Getting JS to set post data - javascript

I'm currently working a page that lists a lot of users inside a table using a role id.
The role id value is gathered using the select dropdown and then pressing submit. This shows the table below with all the users with that specific role. The way this is done is that when the form is submitted, the id is returned inside the $_POST of my select box. What i want to do is not use a submit button at all, I want to be able to scroll through the different roles, and when I click on a different role within the select, it update the table below automatically without needing to post.
Let's say my select box is called role:
<select id="role">
And the options are:
id: 1, name: blah1
id: 2, name: blah2
I have been working on trying to get this work using ajax and posting the data back to PHP using the change function. Here is my code:
$(document).ready(function() {
var role_id = $('#role').val();
url: 'assign-roles-2.php',
data: {"roleID":role_id},
type: 'post',
I have this in PHP also:
$role_id = trim($_POST["roleID"]);
But this returns as null. How would I go about getting the value I get from the select input and use it to set this role_id variable in PHP without submitting a form?

I am assuming that your description of your option elements: id: 1, name: blah1 does not reflect their markup and that they are defined like so...
<option value="1">blah1</option>
If so, then the following should work fine.
var role_id = $('#role').find('option:selected').val();


javascript ajax onchange select box while doing update

I have a select box which populates data based on selection on other select boxes.
I am able to populate data. But how to make a value selected and do onchange event during editing of the form. ie, updation.
I am facing difficulty in making it selected based on database entry and to do onchange. What I am able to do it just the populating data from DB based on change.
you can easly create it with jquery, here's the example:
var val = $('#id_of_your_select option').attr('selected', 'selected');
url: "your_url",
data: {
value: val; // get the input post of value in server side
success: function(result){
// loop a json array and use append function of the jquery on the second select box
i can only explain like that cause there's no code that you give.

How to sanitize X-Editable value *before* editing?

I'm using X-Editable to give users the possibility to edit values inline. This works great, but I now want to use it for some money values which are localized in a "European way" (e.g.: € 12.000.000,00). When I click edit, I want the input to only contain 12000000 though.
Is there a way that I can sanitize the value in X-editable before it gets displayed in the X-Editable input? All tips are welcome!
See the plunker From X-editable documentation it is evident you can use value property of configuration to format the value you want to send to the editor as shown below.
Element displaying money value in your HTML:
Javascript code in your HTML:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$.fn.editable.defaults.mode = 'inline';
type: 'text',
pk: 1, //Whatever is pk of the data
url: '/post', //Post URL
title: 'Enter money', //The title you want to display when editing
value:function(input) {
return $('#money').text().replace(/\./g, '').replace(/,00$/,'');
If you want to format the value back for display after editing you can do that in display property of the configuration hash like this:
type: 'text',
pk: 1, //Whatever is pk of the data
url: '/post', //Post URL
title: 'Enter money', //The title you want to display when editing
value:function() {
return $('#money').text().replace(/\./g, '').replace(/,00$/,'');
display:function(value) {
//var formattedValue = formatTheValueAsYouWant(value);
Seems like there is no callback function available for what you want.
so You need to make it outside of the library.
here is how to do it.
//remove all characters but numbers
var _val = $(this).val().match(/\d/g).join("");
//set it.
replace the part of .form-control.input-sm into your case.
I just tested this on the library's demo site's first demo fieled named "Simple text field" with chrome developper tools
Since x-editable form would be generated right before showing up.You need to hook an event to document and wait for input field inside of x-editable form gets focus which is the time x-editable shows up and edit the value into whatever you want.
and Yes, This method works AFTER the input field shows up but It's hardly possible to notice that value is changing after it gets displayed.

How can I save data on the first few tab and submit the data entered on the last tab using Ajax?

