javascript how to calculate values in dynamically added fields with multiple rows - javascript

I had one row with three fields: received, issue, balance
<input type="text" name="rcv" class="rcv"/>
<input type="text" name="issue" class="issue"/>
<input type="text" name="blnc" class="balance"/>
I calculated the balance for each row easily, but how do I calculate more than one row?
Each row has receive, issue and balance fields.
How do I calculate each row's balance field?
I tried like this for multiple row but it's not working:
$('.t_rtn, .t_rcv').each(function(){
var totalRcv = $('.t_rcv').val();
var totalRtn = $('.t_rtn').val();
// console.log( $('t_rtn').next('.consume').val() );

you need to parse The value of textbox as it returns string not int
$('.t_rtn, .t_rcv').each(function(){
var totalRcv = parseInt($('.t_rcv').val()) || 0;
var totalRtn = parseInt($('.t_rtn').val()) || 0;
// console.log( $('t_rtn').next('.consume').val() );

If your code is being run on document.ready it will only be applied to elements which exist at that point.
You'd be better with :
$(document).on('blur','.t_rtn, .t_rcv',function(){
var val = $(this).val();

try this..
$(document).on('blur','.receive, .return', function()
var $row = $(this).closest(".row");
var totalRcv = parseInt($row.find('.receive').val()) || 0;
var totalRtn = parseInt($row.find('.return').val()) || 0;
$row.find('.balance').val(totalRcv - totalRtn);

In addition to parsing the string values into integers you also need to use the correct selectors for those input elements. t_rtn is not the right class name, for example. And if doing this in rows you will want to grab the correct element from the current row (you already did this correctly for the consume field)
Fixed html (Example.. I chose to use div with class name = row):
<div class='row'>
<input type="text" name="rcv" class="receive"/>
<input type="text" name="issue" class="return"/>
<input type="text" name="blnc" class="balance"/>
<div class='row'>
<input type="text" name="rcv" class="receive"/>
<input type="text" name="issue" class="return"/>
<input type="text" name="blnc" class="balance"/>
<div class='row'>
<input type="text" name="rcv" class="receive"/>
<input type="text" name="issue" class="return"/>
<input type="text" name="blnc" class="balance"/>
Fixed code:
$(document).on('blur','.receive, .return', function()
var $row = $(this).closest(".row");
var totalRcv = parseInt($row.find('.receive').val()) || 0;
var totalRtn = parseInt($row.find('.return').val()) || 0;
$row.find('.balance').val(totalRcv - totalRtn);
I took the liberty of fixing some inconsistencies with the class names used. I tried to match them up to the variables for totalRcv and totalRtn so that now the balance shows as receipt minus return. If the user enters non-numeric data, it defaults the value to 0 before calculating.
Example fiddle here:

I think problem is because you are subtracting 2 Strings. .val returns an String.
Convert them in number before subtracting like bellow


Unsure why my math min function is not working but math max function is in script code

