Using and injecting Angular $templateCache with RequireJS - javascript

I do a grunt serve:dist and within I build with grunt-contrib-requirejs an all.js file based on my RequireJS main.js file which have require.config and a require section.
I think all.js should be in my distribution that file which I have to include on startup in my index.html, because everything is in there. Is this right?
<script src="require.js" data-main="all.js"></script>
I also create based on all my template HTML files a template JavaScript file with ngTemplates and bootstrap it so the template file named templates.js looks like this:
], function(angular) {
angular.module('MyApp.templates', []).run(['$templateCache', function($templateCache) {
'use strict';
"<h1>Title</h1>\r" +
// ...
// other put on $templateCache
So I have a $templateCache which I want to use. But I do not how this can be done. I think I have to load the templates.js because it is not included in all.js and therefore I should inject it in some way.

I had similar issue and I found a way to solve it.
Basically, I have templates.js to return just a function to inject to run block.
For example: templates.js
define([], function()){
return ['$templateCache", function($templateCache){
'use strict';
"<h1>Title</h1>\r" +
// ...
// other put on $templateCache
and then, in your app.js file, you can inject this function into run block
define(['templates'], function(templates){
I hope this helped, please let me know if you are not clear with something.


How to properly configure requireJS

Hi I'm trying to make starting template for SPA project mainly using:
RequireJS, KnockoutJS, TypeScript, etc.
I'm having hard time figuring out how to configure paths and folder structure for RequireJS to work properly...
here is my folder structure:
here is my RequireJS config file:
var config = {
waitSeconds: 15,
paths: {
app: '../app',
'knockout': '/lib/knockout-3.4.2.',
sammy: '/lib/sammy-0.7.5.',
jquery: '../scripts/lib/jquery-1.10.2.'
This is my attempt for main.js:
define(['jquery', 'PageOne', 'PageTwo'], function ($, pageOne, pageTwo) {
$(document).ready(function () {
var app = Sammy('#main', function () {
this.get('#/pageOne', function () {
this.get('#/pageTwo', function () {
Here is my Index.cshtml script tag:
<script src="~/Scripts/lib/require.js" data-main="scripts/app/components/main"></script>
I saw in different project that config is called in header so this is in html header:
<script src="~/Scripts/app/config/require.config.js"></script>
My problem is that in main.js it looks for jquery under path defined in data-main (scripts/app/components/), but my jquery is in scripts/lib folder.
I'm trying to figure out by reading online the whole day but it's too much time for me I need someone to give me some hints how is this supposed to work?
Seriously having hard time figuring this out and RequireJS website just isn't helping me atm.
Note: I am beginner in JavaScript based projects, first SPA attempt,
never used RequireJS...
Your configuration file does not do anything. I'm assuming from your description that the script element that loads it is located before the script element that loads RequireJS. That's one valid way to configure RequireJS, but if you want RequireJS to pick up the configuration, you need to set the global variable require before you load RequireJS, and RequireJS will use the value of require as its configuration. Right now you are setting config, which is ignored by RequireJS. So:
var require = {
waitSeconds: 15,
// etc...
And once the configuration is in effect, you should be able to reduce your data-main to data-main="components/main".
I see some of your paths in the paths configuration end with a dot. That's most likely a mistake on your part, or you have some very strange file names.

Why my AngularJS + RequireJS application is not building via grunt-contrib-requirejs?

I have src of my application. I use AngularJS. I use RequireJS as module loader. I use Grunt as task runner. When I run application using src: everything is good. When I build application with Grunt, application is not working. I got no errors in console.
Main thing I noticed: my code (code of my application: app.js and files under js/) does not appear in output file which is set in grunt task settings. Also, I don't think there is something about AngularJS.
Main config file:
paths: {
'angular' : '../components/angular/angular',
/* etc..... */
'jquery': '../components/jquery/dist/jquery',
'application': './app'
shim: {
/* etc */
application: {
deps: ['angular']
angular: {
exports : 'angular'
baseUrl: '/js'
require(['application', 'angular', 'ngRoute', 'bootstrap' /* ngRoute and bootstrap from etc :) */], function (app) {
My app in app.js is:
'require', 'angular', 'main/main', 'common/common'
], function (require) {
'use strict';
var angular = require('angular');
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute', 'main', 'common']);
app.init = function () {
angular.bootstrap(document, ['myApp']);
function ($routeProvider) {
./* ... some code */
return app;
I add main RequireJS config file at the end of body tag:
<script type="text/javascript" src="components/requirejs/require.js" data-main="js/bootstrap.js"></script>
Now I have problem. I have Grunt as build system. I have this task:
requirejs: {
compile: {
options: {
baseUrl: "public/js",
mainConfigFile: "public/js/bootstrap.js",
name: 'bootstrap',
out: "build/js/bootstrap.js",
optimize: 'none'
// etc
I have no optimisation, so I get ~11k lines of code in output file.
As I said. Main problem is: no AngularJS code and no application code in output file.
Why? I set up mainConfigFile correctly. Problem is in RequireJS config file? But everything is okay, when I am running my app on src.
It would be better if you can provide the exactly error output you get. And where you got it (from browser's console or from terminal during build process)
For now I will suggest some adjustments what could possibly help with your case.
angular: {
exports : 'angular'
Here you have already export angular.js into global local variable (inside every require and define block).
And by doing var angular = require('angular'); you are possibly asynchronously override angular variable inside your app.js module.
For 'require' being added into define block, as r.js always reading what module got to be loaded in very first step, and then merged into single file. And this may confuse r.js to merging requireJS into itself.
Suggest this adjustment for your app.js:
define([ // Removed 'require' because no needed , it is already global and usable anywhere
'angular', 'main/main', 'common/common'
], function () {
'use strict';
// var angular = require('angular'); // This is a very common mistake. You are not going to call angular this way, requireJS difference with commonJS.
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute', 'main', 'common']);
app.init = function () {
angular.bootstrap(document, ['myApp']);
function ($routeProvider) {
./* ... some code */
return app;
And last but not least data-main="js/bootstrap.js" I think it should be js/main.js or a typo.
EDIT added explanations for 'require' in define block, and angular local variable.

