D3.csv accessor function for loop - javascript

I have a csv with many rows and I want to manipulate the data in accessor function before visualizing it. In every example I have seen so far this function returns something like that:
return {
key1: value1,
key2: value2,
key3: value3
An I want to use for loop to avoid writing every key-value pair manually like this (I know it's not valid but it represents the idea)
d3.csv("data/vitoAgeScrpdNew3x.csv", function(d) {
return {
for (var i=0;i<d3.keys(d).length; i++){
d3.keys(d)[i]: +d3.values(d)[i]
How to make this properly? Thanks!
Tried for..in. Returns just one property
for(var prop in d) {
return {
prop: d[prop]

You need to create and fill with values an object you want to return beforehand, i.e.:
d3.csv("data/vitoAgeScrpdNew3x.csv", function(d) {
myObj = {};
for (var i=0;i<d3.keys(d).length; i++) {
myObj[ d3.keys(d)[i] ] = +d3.values(d)[i];
return myObj;


Indexing a JSON by index instead of key? [duplicate]

If I have an array like this:
var arr = ['one','two','three'];
I can access different parts by doing this:
How can I access object properties by their order rather than by key?
var obj = {
'something' : 'awesome',
'evenmore' : 'crazy'
jbo = {
'evenmore' : 'crazy',
'something' : 'awesome'
How would I get the first property for each object–"something" from obj and "evenmore" from jbo–without explicitly using the property name?
Now, a few of you seem to think I'm after something like:
This is not the case, I'm specifically looking to target the index, just like the first example - if it's possible.
"I'm specifically looking to target the index, just like the first example - if it's possible."
No, it isn't possible.
The closest you can get is to get an Array of the object's keys, and use that:
var keys = Object.keys( obj );
...but there's no guarantee that the keys will be returned in the order you defined. So it could end up looking like:
keys[ 0 ]; // 'evenmore'
keys[ 1 ]; // 'something'
The only way I can think of doing this is by creating a method that gives you the property using Object.keys();.
var obj = {
dog: "woof",
cat: "meow",
key: function(n) {
return this[Object.keys(this)[n]];
obj.key(1); // "meow"
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/UmkVn/
It would be possible to extend this to all objects using Object.prototype; but that isn't usually recommended.
Instead, use a function helper:
var object = {
key: function(n) {
return this[ Object.keys(this)[n] ];
function key(obj, idx) {
return object.key.call(obj, idx);
key({ a: 6 }, 0); // 6
You can use the Object.values() method if you dont want to use the Object.keys().
As opposed to the Object.keys() method that returns an array of a given object's own enumerable properties, so for instance:
const object1 = {
a: 'somestring',
b: 42,
c: false
Would print out the following array:
[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
The Object.values() method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property values.
So if you have the same object but use values instead,
const object1 = {
a: 'somestring',
b: 42,
c: false
You would get the following array:
[ 'somestring', 42, false ]
So if you wanted to access the object1.b, but using an index instead you could use:
Object.values(object1)[1] === 42
You can read more about this method here.
var obj = {
'key 1':'value'
console.log(obj['key 1'])
// will not work
"I'm specifically looking to target the index, just like the first example - if it's possible."
Actually the 'index' is the key. If you want to store the position of a key you need to create a custom object to handle this.
Yes, it is possible. We can define getters for each index, and return the property value, in the constructor method of the class. See this code.
class className {
constructor() {
this.name = "Bikram";
this.age = 8;
this.x = 89;
this.y = true;
//Use a for loop and define the getters (with the object property's index as its "name") for each property using Object.defineProperty()
for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(this).length; i++) {
Object.defineProperty(this, i, {
get: function() {
return Object.values(this)[i]}
var b = new className();
console.log(b[0]); // same as b.name ("Bikram")
