Should properties ever be on the prototype? - javascript

Below I've got a simple little inheritance chain in JavaScript:
var Base =(function(){
function Base(config){ = function(){
this.department = function(){
return config.department;
Base.prototype.calculate = function(){
return + this.department().length;
return Base;
var base = new Base({
name: 'me',
department: 'this one'
var Concrete = (function(){
Concrete.prototype = Base.prototype;
function Concrete(config){
this.number = function(){
return config.number;
return Concrete;
var concrete = new Concrete({
name: 'concrete',
department: 'the best',
number: 3
console.log(concrete.number()); //3
console.log(; //concrete
and it works as expected. I'm curious, though about how correct it would be to place method properties on the prototype of an object. Canonically I know that instance data should go with the instance of the class and the methods the object actually uses should be on the prototype, but what about the situation where the properties themselves are methods (like name and department in Base in this example)? In the interest of keeping things immutable I'd rather not let users change the properties of one of these objects after they've been initialized. In this case does it make any sense to use the prototype instead of the constructor to add functionality to an object?
Or it is only correct to place properties in the constructor so you have access to them when you do something like Base.prototype.whatever?

what about the situation where the properties themselves are methods? In the interest of keeping things immutable I'd rather not let users change the properties of one of these objects after they've been initialized.
I wouldn't call these "properties" any more, but "accessor" or "getter" methods.
In this case does it make any sense to use the prototype instead of the constructor to add functionality to an object?
Yes, if you mean functionality like calculate. If you mean getters like name, department or number you need to place them in the constructor as they need privileged access to the config.
Canonically I know that instance data should go with the instance of the class and the methods the object actually uses should be on the prototype
It's a bit different actually:
Everything instance-specific (data, accessor methods with distinct scopes) needs to go on the instance and is usually set up in the constructor
Everything that is shared amongst all instances (typically methods, but also data in some rare cases) should go on the prototype.
Concrete.prototype = Base.prototype;
No! Use Concrete.prototype = Object.create(Base.prototype); instead.

The heading of your question is a bit misleading.
A direct answer to your heading - Yes, prototype properties are encouraged. They might not make a lot of difference wrt writing the code and the usage of the code, but internally, how JS manages things, like memory, accessing the variables inside closures etc it much better when done via prototype properties.
Now your actual question, is hiding immutable configurations using closures and private scoped variables the only way to do things ?
Right now - I think yes, as ES6 is still not supported completely by every browser yet.
But soon, the support will spread out in all release version of browsers and then you can use this nifty ES6 data type WeakMap . Just like a Map but here the keys are objects. So your Base definition can be written like:
var Base = (function() {
var properties = new WeakMap(); // You have to keep variable private
function Base(config) {
properties.set(this, config);
Base.prototype = {
name: function() {
return properties.get(this).name;
department: function() {
return properties.get(this).department;
calculate: function() {
return + this.department().length;
return Base;
Yes, you still need to keep the variable properties out of reach, so the outer closure. But the number of closures have decreased by 1 in this case.
Similar approach can be for ES6 Symbol but the outer closure will still be required.
What we truly need here are classes which will truly solve the issue, as explained in this very well written blog


Function as a class - create getters and setters for private properties

The way I figured, when creating a new function (that represents a class), it is considered a good practice to define additional functions with the help of the prototype. If functions are declared through this within an existing function, they get created for each instance, which we don't necessarily want.
So, my question is - if I want to have a property that is completely private and can be access only through getters and setters, is it even possible to achieve this by using the prototype?
Here's an example:
function Item() {
var title = '';
this.setTitle = function(_title) {
title = _title;
this.getTitle = function() {
return title;
var car = new Item();
console.log(car.getTitle()); //car
console.log(car.title); // undefined
function _Item() {
this.title = '';
_Item.prototype.setTitle = function(_title){
this.title = _title;
_Item.prototype.getTitle = function() {
return this.title;
var _car = new _Item();
_car.setTitle('car 2');
console.log(_car.getTitle()); // car
console.log(_car.title); // car
as can be seen from the example above, in the case of Item, I declared getters and setters within a function - not a good practice. But in this way, I managed to keep the title property private. However, in case of _Item, I'm using the prototype approach, which is preferred, but my title property is not private at all.
So, what's the best approach at creating private properties of "classes" in JavaScript?
No, if you want a private property, which by definition is a variable local to the constructor, then obviously methods which access it must also be defined within the constructor.
Many people worry about the efficiency implications of defining a method once on a prototype, versus defining it once on every instance. This might have been a valid concern ten years ago, or today in applications that are creating thousands or millions of objects. Otherwise, realistically it's not something you need to worry about.

