How do you get the from the collection.create call? - javascript

I need to use the model id from the COLLECTION.create call to redirect the user to do new page
window.href = '' +
I do not care if the ajax call to the rest api is async or sync (if that matters). I was hoping I could do something like this:
var OPTS ={}
OPTS['success'] = function( response, model, options ){
But that does not work. I am using Django-Tastypie as my REST API.

This should work
var MyCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: '/echo/json/'
var my_collection = new MyCollection();
var model = my_collection.create({ name: "Eugene", age: 31 }, {
success: function(response, model) {
// id: 123
// id: undefined
I created working example here
Please check your network tab to see what response you have from your REST API, it should have and your json_response and new id attribute which will be used as a model id. In my case it will be something like:
id: 123,
name: "Eugene",
age: 31


Update model with data retrieved from backbone.sync call

I have a backbone model similar to this.
User = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
id: null,
name: '',
groups: []
addGroup: function(group) {
return this.sync(
{url: this.url() + 'add_group', data: 'group=' + group}
UserCollection = Backbone.Collection.extends({
model: User,
url: '/api/users'
The purpose behind this call is that adding the permission triggers all sorts of backend checks and other changes. The actual code, which I'm trying to not to expose here, demonstrates the need better.
The /api/users/add_group endpoint returns a new representation of the Users model, which I wish to have applied to the model with all of the appropriate events triggered. The best work-around I could find is this.
User = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
id: null,
name: '',
groups: []
addGroup: function(group) {
model = this;
return this.sync(
url: this.url() + 'add_group',
data: 'group=' + group,
success: function() {model.fetch();}
However, it feels like there is probably a better solution where I can call arbitrary endpoints and have the model updated with the returned data.

how do i parse json value and get id into variable

hello i am having this code of jquery:
var fbuid = zuck;
var fbjson = $.getJSON(""+fbuid);
how to get the id from json directly into var :
id: "4",
first_name: "Mark",
gender: "male",
last_name: "Zuckerberg",
link: "",
locale: "en_US",
name: "Mark Zuckerberg",
username: "zuck"
all i would like to get id from json to var as below:
how i do it using jquery?
So you're close but you've got some things you need to adjust. Ajax is async which means that you're waiting on a server response. You need to fill your data once you have that piece of data. Note you will not be able to reference fbjson until AFTER the getJSON has fired and completed.
According to the jQuery documentation for getJSON
you need to have a callback similar to this -
var fbuid = 'zuck';
var fbjson;
$.getJSON( ""+fbuid, function( data ) {
fbjson = data;
Notice I assign the fbjson in the callback to data which is the server response. now you can reference it as

Knockback.js backbone collection only adds first element to UI

I'm trying to set something new up with Knockback.js, and right now I'm running into an issue with the knockout/knockback integration. The problem is, I've successfully written an event handler which adds a new model to the Objectives collection, but the UI only registers and adds the first such addition. It does successfully add the new objective to the list, but only the first one--after that, while the collection does successfully add a new model to the list, it doesn't appear in the UI.
<a class="btn" id="click">Click me!</a>
<div id="objectives" data-bind="foreach: objectives">
<h3 data-bind="text: name"></h3>
And this script:
// Knockback script MUST be located at bottom of the page
$(document).ready(new function() {
// instantiate the router and start listening for URL changes
var page_router = new PageRouter();
// Get JSON value
var objectives;
$.getJSON('json.php', {table: 'objectives'}).done(function(data) {
objectives = new ObjectiveCollection(data);
var view_model = {
objectives: kb.collectionObservable(objectives, {view_model: kb.ViewModel})
ko.applyBindings(view_model, $('#objectives').get(0));
$('#click').click(function() {
var objective_model = new Objective({category: 3, name: Math.random(), descriptor: 'What up'});
Where the only custom models are as seen here:
* Objectives model
var Objective = Backbone.Model.extend({
// Defaults
defaults: {
id: null,
category: null,
weight: null,
name: null,
descriptor: null
// Url to pass to
url : function() {
    // Important! It's got to know where to send its REST calls.
    // In this case, POST to '/donuts' and PUT to '/donuts/:id'
    return ? '/objectives/' + : '/objectives';
* Basic objectives collection
var ObjectiveCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Objective,
initialize: function(models,options) {}
Turns out, the issue was located here:
var Objective = Backbone.Model.extend({
// Defaults
defaults: {
id: null,
category: null,
weight: null,
name: null,
descriptor: null
It kept generating models with an ID of null, and the program will only display objects with a unique ID. Since the ID defaults to null, it will consider two objects without defined IDs as being the same. By erasing the id: null; line, this problem stopped being an issue.

Backbone JS complex model fetch

I have two backbone models, loaded from server:
var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var SubModel = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var SubCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: SubModel
var m = new Model();
m.fetch({success: function(model)
model.submodels = new SubCollection();
model.submodels.url = "/sub/" + model.get("id");
So, the server has to send two separate responses. For example:
{ name: "Model1", id: 1 } // For Model fetch
[{ name: "Submodel1", id: 1 }, { name: "Submodel2", id: 2 }] // For Submodel collection fetch
Is there a way to fetch a Model instance with Submodel collection at once, like:
name: "Model1",
id: 1,
submodels: [{ name: "Submodel1", id: 2 }, { name: "Submodel1", id: 2 }]
To be able to do that is up to your back-end - it doesn't really have anything to do with Backbone.
Can you configure your back-end technology to return related models as nested resources?
If your back-end is Rails, for instance, and your models are related in ActiveRecord, one way of doing this is something like
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :json => #model.to_json(:include => [:submodels])}
What back-end technology are you using?
Sorry, misunderstood the gist of your question, once you've got your back-end returning the JSON in the proper format, yeah, there are things you need to do in Backbone to be able to handle it.
One way to deal with it is to use Backbone-Relational, a plugin for handling related models.
You define related models through a 'relations' property:
SubModel = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({});
SubCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: SubModel
Model = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
relations: [
type: 'HasMany',
key: 'submodels',
relatedModel: 'SubModel',
collectionType: 'SubCollection'
When your Model fetches the JSON, it will automatically create a SubCollection under the 'submodels' property and populate it with SubModels - one for each JSON object in the array.
jsfiddle for backbone-relational:
By Hand
You can do this by hand if you want as well. In involves overriding the parse function for your Model class (forgive me if my JS is not 100% correct - been doing CoffeeScript so much lately its hardwired in my brain)
var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
parse: function(response) {
this.submodels = new SubCollection();
// Populate your submodels with the data from the response.
// Could also use .add() if you wanted events for each one.
// now that we've handled that data, delete it
delete response.submodels;
// return the rest of the data to be handled by Backbone normally.
return response;
parse() runs before initialize() and before the attributes hash is set up, so you can't access model.attributes, and model.set() fails, so we have to set the collection as a direct property of the model, and not as a "property" that you would access with get/set.
Depending on what you want to happen on "save()" you may have to override `toJSON' to get your serialized version of the model to look like what your API expects.

How to get id on a successful

Have checked some backbone.js tutorials and can't
understand how to get model id from the server within
the model saving process. I have a model:
var Game = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
name: '',
releaseDate: ''
url: function(){
return '/data.php';
How to implement getting the id algorithm? It seams to me, there should
be a kind of callback function, but can't realise where to put it.
See Backbone's documentation on model save.
You can pass a success callback function to save, something like this:
var game = new Game({
name: 'Duke Nukem 3D',
releaseDate: '1996'
});{}, {
success: function(model, response) {
// get model id from response?