console.log(b[1]); // = b.age (8)
console.log(b[2]); // = b.x (89)
console.log(b[3]); // = b.y (true)
Edit: If you want to change the properties by their indices, which, of course, you do. Then, just define a corresponding setter for each property in the Object.defineProperty() method. It will look like:
// Insert this in place of the old one
Object.defineProperty(this, i, {
get: function() {
return Object.values(this)[i];
set: function(newValue) {
this[Object.keys(this)[i]] = newValue;
console.log(b[0]); // "Bikram"
b[0] = "Bikram Kumar";
console.log(b[0]); // "Bikram Kumar"
And now you have an "array-like-object" whose properties can be accessed or modified either by property key or its index :D
A side note: Notice that Object.keys() and Object.values() only return the enumerable properties. If you just declare a property and not assign it to any value, the Object.[key/value]s() methods will leave that in the returned array, because by default they are not enumerable. This might become confusing for the indices so defined (except the case the undeclared property is the last one).
To get around this, there is a simple way, if you want some property to have a index, but don't wanna assign it now. Just set it to undefined, and it will now be enumerable, and the indices won't be affected.
by jquery you can do this:
var arr = $.map(obj,function(value, key) {
return value;
Get the array of keys, reverse it, then run your loop
var keys = Object.keys( obj ).reverse();
for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++){
var key = keys[i];
var value = obj[key];
//do stuff backwards
you can create an array that filled with your object fields and use an index on the array and access object properties via that
I went ahead and made a function for you:
Object.prototype.getValueByIndex = function (index) {
Object.getOwnPropertyNames() takes in a parameter of the object,
and returns an array of all the properties.
In this case it would return: ["something","evenmore"].
So, this[Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)[index]]; is really just the same thing as:
return this[Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)[index]];
let obj = {
'something' : 'awesome',
'evenmore' : 'crazy'
console.log(obj.getValueByIndex(0)); // Expected output: "awesome"
Sure it is possible, but it is not as immediate as accessing to an array by its indexes, but still possible and even relatively simple actually: in fact you don't have to struggle too much. This code sample will show how:
var obj = {
'alfa' : 'value of obj the key alfa',
'beta' : 'value of obj the key beta',
'gamma' : 'value of obj the key gamma'
var jbo = {
'alfa' : 'value of jbo the key alfa',
'beta' : 'value of jbo the key beta',
'gamma' : 'value of jbo the key gamma'
alert ( obj[Object.keys(obj)[1]] );
alert ( jbo[Object.keys(jbo)[1]] );
/* you can even put it into a for loop as follows */
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
document.writeln ( "<br>This could be even a piece of HTML: " + obj[Object.keys(obj)[i]] );
document.writeln ( "<br>This could be even a piece of HTML: " + jbo[Object.keys(jbo)[i]] );
As you know the Object.keys() statement returns an array of all enumerable properties (which means all keys) of the object you type into its round parenthesis.
So the only thing you need is to indicate the index after that array, which will returns the key literal found at that index.
The key itself is "digested" as usual by the object which returns the value at that key.
If you are not sure Object.keys() is going to return you the keys in the right order, you can try this logic instead
var keys = []
var obj = {
'key1' : 'value1',
'key2' : 'value2',
'key3' : 'value3',
for (var key in obj){
You can also construct a function that will return the value of a property by accepting two parameters: the object and the "index" (order position)
function getValue(obj, index) {
let keysArray = Object.keys(obj)
let key = keysArray[index]
return obj[key]
Usage example getValue(obj, 2)
let obj = {a: 'dog', b: 'cat', c: 'mouse'}
function getValue(obj, index){
let keysArray = Object.keys(obj)
let key = keysArray[index]
return obj[key]
console.log(getValue(obj, 2))

