Scroll control with JQuery / Java Script - javascript

I am looking for to mimic the same scroll behavior the new Flickr website has at
No matter how hard or fast you move your mouse scroll wheel the result is the same.
I know this is a kind of parallax website but I am more interested in the scroll control.
This is what I am doing right now using this plugin
var mypos = $(window).scrollTop();
var up = false;
var newscroll;
$(window).scroll(function () {
newscroll = $(window).scrollTop();
if (newscroll > mypos && !up) {
$(window).disablescroll(); //disable scroll
//$('body').addClass('stop-scrolling'); //a css that inputs an overflow hidden
height: 'toggle',
opacity: 'toggle'
}, 500);
up = !up;
} else if(newscroll < mypos && up) {
height: 'toggle',
opacity: 'toggle'
}, 500, function() {
$(window).disablescroll('undo'); //reenable scroll
up = !up;
mypos = newscroll;
But none of this equals the Flickr's effect.

Here's an example that does this using the fullPage jQuery plugin.
$(document).ready(function() {
to initialize the script.


fullpage.js and adding/removing class at top of page

I'm having trouble with fullpage.js ( at
Basically I want #masthead to have a class of 'black-nav' added if the visitor is not in the first section of the page, and then I want this class removed if they are in the first section of the page.
$(document).ready(function() {
menu: '#masthead',
afterLoad: function(anchor, index){
if(index == 1){
This seems to work fine, except when I add a link to a section on the homepage eg. the 'About' nav links to So I added a secondary script to change the masthead's class when #primary-menu a is clicked.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#primary-menu a").click(function() {
But the results are a bit mixed. Clicking on 'About', then scrolling back to the top of the page works about 50% of the time — the 'black-nav' class is removed, but the rest of the time it doesn't so #masthead continues to have the .black-nav class.
I also have another script which has similar results. I want the nav to be hidden when scrolling down, but re-appear when scrolling up. So I have this script below which seems to work about 70% of the time, the rest of the time #masthead continues to have the .black-nav class. And if you scroll to the very bottom of the page, then scroll back up the success rate drops to about 50%
// Hide Header on on scroll down
var didScroll;
var lastScrollTop = 0;
var delta = 5;
var navbarHeight = $('#masthead').outerHeight();
didScroll = true;
setInterval(function() {
if (didScroll) {
didScroll = false;
}, 250);
function hasScrolled() {
var st = $(this).scrollTop();
// Make sure they scroll more than delta
if(Math.abs(lastScrollTop - st) <= delta)
// If they scrolled down and are past the navbar, add class .nav-up.
// This is necessary so you never see what is "behind" the navbar.
if (st > lastScrollTop && st > navbarHeight){
// Scroll Down
} else {
// Scroll Up
if(st + $(window).height() < $(document).height()) {
lastScrollTop = st;
I solved this by removing fullpage's afterLoad function and instead using a .scrollTop function:
$(document).ready(function() {
anchors: ['home', 'TheIslands', 'TheResort', 'Accomodation', 'AccomodationPhoto', 'Nature', 'NaturePhoto', 'CulinaryExperience', 'CulinaryExperienceLocations', 'CulinaryExperiencePhoto', 'CulinaryExperienceSeafood', 'Spa', 'SpaAbout', 'Activities', 'ActivitiesPhoto', 'Culture', 'Travel', 'Footer'],
menu: '#masthead',
slidesNavigation: true,
slidesNavPosition: 'bottom',
controlArrows: false,
scrollBar: true,
responsiveWidth: 900,
$(window).scroll(function() {
var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
if (scroll >= 500) {
} else {

Changing text content on scroll position

I found a solution that didn't work mainly that I want. Here it is:
topic url
and this solution works for me:
if( >= $(this).offset().top && <= $(this).next().offset().top)
but I want to change content description in gray box more smooth. I've tried to give animation in CSS for it, but it didn't work.
I modified your script a bit to detect when the text changes and when that happens I apply a small animation with jQuery. I set the opacity to a low value, e.g. opacity:0.4 and then make a quick animation back to opacity:1.
This will help your user to see easier the change in the text.
$(window).load(function () {
$(window).on('scroll resize', function () {
var pos = $('#date').offset();
$('.post').each(function () {
if ( >= $(this).offset().top && <= $(this).next().offset().top) {
var newDescr = $(this).find('.description').text();
var oldDescr = $('#date').html();
if(newDescr !== oldDescr) {
$('#date').css('opacity', 0.4).animate({ 'opacity': '1',}, 200);
$(document).ready(function () {
$(window).trigger('scroll'); // init the value
Demo here

