Element directive template changes not reflected in browser? - javascript

So I've got an element directive defined:
mod.directive("saleList", function() {
return {
restrict: "E",
templateUrl: "templates/sale-list.html"
and when I load the /search route I see it downloaded in the Network tab (I have cache in the browser disabled):
when('/search/:zip', {
templateUrl: "templates/sale-list.html",
controller: 'SearchController'
However, I do not see one of its referenced element directives. Consider this snippet of HTML from the sale-list.html:
<sales-in ng-show="salesInZip()"></sales-in>
<sale-card ng-repeat="sale in sales.local"></sale-card>
I don't see the sale-card getting downloaded.
Now, the reason I'm going at it from this direction is because if I make a change in the sale-card I don't see them reflected in the browser until I reboot the machine. This probably has something to do with the fact that I use WebStorm as my IDE and it has its own local server that isn't easily configurable or clearble.
What's going on here?
NOTE: this just started happening recently, and I wonder if it's because something changed in the angular libraries; I am using their CDN to download the most recent version:
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.0-rc.1/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.0-rc.1/angular-route.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.0-rc.1/angular-sanitize.min.js"></script>

mod.directive("saleList", function() {
return {
restrict: "E",
replace: true,
templateUrl: "templates/sale-list.html"
Try this.


Access JavaScript file in HTML

i am relatively new to Angular and wanted to know the best way to access this JS file in a html file.
app.directive('appInfo', function() {
return {
restrict: 'Z',
scope: {
info: '!='
templateUrl: 'abc.edu'
If I understand your issue correctly
In the HTML-file, use following:
<script src="myscripts.js"></script>
"myscripts.js" - can be changed to what ever you want.

Unit Testing: Directive with Dynamic Template

I am running across an issue when trying to use an unusual method to grab templates for my page-content. I have abstracted it but suffice to say that the code works fine but the testing is throwing up some issues. I have listed my directive below:
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
page: '=pageCode',
link: function (scope, element) {
$http.get('templates/' + scope.page + '.html', {cache: $templateCache})
.success(function(html) {
Basically, when this directive is called with the page-code attribute, it grabs it and pulls in a specific partial for that page content. I have tried mocking out a $scope to contain the code but that wasn't working so I am hardcoding the data-page-code="404" for now. The test is as follows:
Directive Test:
it('should compile and pass through the scope', function() {
mockDirectiveHtml= '<div data-page-content data-page-code="404"></div>';
mockTemplateHtml= '<h1>Hi</h1>';
pageContentHtml= $compile(mockDirectiveHtml)($scope);
However when this runs, the console is telling me it is trying to hit GET('templates/undefined.html'). Now I am unsure if I have things in the right order, or if that is even the solution but has anyone came across something like this in the past? I assume the directive is running before the attributes are passed to it so when it comes to grab templates/' + 'scope.code' that value is undefined.

AngularJS directive with script

Basically, I have my directive defined sample.js as:
app.directive('myDirective', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
info: '='
templateUrl: 'link-to-sample.html'
And in my sample.html I got (for example):
$(div).css('height', {{info}}+'px') //THIS DOESN'T WORK
In my, say, index.html I would like to pass a numerical value, through the info='' tag and use it in the script, running in the sample.html file.
<my-directive info='100'></my-directive>
But using just {{info}} in <script></script> tags seems not to work.
Would be grateful, if you, guys, help me with this.
P.S. I know, that I could write a code inside directive, use compile, or template:, but I would really like to keep in the separate .html file.
Embedding script tags in template files to deal with DOM in directives is strongly discouraged. It does not play well with the Angular way of DOM updates, and it does not have access to scope and the surrounding directive. Also, it will break under CSP where inline scripts are disallowed.
The recommended way would be to use the link function and remove the script tag in templates.
app.directive('myDirective', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
info: '='
templateUrl: 'link-to-sample.html',
link: function (element, $scope, attrs) {
element.find('div').css('height', $scope.info + 'px');
You can still keep the separate sample.html for your template HTML. You just don't put logic in it. This is better separation of concerns in my opinion.

Angular code stops working when it's moved to a template file

I'm new to Angular, so the documentation is a bit of a bear. When I created the following code, and it worked, I thought I was in a good place.
<div ng-controller="postListController">
{{someDataStuff}} <!-- this always works -->
<div ng-repeat="post in data">
<b>{{post.title}}</b> <!-- This sometimes works -->
...and this Javascript in Angular (a snippet, really)
var listController = app.controller('postListController', function postListController($scope) {
$scope.someDataStuff = 'hey there.';
$scope.data = new Object(null);
$.get('get.php',function(data) {
$scope.data = JSON.parse(data);
someDataStuff printed out, and Angular looped happily through the post.titles. Then I tried moving this stuff, verbatim, to a template file and loading it appropriately...
app.directive('ngPostList', function() {
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: 'postlist.html'
This part... only sorta worked. While I was still getting data (returned it in console.log), and I was still getting someDataStuff to come back, it was no actually looping through the data.
Is there something in app.directive I'm missing to make it pass data on to the template I'm now using?
Your template should also take the controller, otherwise it is outside the scope and you are one level further down and you would have to call $parent.post.title etc... to reach the proper parent scope with the data.
app.directive('ngPostList', function() {
restrict: 'E',
Controller: 'postListController',
templateUrl: 'postlist.html'
Overall, pick up one of the Chrome extensions to debug Angular, like ng-inspector, so you can see what scope has what data and it makes your life a lot easier to debug this kind of things.
Angular issues are 95% of the time issues with scope not being what your think it is.

AngularJS and IE compatibility mode

I have angularJS(AngularJS v1.3.0-beta.3) application that crashes in IE10 compatibility mode. It works fine in FF, Chrome and IE11. Here is what I get as an error in console:
Multiple directives [login, login] asking for 'login' controller on: <div>
to set state of application, I create a node:
link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
$compile($element.contents())($scope); // crash happens here
Here is my login directive:
widgets.directive('login', ['$compile', '$http', 'resourceLoader', function ($compile, $http, resourceLoader) {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
replace: true,
template: '<div></div>',
controller: function ($scope, $element) {
$scope.user.isLogged = false;
$scope.user.password = undefined;
$scope.submitLogin = function () {
// code that goes to server
link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
resourceLoader.get('templates', 'profile', 'unlogged/login', 'jquery.min', function (template) {
Any ideas? Thanx.
The main issue is Angular 1.3 does not support older versions of Internet Explorer, more specifically IE8 and less. Putting IE10 in compatibility mode will make the browser act as if it were an older browser for certain layouts and features. The backwards compatability issues are likely the culprit here.
The suggestion by Angular is to remain in a version less than 1.3 to ensure compatability.
See Angular's post on the 1.3 update and review Compatibility Mode settings for further reading on the issues.
Have you tried changing the restriction on the directive from EA to just E, or (probably better for compatability) just A and then using <div data-login="true"></div>?
It looks like something strange is going on with how the html is being parsed - I expect that it's probably adding an attribute for its own use in compatibility, which is screwing everything up.
If this doesn't work, you'd be much more likely to get a correct answer if you provide a plunker or a fiddle to demonstrate the issue more clearly.
Add this line
if ( name === 'login' ) console.log(name, directiveFactory.toString());
at this line
If it prints out twice, you are really loading the directive twice. With the directiveFactory's source code printed out, you will also see if it's the same directive loaded twice or two directives with the same name.
Give id="ng-app" where you are assigning your module name ng-app="module". That will support IE.
Adding below line in index.html's head section solved my problem:
<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=edge">
For more info : https://stackoverflow.com/a/46489212/698127

