Style select box option:disabled when it's checked - javascript

In the image below, I want Exp. Year (the disabled option) to be grey on page load like a placeholder, and when an option is clicked (2016), I want it to turn to black. It is possible to do this without js?
What is currently does:
What I want it to do: (Exp. Month is grey on page load, then 2016 is black on select)
.select-box {
border: 1px solid $ghBlack;
height: 36px;
background: transparent;
margin: 10px 0 14px 0;
color: #000;
option:disabled {
color: #a9a9a9;
option:not(:checked) {
color: #a9a9a9;

One way to do this is as follows:
// binding an anonymous function as the change-event handler:
$('select').change(function () {
// adjusting the 'color' property of the select element:
$(this).css('color', function () {
// caching the 'this' variable for efficiency (give repeated use):
var self = this,
// finding the options of the select element:
opts = self.options;
// getting the currently-selected option, and then checking if
// it's the default-selected option (returns a Boolean); if it is
// we set the colour to '#aaa', if not we set the colour to '#000':
return opts[self.selectedIndex].defaultSelected ? '#aaa' : '#000';
// triggering the change-event so that this runs on page-load:
JS Fiddle demo.

When you explained more what you try to do, then the answer is no, you can't do it without javascript, because the color of the main option is just one....its defined by this css selector
.select-box {
color: grey;
You can only change colors of the options (when the select is opened) - fiddle:


Drag and drop file to specific target

I have a set of elements of media files listed like this.
I want to upload a a media file from windows explorer to a specific target of this list(for eg- It should be possible to add file above 'Title A' or below 'Title A'... ). How to achieve this?I know how to upload a file and it is achievable for me if it's to add to the end of the list. What I don't get is how to get that specific position which I need to upload.
(If it's a DOM element, I could have used jQuery draggable droppble, but again it's not possible here! :(. )
I am using ember and I have created component and added it after each element
abc: $('<div class="bla"></div>'),
didInsertElement() {
var self = this;
$('.xyz').bind("dragenter", function (evt) {
var targetElement = $(;
var holder = self.get('abc');
$('.xyz').bind("dragleave", function (evt) {
$('.xyz').bind("drop", function (evt) {
With this I could successfully add a div below the target element. But with 'dragleave' it's executing every time and hence it's detaching everytime and also if I don't want to drop it or drop outside the window, it's not detaching at all.(something like dragend?)
position: relative;
clear: both;
cursor: default;
margin-top: 2px;
min-height: 32px;
line-height: 32px;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: white;
border: 1px solid #999;
Any help?!
Thank you.

Dynamically change the background of div based on the returned value of function

Here is the function
function getColor() {
var color = '';
function() {
color = 'coldest';
return color;
function() {
color = '';
return color;
function() {
color = 'warmest';
return color;
function() {
color = '';
return color;
Then I call it
$('.area').css('background-color', getColor());
I see that the function it works, but the result doesn't affect the ".area" element.
I don't want to add an event to the ".area" element!
Here is jsfiddle
As I said in the comments, the getColor function attaches hovering listeners to DOM elements. That's all it does. It does not return a color. Currently, you're expecting this function to return a color from a future event that has not happened yet (the user hovering an element). The logic is flawed, you need to rethink it. First, attach the hovering listeners. Then, on hover, change the area color.
const $area = $('.area'),
$cold = $('.animated-teaser.cold'),
$warm = $('.animated-teaser.warm');
$cold.hover(function() {
}, function() {
$warm.hover(function() {
}, function() {
function changeAreaColor(color) {
$area.css('background-color', color)
This being said, "warmest" is an invalid CSS color, so it won't do anything. Change it to "crimson" or something official.
Should be tying to the hover event instead of a one time update, i.e.
function() {
color = 'coldest';
return color;
function() {
color = '';
return color;
Your JS is flawed for several reasons, not least of all due to the semantics of attaching event handlers in a function designed to return a colour value, which itself returns no value.
However, given your HTML, you don't need JS for this at all. You can do this more effectively in CSS by using the General sibling selector (~) and :hover.
Also note that coldest and warmest are not valid options for the background-color rule. You need to use a recognised colour name or value. In the following example I used lightblue and coral. Try this:
.animated-teaser {
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
display: inline-block;
.animated-teaser:hover {
border: 2px solid red;
.animated-teaser.cold {
background: blue;
.animated-teaser.warm {
background: orange;
.animated-teaser.cold:hover ~ .area {
background-color: lightblue;
.animated-teaser.warm:hover ~ .area {
background-color: coral;
.area {
display: block;
width: 200px;
height: 100px;
background: #f1f1f1;
<div class="animated-teaser cold"></div>
<div class="animated-teaser warm"></div>
<div class="area"></div>
Just put these 2 lines in CSS. No need of javascript for this simple task
.cold:hover ~ .area {
background: blue
.warm:hover ~ .area {
background: orange

