number of reading text in web page with javascript - javascript

how to found how many times a news(for example)are read in website?
<p> <!-- my news--></p>
var counter=0;
windows.onload=function() {

You can't use a JavaScript variable to hold your counter. Each time your page loads this variable is reset to 0.
You need to store the information somewhere, such as a database or in a file on the server. You can't store information like this inside your code.
Look into MySQL databases and PHP.

Your own server's logs can tell you how many times a page has been loaded, and that's a far easier approach than using JavaScript. If you absolutely have to use JavaScript, you'll need to use Ajax (or something) to communicate the result to the server.
Really, Google Analytics is the right tool for this job.


HTML download counter without PHP

I'm wondering if it's possible to make a download counter without the use of php. I have been told it's possible but cannot find anywhere that has helped me.
I am trying to save the counts to text file on the server. I cannot use php as my server does not allow the use of it. I have tried javascript but can't seem to get anything working. Any suggestions or guidance would be appreciated!
The server allows, html, javascript, and css.
PHP is the most common server language available on hosting services, if your server does not allow it, it's possible you can't use any language at all on the server side.
Let's assume you can't use any language on the server side, then there is two possible actions.
use a third party server where you can save your data.
save locally your data using javascript.
Using a 3rd party service might be complex to implement and you need to learn a bit about cross origin request. You will need to add a few javascript librairies and understand a lots of concept so I'll just go with the easy one.
You browser have a localStorage wich can be access through Javascrip
[!] Know that this will be save only on your browser therefore other users or session will not have access to the counter.
// get the saved value or zero if not found
var count = localStorage.getItem('so-demo') || 0;
// increment the value by 1
// save the value
localStorage.setItem('so-demo', count);
// show the actual value
document.getElementById('theValue').innerHTML = count
<div id="theValue">localStorage is not allowed on stack overflow but works elsewhere</div>
The similar question had already been raised, check out this topic
The way suggested with Google Analytics out there is quite a good idea

how to update content automatically without reloading webpage using php/ajax?

I'm trying to create an auction tool using PHP. The problem I'm having (and I appreciate its a basic one but I need clarification) is that I don't understand how to update the "auction price" automatically on each users screen without them having to take any action or without causing a full reload of the page.
So far I understand that Ajax is used to do this but if anyone could point me in the right direction or to any useful materials. My plan for my project so far is to use PHP and JavaScript so any solution would need to be compatible with these languages.
Note: I'm using a MySQL database.
Ther question you asked has so much possible answers, they could fill a whole book.
The simplest way to do this is to make an ajax call every few seconds using a combination of the setInterval() function and AJAX calls. You basically make an AJAX request every few seconds:
$.get( "anyChanges.php", function( data ) {
//do something with the returned data. Maybe update a table or something
}, 3000);
On server side anyChanges.php returns some data immediately, like confirmation that something has changed and the new data.
Long polling is how Google and others do it. It's the same as the example above. The difference is on the server side. anyChanges.php would not return immediately, the script would keep the connection open until there is some new changes and return them. If you use long polling, you usually set the interval to longer, for example 30 seconds.
The best way to do it in my opinion, are WEB Sockets. It is a very new technology. With web sockets you can create a two-way connection to the server. That means that the server could simply send data to the clients without them having to ask for new data every few seconds. In PHP it's a little difficult to use web sockets (Or so I heard), but you could give it a shot. If you choose web sockets, try to learn about them first:
tutsplus tutorial
This library will be helpfull:
Php/Ajax example:
In this example you have index.html and record_count.php files
Here is the Code:
index.html contains the html code and javascript call to load record_count.php
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var auto_refresh = setInterval(
function ()
}, 10000); // refresh every 10000 milliseconds
<div id="load_tweets"> </div>
and record_count.php has the php code
echo "some code or variable here";
you can change the javascript interval to suit your needs
I'll leave you the blog link as a reference: 9lessons
As I making interactive displays, which must switch pages instantly, then I create pages without refreshing.
My approach is something like that:
I have one index.html with all structure (pages) with all necessary html tags.
javascript/typescript loads json from CMS (Kirby for example), which has all information about texts and image links.
when json is loaded now I just need to switch between pages by showing/hiding or creating/removing html elements. And all data and texts are loaded by javascript.
There is some cons, which can be fixed, for example link for each page in address bar. In that case You need to add history management and change url in address bar on page switch.

Passing data from one page to another

Pls can anybody give me the clue of how to pass data from one page(test1.html) to another page(test2.html) and then later pass the previous 2 pages(test1 and test2.html) to a new page called last.html using javascript not php cos it is a local app. tanx
There are several ways to do it, you could pass a query string from page to page (prob a bad idea unless we are talking small bits of data you dont mind people seeing)
You could use local/session storage depending on the browsers you are looking to support.
You could also use a database and have a ajax post/get from page to page (not a great idea)
If you have something like php in the back end you could use a php session.
You could also use a cookie (again not the best idea but a good fallback for local/session storage)
Or you could have a single page app and use something like angular to show/change your page(s)

Pull an external page 10 seconds after the request using PHP

I have two web pages that I'll call and for this example.
Alvin displays search results based on a query string variable, but it loads the results using JavaScript approximately two seconds after the page loads.
Bert needs to use these results for occasional ad-hoc reporting, but due to the way the company is set up, I can't link directly into the database that Alvin is pulling from. A different team manages the Alvin page, so I won't have access to change their existing code.
While I think I could do this with .NET, I'm unsure of how to do the request with PHP which is highly preferred for the page.
Is anybody aware of how I could use file_get_contents, file_get_html or any other PHP functions to get the HTML of another page but only pull the HTML five seconds after the initial request to allow the JavaScript to update the results?
Credit to mplungjan - not sure why I didn't think of this earlier, but I was able to replicate the AJAX to the same request. Thanks!
Since they are on the same domain, one page can ajax the other page in – mplungjan

HTML5 call variables form other pages

So i'm trying to implement this javascript function into an html page, but i need to call other variables from other pages.
function concatWord(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,z)
var General = "Please send"+a+"to"+b+"as"+c+"works in"+d+"at"+e+"with"+f+"in the house of"+g+"using the hashtag"+g+"Thanks";
return General;
So the variables the function receive are in seven different pages (a and z are in the same page), does anyone know how to call them? Thank you.
JavaScript is an interpreted language, it only lives as long as the page does. To pass variables in-between pages, you need to use a database system to save them. If you are using HTML5, have a look at Local Storage, which allows you to store persistent information across pages without involving a server.

