Referencing parent scope in function, probability of leak? - javascript

When referencing a parent variable in a setInterval, do this can provoke a leak as I'm referencing self ?
var A = {};
A.act = function(a_var) {
var self = this;
self.a_var = a_var;
setInterval(function() {
}, 100)

Well, there's a leak in the sense that you start an interval timer running that you cannot stop without leaving the page (since you don't keep the handle). That means that the context of the call to act that created the timer, the timer callback, and A can never be GC'd, because the browser has a reference to the callback in its timer list, and the callback closes over the context of the call that created it. But I'm assuming that's desired behavior, so not really a leak.
In theory, the a_var argument is referenced by the closure (indirectly, by referencing the binding object of the execution context of the call to act), and so sticks around in memory even though you don't use it (you use self.a_var instead).
In practice (which is to say, allowing for implementation optimizations), it's complicated. Modern engines can optimize out variables and such that they know a closure doesn't access, but surprisingly simple things can disturb that process (at least on V8). This other question and answer have more on that.


javascript interval memory leak

I am reading this article on javascript optimization. Article
I came across this section and it tells me when a leak occurs. But I can't find what is the proper way to call it so a leak does not occur. Here is the section I am interested in.
One of the worst places to leak is in a loop, or in setTimeout()/setInterval(), but this is quite common.
Consider the following example.
var myObj = {
callMeMaybe: function () {
var myRef = this;
var val = setTimeout(function () {
console.log('Time is running out!');
}, 1000);
If we then run:
to begin the timer, we can see every second “Time is running out!” If we then run:
myObj = null;
The timer will still fire. myObj won’t be garbage collected as the closure passed to setTimeout has to be kept alive in order to be executed. In turn, it holds references to myObj as it captures myRef. This would be the same if we’d passed the closure to any other function, keeping references to it.
It is also worth keeping in mind that references inside a setTimeout/setInterval call, such as functions, will need to execute and complete before they can be garbage collected.
The question is: How do you do this properly so that you don't leak? Is it as simple as calling clearInterval? And does this leak once or leak once per interval
I wouldn't call this a memory leak in any fashion - it's simple garbage collection doing what it's supposed to. There is no more "proper" way to do it.
The object that was initially pointed to by myObj is still in use as long as your timer is running. A garbage collector will free it as soon as there are no more references to it. Setting myObj = null clears one reference to it, but your ongoing timers have another reference in myRef so it can not be garbage collected until ALL references to it are gone.
Yes, if you stop your timer and set myObj = null, then there will be no more references to the object and the GC will get rid of it. Keep in mind that you will need to provide access to the timerid if you want to stop the timer from the outside because no outside code can get to val where you have it stored now.
If you had lots of other data in myObj that the timer did not need access to and you were trying to allow that data to be freed while the timer continues to run, then you can either keep the same structure you have now, but clear that other data from the object (either remove the properties or set the properties to null) or you can change the structure of your code so that the recurring timer is launched with a separate function call and doesn't have to keep a reference to the object in order to call a method.
In other words, if your timer method needs access to the object, then the object is correctly kept alive by the garbage collector. If the timer method doesn't need access to the object, then you should run the recurring timer some other way that doesn't repeatedly call a method on the object - allowing the object to be garbage collected.

Using JavaScript closures in setTimeout

I'm using setTimeout to emulate rendering, and I came to the structure like this:
var Renderer = new Class (
Implements: Events,
onRender: function()
// some rendering actions
setTimeout(this.onRender.bind(this), 20);
Does that code have potential memory leaks because of infinite nesting of closures? Or everything is ok? The only solution I came so far is to rewrite it to usual
function Renderer()
var onRender = function()
// rendering
setTimeout(onRender, 20);
But I don't want to lose Mootools Events and Classes.
For some reasons I can't use a "singleton" (like window.renderer = new Renderer();) too
Your code is fine, but Andy's answer is misleading because it confuses the scope chain with execution context and, by extension, call stack.
First, setTimeout functions do not execute in the global scope. They still execute in a closure and can access variables from outer scopes. This is because JavaScript uses static scope; that is, the scope chain of a function is defined at the moment that function is created and never changes; the scope chain is a property of the function.
Execution context is different and separate from the scope chain in that it is constructed at the time a function is invoked (whether directly – func(); – or as the result of a browser invocation, such as a timeout expiring). The execution context is composed of the activation object (the function's parameters and local variables), a reference to the scope chain, and the value of this.
The call stack can be thought of as an array of execution contexts. At the bottom of the stack is the global execution context. Each time a function is called, its parameters and this value are stored in a new 'object' on the stack.
If we were to change your onRender function to simply call itself (this.onRender()), the stack would quickly overflow. This is because control would never leave each successive onRender function, allowing its execution context to be popped off the call stack. Instead, we go deeper and deeper with each onRender waiting for the next onRender to return, in an infinite cycle broken only when the stack overflows.
However, with a call to setTimeout, control returns immediately and thus is able to leave the onRender function, causing its execution context to be popped off the stack and discarded (to be freed from memory by the GC).
When the timeout expires, the browser initiates a call to onRender from the global execution context; the call stack is only two deep. There is a new execution context – which by default would inherit the global scope as its this value; that's why you have to bind to your Renderer object – but it still includes the original scope chain that was created when you first defined onRender.
As you can see, you're not creating infinite closures by recursion because closures (scope chains) are created at function definition, not at function invocation. Furthermore, you're not creating infinite execution contexts because they are discarded after onRender returns.
We can make sure you're not leaking memory by testing it. I let it run 500,000 times and didn't observe any leaking memory. Note that the maximum call stack size is around 1,000 (varies by browser), so it's definitely not recursing.

