Browser addon to automatically opt-in for cookies - EU cookie law - javascript

In EU we have this law that requires web pages to request permission to store cookies. Most of us know about cookies and agree to them but still are forced to accept them explicitly everywhere. So I plan to write this add on (ff & chrome) that will automatically add session cookie with standard name that would mean agreement. Just wondering about few things:
1) What should be the name of the cookie? What should be the value? Should I cover only user agreement option? My proposition is
the benefit is that it is short, yet descriptive.
2) Should I add only single cookie - the one I suggested above? Many pages do it in different ways already. They use different cookie names and check for different values. I thought maybe use names and values from popular scripts like but I don't want to increase upload traffic with a number of mostly not needed cookies.
3) Should I differentiate between types of cookies? I have seen here there are multiple cookie types you can opt-in/opt-out?
4) Does this have chances to become popular or is it better to use something like point 2 - adding multiple values manually?
5) I could probably also remove those cookies after some event (like after all js onload functions have finished) but I could not find proper hook in firefox addons. Plus maybe some people would like to do filtering out of the script on server side so maybe it is better to keep sending the cookie.
Is there something I have not thought about? My suggested code is in case of FF:
var pageMod = require("sdk/page-mod");
include: "*",
contentScriptWhen: 'start',
contentScript: 'document.cookie="_cookieok=1;path=/";'
To explain how does it work
1) Most sites already compliant to cookie law do something like this:
if ($.cookie('_cookieok') == null) {
$('#cookie-close').on('click', function (evt) {
$.cookie('cookieok', 1, 300);
so if we agree on same name existance of such ff plugin would be possible. If someone does not plugin - site will prompt him. If has site would recognize addon added cookie as their own.

Not too sure what the point of this really is to be honest?
If you're looking to build something that would be used across a portfolio of sites you manage, then you're probably pushing your luck to force a user to install an extension simply to show they accept your cookies. If it's aimed at a wider audience, i.e. potentially anyone using any website, then the other issue you'll have is getting both users to see the benefit of installing another extension and secondly website operators to write the code necessary to detect your cookie and act accordingly.
Most sites seem to be striving to make cookies and the associated obligations under the legislation as unintrusive as possible - requiring installation of an extension & changes to website code seems to be heading in the opposite direction..


Can you re-"init" a Facebook pixel with different dataProcessing options?

With the advent of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), it's been necessary for some of our clients to implement Limited Data Usage (LDU) policies for Facebook. Our accepted practice has been to explicitly disable LDU fbq('dataProcessingOptions', []) until a user opts out (via a consent plugin). Here's the crux of my problem. Once a user opts out, I'd like to re-initialize the Facebook pixel with LDU enabled fbq('dataProcessingOptions', ['LDU'], 0, 0) so that future events on the page are processed using the LDU policies. Is it possible to simply call fbq('init', '{pixel_id}') a second time and have this "flag" set?
The Google Chrome Facebook Pixel extension will show what is sent for each event.
I was hoping that maybe sending something like fbq('trackCustom', 'optOut') might trigger it to re-send updated dataProcessing options, but it doesn't seem to.
Facebook is shooting everyone in the foot by not making this process clearer - it should absolutely be possible to wipe out data collected for the session and that's clearly the best way to do it.
I've spent all weekend trying to do this correctly from both technical and legal stand point and it's just a nightmare. CCPA is supposed to be opt-out!
This doesn't work:
// CCPA Notice. We allow California users to opt-out from Facebook's data collection by means
// of our 'Do not sell my information' link at the bottom of our website. Please use this link
// to trigger an opt-out via Facebook's API. Questions: privacy at
fbq('dataProcessingOptions', []);
fbq('init', account_id);
fbq('track', 'PageView');
fbq('dataProcessingOptions', ['LDO'], 1, 1000);
fbq('trackCustom', 'registerOptOut');
I'd recommend putting some text here because people are out to get us by finding vulnerable websites and this makes it look like I know what I'm doing.

Can you prevent users editing the values in a Chrome extension? What is the best way to store persistent values for an extension?

