When does a !== a? [duplicate] - javascript

Is there any value for what x === x returns false without NaN?
For example:
> x = 1
> x === x
> x = {}
> x === x
> x = new Date()
Wed Nov 13 2013 15:44:22 GMT+0200 (EET)
> x === x
> x = NaN
> x === x
I see that the only value where x === x returns false is when isNaN(x) === true.
Is there another value of x for what x === x returns false? An official reference would be welcome!

The strict comparison between two equal non-NaN values will always be true (SLaks's answer correctly quotes the spec). However, it's possible for the expression x to change its value during the evaluation of the the equality. This can happen with property access when using accessor property descriptors (i.e., property getters):
foo = {};
Object.defineProperty(foo, "bar", {
get: function() {
return Math.random();
foo.bar === foo.bar; // false
If you do this for the global object window (or global in Node), then you can see the x === x comparison fail for a global-scope variable:
Object.defineProperty(window, "bar", {
get: function() {
return Math.random();
bar === bar; // false

The spec lists the exact rules for strict equality.
There are no other such cases, unless you count +0 and -0.
The SameValue algorithm (used for validating changes to read-only defined properties) has no such exceptions.


What does this condition do in ternary?

Javascript Ternary Condition
I have javascript with this condition, what is this?
var y = (typeof x !== undefined) ? x || 0 : 1;
This (typeof x !== undefined) ? x || 0 : 1; is going to return always true because the typeof operator will return a string.
That condition should compare a string as follow:
(typeof x !== 'undefined') ? x || 0 : 1;
var x;
var str = typeof x !== 'undefined' ? x || 0 : 1;
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Conditional (ternary) Operator explanation:
+--- When condition is true
| +--- When condition is false
| |
| |
v v
typeof x !== 'undefined' ? x || 0 : 1;
^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| +---- The condition should be:
| (x === undefined ? 1 : x || 0)
+--- Checks for the type of x
Code refactored
var x = 4;
var str = x === undefined ? 1 : x || 0;
console.log(str);// should return 4
var y;
str = y === undefined ? 1 : y || 0;
console.log(str);// should return 1
y = null;
str = y === undefined ? 1 : y || 0;
console.log(str);// should return 0
y = 5;
str = y === undefined ? 1 : y || 0;
console.log(str);// should return 5
y = 5-"5";
str = y === undefined ? 1 : y || 0;
console.log(str); // should return 0
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Conditional (ternary) Operator
First, there is an error with the condition:
(typeof x !== undefined)
because you are comparing a type against a value.
typeof always returns a string, while undefined is a value. So, whatever type x is, it will be returned as as string. Even if it's value is undefined, "undefined" (notice the quotes?) will be returned as its type and since the string "undefined" has a typeof === "string", the condition will actually branch into the true section, even when x actually is undefined.
So, it needs to be: (typeof x !== "undefined").
Or, you could test the value of x against the value undefined:
(x !== undefined)
But, you can't mix and match values and types.
Now, assuming we correct that, the next part (the true branch):
x || 0
Simply returns x, as long as it is not "falsy" (that is, any value that would convert to the Boolean false). 0, false, NaN, undefined, "" or null are all falsy. So, if x is not falsy, x is returned. If x is falsy, then 0 is returned. This is a way to provide a default return value in case the first value doesn't exist. But, the logic is a bit off here, because if the code has entered the true branch, it's because x is not undefined, which means it's "truthy". And, if it's truthy, then we can safely just return x. So, it really should just be:
Finally, the last part (the false branch)
Is what will be returned if the original condition is false. In this case, if x is undefined.
So, the code has flaws in it and really should be:
(typeof x !== "undefined") ? x : 1
In reality, any expression you place into the condition of an if statement is going to be converted to a Boolean for the if to do its job. If all you need to know is if x is not a "falsy" value, then all you need to do is write:
x ? x : 1;
The x will be converted to a Boolean.
If it's true (truthy), then x is returned.
If it's false (falsy), then 1 is returned.
function testX(x){
return x ? x : 1;
// Truthy:
console.log(testX(10)); // 10
console.log(testX({})); // {}
console.log(testX(true)); // true
console.log(testX("something")); // "something"
// Falsy:
console.log(testX("")); // 1
console.log(testX()); // 1
console.log(testX(4-"Z")); // 1 because 4-"Z" == NaN
console.log(testX(false)); // 1
console.log(testX(0)); // 1
console.log(testX(null)); // 1
The condition
(typeof x !== undefined)
asks if x is not of type undefined. Or, if x is defined. This will include any value or even null.
...? x || 0
If so, the expression evaluates to this. Which is the value of x in most cases or 0 if x is anything evaluated to be boolean false, e.g., null, false, etc.
... : 1;
Otherwise (i.e. case when x is undefined), evaluates to 1.
Typing in Javascript is complicated (in my opinion), sometimes it is not easy to remember what it is when you're comparing mixed type stuff, see https://dorey.github.io/JavaScript-Equality-Table/ for a summary matrix.
Admitting that you have a left-hand operand, it does the same thing as :
var y;
if(typeof x !== undefined) {
y = x;
y = 0;
y = 1;