Usecase for JavaScript prototype [duplicate]

I'd like to understand when it is appropriate to use prototype methods in js. Should they always be used? Or are there cases where using them is not preferred and/or incurs a performance penalty?
In searching around this site on common methods for namespacing in js, it seems that most use a non-prototype based implementation: simply using an object or a function object to encapsulate a namespace.
Coming from a class-based language, it's hard not to try and draw parallels and think that prototypes are like "classes" and the namespace implementations I mentioned are like static methods.
Prototypes are an optimisation.
A great example of using them well is the jQuery library. Every time you obtain a jQuery object by using $('.someClass'), that object has dozens of "methods". The library could achieve that by returning an object:
return {
show: function() { ... },
hide: function() { ... },
css: function() { ... },
animate: function() { ... },
// etc...
But that would mean that every jQuery object in memory would have dozens of named slots containing the same methods, over and over.
Instead, those methods are defined on a prototype and all jQuery objects "inherit" that prototype so as to gain all those methods at very little runtime cost.
One vitally important part of how jQuery gets it right is that this is hidden from the programmer. It's treated purely an optimisation, not as something that you have to worry about when using the library.
The problem with JavaScript is that naked constructor functions require the caller to remember to prefix them with new or otherwise they typically don't work. There is no good reason for this. jQuery gets it right by hiding that nonsense behind an ordinary function, $, so you don't have to care how the objects are implemented.
So that you can conveniently create an object with a specified prototype, ECMAScript 5 includes a standard function Object.create. A greatly simplified version of it would look like this:
Object.create = function(prototype) {
var Type = function () {};
Type.prototype = prototype;
return new Type();
It just takes care of the pain of writing a constructor function and then calling it with new.
When would you avoid prototypes?
A useful comparison is with popular OO languages such as Java and C#. These support two kinds of inheritance:
interface inheritance, where you implement an interface such that the class provides its own unique implementation for every member of the interface.
implementation inheritance, where you extend a class that provides default implementations of some methods.
In JavaScript, prototypical inheritance is a kind of implementation inheritance. So in those situations where (in C# or Java) you would have derived from a base class to gain default behaviour, which you then make small modifications to via overrides, then in JavaScript, prototypical inheritance makes sense.
However, if you're in a situation where you would have used interfaces in C# or Java, then you don't need any particular language feature in JavaScript. There is no need to explicitly declare something that represents the interface, and no need to mark objects as "implementing" that interface:
var duck = {
quack: function() { ... }
duck.quack(); // we're satisfied it's a duck!
In other words, if each "type" of object has its own definitions of the "methods", then there is no value in inheriting from a prototype. After that, it depends on how many instances you allocate of each type. But in many modular designs, there is only one instance of a given type.
And in fact, it has been suggested by many people that implementation inheritance is evil. That is, if there are some common operations for a type, then maybe it's clearer if they are not put into a base/super class, but are instead just exposed as ordinary functions in some module, to which you pass the object(s) you want them to operate on.
You should use prototypes if you wish to declare a "non-static" method of the object.
var myObject = function () {
myObject.prototype.getA = function (){
myObject.getB = function (){
myObject.getB(); // This works fine
myObject.getA(); // Error!
var myPrototypeCopy = new myObject();
myPrototypeCopy.getA(); // This works, too.
One reason to use the built-in prototype object is if you'll be duplicating an object multiple times that will share common functionality. By attaching methods to the prototype, you can save on duplicating methods being created per each new instance. But when you attach a method to the prototype, all instances will have access to those methods.
Say you have a base Car() class/object.
function Car() {
// do some car stuff
then you create multiple Car() instances.
var volvo = new Car(),
saab = new Car();
Now, you know each car will need to drive, turn on, etc. Instead of attaching a method directly to the Car() class (which takes up memory per each instance created), you can attach the methods to the prototype instead (creating the methods only once), therefore giving access to those methods to both the new volvo and saab.
// just mapping for less typing
Car.fn = Car.prototype; = function () {
console.log("they see me rollin'");
Car.fn.honk = function () {
// => HONK!!!;
// => they see me rollin'
Put functions on a prototype object when you're going to create lots of copies of a particular kind of object and they all need to share common behaviors. By doing so, you'll save some memory by having just one copy of each function, but that's only the simplest benefit.
Changing methods on prototype objects, or adding methods, instantly changes the nature of all the instances of the corresponding type(s).
Now exactly why you'd do all these things is mostly a function of your own application design, and the kinds of things you need to do in client-side code. (A whole different story would be code inside a server; much easier to imagine doing more large-scale "OO" code there.)
If i explain in class based term then Person is class, walk() is Prototype method. So walk() will have its existence only after you instantiate new object with this.
So if you want to create the copies of object like Person u can create many users Prototype is good solution as it saves memory by sharing/inheriting same copy of function for each of the object in memory.
Whereas static is not that great help in such scenario.
function Person(){ = "anonymous";
// its instance method and can access objects data data
Person.prototype.walk = function(){
alert("person has started walking.");
// its like static method
Person.ProcessPerson = function(Person p){
alert("Persons name is = " +;
var userOne = new Person();
var userTwo = new Person();
//Call instance methods
//Call static methods
So with this its more like instance method.
The object's approach is like Static methods.
Just including a video link here for reference, when not to use prototypes:
Here is Ben Lesh's talk from NGConf, why rxjs removed patching prototype (chainable functions) in favor of pipeable functions.