How to call access pseudo elements styling from Javascript? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Selecting and manipulating CSS pseudo-elements such as ::before and ::after using javascript (or jQuery)
(26 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Earlier my question was:-
I have the following code in my Sass css file
.random {
box-sizing: content-box;
text-align: center;
line-height: 1;
&:before {
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 0.2em;
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-right: 0.4em solid transparent;
border-left: 0.4em solid transparent;
content: "";
vertical-align: baseline;
.perc-neg:before {
border-top: 0.5em solid #FCB062;
.perc-neg.good:before {
border-top: 0.5em solid #98F1AC;
I have a div with
class = "random perc-neg good"
Now I want to change style of the above div. how to do it?
I tried following in console but it returns empty object
$("random perc-neg good:before").css("color","red");
Someone has suggested its a possible duplicate but its not.
Int he related question, the user just wanted to make it visible or hidden so two classes will be sufficient.
But my requirement is to change the color as per user's choice which he can select from wide range of colors.
Its definitely impossible to define a class with each color changes.
And we cant pass some variable to css as well to change the color property accordingly.
Updated Question:
I am now using Sass.
I have defined an function to update the color
#function em($color) {
#return border-bottom: 0.5em solid $color;
.perc-neg.good:before {
definitely, I can call the function from the Sass file but how to call it from javascript
Now I want to pass the hex code of color from javascript
I need to pass something like this from javascript
looked for the same in google did not find anything relevant
Instead of marking it as duplicate, it would be much better if you can provide a solution
You cannot access pseudo elements in Javascript since these elements are not in the DOM.
If you want the change pseudo elements styling, you need to predefine css classes for that purpose and add/remove those based on your triggering events.
If that is not possible, simply don't set the colorproperty on the pseudo element at all, but on the host element, since :before and :after will then inherit their host element's color property (if they don't have a specific color property assigned to themselves in CSS).
You cannot call a SASS / LESS function from javascript as they are both pre-compilers that just produce a static stylesheet.
If you have a limited color pallet you could create all the rules that cover your use cases.
However you do have the ability to create a style element with javascript and append new rules to it. Here is a simple example that you could expand on
// add Style is wrapped in a closure that locks in a single
// style element that you can add to on the fly
const addStyle = (() => {
// create and append the style element
const styleSheet = document.createElement('style')
const style = styleSheet.sheet
// helper function to serialize an object to a css string
const serializeStyle = (styles) => {
return Object.keys(styles).reduce((str, prop) => {
return str + kebabCase(prop) + ':' + styles[prop] + ';'
}, '')
// helper function to convert camelCase to kebab-case
const kebabCase = (str) =>
str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, (_, letter) => '-'+ letter.toUpperCase())
// return the public function
return (selector, styles) => {
// add a new rule to the created stylesheet
selector + '{' + serializeStyle(styles) + '}',
addStyle('.random::before', {
border: '10px solid #aec369'
addStyle('.random::before', {
background: '#bada55',
boxShadow: '5px 5px 10px #777'
const el = document.querySelector('#color')
const em = () => {
addStyle('.random::before', {
borderColor: el.value
el.addEventListener('keyup', em)
el.addEventListener('change', em)
.random {
position: relative;
background-color: #eee;
.random::before {
content: '';
display: block;
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
<input id="color" placeholder="#000000" />
<div class="random">

Change text selection highlight with JS

For standard browsers you can use something like this to change the coloring of selected text:
div.txtArea::selection {
background: transparent;
div.txtArea::-moz-selection {
background: transparent;
div.txtArea::-webkit-selection {
background: transparent;
But I need to do this with JavaScript instead.
My users can select text and then change the color. While they are selecting another color it updates the color constantly. Since the text is selected they can't see what the color looks like. I need to change the selection style of my targeted element to be transparent only during mouseover of the color changer.
I have tried a few things including:
'selection': 'transparent',
'-moz-selection': 'transparent',
'-webkit-selection': 'transparent'
Is there a way to do this with javascript?
There's no DOM interface for manipulating pseudo-classes. The only thing you can do is add the rules to a stylesheet. For instance:
// Get the first stylesheet
var ss = document.styleSheets[0]
// Use insertRule() for standards, addRule() for IE
if ("insertRule" in ss) {
ss.insertRule('div.txtArea::-moz-selection { background: transparent; }', 0);
ss.insertRule('div.txtArea::selection { background: transparent; }', 0);
ss.insertRule('div.txtArea::-webkit-selection { background: transparent; }', 0);
You can access and change rules using stylesheet.cssRules[index].style, stylesheet.rules[index].style for IE, which is where it gets a little more complicated.
I didn't include an IE6-8 example using addRule() because those versions of IE don't support ::selection.

how to remove the borders in JQuery Layout?

Hello I am using jquery layout plugin from .
my options are following:
// create page layout
pageLayout = $('body').layout(
{applyDemoStyles: true,
spacing_closed: 0,
slidable: false,
togglerLength_closed: 0
// we need to remove the borders as well....
This removes sliders but:
How to remove the pane borders as well?
thanks Arman.
Remove one border:
Remove all borders:
As you should be quite sure that each pageLayout.pane will have o as a property:
for(property in pageLayout.panes){
pageLayout.panes[property].css('border', 'none');
How you should really do it - checks to make sure o is a property of pageLayout.pane before attempting to access it:
for(property in pageLayout.panes){
pageLayout.panes[property].css('border', 'none');
I haven't tried this plugin yet but since your last line is pretty much like the usual css try this.
pageLayout.panes.north.css({'backgroundColor' : '#A6f', 'border' : 'none'});
Using a css rewriting. After including the css layout file in the head section (usually jquery.ui.layout.css) you could add a style that rewrites the original.
.ui-layout-pane {
background: #FFF;
border: 0 none; //This rewrites the original style
padding: 10px;
overflow: auto;

