How to remove/reset external css styles with JQ? - javascript

I want to reset remove or make initial all the css properties defined in an external css file. I want the solution should also work when I edited/added/removed properties in css file.
So solutions in here don't work.
For example $('div').css('width','');, is not a solution cause it clears the width property in a HARDCODED way.
Also solutions like $('div').attr('style',''); does not work cause I do not use inline styling, also again $('div').removeClass(''); is not a valid solution.
Any answer would be appreciated, thanx.
You can playaround the code here:
And; How to dynamically remove a stylesheet from the current page is not a solution, another side effect of this is that it removes all styles for all elements, this is not the case wanted

Just use this $('link[rel=stylesheet][href~="external_css_link.css"]').remove(); and remove the link of the css file which you don't want in similar manner you can again add the file
I tested the same in local file system where css is other file and run the same code and found that the style is removed completely and it behave in complete different manner as it working in the online javascript editor jsfiddle or any other because they internally include the css in the page they don't include the an external link thats why
not work here in your sample
in other way it remove the style completely


NextJS: dynamically created html nodes not repainted by css

I was working on a nextjs project where I was asked to add an external script that dynamically creates nodes using vanilla js (createElement, setAttribute, etc.). I couldn't help but notice that the global css imported at the top of my _app.js did not affect these dynamically created elements at all. I tried importing the css many different ways but couldn't get the nodes to be repainted without modifying the external script and dynamically adding the styling there.
Does anyone know why exactly these nodes aren't repainted by the imported css and how to import them / configure next in a way where they are ?
Thank you !
P.S: script works and is imported in , tried importing css in too without luck
I found a similar question where the answer was an issue with css encapsulation. Here is the link to that answer, it explains it better than I can. Their issue was with angular so it could be the same.

How to know from where is applied into CSS

I have a <ul></ul>class in which an{} is getting applied from a .js file. Can I know how to know the exact .js file from which it is getting applied and the line of code? Below is the ss attached.
Check for some file name with flexslider or jquery.flexslider.js. If you have it then css is coming from their only search with .slides or with translate3d. If you don't have any then
the only possible way is with cleaver search. 1st search with ".slides" within your project. If you found any normal class not any library thats the place where it is coming. If you found any file like slider, carousel or owl or any other js file just delete the content of those file and refresh the page if the css is still their look for other file. If nothing happen look with parent class or ID.
If you use an IDE you can do a search for the styles applied in question in the javascript files, the IDE will highlight all the occurrences of the keywords that you use to search for. If the JavaScript file has been minified it can make it impossible because you won't have any idea what is what without a lot of analysis work. If you have the original source code just do a search it will allow you to do analysis really quick.
In Microsoft Edge if you click inspect element the CSS of element will appear on the right side of the screen. You can see which CSS style are being applied and use the checkmark interface to apply or remove the style. This will tell exactly where the CSS is coming from. If you want to know where the JavaScript is coming from I will use the search feature in my text editor to find the specific functions, or remove script tag temporary until I locate it.

How do I make the Codeschools angular side look similar?

I've tried for quite some time after passing the codeschools "Shaping up with Angular" course to make it work. The last thing I tried was even to copy their source code to make sure that there were no typos on my side and the results vary quite a lot and I don't know what I'm doing wrong at this point.
This is what my site looks like on GitPages:
This is what it looks like on the course website:
Anyone able to shed some light on this problem is my hero.
The actual source can be found here:
It seems that they have a style.css file that is not included in your code. That file specifies layout and appearance for the body tag, the img-thumbnails, img-wrap, small-image, thumbnail classes and others. Right now, you add these classes to elements in your html files, but there is no css stylesheet to define them.
Check out the plunker they share at the above link. You'll need to create a css file that specifies the appropriate styles for these classes and reference it in your index file header.

How do I edit Liferay's HTML code?

I was wondering if it's possible to edit Liferay Portal's HTML code, add a couple of <br> to have more space between portlets. Or even add some Javascript to it?
Is this possible? If so, how?
You can create your own theme, extending another theme (e.g. classic, _styled, etc.) and adding the 'diff' files, aka the ones you want to extend. In that case, you could extend a default css files, adding a rule like:
#content .portlet-layout .portlet-column-content {margin: 10px;}
Another quicker but less flexible approach is to use the
'Insert custom CSS that will be loaded after the theme.'
feature. This can be found at: Manage Pages > Look & Feel > CSS
The Theme answer has already been given - if you just want to change the appearance (e.g. linebreaks) this is the way to go instead of your original question to change HTML output.
If you literally need to change the HTML code - e.g. add something to or remove something from the page, you should read about Hooks, particularly those that can override jsps. This is exactly what they've been built for.

Can i load css from the original file?

Seems like to me there should be an option for that but i can't seem to find it.
This question was asked many times but only workarounds were answered and that's not what i'm looking for.
I am changing my css incode and i want to load the original css back instead of coding it myself, how can that be achived?
I don't wanna reload the entire file, just load some div or class css.
See this post for a solution.
Based on that you can do something like this:
$("#fix").click(function(e) {
Note: This assumes you are using JQuery to change the styles in the first place
Here is a working example
if you're using jQuery apply
to your elements
I want to load the original css back instead of coding it myself
This is not necessary. You are trying to reload a resource that should just continue to exist. Once it's loaded, you don't need to load it again. If you need to override a style, apply a class to it. To revert to original, remove the class. That's how cascading style sheets work.
If there is a particular reason the css needs to be dynamic, you can try loading css into the Document via the DOM (document.createElement("style") etc.), but support for this is a bit sketchy I believe.
if you want to reset the WHOLE style and not only divs' you'd better use the all selector