Javascript Modular Prototype Pattern

The problem with functional inheritance is that if you want to create many instances then it will be slow because the functions have to be declared every time.
The problem with prototypal inheritance is that there is no way to truly have private variables.
Is it possible to mix these two together and get the best of both worlds? Here is my attempt using both prototypes and the singleton pattern combined:
var Animal = (function () {
var secret = "My Secret";
var _Animal = function (type) {
this.type = type;
_Animal.prototype = {
some_property: 123,
getSecret: function () {
return secret;
return _Animal;
var cat = new Animal("cat");
cat.some_property; // 123
cat.type; // "cat"
cat.getSecret(); // "My Secret"
Is there any drawbacks of using this pattern? Security? Efficiency? Is there a similar pattern out there that already exists?
Your pattern is totally fine.
There are a few things that you'd want to keep in mind, here.
Primarily, the functions and variables which are created in the outermost closure will behave like private static methods/members in other languages (except in how they're actually called, syntactically).
If you use the prototype paradigm, creating private-static methods/members is impossible, of course.
You could further create public-static members/methods by appending them to your inner constructor, before returning it to the outer scope:
var Class = (function () {
var private_static = function () {},
public_static = function () {},
Class = function () {
var private_method = function () { private_static(); };
this.method = function () { private_method(); };
Class.static = public_static;
return Class;
Class.static(); // calls `public_static`
var instance = new Class();
// calls instance's `private_method()`, which in turn calls the shared `private_static();`
Keep in mind that if you're intending to use "static" functions this way, that they have absolutely no access to the internal state of an instance, and as such, if you do use them, you'll need to pass them anything they require, and you'll have to collect the return statement (or modify object properties/array elements from inside).
Also, from inside of any instance, given the code above, public_static and Class.static(); are both totally valid ways of calling the public function, because it's not actually a static, but simply a function within a closure, which also happens to have been added as a property of another object which is also within the instance's scope-chain.
As an added bonus:
Even if malicious code DID start attacking your public static methods (Class.static) in hopes of hijacking your internals, any changes to the Class.static property would not affect the enclosed public_static function, so by calling the internal version, your instances would still be hack-safe as far as keeping people out of the private stuff...
If another module was depending on an instance, and that instance's public methods had been tampered with, and the other module just trusted everything it was given... ...well, shame on that module's creator -- but at least your stuff is secure.
Hooray for replicating the functionality of other languages, using little more than closure.
Is it possible to mix functional and prototypical inheritance together and get the best of both worlds?
Yes. And you should do it. Instead of initializing that as {}, you'd use Object.create to inherit from some proto object where all the non-priviliged methods are placed. However, inheriting from such a "class" won't be simple, and you soon end up with code that looks more like the pseudo-classical approach - even if using a factory.
My attempt using both prototypes and the singleton pattern combined. Is there a similar pattern out there that already exists?
OK, but that's something different from the above? Actually, this is known as the "Revealing Prototype Pattern", a combination of the Module Pattern and the Prototype Pattern.
Any drawbacks of using this pattern?
No, it's fine. Only for your example it is a bit unnecessary, and since your secret is kind of a static variable it doesn't make much sense to me accessing it from an instance method. Shorter:
function Animal(type) {
this.type = type;
Animal.prototype.some_property = 123;
Animal.getSecret = function() {
return "My Secret";

