how to delete input text box from javascript - javascript

i have created a input text box from javascript with the following code in runtime
var textbox = document.createElement('input');
textbox.type = 'text';'tbox';
How can i delete the same textbox in runtime?

In javascript, you can not directly remove the element. You have to go to its parent element to remove it.
var elem = document.getElementById("tbox");


try remove()
so assuming I've got the right one:
If not the above... then make sure you give it an id and choose it by that before remove()ing it

Possible duplicate: Remove element by id
However you can use the following solution:
You could make a function that did the removing for you so that you wouldn't have to think about it every time.
function remove(id)
return (elem=document.getElementById(id)).parentNode.removeChild(elem);

Try this:
var temp = document.getElementById('texts'+i);


get the html of element itself using jquery .html()

How to get the html of element itself using Jquery html. In the below code I would like get the input element inside div using JQuery as shwon below
<div id="content">content div</div>
<input type='text' id="scheduledDate" class="datetime" />
$(function() {
Can I get the $("#scheduledDate") as string which represent the real html code of the input box, because my final requirement is I want to pass it to some other SubView( I am using backboneJS) and eventually use that html code in a dust file.
My original requirement was to get that input field as string so that I can pass it to some other function. I know, if I keep it inside a DIV or some other container, I can get the html by using .html method of JQuery. I dont want use some other for that purpose. I am just trying to get html content of the input box itself using it's id.
If you want to move the input element into div, try this:
If you want to copy the input element into div, try this:
Note: after move or copy element, the event listener may need be registered again.
$(function() {
var content = $('#content');
var scheduledDate = $('#scheduledDate');
As the original author has stated that they explicitly want the html of the input:
$(function() {
var scheduledDate = $('#scheduledDate').clone();
var temporaryElement = $('<div></div>');
var scheduleDateAsString = temporaryElement.append(scheduledDate).html();
// do what you want with the html such as log it
// or store it back into #content
Is how I would implement this. See below for a working example:
A plain or pure JavaScript method, can do better...
scheduledDate.outerHTML //HTML5
or calling by
document.getElementById("scheduledDate").outerHTML //HTML4.01 -FF.
should do/return the same, e.g.:
>> '<input id="scheduledDate" type="text" value="" calss="datetime">'
if this, is what you are asking for
p.s.: what do you mean by "calss" ? :-)
This can be done the following ways:
1.Input box moved to the div and the div content remains along with the added input
$(document).ready(function() {
var $inputBox = $("#scheduledDate");
2.The div is replaced with the copy of the input box(as nnn pointed out)
$(document).ready(function() {
var $inputBox = $("#scheduledDate");
var $clonedInputBox = $("#scheduledDate").clone();
Div is replaced by the original input box
$(document).ready(function() {
var $inputBox = $("#scheduledDate");
to get the input html as string inside the div itself use this
This will give the input objects html as string
Check this js fiddle and tell if this is what you need

Adding but not Overwriting Text

I have a function called "StartMsg"
that I want to add text to a div element with the id "Screen". But sadly I known only basic JS, here is what I have so far;
function StartMsg() {
document.getElementById('Screen').innerHTML = "The game was created.";
But it overwrites all of my previous text (Yes I know it's supposed to do that, I'm trying to find a way to not overwrite but add!).
Use textContent and con-cat the new string
document.getElementById('Screen').textContent += " The game was created.";
You can try createTextNode() method,
var your_div = document.getElementById('Screen');
var your_text = document.createTextNode("text added");
Using innerHTML will remove all listeners within the div element
You can also use the append method.
For example:
$('variable').append('some text');

Grabbing text from a span tag

I have some code for Javascript using jQuery, and I've been wondering how to fix an element of it.
var dataGiven = +$("span.cost-in-usd:first-child").text();
However, the span tag is:
<span class="cost-in-usd" data-se="product-usd-value">42</span>
Is there a way of modifying my code in order for it to recognise data-se?
Yes, use data.
var datase = $('.cost-in-usd').data('se');
Some links;
Here's a jsfiddle
The following will return the value of attribute

Using Javascript .focus() highlights text

I have a form like so:
<form action='word.php' name = 'searchbox'>
<input type='text' name='word' id = 'searchbox' value = 'default'>
In my body I have:
<body onLoad="searchbox.word.focus()">
You can see the fiddle here:
What I'm trying to achieve is just have a blinking cursor at the end of "default", but instead the whole word gets selected instead.
Surprisingly Google hasn't been able to find any solutions. How would I do this?
You can get around this by resetting the .value property of the element:
searchbox.word.value = searchbox.word.value;
There are also less hacky solutions: Use JavaScript to place cursor at end of text in text input element
From a previously answered question:
Here's a nifty little trick:
$(document).ready(function() {
var $field = $("#searchbox"),
oldVal = $field.val();
Use setSelectionRange (Chrm, FF):
var len = searchbox.word.length;
searchbox.word.setSelectionRange(len, len);

Select an option of select box using the value

I have a dropdown box and I want to select the option based on value. Somehow I am getting handle to value say 3. Now I want to manually select the option which has got value 3.
I have tried something like this
selectBoxElement.options[selectedValues].selected = true;
where selectedValue = 3, but it is not working.
If using jquery (as per your tag), you can do:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#yourSelectId option[value='3']").attr("selected", "selected");
Something like that should work (assuming $ is not overwritten and is alias for jQuery):
$(selectBoxElement).find('option[value="selectedValue"]').prop('selected', true);
or rather:
which is simpler and achieves similar result :)
If you're using plain JS (except for the jQuery tag, you didn't explicitly say whether you want plain JS or jQuery), this should do what you want:
for (i=0; i<selectBoxElement.options.length; i++) {
if (selectBoxElement.options[i].value == selectedValues) {
This is simple please try the following
When using the index position of the option tag within the select box
selectBoxElement.selectedIndex = index; // Where the index starts from 0
When using the value
selectBoxElement.value = value;// Where the value is the attribute defined within option tag
Hope this solves your problem.