Memory leakage on event handling

I've been reading about memory leakages lately and haven't yet wrapped my head around all of it and have some questions regarding my own style of writing. Specifically, I'm not really sure if the way I handle events might be a source of leaking. Consider the following code
function Wrapper(text) {
this.text = text;
Wrapper.prototype.onClick = function (e) {
Wrapper.prototype.bindHandlers = function () {
var t = this, div = $('<div>' + this.text + '</div>');
var reallyHugeArray = [1,2,3...]; // an array of 100000 elements for example (e) {
// all variables of the parent function are in scope for this function, including reallyHugeArray
var a = new Wrapper('testString');
// had enough fun with the Wrapper, now let's nullify it
a = null;
As you can see, I like to use an anonymous functions as the event handler so that it would be more convenient to have access to instance specific variables (in this case this.text in the onClick function) and functions. However, if I understood correctly, having an anonymous function inside a function (as is the event handler), which has access to the local scope, disables the garbage collector from removing the local variables, therefore creating a leak.
So my question is whether this method of event handling can create memory leakages and if it does, is there any way to prevent it, but still have a similarily convenient way to access the instance variables and functions?
(Off-topic: a function inside a function inside a function makes Javascript sound like Inception)
In your particular example, the anonymous click handler creates a function closure for the scope above it. That means that the values of t, div and reallyHugeArray are maintained for the life of your anonymous click handler function.
This is not a really a memory "leak", but rather memory "usage". It doesn't get worse and worse over time, it just uses the fixed amount of memory that those local varaibles t, div and reallyHugeArray occupy. This is often an advantage in javascript programming because those variables are available to the inner function. But, as you wondered, it can occasionally cause problems if you expected that memory to be freed.
In the case of references to other things (DOM objects or other JS variables), since these outer variables continue on, everything that they refer to also continues on and cannot be freed by the garbage collector. In general, this is not a big problem. Things that tend to cause problems are things that are done over and over as the web page is used or things that are done in some large loop with lots of iterations. Something only executed once like this just uses a little more memory once and from then on the memory usage of the construct is constant.
If, for some reason, you were binding this event handler over and over again, creating a new function closure every time and never releasing them, then it could be a problem.
I find this construct in Javascript very useful. I don't think of it as something to stay away from, but it is worth understanding in case you have references to really large things that you want to be freed, transient things that should be freed because you don't need them long term or you're doing something over and over again. In that case, you can explicitly set local variables to null if you won't need them in the inner function to kill their references and allow the garbage collector to do it's thing. But, this is not something you generally need to do - just something to be aware of in certain circumstances.

