From php json_encode to jquery decode - javascript

Im using a well known "hack" (the json encode function) to prevent some characters to mess up my html, im receiving from an API a description field that can content single or double quotes (and other special chars). So:
<div class="someThing" data-fulldescription=<?=json_encode($textFromApi);?>>
Now I read that data field using jquery and then print it inside a div:
The problem is, the quotes are now coded by the PHP function, and some characters get replaced by "\u00e8" or "\u00f9", is there a way to reformat the text using jquery?

You are injecting content into HTML in a very wrong (and even unsafe) way. Do this instead:
This way the JSON will be properly encoded and safely injected no matter what is inside; then, you can decode it like so:
var decoded = JSON.parse($(this).parents('.someThing').data('fulldescription'));
The combination of these steps will perfectly preserve the JSON no matter what it represents (you can take shortcuts if you assume it's a string, but why not be always 100% safe?). You can then do whatever you want with the decoded value.


Angular Markdown Parsing "\n" Newline Characters Issue

I've created a blog where markdown is returned as a string from my backend, however when I return a string with the correct newline characters it does not behave as expected.
I am using ngx-markdown to handle parsing of markdown characters, and using the ngPreserveWhitespaces attribute to ensure this should be functioning as expected.
// Example #1 Returned String
"## This is a subheader\n This is a sentence"
// Output
<h2>This is a subheader\n This is a sentence</h2>
It displays it as a single line with the newline character physically rendered as text, as above.
However within any of my Angular components I can literally write this same string as a property on the component and return it, and it renders correctly like so:
// Example #2 Hard Coded String
public correct: string = "## This is a subheader\n This is a sentence";
// Output
<h2>This is a subheader</h2>
<p>This is a sentence</p>
As mentioned, the markdown parser I am using is implemented as such:
<markdown ngPreserveWhitespaces>{{content}}</markdown>
I have also attempted to do this by setting ngPreserveWhitespaces within the main/tsconfig files. However I do not believe this is what the issue is, as I can (natively in JS) console.log both my returned string (#1) and the hard coded string (#2) and even my damn logs display differently (with the latter formatting correctly and the former just stringifying the output).
I have attempted:
JSON stringify/parsing the data in multiple ways (as well as without)
I have attempted using regex to manually replace characters
I have attempted to just manually use <br />
I have tried everything outlined here regarding this markdown parser handling whitespace (which I do not believe is the issue)
Nothing appears to appease the newline gods.
Okay so I've found my solution to this, I am now storing my markdown string as such:
"## This is a subheader\n This is a sentence"
This difference here is the interface I'm storing this within (a Mongo db) puts the speechmarks around string values already, so it now actually looks like this:
""## This is a subheader\n This is a sentence""
Which is more a weird thing with MongoDB Compass than with what I was attempting.
From this, I am able to JSON.parse the value correctly (previously it was attempting to do so with a string that wasn't valid JSON as it wasn't enclosed in double speechmarks).
I am now handling this in an extension of a Property class I have for each of these called HtmlProperty which when instantiated, parses the value correctly.

JavaScript Encoding & Decoding Error

I am getting an issue with Javascript Encoding and Decoding. I have a json object which contains a string encoded in UTF-8 like 'R\xc3\xa9union'. To ensure that the Javascript file correctly displays the string, I'm adding an attribute charset to the script tag. The json object is in countries.js. I'm including countries.js as <script src="js/countries.js" charset="UTF-8"></script> and yet it is still being displayed as Réunion instead of Réunion. Any suggestion?
Use escape() combined with decodeURIComponent():
That should do the trick:
escape('R\xc3\xa9union'); // "R%C3%A9union"
decodeURIComponent("R%C3%A9union"); // "Réunion"
Now, you said you couldn't do this manually for all the places you need strings from the JSON. I really don't know a way to automate this without re-building the JSON with JS, so I'd suggest writing a little "wrapper" function to decode on the fly:
function dc(str){
return decodeURIComponent(escape(str));
You can then decode the required strings with minimal effort:
var myString = dc(myJson["some"]["value"]);
Now, what else could work, but is a little more risky: JSON.stringify() the entire object, decode that using the 2 functions, then JSON.parse() it again.

encoding issue on form.serialize(); Some specials character displaying as ASCII code

I am having a problem with special character in javascript.
I have a form with a input text that has the following string:
after a form.serialize(); I get this string as
The '/' character is converted to its ASCII code %2F.
I would be able to convert that using String.fromCharCode(ascii_code) but I have many inputs in my form so these string is somenthing like:
Just an example to state that I would have to go through this string ("manually") and find those value and convert it.
Is there any easy way to perform that conversion?
Strange thing because I did not have that problem before, I am not sure why this is happening now.
I happens that way because that's how it's meant to be:
The .serialize() method creates a text string in standard URL-encoded
notation. It operates on a jQuery object representing a set of form
As far as I know, there's no native jQuery function to unserialize but your post suggests you already got that and are only stuck in the URL-encoded strings:
decodeURIComponent(encodedURI)Decodes a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) component previously created by encodeURIComponent or
by a similar routine.

Is it enough to use HTMLEncode to display uploaded text?

We're allowing users to upload pictures and provide a text description. Users can view this through a pop up box (actually a div ) via javascript. The uploaded text is a parameter to a javascript function. I 'm worried about XSS and also finding issues with HTMLEncode().
We're using HTMLEncode to guard against XSS. Unfortunately, we're finding that HTMLEncode() only replaces '<' and '>'. We also need to replace single and double quotes that people may include. Is there a single function that will do all these special type characters or must we do that manually via .NET string.Replace()?
Unfortunately, we're finding that HTMLEncode() only replaces '<' and '>'.
Assuming you are talking about HttpServerUtility.HtmlEncode, that does encode the double-quote character. It also encodes as character references the range U+0080 to U+00FF, for some reason.
What it doesn't encode is the single quote. Bit of a shame but you can usually work around it by using only double quotes as attribute value delimiters in your HTML/XML. In that case, HtmlEncode is enough to prevent HTML-injection.
However, javascript is in your tags, and HtmlEncode is decidedly not enough to escape content to go in a JavaScript string literal. JavaScript-encoding is a different thing to HTML-encoding, so if that's the reason you're worried about the single quote then you need to employ a JS string encoder instead.
(A JSON encoder is a good start for that, but you would want to ensure it encodes the U+2028 and U+2029 characters which are, annoyingly, valid in JSON but not in JavaScript. Also you might well need some variety of HTML-escaping on top of that, if you have JavaScript in an HTML context. This can get hairy; it's usually better to avoid these problems by hiding the content you want in plain HTML, for example in a hidden input or custom attribute, where you can use standard HTML-escaping, and then read that data from the DOM in JS.)
If the text description is embedded inside a JavaScript string literal, then to prevent XSS, you will need to escape special characters such as quotes, backslashes, and newlines. The HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method is not suitable for this task.
If the JavaScript string literal is in turn embedded inside HTML (for example, in an attribute), then you will need to apply HTML encoding as well, on top of the JavaScript escaping.
You can use Microsoft's Anti-Cross Site Scripting library to perform the necessary escaping and encoding, but I recommend that you try to avoid doing this yourself. For example, if you're using WebForms, consider using an <asp:HiddenField> control: Set its Value property (which will be HTML-encoded automatically) in your server-side code, and access its value property from client-side code.
how about you htmlencode all of the input with this extended function:
private string HtmlEncode(string text)
char[] chars = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(text).ToCharArray();
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(text.Length + (int)(text.Length * 0.1));
foreach (char c in chars)
int value = Convert.ToInt32(c);
if (value > 127)
result.AppendFormat("&#{0};", value);
return result.ToString();
this function will convert all non-english characters, symbols, quotes, etc to html-entities..
try it out and let me know if this helps..
If you're using ASP.NET MVC2 or ASP.NET 4 you can replace <%= with <%: to encode your output. It's safe to use for everything it seems (like HTML Helpers).
There is a good write up of this here: New <%: %> Syntax for HTML Encoding Output in ASP.NET 4 (and ASP.NET MVC 2)

javascript escape problem with unicode characters

I use the following jquery code to load some date on a specific event from external file:
$("#container").load("/include/data.php?name=" + escape(name));
if the javascript "name" variable contains unicode characters it sends some encoded symbols to data.php file, something like this: %u10E1
How can I deal with this encoded symbols? I need to convert them back to readable one.
When I remove the escape function and leave just "name" variable the code doesn't work any more...
Can anyone please help?
If you want to do this manually, then you should be using encodeURIComponent, not escape (which is deprecated)
The jQuery way, however, would be:
$("#container").load("/include/data.php", { "name": name });
Either way PHP should decode it automatically when it populates $_GET.
This may help you.
javascript - how to convert unicode string to ascii