angular.js loaded instead of angular.min.js with requirejs

I'm using Webjars to import AngularJS into my web project.
For some reason the minified version of AngularJS won't be served even though I'm referencing those in my main. I was expecting to see angular.min.js and angular-route.min.js being loaded, but I'm seeing the regular angular.js and angular-route.js. What am I doing wrong here?
My main.js:
'use strict';
paths: {
'angular': '../lib/angularjs/angular.min',
'angular-route': '../lib/angularjs/angular-route.min',
'async': '../lib/requirejs-plugins/src/async'
shim: {
'angular': {
exports : 'angular'
'angular-route': {
deps: ['angular'],
exports : 'angular'
require(['angular', './controllers', './directives', './filters', './services', 'angular-route','./places-autocomplete','async','./gmaps'],
function(angular, controllers) {
// Declare app level module which depends on filters, and services
angular.module('myApp', ['myApp.filters', '', 'myApp.directives', 'ngRoute']).
config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
angular.bootstrap(document, ['myApp']);
My html loads requirejs like this:
<script data-main="#routes.Assets.versioned("javascripts/main.js")"
and the above requirejs.config snippet resides in main.js
I looked into the sources of requirejs. Here's what I found:
requirejs splits each path, you defined in the config object, into its components (i.e. the directories, the filename and the extension). For some reason (node module naming conventions) the last extension is dropped. They do not check if that's a '.js'. Then this path array is used to access a module. Without a plugin rquirejs only handles .js files. It adds a .js if nessecary.
Now you can see what happens in your example. In the first step requirejs drops the .min extension. When it loads the module it joins the path components and adds a .js to the end. Then it loads the full module and not the minified version.
If you add a .js to your paths, then this .js was dropped and the .min is still there.
Try to add
enforceDefine: true,

Require controller, factory, service and directive files with Browserify

In my gulp-browserify setup I'm writing a new AngularJS application. Because I know it's gonna be a very big application I want my base structure as clean and clear as possible.
In my main entry javascript file for browserify I setup my main angular module and define the routes with ui-router in my app.config event.
Now I don't want a single require() statement for every single controller/factory/directive in my application.
I was hoping I could require all the files in a directory like this:
But apperantly you can't.
What would be the cleanest way to require all my app files in my app's main entry point?
After some more research I found a module which did exactly what I wanted: Bulkify
1) Install Bulkify with NPM:
npm install bulkify
2) Require Bulkify in your Browserify task:
var bulkify = require('bulkify');
3) Just before your browserify.bundle() add the bulkify transform:
var bundle = function() {
return b.transform(bulkify)
4) In your javascript files use the bulk function:
require('bulk-require')(__dirname, ['./*/*.js']);
This will require every javascript file in any of the curren file's subfolders.
I would suggest to look at approach described in article
Main idea of it put to each folder like controller or service their own index.js.
In this case in your app.js should be some kind of require:
var angular = require('angular');
var app = angular.module('todoApp', []);
// one require statement per sub directory instead of one per file
and index.js in controller folder looks like
var app = require('angular').module('todoApp');
app.controller('EditTodoCtrl', require('./edit_todo'));
app.controller('FooterCtrl', require('./footer'));
app.controller('TodoCtrl', require('./todo'));
app.controller('TodoListCtrl', require('./todo_list'));
app.controller('ImprintCtrl', require('./imprint'));
and example of controller declaration - todo.js
module.exports = function($scope, TodoService) {
// ...
For more details please look original article.

require.js, am I doing it right?

I'm new to require.js and found the documentation quite hard to understand. After a while I got my project up and running with the following setup.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script data-main="/js/main.js" src="/js/vendor/require.js"></script>
define(['vendor/jquery'], function () {
// Some module code like
$('#button').on('click', function(){});
Is this a good setup if I like to have one import file (main.js) like in a less setup for CSS?
This setup is generally in the right direction, just some slight modifications need to be made.
For the modules, you need to pass in a matching number of arguments for each dependency of the module. In this case, you would want to assign $ to what is returned by the jQuery module, so that you can actually use $ within the module:
define(['vendor/jquery'], function ($) {
// Some module code like
$('#button').on('click', function(){});
For main.js, the define() call should be a require() call so that you will be executing whatever's in the module instead of simply registering it a module for some other module to execute:
], function(Modernizr, module1, module2) {
// do something with Modernizr, module1, module2