Can someone explain what this JS snippet is doing?

Can someone please tell me what this snippet is doing?
Is it setting x to true if y is undefined?
var x = false;
var y = x === true;
The code
var x = false;
var y = x === true;
is simply checking the condition x === true, like other programming language it will result to either true or false. Since you have var x = false; the condition x === true will result in false as false === true is always false. Now, the result of this condition is being assigned to the new variable y as var y = x === true; so the value for y will be false.
Set x to false
Is x exactly-equal to true?
2.1. If so, then set y to true
2.2. Otherwise, set y to false
There is no invokation of of global.undefined in this fragment.
The first line should be pretty clear, it sets x to false. The second line is a bit more difficult, first, it compares x to true. If x is exactly equal to true, it will set y to true. Since x is false, the comparison will also return false, so y will be set to false.
TL;DR, this is a convoluted way of setting y to false.
=== is a strict comparison operator. The value of variable y will only true if x is boolean and true, y will be false otherwise. Check this snippet out for example:
let a = 1;
console.log(a == true); // print true
let b = 1;
console.log(b === true); // print false, because `b` is a number, not boolean
let c = true;
console.log(c == true); // print true
let d = true;
console.log(d === true); // print true, because `d` is a boolean and its value is `true`
This var y = x === true; statement means: keep the returned value of (x === true) in the y variable. In your case, y will hold false as its value since x is a boolean, but its value is false.
Strict Equality Operator, === has a greater precedence over Assignment Operator, =. Therefore the check for x is done before assigning its value to y.
You can break this down into three statements.
var x = false
var tmp = (x === true)
var y = tmp
Since x is false, y will also get set to false.

When can != be used instead of !==?

Consider the code snippet below from this AngularJS tutorial:
function ($firebaseSimpleLogin, FIREBASE_URL, $rootScope) {
var ref = new Firebase(FIREBASE_URL);
var auth = $firebaseSimpleLogin(ref);
var Auth = {
register: function (user) {
return auth.$createUser(user.email, user.password);
signedIn: function () {
return auth.user !== null;
logout: function () {
$rootScope.signedIn = function () {
return Auth.signedIn();
return Auth;
I understand the difference between != and !== is the first compares by reference and the second compares by value. Since the comparison here is to null, then why has the developer chosen to use !== instead of !=? Is my understanding correct that both would work here?
== / != operator only compares the value of the variables, not the type
=== / !== operator compares the type and the value of the variables
Some examples:
var varA = 5; // int
var varB = '5'; // string
var varC = 5; // int
if(varA == varB) // true (only value compared)
if(varA === varB) // false: because varB is of type string and varA of type int
if(varA == varC) // true
if(varA === varC) // true: because varA and varC are of the same type and have the same value
I often use "if(x != null)" to check if x is either null or undefined. It's safer than just saying "if(x)" since there are other falsey values besides null and undefined.
Here's an overview table, for your convenience: http://jsfiddle.net/QQcVw/1/
0 "" false null undefined
0 Y Y Y n n
"" Y Y Y n n
false Y Y Y n n
null n n n Y Y
undefined n n n Y Y
As you can see, == considers equal three empty "values" (0, "" and false) and two "non-values" (null and undefined). See javascript standard for the exact algorithm.
In most cases, it's a good idea to avoid == and always stick to ===.

