize select

I am using Jqueryui drag resize select all together drag and resize is working fine but select is not working fine .
My code is:-
.dr {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #63F;
color: #7B7B7B;
height: 50px;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #FFFFFF;
width: 50px;
.bg_section {
border: 1px solid #E4E3E3;
height: 290px;
margin: 48px auto 0;
position: relative;
width: 400px;
var selected = $([]), offset = {top:0, left:0};
$( "#dialog-form" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
height: 300,
width: 350,
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Add": function() {
section = $( "#section" ).val();
divid = $( "#divdata" ).val();
divstring="<div class='dr' id='"+divid+"'>"+divid+"</div>";
// $( ".add" ).appendTo( $( "#"+section) );
$( divstring ).appendTo( $( "."+section) );
$( "."+section).selectable();
$("#divdata option[value="+ divid+"]").remove();
containment: "."+section,
grid: [ 10, 10 ],
start: function(ev, ui) {
if ($(this).hasClass("ui-selected")){
selected = $(".ui-selected").each(function() {
var el = $(this);"offset", el.offset());
else {
selected = $([]);
offset = $(this).offset();
drag: function(ev, ui) {
var dt = -, dl = ui.position.left - offset.left;
// take all the elements that are selected expect $("this"), which is the element being dragged and loop through each.
selected.not(this).each(function() {
// create the variable for we don't need to keep calling $("this")
// el = current element we are on
// off = what position was this element at when it was selected, before drag
var el = $(this), off ="offset");
el.css({top: + dt, left: off.left + dl});
stop: function(e, ui) {
var Stoppos = $(this).position();
var leftPos=Stoppos.left;
var topPos=;
var dragId=ui.helper[0].id;
// alert(leftPos/10);
// alert(topPos/10);
// alert(dragId);
sectionWidth= $('#'+dragId).parent().width();
sectionHeight = $('#'+dragId).parent().height();
containment: "."+section,
grid: [10,10],
start: function(e, ui) {
// alert($(".paper-area").width());
//containment: ".paper-area",
// position: "absolute",
stop: function(e, ui) {
// containment: ".paper-area",
// position: "absolute",
Cancel: function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
close: function() {
$( "body" ).on( "click", ".dr", function(e) {
if (e.metaKey == false) {
// if command key is pressed don't deselect existing elements
$( ".dr" ).removeClass("ui-selected");
else {
if ($(this).hasClass("ui-selected")) {
// remove selected class from element if already selected
else {
// add selecting class if not
$( ".bg_section" ).data(".bg_section")._mouseStop(null);
$(".add").click(function() {
$( "#dialog-form" ).dialog( "open" );
$(".add_new").click(function() {
$("#save_new").click(function() {
$( "#divdata" ).append($('<option>', {
value: $("#new_field").val(),
text: $("#new_field").val(),
<div id="dialog-form" title="Add fields in Section">
<p class="validateTips">All form fields are required.</p>
<div class="add_new">Add</div>
<input type="text" id="new_field"/>
<div id="save_new">save</div>
<label for="divdata">Divs</label>
<select name="divdata" id="divdata">
<option value="dr1">Div1</option>
<option value="dr2">Div2</option>
<option value="dr3">Div3</option>
<option value="dr4">Div4</option>
<option value="dr5">Div5</option>
<label for="section">Section</label>
<select name="section" id="section">
<option value="paper-area">Header</option>
<option value="paper-area-detail">Detail</option>
<option value="paper-area-qty">Items</option>
<option value="paper-area-sub">Total</option>
<option value="paper-area-footer">Footer</option>
<div class="main_bg">
<div class="textarea-top">
<div class="textarea-field">
<div class="field-icon add"><img src="<?php echo Yii::app()->baseUrl;?>/images/bill_add-field-icon.png" alt="add" border="0" width="29" height="25" /></div>
<div class="paper-area bg_section" id="paper_area">
<div class="paper-area-detail bg_section">
<div class="paper-area-qty bg_section">
<div class="paper-area-sub bg_section">
<div class="paper-area-footer bg_section"></div>
I am using drag-select for drag resize.Any help should be Appreciated.
Seems like a strange bug/conflict with jquery ui dragable and/or resizeable. Only some parts of selectable are working in combination with these other two functions. If you inspect the elements which have all three functions and you try to select one of them it only gets the "ui-selecting" class, which is a timeout class and option from selectable but stoping there. Normally the classes are replaced in this way:
If you remove the drag- and resizeable functions the selectable stuff is working normally (but there still other bugs in your code)
I guess it is possible to combine all these function, but you will have to play around with the options and callbacks to get it working like you want to. Maybe not everything you want is possible becouse of these conflicts.
The easiest way to resize is by using resize:both; , max-height:__px; , max-width:__px; in CSS
Indeed it seems that jquery ui draggable and selectable don't work that nice together. However other people have posted solutions. Please look at the following, (this is from the article above)
