Using "on" for response for desired elements only: - javascript

JS Fiddle Link
I am dynamically adding some elements and my div looks like:
<div class="knock" href="#">
<!-- Do Something if links are not clicked -->
And my on script is:
$(".knock").on("click", function(){
console.log("Link not clicked");
alert("Link not Clicked");
My Problem, I do not want to fire the alert when the links are clicked. Is there a way out?

You can write anchor tag event and stop event Propagation of the event to upper DOM elements so that alert only comes up when the div is actually clicked, but not when some anchor tag inside div is clicked:
The event.stopPropagation() method stops the bubbling of an event to parent elements, preventing any parent event handlers from being executed.
See details here on jquery official page

Just determine if the a is clicked based on the event that is passed.
Updated Example
$(".knock").on("click", function(e){
console.log("Link not clicked");
alert("Link not Clicked");

Add this to your js:
$(".knock a").on("click", function(e) {
return false;

Why not add another method as
This will stop porpagation of the chaininvocation of events on parent elements.
See updated Fiddle


Jquery onclick event not firing from href

I have this href in my html:
<a id="m_MC_hl6_8" class="no_loaderbox button_link inline_block " href="somelink" target="_self">link</a>
When clicked on the link, a div is shown to show a waiting box.
For this specific link I don't want that so I wrote a piece of jquery to hide the div when clicked on the link.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).on('click', 'a.no_loaderbox', function(e) {
But the line with hide is never hit.
I can't use the id because the link is dynamically created.
What am I missing here?
You can either return false or use e.preventDefault as Adel Elkhodary mentioned in the comments above. Then select the correct element and apply the method hide().
Here is the working code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).on('click', 'a.no_loaderbox', function(e) {
return false;
<script src=""></script>
<a id="m_MC_hl6_8" class="no_loaderbox button_link inline_block " href="somelink" target="_self">link</a>
Return false or e.preventDefault were not the answers I was looking for.
I got the problem resolved by binding the event directly on the element $('a') instead of with $(document) and class.

Second jQuery button click isn't firing

I am trying to do something ostensibly simple in jsfiddle and it is not working. Essentially I have an h1 html tag with class "me" and a button with class "poo". The first click works and my css color changes, however the second click does not work?
var haha = $("<button>Click Me!!!</button>");
Bind the second click to the parent element:
$(document).on('click', '.changer', function() {
//function here
The changer click handler is bound before the element exists. Try using the $.on method instead.
$('body').on('click', '.changer', function() {...})
This works because the event handler is bound to the document body, which already exists on the page. When there is a click anywhere in the body, jQuery will check if the clicked element matches the selector .changer and execute the callback if so.
Alternatively, you could just bind the $('.changer').click event within the first callback.
Update fiddle:
var haha = $("<button>Click Me!!!</button>").addClass('changer');
function bindClick(){

Trigger click event on "a href" element

I am trying to click a href element on my html website. Problem is that click event is not triggered
<div class="button" id="info" ></div>
<ul id="game-options">
Function that clicks a href element:
$('#info').bind('click', function(e) {
alert ("button click triggered");
// This is what I tried so fat
//$('#SHOW_HELP').dispatchEvent(new Event('click'));
The click event is triggered, but you haven't bound a click handler so nothing will happen. If you want to simulate clicking the link you need to use the dom click method, ie. $('#SHOW_HELP')[0].click();
$('#SHOW_HELP').bind('click', function(e) {
alert ("button click triggered");
// This is what I tried so fat
//$('#SHOW_HELP').dispatchEvent(new Event('click'));
Hope it helps you
Alternatively, you can update the button's click event to change the window.location in JavaScript.
Try this:
window.location = $('#SHOW_HELP').attr('href');
It's actually working.
Here a JSFiddle example:
$('#info').on('click', function(e) {
alert("info triggered");
$('#show-help').on('click', function(e) {
alert("show-help triggered");
(not a big fun of snake case, I changed the name SHOW_HELP to show-help)
Click event is triggered. The problem is that you didn't define any action.

Jquery appending with styling and functions

i appending buttons with some IDs and i use those IDs to make on click stuff
when it appending didn't take button() effect
and on click it don't take the function that I created it for this button id
$("button#edit-doc").each(function() {
$(this).on("click", function(){
append button
$("#append").on("click", function(){
$('div#container').append("<button id='edit-doc'> Edit </button>");
<div id="container"></div>
This seems to be what you're after:
function handler() { alert('clicked'); }
$("#append").on("click", appendButton);
function appendButton(){
$('#container').append(function() {
return $("<button id='edit-doc'> Edit </button>").on("click", handler);
See jQuery how to bind onclick event to dynamically added HTML element for more information on this behavior.
$(document).on("click", "#selector", function(){
//Your code here.
Using document for your selector with .on will allow you to bind events to dynamically created elements. This is the only way I've found to do it when the DOM elements don't exist prior to execution.
I do this in a dynamically created table that is sort-able and works great.
Here is an example. Click the button to add a div then click the div to get it's contents.
The first code-block attaches an event listner to all buttons with class='edit-doc', use classes instead of an id since an id's name may only exist once per page. So I was saying, when your browser reaches this code an event listner is added to all available buttons in your document at that moment. It doesn't add an event listner to buttons you will be adding later onclick of some element, because it doesn't know. You will have to explicitly execute the code again for the buttons that you append. But what you don't want is to add a new event listner to the original buttons, causing two events being called.
Something like:
// Load all buttons with class=edit-doc and add event listner
$(function() {
$("button.edit-doc").button().on("click", function(){
// Append button if button with id=append is clicked
$("#append").on("click", function(){
var button = $.parseHTML("<button class='edit-doc'>Edit</button>");
$(button).button().on("click", function(){
Working example:

Why doesn't this jQuery code work?

I have this jQuery code:
$("#edit_topics_link").click(function(e) {
$("<a href='#' id='done_link'>Done</a>").insertBefore(".topic_form");
$("#done_link").click(function(e) {
The first half of the code does this: it hides a form when the page loads. Then when you click a link, it shows the form, hides the clicked link, and adds a new link. This works 100% fine.
The 2nd half of the code doesn't work. When you click the newly added link, it should remove it, show the old link, and re-hide the form. Nothing happens when I click the newly added link. Why is this? How can I fix it?
Because the element to which you're attaching the click-handler to doesn't exist at the time of the document's loading, there are no events attached. You should be able to use live() to fix this:
$("#done_link").live('click', function(e) {
The .live() method is able to affect elements that have not yet been added to the DOM through the use of event delegation: a handler bound to an ancestor element is responsible for events that are triggered on its descendants.
You could also use delegate() on the ancestor element of the #done_link element:
$("#parentElementSelector').delegate('#done_link', 'click', function(e) {
The reason it doesn't work is that when you call the second part of the script the link doesn't exist yet. There are 2 ways to solve it. Either move the second part into the first part. That way the attachment of the event handler happens when the link exists:
$("#edit_topics_link").click(function(e) {
$("<a href='#' id='done_link'>Done</a>").insertBefore(".topic_form")
.click(function(e) {
Or use the live method to assign the handler. The live method will watch the dom and whenever something with the selector you specified (in this case .topic_form) appears it will attach the event to it:
$("#edit_topics_link").click(function(e) {
$("<a href='#' id='done_link'>Done</a>").insertBefore(".topic_form");
$("#done_link").live('click', function(e) {

