Selecting Canvas Elements [duplicate] - javascript

Take a look at this example:
var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx=c.getContext("2d");
// First rectangle created
// Second rectangle created
// Third rectangle created
I created three rectangles here. After creating third rectangle I want to rotate first rectangle. How do i get reference of first rectangle now?

A canvas is just a dumb grid of pixels. It doesn't understand what shapes have been drawn on it. Your code (or a library that your code uses) must keep track of the shapes that you've drawn.
Instead, it sounds like you want a library to create a scene graph, like EaselJS, Paper.js, or KineticJS. These libraries will maintain a data structure that tracks what shapes have been drawn on the canvas, and they will then redraw them when you want to manipulate those shapes.

You don't "get the reference" of a rectangle or something with canvas. All you have is a canvas with a context. On which you can draw. Period.
If you want to move the first rectangle, then clear it (using clearRect) and redraw the new one.

Canvas itself is just pixels. It knows how to draw rectangles, but doesn't keep them layered.
To quote Simon Sarris:
HTML5 Canvas is simply a drawing surface for a bit map. You set up a
draw (Say with a color and line thickness) , draw that thing, and then
the Canvas has no knowledge of that thing: It doesn't know where it is
or what it is, it's just pixels. If you want to draw rectangles and
have them move around or be selectable then you have to code all of
that from scratch, including the code to remember that you drew them.
The only exception is the isPointInPath method, but it has limitations.
However, there are some libraries that provide object-oriented interface for Canvas. Like Fabric.js or KineticJS. They remember what you draw as objects (rectangles, circles and so on) and can layer them one over another, move around and add mouse/touch events. Much like DOM.

Drawing functions like fillRect() does not return anything (returns void).
Meaning it simply renders the pixels, it does not create a rectangle object and return it. You'll need to store the rectangle coordinates yourself.


Is there a way to use Fabric.js and p5.js on the same canvas

I'm working on a project and would like to use both p5.js and fabric.js on the same canvas. I need the functionality of fabric.js to drag around pictures on the canvas and p5.js to dynamically draw lines between the pictures as they're being dragged. I'm not sure if this is possible because it seems like both have their own separate canvas creation functions
createCanvas(100, 50);
canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c');
The fabric line class seems a little too rigid to accomplish the effect I'm after, so I'm looking for either an idea for a workaround or a different library that would be better for drawing dynamic lines on a fabric canvas.
It is not possible to combine both of them with one canvas element. These libraries take full control of the canvas of reference. Even if you were able to initialise both libraries on the same canvas element you will loose whatever was displayed by p5.js on the first FarbicJS canvas.renderAll() function call.
I don't know what exactly is your problem, but as an alternative I think you could try to have two canvases on top of each other (since the canvas element is invisible by default). One running on FabricJS and one on p5.js and somehow interact with each other. But, that will add some additional complexity.

D3 Update/Redraw SVG at Set Intervals

I have an animation where points on a plane are encapsulated dynamically by a polygon (gift-wrapping algorithm). I am using a path SVG to draw the polygon, however, I notice that as points transform around the plane and are added to/removed from the perimeter of the polygon, the entire polygon will rotate to adjust during it's transitions, which looks messy and makes for a poor visualization.
I can see that many examples (example) involve redrawing (instead of transitioning) the entire path SVG with new data when an event occurs. I was wondering if there is any way I can redraw the path at set intervals, such as once every x milliseconds, or once each time the points are transformed.
This is difficult to understand without an example of what your solution currently looks like.
That said, I noticed the bl.ock example you linked, and how it redraws instead of transitioning. If you want to avoid a full redraw, you'll need to separate out solely the changed SVG subsections in some way, so they can be individually targeted. Like an array of d3 SVG objects, or something.

How do I get reference of old generated elements in HTML Canvas?

Take a look at this example:
var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx=c.getContext("2d");
// First rectangle created
// Second rectangle created
// Third rectangle created
I created three rectangles here. After creating third rectangle I want to rotate first rectangle. How do i get reference of first rectangle now?
A canvas is just a dumb grid of pixels. It doesn't understand what shapes have been drawn on it. Your code (or a library that your code uses) must keep track of the shapes that you've drawn.
Instead, it sounds like you want a library to create a scene graph, like EaselJS, Paper.js, or KineticJS. These libraries will maintain a data structure that tracks what shapes have been drawn on the canvas, and they will then redraw them when you want to manipulate those shapes.
You don't "get the reference" of a rectangle or something with canvas. All you have is a canvas with a context. On which you can draw. Period.
If you want to move the first rectangle, then clear it (using clearRect) and redraw the new one.
Canvas itself is just pixels. It knows how to draw rectangles, but doesn't keep them layered.
To quote Simon Sarris:
HTML5 Canvas is simply a drawing surface for a bit map. You set up a
draw (Say with a color and line thickness) , draw that thing, and then
the Canvas has no knowledge of that thing: It doesn't know where it is
or what it is, it's just pixels. If you want to draw rectangles and
have them move around or be selectable then you have to code all of
that from scratch, including the code to remember that you drew them.
The only exception is the isPointInPath method, but it has limitations.
However, there are some libraries that provide object-oriented interface for Canvas. Like Fabric.js or KineticJS. They remember what you draw as objects (rectangles, circles and so on) and can layer them one over another, move around and add mouse/touch events. Much like DOM.
Drawing functions like fillRect() does not return anything (returns void).
Meaning it simply renders the pixels, it does not create a rectangle object and return it. You'll need to store the rectangle coordinates yourself.

how can i start dragging one of several drawn canvas by touching that one

I am trying to make a game.i want to move one of two canvas element.
i have drawn one circle and one rectangle and i want to drag rectangle.
Thanks in advance.
HTML5 Canvas is actually like a bitmap. You can set the colors of the pixels in it. So whatever you draw becomes pixels. i.e. an object will not be created. So if you need objects on Canvas and modify the Canvas content by modifying the properties (x, y, rotation etc.) of the objects you have to develop your own system which manages graphics on Canvas using objects. This system should clear and update the Canvas pixels using the properties of the objects. You will also have to create a display list to manage objects properly.
There are also a few libraries available for the same purpose!/EaselJS

How to resize or remove one object from canvas using Javascript?

Is there any change to remove or resize selected object from Canvas without changing other design.
For example:- I drawn circles (just for help Circle1, circle2, circle3) .
circle1 will be bottom of other two circles. Now I want to remove circle2 or re-size. But it should not effect other circles.
And it there any change do this without using clear Canavas method.
It should work something like powerpoint design just draw and resize and delete.
I do not think that is possible, canvas is a bitmap object as far as I know and anything you draw on it updates the image.
If you like to use circle as an object you probably should look to SVG
"once the rectangle is drawn, the fact that it was drawn is forgotten by the system. If its position were to be changed, the entire scene would need to be redrawn, including any objects that might have been covered by the rectangle."
You could try drawing the circles on separate canvases. In this case all you would have to do is to get rid of the Canvas element containing the circle itself.
Of course this means you'll have to do use some CSS trickery (namely z-index and absolute positioning)... It also incurs some overhead. This might be acceptable if you are dealing with an adequate amount of objects.
I agree with David about SVG. That might be a good option.
With Canvas you have to start setting up your own framework. I started a few simple tutorials on the subject, including resizing shapes.
In short, you're gonna have to start keeping track of each object you have drawn so you can re-draw them every time something moves.
One possibility is to use a canvas library like fabric.js, which allows you to draw and access canvas objects programmatically. Having canvas contents as a number of objects makes it easy to modify those objects dynamically, without affecting anything else; move, resize, delete, clone, change properties (color, opacity, etc.)