Closing an active div when clicking a secondary button

I am having issues in closing the active div in my site. When I click menu you will see that a menu panel will slide from the left of the screen. As of now the only way to close it would be to click the x button. But I also have the ability for when you click footer a div will slide up from the bottom. Everything works, but the problem I am having is when the menu is open and you click footer the div will cover the menu instead of closing the menu. Same goes the other way around, when the footer is open and you click menu it will open up as well instead of closing the footer.
I would like for one div to open while closing the other open div. How would go about doing this?
Here is the JS and the full code of the site
$('body, html').css('overflow','hidden');
$('body, html').css('overflow-y','scroll');
//Close menu when you click Footer
$('#more').click(function () {
var open = $('header').is('.open');
$('#dropFooter')['slide' + (open ? 'Up' : 'Down')](400);
bottom: (open ? '-' : '+') + '=200'
}, 400, function () {
$('#menu').click(function () {
if ($('').is('.open')) {
'bottom': "-=200"
}, function () {
var $footer = $('.activetoggle');
if ($footer.length)
.toggleClass('activetoggle footerButton')
$('.footerButton').click(function () {// Change wording once pressed
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.hasClass('footerButton')) {
} else {
$(window).resize(function(){ //check when window resize
if($(window).width() < 780){ // check when the window width is less than 780
if ($('header').is('.open')) {
'bottom': "-=200"
$footer = $('.activetoggle');
if ($footer.length) {
$footer.toggleClass('activetoggle footerButton').text('Footer');
I was able to tweak your jQuery a bit to make this work. See jsfiddle here. Below I have put the two main functions that I modified.
$('#menu').click(function () {
//new jquery
if ($('header').is('.open')) {
var open = $('header').is('.open');
$('#dropFooter')['slide' + (open ? 'Up' : 'Down')](400);
bottom: (open ? '-' : '+') + '=200'
}, 400, function () {
if ($('.navFooter button').hasClass('activetoggle')) {
$('.navFooter button').removeClass('activetoggle').addClass('footerButton').text('Footer');
//back to your exisitng code
if (window.status == 0) {
left: '0px'
}, 500);
window.status = 1;
$('body, html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
} else {
left: '-100%'
}, 500);
window.status = 0;
$('body, html').css('overflow-y', 'scroll');
$('#more').click(function () {
//new jquery
if ($('#slidingMenu').is('.open')) {
left: '-100%'
}, 500);
window.status = 0;
$('body, html').css('overflow-y', 'scroll');
//back to existing code
var open = $('header').is('.open');
$('#dropFooter')['slide' + (open ? 'Up' : 'Down')](400);
bottom: (open ? '-' : '+') + '=200'
}, 400, function () {
The list of issues that contributed to your problem is pretty long and I am fairly certain you still have some extraneous code in the fiddle that is still unnecessary.
Multiple .click() functions - all of your code for the click event of
an element should do in one function
Missing or incorrect jQuery selectors - in one area I found $('')
Lacked a notification class that the menu was open (you had this
implemented for the footer (which was called header)

Scroll down to special div

I'm trying to make a simple jQuery plugin that will scroll page down until it reaches special div like a #stopscroll. I got a simple jQuery plugin to stop scroll on special size:
function checkscroll(){
var top = $(window).scrollTop();
if(top > 300){
How do I make it scroll to a special div instead of scrolling a specified size? I want it to stop scrolling when div #sharebox reach #stopscroll.
I don't know if I understand your question correct but I think I had the same problem a while back. I fixed it like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
/** HIDE MENU **/
$(".menu").css("margin-top", "-88px");
var mustSlideDown = true;
var mustSlideUp = false;
$(window).scroll(function() {
var verschil = ($(window).scrollTop() / 5);
if (verschil > 40 && mustSlideDown) {
$('.menu').animate({'margin-top': '0px' }, {duration: 500, queue: false});
mustSlideDown = false;
mustSlideUp = true;
else if (verschil < 40 && mustSlideUp) {
$('.menu').animate({'margin-top': '-88px' }, {duration: 500, queue: false});
mustSlideUp = false;
mustSlideDown = true;
Didn't get much of your English, but maybe you are looking for this-

Disable script after certain scrolling

I've posted it before but none got it what I need. I need to disable this script after certain scrolling page, let's say page is scrolled 30% this script is disabled.
The reason I need to disable this script is that after certain scrolling div used in script is showed over some other div elements when page is scrolled, so I need to disable script after certain scrolling.
$(window).load(function () {
$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($(window).scrollTop() > 60) {
$('.additional').css('position', 'fixed');
$('.additional').css('top', 70);
} else {
$('.additional').css('position', 'relative');
$('.additional').css('top', 0);
I've created a working function in this fiddle with a dummy outcome, as you didn't provide any code of your page structure.
It calculates the scroll percentage using $(window).scrollTop() and $(document).height() and then uses an if/else statement to toggle two outcomes based on the result of the calculation.
function moveScroller() {
var move = function () {
var calc = $(window).scrollTop() / $(document).height();
if (calc > 0.3) {
/*EG:*/ $('#content').css('backgroundColor', '#f00');
/*$('.additional').css('position', 'fixed');
$('.additional').css('top', 70);*/
} else {
/*EG:*/ $('#content').css('backgroundColor', '#f0f');
/*$('.additional').css('position', 'relative');
$('.additional').css('top', 0);*/
$(function () {

