is Javascript's setInterval loop a resource hog? - javascript

I'm designing an app to run on very low spec machine..and i needed it to be efficient as possible..
I needed to issue around 10 intervals at every second that simply makes an ajax call.. and then does a few add/remove classes and (think of it as SERVER Status monitor)
I know in FLASH (oh good old flash days) having a lot of intervals can cause processor spikes .. so i'm very conservative with issuing setIntervals in AS 2.0 before.
I was wondering if this is the same case with JS? or is it alright for JS to have a bunch of intervals (that does lightweight tasks) running? I noticed a lot of sites do this , even facebook has tons of intervals running, loading scripts, etc..
And oh, for one interval, I wanted to run it at 50ms (it loads as status.php link) ... this ok?
I could probably optimize my interval calls, no problem but i'm just wondering how "heavy" or "lightweight" background intervals are in JS..
Thanks all

10 intervals at every second meaning a call every 100ms should not be an issue in my opinion, but if you ask me I would fire a call every 250ms.There is not much difference between the two that the user will notice.
Also make sure that there is a mechanism to handle long running response from server in case there is a delay and stop the interval firing if there is drag.

As a matter of personal feeling, I tend to prefer setTimeout over setInterval -- to the point I don't use setInterval at all.
The issue that you might run into is if one process takes longer than it should -- let me give you an imaginary situation:
window.setInterval(takes100msToRun, 50);
window.setInterval(takes50msToRun, 50);
window.setInterval(takes20msToRun, 50);
The problem is that the first interval will take longer than it should, so the second two interval requests are now behind and the browser will try to catch up by running them as quickly as then can. The second interval takes 50ms, -- so its still running behind when the third interval hits.
This creates an ugly situation that can lead to a lot of drag.
On the other hand, if you setTimeout, then you aren't say "Run this every 50 ms", but rather "Run another one of these 50ms from we finish." (Assuming, of course, that the functions set up another setTimeout to re-execute.)
It is absolute rubbish for things that need good clock timing, but its superior for everything else.

setTimeout and setInterval will affect performance, but little.
Since there are lots of functions triggered/listening/running in the browser.
Even a tiny operation like move your mouse to vote up for this answer, there are thousands of events got triggered, and tens of functions start running.
Don't use setInterval. As a matter of fact, the library underscore doesn't use it either.
See how they implement the _.throttle without setInterval.


Performance of setTimeout in node?

For my webapp I'm going to need to have many timeouts running at once at any given point, possibly around 10,000-100,000. What I'm wondering is how well this function scales.
I don't need it to be that accurate, mostly accurate within 10-100 ms. Would it be better to have a single function run on an interval (say, to run every 50 ms), that checks the current datetime compared to the saved datetime and invokes the function if so?
Does anyone have any insight in to the underlying implement of setTimeout and can shed some light as to how well it can be used en-masse?
More questions I had: Does anyone know of a limit to how many timeouts can be running at once? Also, with both approaches I'm concerned about there not being enough time to process each timeout per interval and it getting "behind" in terms of triggering the timeout function in time.
Actually you cannot determine the exact interval between timeouts, because all it does is it pushes your callback to the callback queue after the threshold and when the event loop will get that callback, push to the call stack and execute it - is non-deterministic. The same is with intervals. You may appear in a situation, when, for example, 5 callbacks will be executed one after another without a delay. This is javascript ))
This is too long for a comment.
possibly around 10,000-100,000
Let's consider what this means. Say that each queued callback takes ~10ms to run, and you queue up 50,000 of them to run in 50ms. Only one of them can run at a time. So by the time the event loop even checks to see if it's time to run the 1000th callback, 10 whole seconds have passed. By the time you get to the 50,000th callback it will have been ten whole minutes! Now obviously if your queued callbacks take fractions of a millisecond that two order-of-magnitude dropoff makes the math a little less dismal, but if they have to do any I/O this probably isn't going to work and it probably won't work no matter what, at least not for a webapp that also has to serve clients.

In Node.js, is setTimeout reliable?

I need to perform many "setTimeouts" 60 seconds. Basically, I'm creating a database record, and 60 seconds from now, I need to check whether the database record was changed.
I don't want to implement a "job queue" since it's such a simple thing, and I definitely need to check it around the 60 second mark.
Is it reliable, or will it cause issues?
When you use setTimeout or setInterval the only guarantee that you get is that the code will not be executed before the programmed time.
It can however start somewhat later because other code that is being executed when the clock ticks (in other words other code will not be interrupted in the middle of the handling of an event to process a timeout or interval event).
If you don't have long blocking processing in your code it means that timed events will be reasonably accurate. If you are instead using long blocking calls then probably node is not the correct tool (it's designed around the idea of avoiding blocking "synch" calls).
you should try WorkerTimer.js it is more good for handling background processes and more accurate than the traditional setInterval or Timeout.
it is available as a node.js npm package.