I have a form that that is divided into 3 tabs, I want to save the data entered for first and the second tab, and lastly submit the whole data entered for the form at last tab.
I couldn't find any close example on this, and i'm doing this for a project. Any help will be really appreciated.
To store created id, create hidden input in any of your tabs:
<?= $this->Form->input('id', array('type' => 'hidden', 'class'=>'idHolder')) ?>
To save data from first two tabs you simply do the following:
url: 'some url',
data: $('.firstTab input, .secondTab input').serialize(),
success: function(id){
$('.idHolder').val(id) //this will save output from controller into hidden input
And you need to echo ID of your just created item.
//this one goes inside your controller:
echo $this->ModelName->id;exit; //this will output just created id back to your ajax function

Clearing bootstrap editable forms

I am currently using bootstrap editable for the front end of my application.
See plugin:
What I am doing is loading data onto a page via Ajax and allowing each item on the page to be editable. For example; I load a user onto a page and allows for his first name, last name and date of birth to be editable.
Because I am loading via Ajax, when a second user is loaded for example or third and i try to edit the first name etc, I keep getting the values of the first user loaded initially.
I am presuming it may be cache. I have tried setting display on the function and even auto-text.
Is there anyway I can reset or clear the editable form?
see sample code below:
function editable(obj) {
$('#title, #lastName, #firstName).editable('option', {
pk: obj.lId,
placement: 'bottom',
emptytext: 'Empty',
display: function(value) {
validate: function(value) {
if ($.trim(value) === '') {
return 'This field is required';
Assuming that obj is your new user, and it contains the title, last name, and first name of the new user, all you have to do is set the values of the x-editable objects:
$('#title').editable('setValue', obj.title);
$('#lastName').editable('setValue', obj.lastName);
$('#firstName').editable('setValue', obj.firstName);
The reason why your example is not working is because x-editable separates the display from the actual value. Your display function is called whenever the user changes an x-editable value. By default, x-editable displays whatever the value is set to. But perhaps the internal value is different from a displayed value, that is what the display function is used for - it has no impact on the actual value, just the display of the value.
X-Editable has a lot of different methods you can take advantage of, you can find them on the 'Methods' tab here:

Populating JScript Array for reuse on SELECTs

Forgive me if this is already 'somewhere' on StackOverflow, but I don't 100% know exactly what it would come under...
I'm trying to retrieve information from a WebService, store this in an array, and then for each <select> within my ASP.Net Datalist, populate it with the array AND have binding attached to an OnChange event.
In other words, I have an array which contains "Yes, No, Maybe"
I've an ASP.Net Datalist with ten items, therefore I'd have 10 <Select>s each one having "Yes, No, Maybe" as a selectable item.
When the user changes one of those <Select>s, an event is fired for me to write back to the database.
I know I can use the [ID=^ but don't know how to:
a) Get the page to populate the <Select> as it's created with the array
b) Assign a Change function per <Select> so I can write back (the writing back I can do easy, it's just binding the event).
Any thoughts on this?
I have built a simple example that demonstrates, I think, what you are attempting to accomplish. I don't have an ASP.Net server for building examples, so I have instead used Yahoo's YQL to simulate the remote datasource you would be getting from your server.
Example page =>
Example steps:
query datasource to get array of select questions
build HTML of selects
append HTML to page
attach change event listener to selects
on select value change submit value
Example jQuery:
// get list of questions
url: url,
dataType: "jsonp",
success: function(data) {
// build string of HTML of selects to append to page
var selectHtml = "";
$(data.query.results.p).each(function(index, element) {
selectHtml += '<select class="auto" name="question'+index+'"><option value="Yes">Yes</option><option value="No">No</option><option value="Maybe">Maybe</option></select> '+element+'<br/>';
// append HTML to page
// bind change event to submit data
$("").change(function() {
var name = $(this).attr("name");
var val = $(this).val();
// replace the following with real submit code
$(document.body).append("<p>Submitting "+name+" with value of "+val+"</p>");
Example datasource =>
Example loaded:
Example select value changed:

