stop inline javascript from executing - javascript

I use simple php parser to load a page, but within the blog post there is a injected fb javascript, the DOM look like this
I tried using jQuery to remove like $('#fb-root') but when I think back of course it doesn't work, because jQuery run later than the like button plugin.
I do want to return header plain/text because I want to keep the style of some part.

Well, of course you could just use some CSS:
#fb-root { display : none; }
Other than that, you could use an interval to check if "fb-root" has already been written do the document and then remove it... But I wouldn't suggest that since CSS does the job way easier.


When using CasperJS, is it possible to interact with the DOM of a loaded page before any inline or external Javascript is executed?

The situation I have is that I'm opening a page using CasperJS.
The page in question has some Javascript (a combination of both inline and external) that removes several HTML elements from the document.
However, I want to be able to retrieve those elements using something like getElementsByXPath() within CasperJS before they are removed. Is this possible?
When I dump out the value of getPageContent(), the elements are not in there. However, if I set = false; before calling the page, getPageContent() now shows the raw HTML before any Javascript is executed, and the missing HTML tags are there. The problem now, though, is that disabling Javascript prevents any usage of evaluate(), so I still can't retrieve the elements. I could probably do it using a regex of some sort on the raw content, but I was hoping there could be a cleaner method of doing it.
Any suggestions welcome!
I've never heard of anyone doing this. I wouldn't say using regex is a bad idea. I usually scrape with a combination of casperjs xpath and python regex it works extremely well and I personally don't think it's any messier than trying to intercept JavaScript before the page is loaded.
That being said, casperjs allows you to inject JavaScript which you could use jquery if it's available on the page you're requesting. The below code fires before anything is loaded. You actually have to go out of your way to add code to prevent this from firing before the page loads.
<script type='text/javascript'>
alert("Stop that parsing!");

Is their a way to add separate CSS and JS files for a particular part of web page

Is there any way to add separate CSS and Javascript files those work for only particular section of a page and don't affect any other part of the page?
I am attempting to add the following to my web page:
When I used it, the CSS and JS files affect my whole web page.
I don't want this to be happened. I want to add a slider without changing my site totally.
Is there any way to get it working without adding all of the slider's CSS and JS code to my webpage?
Its possible to do this using an iframe as a sort of sandbox. But it begs the question, what are you trying to "protect" the page from? If you have name conflicts, you're best fixing those rather than sandboxing the slider.
If you want to have JS and CSS specific to a certain part of a page, and you don't know JS and CSS, the only way is through iframes.
If you've made the CSS yourself, you can just add a prefix to apply it to on certain sections. Not like this:
p {color:pink}
instead, add a prefix, like this:
#menu p {color:pink}
#content p {color:black}
Your JS should only apply to elements based on id, unless your using something like jQuery. If you're using jQuery you can apply changes only to certain elements in the same way as CSS. eg.
Not like this:
instead, add a prefix, like this:
jQuery('#content p').slider();
You can use iframes for this. Create a new page with your CSS and JS file included in it and call that page from iframe.

Can i load css from the original file?

Seems like to me there should be an option for that but i can't seem to find it.
This question was asked many times but only workarounds were answered and that's not what i'm looking for.
I am changing my css incode and i want to load the original css back instead of coding it myself, how can that be achived?
I don't wanna reload the entire file, just load some div or class css.
See this post for a solution.
Based on that you can do something like this:
$("#fix").click(function(e) {
Note: This assumes you are using JQuery to change the styles in the first place
Here is a working example
if you're using jQuery apply
to your elements
I want to load the original css back instead of coding it myself
This is not necessary. You are trying to reload a resource that should just continue to exist. Once it's loaded, you don't need to load it again. If you need to override a style, apply a class to it. To revert to original, remove the class. That's how cascading style sheets work.
If there is a particular reason the css needs to be dynamic, you can try loading css into the Document via the DOM (document.createElement("style") etc.), but support for this is a bit sketchy I believe.
if you want to reset the WHOLE style and not only divs' you'd better use the all selector

Insert Jquery after another script

i want to insert Jquery library in my HTML, but i can't place it on the header of file. I need to include it after some scripts im running.
Do you know any way to do this without getting an error?
You may be trying to call jQuery in a script before your jQuery library file is loaded.
You only have to load jQuery before your scripts that use it. Other scripts that don't use jQuery can go before it if you want.
For example, if you want to include jQuery in a script tag at the end of the body and then include some scripts that use jQuery after that, you can do it that way.
If you are constructing your own site/page then you may be able to control this enough by making sure jQuery is included before the other files. However, if you are using something like WordPress or other dynamic CMS platforms you may not be able to stop something from referencing jQuery before it exists.
Check out this github project for jqShim that might help. You can include the very basic dom ready functionality in the head while moving the bigger/larger/slower/complete jQuery download to the bottom of the BODY (but before any plugins). As long as the code that calls jQuery is doing something like:
jQuery(function($) { ... doing something when ready ... });
Those calls can still be made in the body, after using the jqShim, and will behave as expected. Let me know if it proves to be helpful!

Best approach for including bits of Javascript on individual pages in Sitefinity

Frequently, I just want to drop a bit of jQuery on an individual page. Given my early understanding of Sitefinity, I think...
I can't easily put JS in the <head>.
I could put JS in a Generic Content control, but then my JS is sitting inline in the <body>. Maybe I need to relax, but I don't usually like to put much JS in the <body>.
It feels like this kind of scenario is an afterthought. Is JS a 2nd-class citizen in Sitefinity?
JavaScript does not live in the head. Yahoo even says it is better for performance
I agree with epascarello you really shouldn't be putting your javascript in the head anyway.
And just in case you didn't know about this the jQuery framework is part of Sitefinity. The article also shows you how you can include external libraries in sitefinity from anywhere withing your project whether it be master page or user control.
Why not have the jQuery code in a separate .js file and use unobtrusive JavaScript? With jQuery you can separate behavior and markup so nicely that you should never have to include JavaScript in your head or body ever again.
Just use the standard onLoad function in jQuery and put all of your initialization code in there.
Try it, I think that you will like it! If you like using CSS for separation of presentation and markup, then jQuery can do the same thing with behavior and markup.
This is an old question, but one way you can do it now is:
Add a Javascript block (under Scripts & Styles), and then paste the URL to the jquery code:
Then add another Javascript block with your jquery, like:
$(document).ready(function() {
Or you can also paste the URL to your js file.