What are the differences between these three patterns of "class" definitions in JavaScript?

Are there any important/subtle/significant differences under the hood when choosing to use one of these four patterns over the others? And, are there any differences between the them when "instantiated" via Object.create() vs the new operator?
1) The pattern that CoffeeScript uses when translating "class" definitions:
Animal = (function() {
function Animal(name) { = name;
Animal.prototype.move = function(meters) {
return alert( + (" moved " + meters + "m."));
return Animal;
2) The pattern that Knockout seems to promote:
var DifferentAnimal = function(name){
var self = this; = name;
self.move = function(meters){
return alert( + (" moved " + meters + "m."));
3) a similar, simple pattern I've often seen:
var DifferentAnimalWithClosure = function(name){
var name = name;
var move = function(meters){
return {name:name, move:move};
4) The pattern that Backbone promotes:
var OneMoreAnimal= ClassThatAlreadyExists.extend({
Update 1: Changed pattern #2 and added pattern #3 in response to Elias' response // minor formatting
Just to be clear: JS doesn't know of classes, just objects and custom, self-defined constructor functions, but that's besides the point.
To answer your question in short: yes, there are some small and even some fairly large differences between the various ways of creating a new object you're posting here.
This is actually the most clear-cut and traditional way to create your own constructor, but it has been "optimized" in the sense that it's been ready set-up to use (optional) closure variables.
Basically, what this code does, is use an IIFE, to wrap both the constructor definition and the proptotype method assignments in their own, private scope, that returns a reference to the new constructor. It's just clean, simple JS, no different from what you might write yourself.
Now this threw me a little, because to me, at least, the snippet you provide looks either like part of a module pattern, or a power constructor. But since you're not using strict mode, omitting the new would still make for dangerous situations, and since the entire function goes trough the trouble of creating a new instance of DifferentAnimal, only to then construct a second object literal, assigning all properties of DifferentAnimal to that secondary object, I'd say you're missing something. Because, truth be told, omitting the last return {}; statement here, would probably make no difference at all. Plus: as you can see, you're declaring a method (move) in what is, in essence, a constructor. This means that every instance will be assigned its own function object move, rather then getting it from the prototype.
In short: have another close look at where you got this snippet from, and double-check if this is the full version, because if it is, I can only see arguments against this.
Using a variable, defined inside the constructor is simply: a closure, suppose your properties have a distinct initial state, determined by some arguments, passed to that constructor:
function MyConstructor(param)
var paramInit = param/2;//or something
this.p = paramInit;//this property can change later on, so:
this.reInit = function()
{//this method HAS to be inside constructor, every instance needs its own method
this.p = paramInit;//var paramInit can't, it's local to this scope
var foo = new MyConstructor(10);
foo.p = 'hi';
console.log(foo.paramInit);//undefined, not available outside object: it's a pseudo-private property
That's all there is too it, really. When you see ppl using var that = this; or something, that's often to create a reference to the main object that is available anywhere, without having to deal with the headaches of this (what does this reference? What should the method do when applied to an object other than the one it was originally intended for? etcetera...)