Since it seems as a nice working solution that examines the state when dragging and selecting, i will also post it below in case the site goes down.
// this creates the selected variable
// we are going to store the selected objects in here
var selected = $([]), offset = {top:0, left:0};
$( "#selectable > div" ).draggable({
start: function(ev, ui) {
if ($(this).hasClass("ui-selected")){
selected = $(".ui-selected").each(function() {
var el = $(this);"offset", el.offset());
else {
selected = $([]);
$("#selectable > div").removeClass("ui-selected");
offset = $(this).offset();
drag: function(ev, ui) {
var dt = -, dl = ui.position.left - offset.left;
// take all the elements that are selected expect $("this"), which is the element being dragged and loop through each.
selected.not(this).each(function() {
// create the variable for we don't need to keep calling $("this")
// el = current element we are on
// off = what position was this element at when it was selected, before drag
var el = $(this), off ="offset");
el.css({top: + dt, left: off.left + dl});
$( "#selectable" ).selectable();
// manually trigger the "select" of clicked elements
$( "#selectable > div" ).click( function(e){
if (e.metaKey == false) {
// if command key is pressed don't deselect existing elements
$( "#selectable > div" ).removeClass("ui-selected");
else {
if ($(this).hasClass("ui-selected")) {
// remove selected class from element if already selected
else {
// add selecting class if not
$( "#selectable" ).data("selectable")._mouseStop(null);
// starting position of the divs
var i = 0;
$("#selectable > div").each( function() {
top: i * 42
#selectable .ui-selecting {background: #FECA40;}
#selectable .ui-selected {background: #F39814; color: white;}
#selectable {margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 300px; position: relative; padding:0; border:solid 1px #DDD;}
#selectable > div {position: absolute; margin: 0; padding:10px; border:solid 1px #CCC; width: 100px;}
.ui-selectable-helper {position: absolute; z-index: 100; border:1px dotted black;}
<div id="selectable">
<div class="ui-widget-content">Item 1</div>
<div class="ui-widget-content">Item 2</div>
<div class="ui-widget-content">Item 3</div>
<div class="ui-widget-content">Item 4</div>
<div class="ui-widget-content">Item 5</div>
Other threads describing similar problem and solutions,
Is there a JQuery plugin which combines Draggable and Selectable
jQuery UI : Combining Selectable with Draggable
I have found A solution Now we can use *Drag-Resize-Select -*together
.ui-selecting {background: #FECA40;}
.ui-selected {background: #F39814; color: white;}
.bg_section {margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 300px; position: relative; padding:0; border:solid 1px #DDD;}
.bg_section > div {position: absolute; margin: 0; padding:10px; border:solid 1px #CCC; width: 100px;}
.ui-selectable-helper {position: absolute; z-index: 100; border:1px dotted black;}
var selected = $([]); // list of selected objects
var lastselected = ''; // for the shift-click event
$( "#dialog-form" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
height: 300,
width: 350,
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Add": function() {
section = $( "#section" ).val();
divid = $( "#divdata" ).val();
divstring="<div class='dr' id='"+divid+"'>"+divid+"</div>";
// $( ".add" ).appendTo( $( "#"+section) );
$( divstring ).appendTo( $( "."+section) );
$("#divdata option[value="+ divid+"]").remove();
containment: "."+section,
grid: [ 10, 10 ],
start: function(ev, ui) {
$(this).is(".ui-selected") || $(".ui-selected").removeClass("ui-selected");
selected = $(".ui-selected").each(function() {
drag: function(ev, ui) {
stop: function(e, ui) {
selected.each(function() {
var Stoppos = $(this).position();
var leftPos=Stoppos.left;
var topPos=;
var dragId=ui.helper[0].id;
// alert(leftPos/10);
// alert(topPos/10);
// alert(dragId);
sectionWidth= $('#'+dragId).parent().width();
sectionHeight = $('#'+dragId).parent().height();
containment: "."+section,
grid: [10,10],
start: function(e, ui) {
// alert($(".paper-area").width());
//containment: ".paper-area",
// position: "absolute",
stop: function(e, ui) {
// containment: ".paper-area",
// position: "absolute",
Cancel: function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
close: function() {
$( "body" ).on( "click", ".dr", function(evt) {
id = $(this).attr("id");
// check keys
if ((evt.shiftKey) && (lastselected != '')) {
// loop all tasks, select area from this to lastselected or vice versa
bSelect = false;
$(".task").each(function() {
if ($(this).is(':visible')) {
if ($(this).attr("id") == id || $(this).attr("id") == lastselected)
bSelect = !bSelect;
if (bSelect || $(this).attr("id") == lastselected || $(this).attr("id") == lastselected) {
if (!$(this).hasClass("ui-selected"))
else if (!evt.ctrlKey)
$(".ui-selected").removeClass("ui-selected"); // clear other selections
if (!$(this).hasClass("ui-selected")) {
lastselected = id;
else {
lastselected = '';
$(".add").click(function() {
$( "#dialog-form" ).dialog( "open" );
$(".add_new").click(function() {
$("#save_new").click(function() {
$( "#divdata" ).append($('<option>', {
value: $("#new_field").val(),
text: $("#new_field").val(),