Concatenate multiple object property values into one

If I have object with following structure:
var test = {
property1: "value1",
property2: "value2",
property3: "value3",
property4: "value4",
property5: "value5"
Assuming that property names are fixed and not always in this order, what is the most elegant way to convert this object into following one:
var test_copy = {
prop1Copy: "value1",
propConcat: "value2, value3, value4, value5"
I don't think there's any particularly elegant way to do this.
Since your input data has a small number fixed keys there's barely any point using a loop, so this works:
function munge(o) {
return {
prop1Copy: o.property1,
propConcat: [o.property2, o.property3, o.property4, o.property5].join(', ')
Try this:
function concatObject(object, levels){
var currentLevel = 0;
var newObj = {propConcat: ""};
for(var prop in object){
if(currentLevel < levels){
newObj[prop] = object[prop];
newObj["propConcat"] += object[prop];
concatObject(test, 1) would give you the answer, however it would keep the same property name for the variables. You need some kind of function of mapping if you want to change the actual property names (example: from property1 to prop1copy)
This would transform property# to property#copy:
function concatObject(object, levels){
var currentLevel = 0;
var newObj = {propConcat: ""};
for(var prop in object){
if(currentLevel < levels){
newObj[prop+"copy"] = object[prop];
newObj["propConcat"] += object[prop];
Im not sure what you need to accomplish here. But if you want copy first item and concat all other take a look at this.
function concatValues (obj) {
var resObj = {prop1Copy: ""}, count = 0, mergedArr = [];
for (var k in obj) {
count == 0 ? resObj.prop1Copy = obj[k] : mergedArr.push(obj[k]);
resObj.propConcat = mergedArr.join(", ");
return resObj;
Hope this helps
Here is a more generic solution that would work on a wider range of input with some caveats.
function concatenateObjectValues(obj) {
//If you want the output to be sorted differently, you need to provide your own sort order. This sorts by alphabetical order
var keys = Object.keys(test).sort();
//assuming the first property would always be the copy
//removing the first element and returning it
var copyProp = keys.unshift();
//generate an array that has the values of the remaining properties from the input
var concatProp = keys.reduce(function(memo, key) {
return memo;
}, []);
//create `propConcat` and combine the values using the specified separator
var newObj = {
propConcat: concatProp.join(", ")
//add the `prop1Copy` property. The first part of the name would be derived from the actual first property .
newObj[copyProp + "Copy"] = obj[copyProp];
return newObj;
Assuming you want your concatenated properties in alphabetical order,
the above would work. If not, then you would need to specify a
different sort order. This can be passed in as an argument, if it's going to vary).
if the copy property is going to vary, then this code might also need to change. Also, something that can be passed in as a parameter - trivial if it's just the index, but if you have to look them up by name (e.g., if you want to say "prop1" regardless of where it is., you need to also implement that).
if the names propConcat and prop1Copy need to vary more than that, the logic needs to be implemented. Or the values passed in...
there is no validation. I kept it simple for the sake of the example, but some error handling would be good.
To be honest, if your expected output is going to vary by more than one thing, for example, if you need the copy property to be different and the sort order to be different, then it might just be better to scrap this function. Big variations in the expected input/output make it a bit unwieldy, if you need to pass in most of the stuff to construct the result.

How do I write a recursive function in Javascript to add up all of the string values of a deeply nested object?

Say I have this object:
I would like a recursive function that will return HelloTableclothIndiansJuicyJuiceSpongeSquarepants.
Whatever object I put it, I want it to cycle though until it gets all of the strings and adds them all up.
Thank you!
Here's a very simple implementation that should work for simple objects like this:
var walkProps = function(obj) {
var s = "";
for(var x in obj)
if(typeof obj[x] === "string")
s += obj[x];
s += walkProps(obj[x]);
return s;
Note, though, that that depends on the order in which for-in visits the properties on the object, which is not specified and can vary by engine and by how the object is constructed (for instance, the order in which the properties were added).
Update: With some slight modification, this can be used to return the values based on the alphabetical order of the keys. This method is not sensitive to implementation-dependent ordering of properties:
var walkProps = function(obj) {
var s = "", i = 0, keys = Object.keys(obj).sort(), i;
for(; i < keys.length; i++)
if(typeof obj[keys[i]] === "string")
s += obj[keys[i]];
s += walkProps(obj[keys[i]]);
return s;
So even if "prop3" comes before "prop2" it will still return the same output.
You would need to write a function that loops over an object's properties and see if they are a string, and then append the strings to an output. If the property is an object rather than a string, you would want to call the function on this object and append it's return value to your total output.
You can loop over an object's properties using for...in like:
var MyObject = {
'a': 'string1',
'b': 'string2'
for (var key in MyObject) {
var value = MyObject[key];
To check if a property is a string you would want to do:
typeof value === "string"
Which will return true/false accordingly.
As mentioned, for( var b in a ) may not preserve ordering:
// Return array of string values
function getStrings(a) {
if( typeof(a) == "string" ) return [a];
var list = [];
for( var b in a ) list = list.concat(getStrings(a[b]));
return list;
Applied to OP's data:
var a = {
getStrings(a).join(); // "Hello,Tablecloth,Indians,JuicyJuice,Sponge,Squarepants"
// Or as asked for by OP (again, order is not guaranteed)
getStrings(a).join(''); // "HelloTableclothIndiansJuicyJuiceSpongeSquarepants"

