postMessage in PhoneGap not working - iframe to parent messaging - javascript

I've build a PhoneGap app which which makes use of an iframe which is bundled with the app and I'm am trying to pass e message from the iframe to the parent which doesn't seem to be working when I run the app on an actual iPad; however it works fine when I run the app in the browser on the same device.
Here is the code I'm using inside the iframe to send a message, note that I'm using HammerJS to capture some events:
var domain = 'http://' + document.domain;
$('body').hammer().on("swipe", "", function(event) {
var message = event.gesture.direction;
parent.postMessage(message,domain); //send the message and target URI
and the code I'm using to get the message:
window.addEventListener('message',function(event) {

And the answer is to use "file://" as the domain name so the code will look like this:
var domain = 'file://';
$('body').hammer().on("swipe", "", function(event) {
var message = event.gesture.direction;
parent.postMessage(message,domain); //send the message and target URI

Try with using
var domain = '*';
Normally this should be because of cross domain problem, see more here

You will need to use:
Since phonegap/cordova pages are served at "file://" and according to
"...posting a message to a page at a file: URL currently requires that the targetOrigin argument be "*". file:// cannot be used as a security restriction; this restriction may be modified in the future."


WKWebView doesn't interact anymore with Javascript in iOS10

I have a native app which has to interact with a website. It has been working normally up to iOS 9, but with iOS 10, the Javascript code inside the web app is no longer valid.
Here is an example of the JS code I use on the onClick event of a button, which as mentioned worked like a charm before iOS10.
function DoSomething()
var iframe = document.createElement("IFRAME");
var url='codeToBeUsed://id=1230';
iframe.setAttribute("src", url);
iframe = null;
when I debug the app on Xcode, the request variable which normally contained the content of the "url" variable on the example provided, now returns a blank value...
<NSMutableURLRequest: 0x170011070> { URL: about:blank }
I even tested placing a alert('click'); but it didn't work either. Does anybody know how to solve this issue?
Using a code close to yours (I pass a stringified json in the src), I also got an embarassing 'about;blank' in the request.
It seems iOs10 has some new restrictions on what you pass to iframe 'src'. I found it requires a valid url to trigger properly the request.
Try to use :
var url='codeToBeUsed://?id=1230';
Edit : or encode URI...

Custom url in chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow

I'm trying to use chrome.identity with VK api for standalone app, which requires setting redirect url to "". Chrome can't parse with url, and doesn't return token. Is there any other way to do this in chrome app? May be i can create popup window, and handle by myself, if it is possible to catch redirect in js code?
Thanks to Xan, there is <webview> solution.
my code:
webview.addEventListener("loadredirect", function(e) {
if(e.newUrl.indexOf('access_token') > -1) {
var result = e.newUrl.split('#')[1].split('&');
app.token = result[0].split('=')[1];
app.expires = result[1].split('=')[1];
app.user_id = result[2].split('=')[1];

Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': !== http://localhost:9000