Javascript Timed Notifications - setTimeout, setInterval

I am creating a web app that allows users to manage a calendar (CRUD events, tasks, reminders etc...)
And I am trying to implement a feature where they will receive a popup reminder x-minutes before the event/task. From my understanding there is really only one way to do this with javascript:
On login, check for any upcoming events in the database (say in the next 12 hours) and create a setTimeout for the next event, when that setTimeout executes, check again for next event and so on...
My question is, will having multiple setTimeouts (10+) running in the background during user interaction slow down the performance of my app?
Is there a better way to handle popup notifications on the client side? Push Notifications? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
My question is, will having multiple setTimeouts (10+) running in the background during user interaction slow down the performance of my app?
In those numbers, no. (Depending on how + the + in 10+ is. I mean, I expect a million probably would be an issue.)
The other approach would be to have a single timer that you use (say, per minute) to check for notifications that should occur as of that minute. E.g.:
function notifyForThisMinute() {
// Notify user of things we should notify them of as of this minute
// ...
// Schedule next check for beginning of next minute; always wait
// until we're a second into the minute to make the checks easier
setTimeout(notifyForThisMinute, (61 - new Date().getSeconds()) * 1000);
notifyForThisMinute(); // First call starts process
This depends on the browser (or more specifically, it's javascript engine) and apparently even OS.
Neil Thomas (while working on GMAIL mobile) and John Resig have analyzed timers.
One of the more noticeable things to look out for is how often the timer runs per given time-interval (say every 200ms or once every 10 minutes..).
With low-frequency timers - timers with a delay of one second or more - we could create many timers without significantly degrading performance on either [an Android G1 or iPhone 3G]. Even with 100 timers scheduled, our app was not noticeably less responsive. With high-frequency timers, however, the story was exactly the opposite. A few timers firing every 100-200 ms was sufficient to make our UI feel sluggish.
Keep in mind that this code is going to execute many times every second. Looping over an array of registered callbacks might be slightly "cleaner" code, but it's critical that this function execute as quickly as possible. Hardcoding the function calls also makes it really easy to keep track of all the work that is being done within the timer.
Once you start moving into the range of 64-128 simultaneous timers, you’re pretty much out of luck in most browsers.
One might also have a look at Chronos

does setTimeout() affects performance

I wonder if this code is going to put load on the client since the timeout is so long?
//and update this again in a bit
setTimeout(function() {
}, 60000);
Not that code alone. The system idles for that one minute. As long as updateWeather doesn't have severe performance issues and the interval is short, setTimeout won't be a product (and I believe you mean setInterval, not setTimeout for recurring checks)
The 60 second timer is implemented by magic in the OS: it basically adds no CPU load during the 60 seconds it is waiting.
I guess updateWeather() is polling an external resource, so the answer to your question is a simple "no, it is fine". (As the weather does not change that often, I'd make it 5 minutes instead, see comment below on battery life.) (Even better: see if the weather data provider gives you a field telling you when the next update will be, and use a setTimeout based on that.)
In other situations, for instance if you have been collecting some kind of data for those 60 seconds, and then go and process it in one go, this could cause a peak of heavy load. Which might be noticed by the user (e.g. all animations go jerky once every 60 seconds). In that case it is better to use a 5 second timer, and process 5 seconds worth of data at a time.
Conversely, if you are using the network on a mobile device, you have to consider battery life: wake-up-and-find-a-connection can dominate. So extending a polling time from 60 seconds to 120 seconds can literally double battery life. Ilya Grigorik has a very good chapter on this in his book, High Performance Browser Networking, it is:
One thing to keep in mind, in addition to the other answers, is the affect that the closure of in-scope variables might have on memory performance. If you've got a gajillion objects being referenced by variables in the scope(s) above your setTimeout callback, those objects may live as long as the callback is queued. That is not something we can tell from the code you posted and so no answer can be definitively given to your question. Also, if your setTimeout is being called multiple times, it will create a closure for each one, effectively duplicating the environment and taking up your heap space.
The answer to your question depends on:
The device you execute this on
The environment - how many times do you execute this
A standalone setTimeout would not hurt the browser; however, if you are doing the same thing repeatedly, it would make a difference.
Have a look at the following website for more insights...

Is it possible to have "setInterval" set too fast?

I have a setinterval function in my javascript that I want to be as fast as possible, i.e. check the status of an event every 1ms. Is it possible that this would be asking too much from a user's browser? It seems to work just fine, but I am wondering if its a bad practice.
It is not only possible, it's quite common. It's a race-condition by its very nature. If you depend on the code inside the callback to be executed before the next interval, use a recursive setTimeout instead.
Also, unless your interval is called lockUpBrowser, that duration between callbacks is likely much too short for realistic performance handling.
(function myRecursiveTask() {
// Do your task here
if (!someConditionToAllowABailOut) {
setTimeout(myRecursiveTask, 100); // 100ms loop
setInterval is not guaranteed to execute at precisely the interval specified.
It will execute as soon as possible, but since javasript is single-threaded and some other code may execute at this time your callback may be delayed.
If you're using setInterval with 1ms than you're probably trying to solve your problem in a wrong way.
Yes, if the function reference passed to setInterval takes longer to execute than the interval, calls to the function will queue and bog down the browser. If you're trying to perform an animation and want to change each step as fast as possible, there is a requestAnimationFrame function that should be used for modern browsers. Personally, I've never needed to perform a function faster than every 15ms.
I would certainly question the need for such an approach. What are you needing to check for every 1ms that you can't check for every 10ms, 100ms, or every second?
Are you 100% certain that the check functionality that you will run every will always execute in < 1ms such that you don't have multiple check processes stacking up to run.
How much memory and CPU does the process take, and are you going to potentially slow down the user's browser to the point where simply actions like scrolling become painful for the user?
is an while loop too slow for you?
while (condition)
//code block to be executed
i know i'm not ansering your question but, i think there is no better ways to do something like that...
Ben Cherry has a good article about this where he tests different browsers to find how fast setInterval can be before it becomes unreliable. The speed at which a setInterval or setTimout fires is dependent on the browser.
In particular, if you’re looking for consistent timer intervals across browsers, you have to use something >15ms.
So if you can set the time greater than 15ms you won't run into problems.