Understanding javascript closures and memory usage

EDIT: This is just a simple example to demontrate the concern I have with a much larger program. I wouldn't use this actual code for anything :)
If I run this -
<!DOCTYPE html>
function update(amount, win, data)
win.innerText = 'Count is ' + amount;
setTimeout(function() { update(amount + 1, win, {data: 'something'})}, 1000);
window.onload = function() {
var win = document.getElementById('item');
update(0, win, 0);
<div id="item"></div>
The call to setTimeout presumably creates a closure which captures the contents of the parameters to the "update" function (amount, win, data). So those variables are maintained in memory until the timeout is called and returns so that they will be available inside that function call...
But that function creates a new closure for the next iteration of the timeout... What will be captured in that second closure? Is it just the new copies of those variables or will the ones that formed part of the function call be captured again in the new closure?
Basically will this eventually run out of memory due to the data in each closure getting bigger and bigger, or is this safe and reasonable?
In my understanding, when a closure is created, the current lexical context is bundled with it. In your case, it would be the amount, win, data.
This context will be used, when the timeout fires, to execute the closure and thus call once again the function update; this call, although it might appear so, is not recursive, because the previous execution of update already ended and its original context (dynamic, which is different from the lexical one) has already been freed. (I think this is important to notice, because it seems you are worrying about a sort of stack growth due to recursion).
So, again, update is executed a second time and again a timeout is set and a closure created. This closure is bundled with the current lexical context of execution (which still includes just amount, win, data) and scheduled with the timer. then update finishes and removed from the stack. then again the timer fires and update is called again...
So, you should not worry about an unlimited growth of the context, for two reasons: first, only the lexical context is bundled with the closure; the call is not actually recursive.
A new closure is created every time the timeout callback is called, as you correctly say. But once the callback has been executed, there is no longer anything referencing the previous closure, so it can be garbage collected.

Should I encapsulate blocks of functionality in anonymous JavaScript functions?

My intuition is that it's a good idea to encapsulate blocks of code in anonymous functions like this:
(function() {
var aVar;
aVar.func = function() { alert('ronk'); };
aVar.mem = 5;
Because I'm not going to need aVar again, so I assume that the garbage collector will then delete aVar when it goes out of scope. Is this right? Or are interpreters smart enough to see that I don't use the variable again and clean it up immediately? Are there any reasons such as style or readability that I should not use anonymous functions this way?
Also, if I name the function, like this:
var operations = function() {
var aVar;
aVar.func = function() { alert('ronk'); };
aVar.mem = 5;
does operations then necessarily stick around until it goes out of scope? Or can the interpreter immediately tell when it's no longer needed?
A Better Example
I'd also like to clarify that I'm not necessarily talking about global scope. Consider a block that looks like
(function() {
var date = new Date(); // I want to keep this around indefinitely
// And even thought date is private, it will be accessible via this HTML node
// to other scripts.
document.getElementById('someNode').date = date;
// This function is private
function someFunction() {
var someFuncMember;
// I can still call this because I named it. someFunction remains available.
// It has a someFuncMember that is instantiated whenever someFunction is
// called, but then goes out of scope and is deleted.
// This function is anonymous, and its members should go out of scope and be
// deleted
(function() {
var member;
})(); // member is immediately deleted
// ...and the function is also deleted, right? Because I never assigned it to a
// variable. So for performance, this is preferrable to the someFunction
// example as long as I don't need to call the code again.
Are my assumptions and conclusions in there correct? Whenever I'm not going to reuse a block, I should not only encapsulate it in a function, but encapsulate it in an anonymous function so that the function has no references and is deleted after it's called, right?
You're right that sticking variables inside an anonymous function is a good practice to avoid cluttering up the global object.
To answer your latter two questions: It's completely impossible for the interpreter to know that an object won't be used again as long as there's a globally visible reference to it. For all the interpreter knows, you could eval some code that depends on window['aVar'] or window['operation'] at any moment.
Essentially, remember two things:
As long as an object is around, none of its slots will be magically freed without your say-so.
Variables declared in the global context are slots of the global object (window in client-side Javascript).
Combined, these mean that objects in global variables last for the lifetime of your script (unless the variable is reassigned). This is why we declare anonymous functions — the variables get a new context object that disappears as soon as the function finishes execution. In addition to the efficiency wins, it also reduces the chance of name collisions.
Your second example (with the inner anonymous function) might be a little overzealous, though. I wouldn't worry about "helping the garbage collector" there — GC probably isn't going to run in the middle that function anyway. Worry about things that will be kept around persistently, not just slightly longer than they otherwise would be. These self-executing anonymous functions are basically modules of code that naturally belong together, so a good guide is to think about whether that describes what you're doing.
There are reasons to use anonymous functions inside anonymous functions, though. For example, in this case:
(function () {
var bfa = new Array(24 * 1024*1024);
var calculation = calculationFor(bfa);
$('.resultShowButton').click( function () {
var text = "Result is " + eval(calculation);
} );
This results in that gigantic array being captured by the click callback so that it never goes away. You could avoid this by quarantining the array inside its own function.
Anything that you add to the global scope will stay there until the page is unloaded (unless you specifically remove it).
It's generally a good idea to put variables and function that belong together either in a local scope or in an object, so that they add as little as possible to the global namespace. That way it's a lot easier to reuse code, as you can combine different scripts in a page with minimal risks for naming collisions.