This is the error message that I get:
Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided
('') does not match the recipient window's origin
I've seen other similar problems where the target origin is and the recipient origin is, but none like mine where the target is and the origin is http://localhost:9000.
I don't get the problem. What is the problem?
How can I fix it?
I believe this is an issue with the target origin being https. I suspect it is because your iFrame url is using http instead of https. Try changing the url of the file you are trying to embed to be https.
For instance:
'//' + id + '?showinfo=0&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://localhost:9000';
to be:
'' + id + '?showinfo=0&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://localhost:9000';
Just add the parameter "origin" with the URL of your site in the paramVars attribute of the player, like this:
this.player = new window['YT'].Player('player', {
videoId: this.mediaid,
width: '100%',
playerVars: {
'autoplay': 1,
'controls': 0,
'autohide': 1,
'wmode': 'opaque',
'origin': 'http://localhost:8100'
Setting this seems to fix it:
this$1.player = new YouTube.Player(this$1.elementId, {
videoId: videoId,
host: '',
You can save the JavaScript into local files:
Into the first file, player_api put this code:
if(!window.YT)var YT={loading:0,loaded:0};if(!window.YTConfig)var YTConfig={host:""};YT.loading||(YT.loading=1,function(){var o=[];YT.ready=function(n){YT.loaded?n():o.push(n)},window.onYTReady=function(){YT.loaded=1;for(var n=0;n<o.length;n++)try{o[n]()}catch(i){}},YT.setConfig=function(o){for(var n in o)o.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(YTConfig[n]=o[n])}}());
Into the second file, find the code: this.a.contentWindow.postMessage(a,b[c]);
and replace it with:
this._skiped = true;
Of course, you can concatenate into one file - will be more efficient.
This is not a perfect solution, but it's works!
My Source : yt_api-concat
Make sure you are loading from a URL such as:
Note the "origin" component, as well as "enablejsapi=1". The origin must match what your domain is, and then it will be whitelisted and work.
In my case this had to do with lazy loading the iframe. Removing the iframe HTML attribute loading="lazy" solved the problem for me.
I got the same error. My mistake was that the enablejsapi=1 parameter was not present in the iframe src.
You also get this message when you do not specify a targetOrigin in calls to window.postMessage().
In this example we post a message to the first iFrame and use * as target, which should allow communication to any targetOrigin.
message : "Hi there",
command :"hi-there-command",
data : "Some Data"
}, '*')
Try using window.location.href for the url to match the window's origin.
Remove DNS Prefetch will solve this issue.
If you're using WordPress, add this line in your theme's functions.php
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_resource_hints', 2 );
There could be any of the following, but all of them lead into DOM not loaded before its accessed by the javascript.
So here is what you have to ensure before actually calling JS code:
* Make sure the container has loaded before any javascript is called
* Make sure the target URL is loaded in whatever container it has to
I came across the similar issue but on my local when I am trying to have my Javascript run well before onLoad of the main page which causes the error message. I have fixed it by simply waiting for whole page to load and then call the required function.
You could simply do this by adding a timeout function when page has loaded and call your onload event like:
window.onload = new function() {
setTimeout(function() {
// some onload event
}, 10);
that will ensure what you are trying will execute well after onLoad is trigger.
In my instance at least this seems to be a harmless "not ready" condition that the API retries until it succeeds.
I get anywhere from two to nine of these (on my worst-case-tester, a 2009 FossilBook with 20 tabs open via cellular hotspot).... but then the video functions properly. Once it's running my postMessage-based calls to seekTo definitely work, haven't tested others.
It looks it's only a Chrome security system to block repeated requests, using CORB.
In my case, YouTube was blocking Access after the first load of the same webpage which has many video API data request, high payload.
For pages with low payload, the issue does not occur.
In Safari and other non Chronuim based browsers, the issue does not occur.
If I load the webpage in a new browser, the issue does not occur, when I reload the same page, the issue appears.
In some cases (as one commenter mentioned) this might be caused if you are moving the player within DOM, like append or etc..
This helped me (with Vue.js)
Found here vue-youtube
mounted() {
window.YTConfig = {
host: ''
const host = this.nocookie ? '' : ''
this.player = player(this.$el, {
width: this.width,
height: this.height,
videoId: this.videoId,
playerVars: this.playerVars
Working like a charm like this:
data() {
return {
playerVars: {
origin: window.location.href,
I think the description of the error is misleading and has originally to do with wrong usage of the player object.
I had the same issue when switching to new Videos in a Slider.
When simply using the player.destroy() function described here the problem is gone.
I had this same problem and it turns out it was because I had the Chrome extension "HTTPS Everywhere" running. Disabling the extension solved my problem.
This exact error was related to a content block by Youtube when "playbacked on certain sites or applications". More specifically by WMG (Warner Music Group).
The error message did however suggest that a https iframe import to a http site was the issue, which it wasn't in this case.
You could change your iframe to be like this and add origin to be your current website. It resolves error on my browser.
<iframe class="test-testimonials-youtube-group" type="text/html" width="100%" height="100%"
Just wishing to avoid the console error, I solved this using a similar approach to Artur's earlier answer, following these steps:
Downloaded the YouTube Iframe API (from to a local yt-api.js file.
Removed the code which inserted the www-widgetapi.js script.
Downloaded the www-widgetapi.js script (from to a local www-widgetapi.js file.
Replaced the targetOrigin argument in the postMessage call which was causing the error in the console, with a "*" (indicating no preference - see
Appended the modified www-widgetapi.js script to the end of the yt-api.js script.
This is not the greatest solution (patched local script to maintain, losing control of where messages are sent) but it solved my issue.
Please see the security warning about removing the targetOrigin URI stated here before using this solution -
Patched yt-api.js example
Adding origin=${} or "*" is not enough.
Add https:// before it and it will work.
Also, make sure that you are using an URL that can be embedded: take the video ID out and concatenate a string that has the YouTube video prefix and the video ID + embed definition.
I think we could customize the sendMessage of the YT.Player
playerOptions.playerVars.origin = window.location.origin or your domain.
this.youtubePlayer = new YT.Player(element,playerOptions);
this.youtubePlayer.sendMessage = function (a) { =, = "widget", a = JSON.stringify(a);
var url = new URL(this.h.src), origin = url.searchParams.get("origin");
if (origin && this.h.contentWindow) {
this.h.contentWindow.postMessage(a, origin)
I used this function to resolve in my project.
Extending #Hokascha's answer above it was also lazy loading for me being automatically added by WordPress. This code will remove all lazy loading on the site's iframes (add to functions.php):
function disable_post_content_iframe_lazy_loading( $default, $tag_name, $context ) {
if ( 'iframe' === $tag_name ) {
return false;
return $default;
add_filter('wp_lazy_loading_enabled', 'disable_post_content_iframe_lazy_loading', 10, 3);
I got a similar error message in my attempt to embed a Stripe pricing table when:
Adding the embed code via PHP through a custom WordPress short code
Or by appending the code to the page dynamically with JavaScript (Even a using a setTimeout() delay to ensure the DOM was loaded didn't work).
I was able to solve this on my WordPress site by adding the code to the WordPress page itself using plain html code in the block editor.
mine was:
I just removed the line with playerVars, and it worked without errors on console.
You can try :
document.getElementById('your_id_iframe').contentWindow.postMessage('your_message', 'your_domain_iframe')
I was also facing the same issue then I visit official Youtube Iframe Api where i found this:
The user's browser must support the HTML5 postMessage feature. Most modern browsers support postMessage
and wander to see that official page was also facing this issue. Just Visit official Youtube Iframe Api and see console logs. My Chrome version is 79.0.3945.88.