Adding the total value of 5 functions together to print a result on screen

I have 5 functions like the one shown below. What I would like to do is once the user has slid each bar to a position, for the combined total of all 5 bars to print out a message.
Depending on what total is reached, would depend what message is shown. For example, if the total of all 5 slide bars = 500, the message would read "You are very happy". If the total of all 5 slide bars = 100 the message would read "You are very sad"
I'm new to this so looking for some experience and best practice advice so I can take it and learn.
$(function () {
orientation: "vertical",
range: "min",
min: 0,
max: 100,
value: 10,
slide: function (event, ui) {
In the HTML, the results of the slider are showing like this:
<label for="amount">Volume:</label>
<input type="text" id="amount" style="border: 0; color: #f6931f; font- weight: bold;"
<div id="slider-vertical" style="height: 200px;"></div>
<label for="amount">Volume:</label>
<input type="text" id="amount" style="border: 0; color: #f6931f; font-weight: bold;" />
.slider { height: 200px; float:left; margin-right:20px; }
<div class="slider"></div>
<div class="slider"></div>
<div class="slider"></div>
<div class="slider"></div>
<div class="slider"></div>
$(function() {
$( ".slider" ).slider({
orientation: "vertical",
range: "min",
min: 0,
max: 100,
value: 10,
slide: function( event, ui ) {
var total = 0;
$('.slider').each( function() {
total += $(this).slider('value');
$( "#amount" ).val( total );
In order to show different images depending on total value, you should, firstly, use image tag instead of input tag
<img id="amount-img" src="/path/to/images/defualt.png"/>
and, secondly, use code like this to choose and display images:
slide: function( event, ui ) {
var total = 0;
$('.slider').each( function() {
total += $(this).slider('value');
var img = 'default.png';
if( total>=50 ) img = 'above50.png';
else if( total>=100 ) img = 'above100.png';
else if( total>=250 ) img = 'above250.png';
$('#amount-img').attr( 'src', '/path/to/images/'+img );

jquery draggable for multiple divisions

The Drag works properly in the first division but is not working properly in the next one. I need to get it working without changing the div Id/Class name.
Fiddle here: JS Fiddle
<div class="track">
<div id="rocket">
<br><br><div style="clear:both">
<div class="track">
<div id="rocket">
.track {
height: 400px;
width: 48px;
overflow: hidden;
margin: 10px 0 0 10px;
background: #ccc;
background: url('');
Jquery :
$(document).ready(function() {
//rocket drag
containment: ".track",
axis: "y",
scroll: false,
start: function(event, ui) {
draggingRocket = true;
drag: function(event, ui) {
// Show the current dragged position of image
stop: function(event, ui) {
draggingRocket = false;
here is the fiddle...
1) id should always be unique... so chnaged ur ids to class..
2) added containment: $(this), in ur draggable class
You need to change some thing in html code.
<div class="track">
<div id="rocket">
<div style="clear:both">
<div class="track">
<div id="rocket">
Here the fiddle: fiddle
You need several changes in your html as well as js code.
Refer this fiddle.
$(document).ready(function() {
//rocket drag
containment: this,
axis: "y",
scroll: false,
start: function(event, ui) {
draggingRocket = true;
drag: function(event, ui) {
// Show the current dragged position of image
stop: function(event, ui) {
draggingRocket = false;