function selectHighestNumber()
var valueFirstNumber;
var valueSecondNumber;
var valueThirdNumber;
var selectMaxNumber;
valueFirstNumber = document.getElementById("txtFirstNumberValue").value;
valueSecondNumber = document.getElementById("txtSecondNumberValue").value;
valueThirdNumber = document.getElementById("txtThirdNumberValue").value;
selectMaxNumber = Math.max(valueFirstNumber, valueSecondNumber, valueThirdNumber);
document.getElementById("selectRankingNumbersResults").innerHTML = selectMaxNumber;
function selectLowestNumber()
var valueFirstNumber;
var valueSecondNumber;
var valueThirdNumber;
var selectMinNumber;
valueFirstNumber = document.getElementById("txtFirstNumberValue").value;
valueSecondNumber = document.getElementById("txtSecondNumberValue").value;
valueThirdNumber = document.getElementById("txtThirdNumberValue").value;
selectMinNumber = Math.min(+valueFirstNumber, +valueSecondNumber, +valueThirdNumber);
document.getElementById("selectRankingNumbersResults").innerHTML = selectMinNumber;
<main class="fancy-border">
<form id="userNumberEntry">
<p><label for="txtFirstNumberValue">Enter your first number here:</label>
<input type="text" id="txtFirstNumberValue" maxlength="20" size="20"></p>
<p><label for="txtSecondNumberValue">Enter your second number here:</label>
<input type="text" id="txtSecondNumberValue" maxlength="20" size="20"></p>
<p><label for="txtThirdNumberValue">Enter your third number here:</label>
<input type="text" id="txtThirdNumberValue" maxlength="20" size="20"></p>
<p><input type="button"
value="Find the highest number"
<p><input type="button"
value="Find the lowest number"
<div id="selectRankingNumbersResults">
</div> <!--end of selectRankingNumberValues div-->
So very recently I came into a problem in my script where I was unsure why my Math min function was not working. I asked about that issue in a previous question and found that a spelling error was causing one of my functions to not work. Essentially, I have two functions, a math min, and a math max, both serving similar purposes. I am working in Html code, and use a script for my functions within my Html document. The purpose of this math min and math max function is that I have three text boxes to input numbers into, there are two buttons that will either serve to show the highest or lowest of these three values. My math max function works fine and shows the highest value, however, my math min function does not. It does not return any value at all. I have cross-checked my code to see if it was misspelled, spacing errors, or other mismatched words with the rest of my code but none of it seems to be the problem. This is how my math max and math min functions in my script look respectively.
function selectHighestNumber()
var valueFirstNumber;
var valueSecondNumber;
var valueThirdNumber;
var selectMaxNumber;
valueFirstNumber = document.getElementById("txtFirstNumberValue")
valueSecondNumber = document.getElementById("txtSecondNumberValue")
valueThirdNumber = document.getElementById("txtThirdNumberValue")
selectMaxNumber = Math.max(valueFirstNumber, valueSecondNumber,
document.getElementById("selectRankingNumbersResults").innerHTML =
function selectLowestNumber()
var valueFirstNumber;
var valueSecondNumber;
var valueThirdNumber;
var selectMinNumber;
valueFirstNumber = document.getElementById("txtFirstNumberValue")
valueSecondNumber = document.getElementById("txtSecondNumberValue")
valueThirdNumber = document.getElementById("txtThirdNumberValue")
selectMinNumber = Math.min(valueFirstNumber, valueSecondNumber,
document.getElementById("selectRankingNumbersResults").innerHTML =
If anyone could help me understand where I might be going wrong, that would be greatly appreciated! I am very confused about what I could have coded wrong, so any insight/outlook is greatly appreciated!
Math.max and Math.min will return the largest/smallest value (or -Infinity/Infinity if no values are supplied) and then convert to a number if they're not already, this means that strings will first be compared as strings and not numbers ("123" > "3"), so you should first convert each value to a number.
Also I recommend batching up the whole process instead of getting each element separately, reading its value, converting it to a number, checking it's valid, passing it to the function. So try to do the whole thing in a loop of some sort.
document.querySelector("form").addEventListener("submit", function(event) {
console.log("Max:" + getEdgeCase(true));
console.log("Min:" + getEdgeCase(false));
function getEdgeCase(flag) {
// get all the inputs in one go and convert them to an array
var inputList = []"form input[type=\"number\"]"));
var inputList = {
// convert to number, if it's not a valid number and ends up as NaN then return 0
return +input.value || 0;
// get the right function and call apply (spreads an array into arguments)
return Math[flag ? "max" : "min"].apply(Math, inputList);
<input type="number" />
<input type="number" />
<input type="number" />
<input type="submit" />

How can I access these form values?

I want to create a form where I will perform an operation with the values entered by the user, but when the function runs, I get NaN return. Thank you in advance for the help.
function test() {
var age = document.getElementsByName("person_age").value;
var weight = document.getElementsByName("person_weight").value;
var size = document.getElementsByName("person_size").value;
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = weight + size + age;
<input type="text" name="person_age">
<input type="text" name="person_size">
<input type="text" name="person_weight">
<input type="button" value="calculate" onclick="test();">
<h3 id="result"></h3>`
When I get the values from the user and run the function, I get NaN feedback. how can i solve this problem.
There are multiple errors that you have to correct
1) When you use getElementsByName, It will return NodeList array like collection. So you have to get the element by using index as:
var age = document.getElementsByName( "person_age" )[0].value;
2) If you need sum of all three value then you have to convert it into Number type because document.getElementsByName( "person_age" )[0] give you value in String type. So you can do as:
+document.getElementsByName( "person_age" )[0].value
function test() {
var age = +document.getElementsByName("person_age")[0].value;
var size = +document.getElementsByName("person_size")[0].value;
var weight = +document.getElementsByName("person_weight")[0].value;
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = weight + size + age;
<input type="text" name="person_age">
<input type="text" name="person_size">
<input type="text" name="person_weight">
<input type="button" value="calculate" onclick="test();">
<h3 id="result"></h3>
Just a Suggestion: You can use Document.getElementById if you want to directly access the value. Just add an ID property in your element. It will return a string value, convert that to int and you're good to go.
function test() {
var age = document.getElementById("person_age").value;
var weight = document.getElementById("person_weight").value;
var size = document.getElementById("person_size").value;
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = parseInt(weight) + parseInt(size) + parseInt(age);
<input type="text" name="person_age" id="person_age">
<input type="text" name="person_size" id="person_size">
<input type="text" name="person_weight" id="person_weight">
<input type="button" value="calculate" onclick="test();">
<h3 id="result"></h3>
getElementsByName will always return an array-like nodelist so, if you were to use it you would need to access the first index [0]. Instead add a class to each input and use querySelector to target it.
The value of an input will always be a string (even if the input is type "number"), so you need to coerce it to a number, either by using Number or by prefixing the value with +.
So, in this example I've updated the HTML a little by adding classes to the inputs, and changing their type to "number", and removing the inline JS, and updated the JS so that the elements are cached outside of the function, an event listener is added to the button, and the values are correctly calculated.
// Cache all the elements using querySelector to target
// the classes, and add an event listener to the button
// that calls the function when it's clicked
const ageEl = document.querySelector('.age');
const weightEl = document.querySelector('.weight');
const sizeEl = document.querySelector('.size');
const result = document.querySelector('#result');
const button = document.querySelector('button');
button.addEventListener('click', test, false);
function test() {
// Coerce all the element values to numbers, and
// then display the result
const age = Number(ageEl.value);
const weight = Number(weightEl.value);
const size = Number(sizeEl.value);
// Use textContent rather than innerHTML
result.textContent = weight + size + age;
<input type="number" name="age" class="age" />
<input type="number" name="size" class="size" />
<input type="number" name="weight" class="weight" />
<button type="button">Calculate</button>
<h3 id="result"></h3>`

How can I pattern match ID only making sure the variable number matches without having to hardcode all of the possibilities?

I've recently become familiar with Jquery selectors....and they work great. Starts with...ends with....
The problem I have currently is that all of my variable names essentially start with similar patterns and end with similar patterns. This ID is generated from somewhere else so I'm hoping I can do something to use it effectively.
The pattern ID format essentially looks like...
I want to essentially matching on the set-* but only if it's identical to the other ids in my array. Is this even possible without having to hard code anywhere from set-0 to set-1000? Unfortunately the class for each one is the same as is the name situation. Is there someway to say if the set numbers all match in a given array then add them up? I can't use starts with or ends with in this case...and don't want to hardcode 1000 possibilities. Thanks in advance for any ideas or thoughts.
I am trying to do something like.....
function update_total()
var total = 0;
$('.budget').each(function(index, element) {
"#id_newbudgetlineitem_set-0-line_item_october" +
"#id_newbudgetlineitem_set-0-line_item_november" +
var val = parseFloat($(element).val());
if( !isNaN( val )){
total += val;
Here's a working solution........
function update_total_total_total()
var ret = +$("input[name$='set-0-line_item_january']").val() + +$("input[name$='set-0-line_item_february']").val() + +$("input[name$='set-0-line_item_march']").val() + +$("input[name$='set-0-line_item_april']").val() + +$("input[name$='set-0-line_item_may']").val() + +$("input[name$='set-0-line_item_june']").val() + +$("input[name$='set-0-line_item_july']").val() + +$("input[name$='set-0-line_item_august']").val() + +$("input[name$='set-0-line_item_september']").val() + +$("input[name$='set-0-line_item_october']").val() + +$("input[name$='set-0-line_item_november']").val() + +$("input[name$='set-0-line_item_december']").val();
But I could have up to 1000 different set values. Is there some other way to do this without having to hard code this 999 more times?
This is a lot closer....but total still says 0. It's updating all of the totals to that's progress but not getting the actual totals. Forward progress thanks to Swati.
function update_total_total_total() {
//get length of input line_total for each sets..
for (var i = 0; i < $("[name$=line_item_total]").length; i++) {
var total = 0;
//get all inputs but not line_item _total
$(`input[name*=id_newbudgetlineitem_set-${i}-line_item]:not([name$=line_item_total]):not([name$=line_item_cost_center]):not([name$=line_item_description])`).each(function(index, element) {
var val = parseFloat($(element).val());
if( !isNaN( val )){
total += val;
$(`input[id$=set-${i}-line_item_total]`).val(total); //set value..of input
You can get length of total input whose name ends with line_item_total so this value will be counter for for-loop.
Then , inside for loop you can use $(`input[name*=id_newbudgetlineitem_set-${i}-line_item]:not([name$=line_item_total])`) this will fetch values from all inputs expect the line_total_item then add value on each iteration .
Lastly , use $(`input[name$=set-${i}-line_item_total]`).val(total); to set total inside line_total_item textbox.
Demo Code :
function update_total_total_total() {
//get length of input line_total for each sets..
for (var i = 0; i < $("[name$=line_item_total]").length; i++) {
var total = 0;
//get all inputs but not line_item _total
$(`input[name*=id_newbudgetlineitem_set-${i}-line_item]:not([name$=line_item_total]):not([name$=line_item_cost_center]):not([name$=line_item_description])`).each(function(i, element) {
var val = parseFloat($(element).val());
if (!isNaN(val)) {
total += val;
$(`input[name$=set-${i}-line_item_total]`).val(total); //set value..of input
<script src=""></script>
SET 0 :
<input type="text" name="id_newbudgetlineitem_set-0-line_item_october" value="5">
<input type="text" name="id_newbudgetlineitem_set-0-line_item_november" value="51">
<input type="text" name="id_newbudgetlineitem_set-0-line_item_december" value="15">
<br/> Total :
<input type="text" name="id_newbudgetlineitem_set-0-line_item_total" value="" placeholder="total">
<input type="text" name="id_newbudgetlineitem_set-0-line_item_cost_center">
<input type="text" name="id_newbudgetlineitem_set-0-line_item_description">
<input type="text" name="id_newbudgetlineitem_set-1-line_item_october" value="5">
<input type="text" name="id_newbudgetlineitem_set-1-line_item_december" value="534">
<br/> Total :
<input type="text" name="id_newbudgetlineitem_set-1-line_item_total" value="" placeholder="total">
<input type="text" name="id_newbudgetlineitem_set-1-line_item_cost_center">
<input type="text" name="id_newbudgetlineitem_set-1-line_item_description">
<input type="text" name="id_newbudgetlineitem_set-2-line_item_december" value="4">
<input type="text" name="id_newbudgetlineitem_set-2-line_item_oct" value="5">
<br/> Total :
<input type="text" name="id_newbudgetlineitem_set-2-line_item_total" value="" placeholder="total">
<input type="text" name="id_newbudgetlineitem_set-2-line_item_cost_center">
<input type="text" name="id_newbudgetlineitem_set-2-line_item_description">
This was the final working code. As Swati suggested it was an incorrect name reference.
function update_total_total_total() {
for (var i = 0; i < $("[name$=line_item_total]").length; i++) {
var total = 0;
$(`input[name*=newbudgetlineitem_set-${i}-line_item]:not([name$=line_item_total]):not([name$=line_item_cost_center]):not([name$=line_item_description])`).each(function(i, element) {
var val = parseFloat($(element).val());
if( !isNaN( val )){
total += val;

Add three numbers and display result in textbox with Javascript

i was just trying to write a code that will use 3 input fields and show their sum into result field. If a person put data in field 1, the result field should show the data in result field and when user put data in second field, result field should show the sum of field 1 and field 2 and when user put data into field 3, their sum should be show on result field. I write below code but not got any success. I am a new learner.
Field 1: <input type="text" id="num1" onkeyup="sum();" > </br>
Field 2: <input type="text" id="num2" onkeyup="sum();" > </br>
Field 3: <input type="text" id="num3" onkeyup="sum();"> </br>
Sum: <input type="text" id="final" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function sum()
var w = document.getElementById('num1').value;
var x = document.getElementById('num2').value;
var y = document.getElementById('num3').value;
var z=parseInt(w)+parseInt(x)+parseInt(y);
Two issues:
(1) Small typo in your last line, you used getElementByID instead of getElementById
(2) You need to account for the case where there is no value, one way to do this is to or it with 0 (which evaluates to 0 if there is no value).
Here is a working example:
function sum()
var w = document.getElementById('num1').value || 0;
var x = document.getElementById('num2').value || 0;
var y = document.getElementById('num3').value || 0;
var z=parseInt(w)+parseInt(x)+parseInt(y);
It's a typo. =>
should be Id, not ID

calculate the product of two input fields in javascript using jQuery

I have an input field that I want to populate with the product of two input fields that appear earlier in the form.
<div class="form-group">
<label for="item_name" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Item:</label>
<div class="col-lg-2">
<input type="text" name="item_name[]" placeholder="Name">
<div class="col-lg-2">
<input type="text" name="item_qty[]" placeholder="Quantity">
<div class="col-lg-2">
<input type="text" name="item_price[]" placeholder="Price">
<div class="col-lg-2">
<input type="text" name="item_total[]" placeholder="Total">
These input fields can occur multiple times, so I'm attempting to loop over the item_total[] arrray and attach a listener to the focus event.
$.each($("[name='item_total[]']"), function( index, value ) {
$(this).focus(function() {
var value = ?
//not sure how to select the value of the two previous input fields
// var value = $("item_qty[index]") * $("item_price[index]");
You can do like this
$('input[name="item_qty[]"],input[name="item_price[]"]').on("change",function (){
var $container = $(this).closest('.form-group');
qty = Number($('input[name="item_qty[]"]',$container).val())||0,
price = Number($('input[name="item_price[]"]',$container).val())||0;
$('input[name="item_total[]"]',$container).val(qty * price);
Another solution starts with selector:
$('input[name^="item_qty"],input[name^="item_price"]').on("change",function (){
var $container = $(this).closest('.form-group');
qty = Number($('input[name^="item_qty"]',$container).val())||0,
price = Number($('input[name^="item_price"]',$container).val())||0;
$('input[name^="item_total"]',$container).val(qty * price);
Following assumes that you have [] in input names due to repeating rows and will isolate values within repeated row instances
You can traverse to the nearest wrapping container which would be form-group using closest(), then look within that container using find()
I think what you want is to apply change handler to the user inputs and calculate total when they change
$("input[name=item_qty\\[\\]], input[name=item_price\\[\\]]").change(function(){
var $container = $(this).closest('.form-group');
var qty = $container.find('[name=item_qty\\[\\]]') || 0;
var price = $container.find('[name=item_price\\[\\]]') || 0;
$container.find('[name=item_total\\[\\]]').val( qty * price );
jQuery requires escaping special characters in selectors which is why there are so many \\ above.
See escaping rules in selectors API Docs
Something like the following would work.
var quantityEl = $('input[name="item_qty[]"]'),
priceEl = $('input[name="item_price[]"]'),
totalEl = $('input[name="item_total[]"]')
var calculateTotal = function() {
var quantity = +quantityEl.val().trim(),
price = +priceEl.val().trim(),
total = quantity * price
if (!isNaN(total)) {
priceEl.on('change keyup paste', calculateTotal);
quantityEl.on('change keyup paste', calculateTotal);
You can do soemthing like this
input1 = $(this).closest($("[name='item_price']")).val()
Or like this
input1 = $("[name='item_price']")[index]).val()