Here, we're dealing with another case: extending objects (IE: using methods, properties of either an existing "class" (constructor) or a particular instance) is not the same as simply creating an object.
As you well know, JS objects can be assigned new properties at any given time. Those properties can be removed, too. Sometimes, prototype properties can be redefined on the instance itself (masking the prototypal behaviour) etc... So it all depends on what you want the resulting object (the newly created object, that extends the given instance) to look like: do you want it to take all properties from the instance, or do you want both objects to use the same prototype somewhere down the line?
Both of these things can be achieved by using simple JS, too, but they just take a bit more effort to write yourself. However, if you write, for example:
function Animal(name)
{ = name;
} function()
console.log( + ' is eating');
That could be deemed the equivalent of writing:
var Animal = Object.extend({name:'',eat:function()
console.log( + ' is eating');
A lot shorter, but lacking the constructor.
new vs Object.create
Well, that's an easy one: Object.create just is a lot more powerful that new: you can define prototype methods, properties (including weather or not they are enumerable, writeable etc...) right at the time you need to create an object, instead of having to write a constructor and a prototype, or create an object literal and mess around with all those Object.defineProperty lines.
The downsides: Some people still aren't using ECMA5 compliant browsers (IE8 is still not quite dead). In my experience: it does become quite hard to debug sizeable scripts after a while: though I tend to use power-constructors more than I do regular constructors, I still have them defined at the very top of my script, with distinct, clear and quite descriptive names, whereas object-literals are things I just create "on-the-fly". Using Object.create, I noticed I tend to create objects that are really a little too complex to qualify as actual object literals, as though they are object literals:
//fictional example, old:
var createSomething = (function()
var internalMethod = function()
{//method for new object
console.log(this.myProperty || '');
return function(basedOn)
var prop, returnVal= {};
returnVal.myProperty = new Date();
returnVal.getCreated = internalMethod;//<--shared by all instances, thx to closure
if (!basedOn || !(basedOn instanceof Object))
{//no argument, or argument is not an object:
return returnVal;
for (prop in basedOn)
{//extend instance, passed as argument
if (basedOn.hasOwnProperty(prop) && prop !== '_extends')
returnVal[prop] = basedOn[prop];
returnVal._extends = basedOn;//<-- ref as sort-of-prototype
return returnVal;
Now this is pretty verbose, but I've got my basic constructor ready, and I can use it to extend an existing instance, too. It might seem less verbose to simply write:
var createSomething = Object.create(someObject, {getCreated:function()
myProperty:new Date()});
But IMO, this makes it harder on you do keep track of what object is created where (mainly because Object.create is an expression, and will not be hoisted.Ah well, that's far from a conclusive argument of course: both have their pro's and con's: I prefer using module patters, closures and power constructors, if you don't that's just fine.
Hope this cleared up a thing or 2 for you.
The first example puts the move function in the prototype which will be shared between all Animal instances.
The second example creates a new move function for every the animal instance.
The third example generates a Animal class with the move function in the prototype similar to the first example but with allot less code.
(In your example the name is also shared between all instances, which you probably don't want)
Putting the function in the prototype makes instantiating Animals faster, and because of the way JIT engines work even the execution of the function is faster.