Popup to Parent Window Communication in Internet Explorer

I have an iframe embedded into a legacy application. Inside of the iframe I need to do oauth (I'm capturing authentication tokens for later use). In order to do oauth from within an iframe I need to use a popup window. What I need is for that popup window to communicate back to the iframe when oauth completes so the page within the iframe can refresh its data. I need to support IE 10+, Chrome, and Firefox, and everything I've tried works fine in Chrome/Firefox but fails in IE. My current solution (which almost works) looks like this:
/** From within the iframe **/
var storageName = 'SoProOauth';
var addAccountDeferred;
$window.addEventListener('storage', function (evt) {
if (evt.key == storageName) {
getAccounts().then(function () {
// ... later ...
addAccount: function (type) {
addAccountDeferred = $q.defer();
var uri = util.format('/oauth/%s/connect?auth=%s&return_uri=%s',
type, configuration.get('auth'), encodeURI('/configure/oauthcomplete'));
if (Boolean(configuration.get('debug'))) {
uri += '&debug=true';
var oauthWindow = $, 'oauth', 'width=800,height=600');
if (oauthWindow && oauthWindow.focus) oauthWindow.focus();
return addAccountDeferred.promise;
/** From within the popup **/
localStorage.setItem('SoProOauth', 'done');
$timeout(function () {
setInfo('This window can be closed');
$'', '_self', '');
}, 500);
Basically, I'm writing to local storage from within the popup window, and listening for the write event in the parent window. This almost works - it works great in my local test environment but fails when I deploy it to the dev cluster. There could be two reasons why it fails: 1) when I run locally everything is over HTTP, but in the dev cluster it is over HTTPS (worse, the page that hosts the iframe is HTTP but the iframe contents are HTTPS), or 2) when I run locally everything is localhost, but in the dev cluster the iframe host is one machine (local intranet) and the contents of the iframe are public internet (AWS).
Other things I've tried: cookies (same result - works locally but fails deployed), and all of the window properties (window.opener, window.parent, and testing for window.closed() from within the iframe) - these don't work in IE as things get reset once the domain changes (which happens because we're doing oauth).
As you can see the UI code is AngularJS, but what you can't see is it is hosted by Node.js. So I've considered using something like but it seems so heavy-hitting - I really just need to send a quick event from the popup to the parent within the iframe. Any thoughts?

Ti.App.fireEvent not working; error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'App' of undefined

I have a simple Titanium app which opens a webview, and loads a URL. I want the links to open in the default browser, not the app.
I have some jQuery code which adds a click event to all links in the page.
jQuery('a').click(function() {
console.log("Handler for .click() called for URL: " + this.href);
Ti.App.fireEvent('ynOpenURL', {url: this.href });
In the app.js file I have:
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow();
var mywebview = Ti.UI.createWebView({
url : '',
enableZoomControls: false
Ti.App.addEventListener('ynOpenURL', function(e) {'yyyyyy');;
if (Ti.Platform.canOpenURL(e.url)){
} else {
alert("Cannot open URL");
When I run the app on my Android (4.4) the web page loads correctly.
When I click a link on the phone I get the following in the console:
Handler for .click() called for URL:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'App' of undefined (xxxx)
None of the Titanium console events are logged, only the javascript events in the webpage.
As you mentioned that the webview is loading remote url. So Ti.* or Titanium.* are not available at your remote server.
What you can do is :
Create a html file within the app and load the data via ajax and use fireEvent.
Load the data via titanium http client and use Ti.Platform.openURL accordingly.
Edit : Quote from Titanium WebView Docs
Remote Scripts
Scripts downloaded from remote web servers cannot access the Titanium namespace.
To interact with remote content, wait until the content is loaded, then use the evalJS method to execute a JavaScript expression inside the web view and retrieve the value of an expression.

