Javascript - NaN - javascript

I am currently trying to do a small calculation to find the Markup of a product. How ever I am getting a 'NaN' error in my console. Obviously I know this means Not a Number but I can't figure out how to fix the error.
function calculateSuggestedCost() {
var suggestedCost = 0;
var idealGP = $('#bc_inventorybundle_dish_ideal_gp').val;
var cost = $('#bc_inventorybundle_dish_cost').val;
suggestedCost = parseFloat(cost /(1 - idealGP));
// =Cost/(1-Margin Percentage)
I've tried using parseFloat but I'm guessing the way I've used it isn't quite right.
Thank's for all the quick replies. Modification of Joe Frambach's answer just to show my final working solution for anyone else looking.
function calculateSuggestedCost() {
var suggestedCost = 0;
var idealGP = parseFloat($('#bc_inventorybundle_dish_ideal_gp').val());
var cost = parseFloat($('#bc_inventorybundle_dish_cost').val());
suggestedCost = Math.round(cost /(1 - (idealGP/100)));

jQuery val is a function. You need () to call a function:
var idealGP = $('#bc_inventorybundle_dish_ideal_gp').val();
var cost = $('#bc_inventorybundle_dish_cost').val();
Also, when reading numbers from an external source, it is best to convert to numbers and do validation immediately, not during your calculation:
var idealGP = parseFloat($('#bc_inventorybundle_dish_ideal_gp').val());
var cost = parseFloat($('#bc_inventorybundle_dish_cost').val());
suggestedCost = cost /(1.0 - idealGP); // now you can assume that everything is numbers.

when your are trying to get the value from some it or so use .val(). not val
var idealGP = $('#bc_inventorybundle_dish_ideal_gp').val();


Javascript count two variables goes wrong

I am busy with making a kind of invoice system, where the user can make invoices very easily. Now I am at the point where I have to count up, per product, three different variables/items, but instead of counting them up, my javascript code puts it like text (with the + operator).
selectmenu 1 = option 0 (where VAT = 8.50 euro's)
selectmenu 2 = option 1 (where VAT = 12.76 euro's)
Now the output has to be (8.50+12.76)= 21.26
The output in my situation is = 8.5012.76
My (partial) javascript code:
$("select#product").on("change", function (e) {
var $row = $('.productitem');
var selVal = $row.find('#product').val();
var totalvat;
var currentVat = $('#totalvat').val();
var NLhoog = 1.21;
var price0EXC = 40.49;
var price0INC = (price0EXC * NLhoog).toFixed(2);
var price0VAT = (price0INC - price0EXC).toFixed(2);
var price1EXC = 60.74;
var price1INC = (price1EXC * NLhoog).toFixed(2);
var price1VAT = (price1INC - price1EXC).toFixed(2);
if (selVal === "0") {
totalvat = (currentVat + price0VAT);
} else if (selVal === "1") {
totalvat = currentVat+price1VAT;
I have let the unimportant part of the code away.
If you know what I am doing wrong, please let me know :)
Think this may help?
var currentVat = parseFloat($('#totalvat').val());
You are using var currentVat = $('#totalvat').val(); to get the value from an input I assume? This is a string which will need to be parsed at some to a relevant datatype. When + is used with a string the compiler performs concatenation.
Try something like:
var currentVat = parseFloat($('#totalvat').val());
Or do it later on with:
As you're using numbers as currency I'd consider adding the suffix .ToFixed(2) at the end, and maybe some other formatting

Javascript cost calculator wont work as supposed

Hello I am new to Js and I want to make a cost calculation function. So far it works but Its not what I want to have. Here is how it looks
function finalCost(){
var roomType = document.getElementById("roomtype").value;
var roomNum = document.getElementById("rooms").value;
var personNum = document.getElementById("atoma").value;
var childNum = document.getElementById("paidia").value;
var resFacilities =
var atoma = childNum + personNum;
var roomty = (parseInt(roomType));
var total = +roomty + +atoma + +((resFacilities));
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = total;
However, I want to have something like that: ( It wont work I know)
function finalCost(){
var roomType = document.getElementById("roomtype").value;
var roomNum = document.getElementById("rooms").value;
var personNum = document.getElementById("atoma").value;
var childNum = document.getElementById("paidia").value;
var resFacilities =
var atoma = childNum + personNum;
var roomty = (parseInt(roomType));
var total = +roomty*roomNum + +atoma + +((resFacilities)*atoma);
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = total;
If I enter the above code the cost wont work at all If i enter it without the *roomNum the cost will work without the meal included.
Please give me some advice as I am really frustrated by this issue.
If i understand this correctly because I'm unsure of the exact calculation you are trying to compute:
// Total calculated as room type times number of rooms times number of people.
// Adding meal costs per person.
var total = roomty*roomNum*atoma +(resFacilities*atoma);
Your code is working fine please see console output
Of this is not what you looking for. Put your html, javascript somewhere at one place. Where you code can be executed.

TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object in Javascript

I have a piece of Javascript code that assigns string of values to a string array.
Unfortunately if I try to add more than one string to the array, my UI simulator(which runs on JS code) closes unexpectedly. I have tried debugging but I cannot find anything. I am attaching that piece of code where the issue is. may be you guys could find some flaw? On the pop up button click the values I selcted on the UI should get stored in the array and I have a corressponding variable on the server side to handle this string array.
_popupButtonClick: function (button) {
var solutions = this._stateModel.get('solutionName');
var i;
var solutionsLength = solutions.length;
var selectedSolution = [solutionsLength];
if (button.position === StatusViewModel.ResponseType.Ok) {
selectedSolution[i] = this._list.listItems[i].options.value;
selectedsolutions: selectedSolution,
viewResponse: StatusViewModel.ResponseType.Ok
} else {{
viewResponse: StatusViewModel.ResponseType.Cancel
var selectedSolution = [solutionsLength];
var selectedSolution = [];
This makes your array have an extra item that might be causing a crash.
you have an
selectedSolution[i] = this._list.listItems[i].options.value;
But no corresponding else, so your array has undefined values for i which are not entering the if.
Maybe adding an empty string might solve it:
selectedSolution[i] = this._list.listItems[i].options.value;
selectedSolution[i] = "";
The code is looking fine but there seems to be a piece of code which can cause error. For example, you are assigning var selectedSolution = [solutionsLength]; and for example solutionsLength is 5 then your loop runs for 5 times
for(i=0;i<solutionsLength;i++) // runs for 5 times
// but selectedSolution = [5]; which is on 0th index and from 1st to 4th index it is undefined
selectedSolution[i] = this._list.listItems[i].options.value;
So you can try to use push() like
and on initialization change it like,
var selectedSolution = [];
Hopefully this will solve your problem.
var selectedSolution = [solutionsLength];
keeps the value in the selectedSolution variable.
var selectedSolution = [3];
selectedSolution[0] gives the values as 3
So make it simple
var selectedSolution = [];

jquery: Adding up numbers to the current value?

I'm trying to add up numbers to the current value. what I am trying to do is almost a simple shopping cart using jQuery.
However, the issue that I am facing is that the numbers wont add up at all. but instead the numbers get replaced by the new one!
And in fact, I get some strange behavior!
To explain this better I've created this FIDDLE
My code is:
$('.addons').click(function() {
var price2 = +$(this).attr('data-price');
var inputval = +$('#fuelcellprice').val();
var finaltotal = price2 + inputval;
Could someone please advise on this issue?
If #fuelcellprice stores your sum, set it at the very end of your handler. Don't use +, which is misleading for the purpose. I recommend you to rename your variables to reflect your intent accordingly:
$('.addons').click(function() {
var itemPrice = $(this).attr('data-price');
var currentSum = $('#fuelcellprice').val();
var sum = itemPrice + currentSum;
$('#fuelcellprice').val(sum); //store your final value here
1st you need to use parseFloat()
2nd I don't know why you use $('#fuelcellprice').val() while you set it to price2
try this
var inputval = 0;
$('.addons').click(function() {
var price2 = parseFloat($(this).attr('data-price'));
inputval += price2;
Working Demo

Javascript regular expressions for Query Builder

This may have been asked in the past but I couldnt find a suitable answer. What I am looking for is a method to extract parameters from an sql query such as below. The queries will always be an EXEC statement followed by the query name, and possible parameters.
Here is an example of what I may recieve
EXEC [dbo].[myProcedure] #Param1
This could also be as follows
EXEC [dbo].[myProcedure] #Param1, #Param2, #Param3
Those are the only types of queries that the input will take. As for why I am doing this, well thats another question all together, and I am pretty set on going down this route.
What I am looking for is to be able to take the above strings and produce an array of values such as
I originally tried to just parese using a simple while statement but I seem to have huge issues there.
I hope this question makes sense,
Sorted this by using the following statement
function eParams(e) {
var i = e.indexOf('#');
if (i <= 0)
e = e.substring(i);
var p = e.split(',');
var eList = [];
var s = '';
for (var i = 0, j = p.length - 1; i <= j; i++) {
var sP = p[i].trim();
if (sP.indexOf('#') < 0)
var str = 'EXEC [dbo].[myProcedure] #Param1, #Param2, #Param3';
will return an array.
var s = "EXEC [dbo].[myProcedure] #Param1, #Param2, #Param3";
var i = s.indexOf('#');
var a = s.substr(i).split(/\s*,\s*/);
(error checking omitted)