JavaScript Code Architecture - Use Constructor Functions Or Not

Please help me decide whether I should use a function's prototype object and the "new" keyword or completely stay away from constructor functions.
Function called widget() that will be called 10-15 times to initialize each widget on the page. widget() contains quite a few internal methods.
Each time widget() is called, the function needs to return an object that acts as an API to operate on the widget.
1) Do I put all the internal methods inside Widget() under its prototype property? It does not make sense but the main reason for this is to not re-instantiate the internal functions every time widget() is called.
But if I do put the internal functions in prototype, each instantiated w object (w = new Widget();) has access to internal private methods.
2) If I stay away from constructor functions and new keyword and structure my code as down below, how do I fix the performance concern of the internal functions getting re-instantiated every time widget() is called.
function widget()
var returnObj = {};
/* Add internal functions but this will be re-instantiated every time */
return returnObj;
You have a bit of a tradeoff here. As you seem to already understand, methods you put on the .prototype are publicly available, but that is the most efficient places to put methods as they are automatically added to all new copies of that object in a very efficient manner. When using .prototype for methods, there is only one copy of your methods and a reference to that single copy is automatically added to all new instantiations of that object.
But, javascript doesn't have private methods built-in and the only work-around for that involves not using the .prototype for them or for any methods that need to call the private methods.
This article by Doug Crockford is a pretty good description of how you can create privacy for either data or methods in any object.
In either case, I don't see any reason to avoid using the new keyword to create new objects. You can make either .prototype or private methods work with new.
But, if you want to achieve truly private methods, then you can't use .prototype for either the private methods or any methods that need to access them so you have to decide which is more important to you. There is no single correct answer because your need for privacy is situation-specific.
In my coding, I generally don't enforce privacy and I do use .prototype and new. I designate "non-public" methods on the prototype by starting their name with an underscore. This is a notational convention, not an access enforcement scheme.
In answer to your second question about avoiding the new operator and reinstantiating methods, I'd just ask why you're doing this? What are you gaining? I'm not aware of any downsides to using new. As best I understand your decision about whether to use .prototype vs. manually create/assign methods in your constructor should be about the need for private methods.
FYI, 15 objects is hardly going to create a significant difference in performance either way here. I would evaluate your need for true privacy and make your decision based on that. If you HAVE to enforce privacy, then go with the Crockford method for implementing private methods. If you don't HAVE to have true privacy, then use .prototype. I don't see a reason here to avoid using new in either case.
You can use a metaconstructor* pattern to get around this.
function defineCtor(metaCtor) {
var proto = new metaCtor();
var ctor = proto.hasOwnProperty('constructor') ?
proto.constructor : new Function();
return (ctor.prototype = proto).constructor = ctor;
Now you have a function that constructs constructors (or more accurately constructs prototypes and returns constructors).
var Widget = defineCtor(function() {
function doInternalStuff() {
// ...cant see me
// this function ends up on the prototype
this.getFoo = function() { return doInternalStuff(); };
// ...
var myWidget = new Widget();
defineCtor takes a single anonymous function as a property. It invokes the function with new, creating an object. It assigns the object as the prototype property of a new constructor function (either an empty function, or the generated prototype object's own constructor property), and returns that function.
This provides a closure for your internal functions, addressing your question 1, and sets up the constructor/prototype pair for you, addressing question 2.
Compare the defineCtor technique to the following two examples.
This example uses the prototype, and has problem 1: the internal stuff is not encapsulated.
function Widget(options) {
this.options = options;
Widget.prototype = {
getFoo: function() {
return doInternalStuff();
// How to encapsulate this?
function doInternalStuff() { /* ... */ }
This example sets up everything in a constructor, and has problem 2: each time it constructs an object, it instantiates new function objects for each property.
function Widget(options) {
this.options = options;
function doInternalStuff() { /* ... */ }
this.getFoo = function() {
return doInternalStuff();
This example uses the technique described above to provide encapsulation while still leveraging the prototype:
var Widget = defineCtor(function() {
// ^
// This function runs once, constructing the prototype.
// In here, `this` refers to the prototype.
// The real constructor.
this.constructor = function(options) {
// In function properties, `this` is an object instance
// with the outer `this` in its prototype chain.
this.options = options;
function doInternalStuff() { /* ... */ }
this.getFoo = function() { return doInternalStuff(); };
// ...
var myWidget = new Widget();
This approach has a few benefits, some more immediately obvious than others.
It provides encapsulation. You could do this by wrapping the first "comparison" example in an immediately invoked function, but this approach may be cleaner and more easily "enforced" in a team setting.
It's extensible. You can give your "metaconstructor" functions their own prototypes, with function properties like "extends", "mixin", etc. Then, inside the body of metaCtor, you can write things like this.extends(BaseWidget). The defineCtor API never needs to change for any of this to happen.
It "tricks" Google Closure Compiler, Eclipse, jsdoc, etc. into thinking you are defining the actual constructor function rather than a "meta function." This can be useful in certain situations (the code is "self-documented" in a way these tools understand).
* As far as I know, the word "metaconstructor" is completely made up.