What should be the value of x?

what value should X have so this condition would work?
// insert code here
if (x == 1 && x === 2) {
X should be defined like so:
get: function() {
this.__tmp = this.__tmp || 2;
this.__tmp = 3-this.__tmp;
return this.__tmp;
if( x == 1 && x === 2)
MIGHT work. Demonstration
The following code should do the trick (Demo here):
x = {};
x.valueOf = function (){
x = 2; // this is important
return 1;
if (x == 1 && x === 2) {
console.log('Success !!!');
The statements are executed from left to right (so first x == 1, then x === 2). When checking x == 1, it will go to the valueOf function, which returns 1, so it will be true. But at the same time, x is changed to be 2, thus the next statement that will be checked (x === 2) will also be true.
PS: As far as I know, this has no practical application. However, it can lead to better understanding of how javascript works - which is the point of such questions :)
X can't hold a value equals to 1 and identical to 2 at the same time, this expression is logically incorrect.
There is no such value.
x === 2 checks if x equals exactly to 2, while 2 cannot be 1 at the same time.
Only the following would make sense:
if (x && x === 2) { ... }
(or getter overloading, as demonstrated in #Niet the Dark Absol's answer, which is not a pure case)
Using === (identity) operator it will never work, but it's possible to construct an object that will be "equal" (==) to 1 and 2 at the same time:
x = { valueOf: function() { return this.foo ? 2 : this.foo = 1 } }
console.log(x == 1 && x == 2) // true
"valueOf" is the method JS implicitly calls when you convert or compare an object to a number.
Needless to say, this exercise doesn't have any practical sense.

jQuery explanation of (!= and == and others) [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I am learning jQuery and I have seen that people in plugins use following quite a lot, and I don't know the meaning of each. So explanation of each would be really appreciated.
So here's the list, maybe I have type wrong some of but anyone is welcome to edit my post.
==, ===, !0, !1, !=, !==
Please explain to me... Thanks!
Check out this list of javascript logical operators:
and comparison operators:
Operator Description
== is equal to
=== is exactly equal to (value and type)
!= is not equal
!== is not equal (neither value nor type)
> is greater than x>8
< is less than x<8
>= is greater than or equal to
<= is less than or equal to
!0 Not 0 (could be used as not false)
!1 Not 1 (could be used as not true)
// Comparison operators
var foo = 1;
var bar = 0;
var baz = "1";
var bim = 2;
foo == bar; // returns false
foo != bar; // returns true
foo == baz; // returns true; but note that the types are different
foo === baz; // returns false
foo !== baz; // returns true
foo === parseInt( baz ); // returns true
foo > bim; // returns false
bim > baz; // returns true
foo <= baz; // returns true
Link: http://stage.learn.jquery.com/javascript-101/operators/
Simply put, these are used to compare 2 values in an "if" statement. They are called comparison operators. Each one makes a different comparison. The most confusing are the 2= and the 3=. The third equals sign compares data types as well as value. More often than not, you will not need the 3rd = sign unless you are creating "strict" code. The operators break down like so:
== is equal to
Example: if (x == z) // this would return true if both x and z were the number 7
=== is exactly equal to (compares value and type)
Example: if (x == z) // if x is the String 7 and z is the Integer 7, this would return false
!= is not equal
Example: if (x != z) // if x is 7 and z is 8 then this if statement would return true
!== is not equal (again, compares both value and type)
Example: if (x !== z) // If both x and z are 7 but one is a String, while the other is an integer, then this would return true, because they are not the same type
> is greater than
Example: if (x > z) // If x is 8 and z is 7, then this would return true
< is less than
Example: if (x < z) // If x is 8 and z is 7, then this would return false
>= is greater than or equal to
Example: if (x >= z) // If x is 8 or 7 and z is 7, then this would still be true in either case
<= is less than or equal to
Example: if (x <= z) // If x is 8 and z is 7, then this would return false, but if x was 7 then it would be true
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