So I'm working on a Chrome extension for someone else. I don't want to give away specific details about the project, so for I'll use an equivalent example: let's assume it's an extension to run on an image/forum board. Imagine I have variables such as userPoints, isBanned etc. The later being fairly self-explanatory, while the former corresponding to points the user acquires as they perform certain actions, hence unlocking additional features etc
Let's imagine I have code like:
if(accountType !== "banned"){
if(userPoints > 10000) accountType = "gold";
else if(userPoints > 5000) accountType = "silver";
else if(userPoints > 2500) accountType = "bronze";
else if(userPoints <= 0) accountType = "banned";
else accountType = "standard";
alert("Sorry, you're banned");
Obviously though, it becomes trivial for someone with the knowledge to just browse to the extensions background page and paste{'userPoints': 99999999}) in the console, hence giving them full access to all the site. And, with the Internet, someone can of course share this 'hack' on Twitter/YouTube/forums or whatever, then suddenly, since all they'd need to do is copy and paste a simple one-liner, you can have 1000s of people, even with no programming experience, all using a compromised version of your extension.
And I realise I could use a database on an external site, but realistically, it would be possible that I would be wanting to get/update these variables such as userPoints 200+ times per hour, if the user was browsing the extentions target site the entire time. So the main issues I have with using an external db are:
efficiency: realistically, I don't want every user to be querying the
db 200+ times per hour
ease-of-getting-started: I want the user to just download the
extension and go. I certainly don't want them to have to sign up. I
realise I could create a non-expiring cookie with for the user's ID
which would be used to access their data in the db, but I don't want
to do that, since users can e.g. clear all cookies etc
by default, I want all features to be disabled (i.e. effectively
being considered like a 'banned' user) - if, for some reason, the
connection with the db on my site fails, then the user wouldn't be
able to use the extension, which I wouldn't want (and just speaking
from experience of my parents being with Internet providers whose
connection could drop 10 times per hour, for some people, failed
connections could be a real issue) - in contrast, accessing data from
the local storage will have like a 99.999% success rate I'd assume,
so, for non-critical extensions like what I'm creating, that's more
than good enough
Still, at least from what I've found searching, I've not found any Chrome storage method that doesn't also allow the user to edit the values too. I would have thought there would be a storage method (or at least option with to specify that the value could only be accessed from within the extension's context pages, but I've not found that option, at least.
Currently I'm thinking of encrypting the value to increment by, then obfuscating the code using a tool like With that, I can make a simple, like 30 character js file such as this
userPoints = userPoints + 1000;
become about 80,000...still, among all the junk, if you have the patience to scroll through the nonsense, it's still possible to find what you're looking for:
...[loads of code](_0x241f5c);}}}});_0x5eacdc(),***u=u+parseInt(decrypt('\u2300\u6340'))***;function _0x34ff36(_0x17398d)[loads more code]...
[note that, since it's an extension and the js files will be stored on the user's pc, things like file size/loading times of getting the js files from a server are irrelevant]
Hence meaning a user wouldn't be able to do something like{'userPoints': 99999999}), they'd instead have to set it to the encrypted version of a number - say, something like{'userPoints': "✀ເ찀삌ሀ"}) - this is better, but obviously, by no means secure.
So anyway, back to the original question: is there a way to store persistent values for a Chrome extension without the user being able to edit them?

Hide a javascript if user comes from an specific location

I want a javascript file (<script src=" file here " >) to be hidden if a user lets say comes from China.
How can i do it?
I'm Chinese and I reserve all my rights to protest. :)
Actually you have a few options, you can do it front-end or back-end.
Front-end solution
Use HTML5 Geolocation to determine the longitude and latitude of current user and check whether it's within China or not(don't forget to contain Taiwan). The defect is only modern browsers are supported, you should probably set up plan B.
//jQuery, ip-api is a RESTful service, do it in front-end
$.getJSON('', function(response){
if( === "China"){
Back-end solution
Check the user IP and find out if it's from China(there are a bunch of IP to location RESTful services)
Check HTTP header if the Accept-Language part contains string like zh-CN or zh-TW. This may also hurt the people using Chinese in other countries.
As for example requested, I won't recommend you use front-end solution or IP-to-location back-end solution. The only one that might work is based on http header.
//PHP, if the client accept Chinese, assume he is from China
if(preg_match('/(zh-CN|zh-TW|zh)/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])){
echo '<script src="script_for_Chinese.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';
You can try using a geolocation service but considering that you can defeat that by using a proxy (like a hacked machine in the US) somewhere else or by spoofing the request to look like it came from given location it may not do you much good in the end.

Store information on client using AngularJS

I am working on an app, similar to DHC by Restlet . I would like to be able to store headers (which are inputed by user, just like in Dev HTTP Client) in a cookie or something similar to have the possibility to "remember" which headers were inputed by the user like in Dev HTTP Client. I am trying to make this with $cookie and $cookieStore, but it doesn't seems to work well (on Chrome cookies aren't saved at all, and on FireFox they disappear if the browser is relaunched).
This is how it looks like (checkbox is used to save/remove header from cookies and plus - add new header):
Please, point me to the solution or provide some useful links / articles, provide your own thoughts! Every answer is highly appreciated and answered immidiately.
Thank you.
I'd say that using a module using HTML5 local storage would be a good idea; for example, using angularLocalStorage, you would inject it in your module (don't forget to include the cookie fallback)
angular.module("surveillance", ['ngCookies','angularLocalStorage']);
then bind a property to the local storage:
storage.bind($scope, "queries", {
"title" : "angularjs is used in this app",
"search" : ""
Now any change to the queries property of your scope will be persisted between calls.
In order to see a demo, you can have a look at this page that i wrote that lets you keep favorite searches on stackoverflow (full source code: disclaimer i was just working on this when i saw your post while testing the app :) )

How to use pure JavaScript to determine whether Facebook/Twitter is blocked?

Some countries like China is blocking Facebook/Twitter. How to use JavaScript to check whether a website is not accessible?
I am adding a "Share to Facebook" button on a web page. 50% of the visitors are from China and 50% are from outside of China.
For those China visitors, they would never see that Facebook button because it's blocked. I want to use $.hide() or $.empty() to remove the related HTML if I detected that Facebook is blocked. How can I do that?
You can check if loading the facebook SDK is blocked in china (//
If this is the case then you could do something like this:
// do something if facebook is available
You need to take care because you need to define a timeout if you want to make a callback for the fail case. I need to check the correct settings later, but currently i don't have time to.
Based on the comment of funkybro it would be better to do a JSONP request. Loading the API would inject a butch of code you probably don't need.
So just request e.g.:
// do something if facebook is available
The request will include a failure code because you don't provide at graph node, but knowing that you get an error message from facebook means that it is reachable for the client.
Use jQuery.get like this:
$.get("").fail(function() {
}).done(function() {
Note that this is a cross-site request that will fail for security reasons unless you disable that browser feature.
If that's not possible for you, I suggest you use GeoIP or similar technologies to determine the users origin.