how to filter object in javascript

I an working in javascript and stuck in understanding the objects.
Here is my scenario.
I have an object which in turn has multiple objects in it like.
data {
"aa" : object
"bb" : object
"cc" : object
//expanding aa bb and cc
aa {
name : "a"
type : "static"
value : "123"
bb {
name : "b"
type : "dyn"
value : "343"
cc {
name : "c"
type : "dyn"
value : "545"
Now what I want to achieve is that i have an object which should have those objects that have type = "dyn"
so i want to have a reqdata object like this
reqdata {
"bb" : object
"cc" : object
I have written a code to do this but it is not working as my reqdata has all the data.
var reqData = $.each (data, function(key, d){
if (type === "dyn")
return d;
Can any one guide me what the proper and efficient way of looping through the object.
Thanks any help and guidance will be appreciated
You need to create a new object, test the type property, and assign the current sub-object to the new one if the type is what you want.
// v--- Holds the results
var newObj = {};
// v--- The current sub-object
$.each(data, function(key, obj){
if (obj.type === "dyn") // <-- Test its `type` property
newObj[key] = obj; // <-- and assign to `newObj` if it matches
You should note that you're not making a copy of obj when you assign it to newObj. You're making a copy of a reference to obj.
This means that data and newObj share the same objects. Changes made via data are observable from newObj, and vice versa.
If you're used to functional programming, you can write your own filter function for objects:
function oFilter (obj, f) {
var result = {};
for (var x in obj) {
if (
obj.hasOwnProperty(x) &&
) {
result[x] = obj[x];
return result;
Then it'd be as you expected:
var reqData = oFilter(data, function(key,d){
if (d.type === "dyn") return true;
return false;
Similarly for map:
function oMap (obj, f) {
var result = {};
for (var x in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
result[x] = f(x,obj[x]);
return result;
Reduce doesn't make sense for objects though.
$(data).each( function(){
if(this.type === 'dyn'){ doStuff(this); }
} );
Now, IMO, constructor name is closer to type in JS. I'd build those objects with a function constructor names 'Dyn' and check <instance>.constructor.name for 'Dyn' but you would have to normalize for IE<=8 which involves parsing <instance>constructor.toString() so perhaps more trouble than it's worth.
But if you want to understand JS objects. Ditch the jQuery until you do. Learn how to use:
for(var x in object){
console.log('propertyLabel:' +x+', property:' + object[x]+'\n');
Then go back to understanding how jQuery itself works. Lots of juicy stuff under the hood there.

Add new attribute (element) to JSON object using JavaScript

How do I add new attribute (element) to JSON object using JavaScript?
JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. A JSON object is really a string that has yet to be turned into the object it represents.
To add a property to an existing object in JS you could do the following.
object["property"] = value;
object.property = value;
If you provide some extra info like exactly what you need to do in context you might get a more tailored answer.
var jsonObj = {
host: "hostName",
user1: "value1",
user2: "value2",
user3: "value3"
var i;
for(i=4; i<=8; i++){
var newUser = "user" + i;
var newValue = "value" + i;
jsonObj.members.viewers[newUser] = newValue ;
A JSON object is simply a javascript object, so with Javascript being a prototype based language, all you have to do is address it using the dot notation.
mything.NewField = 'foo';
With ECMAScript since 2015 you can use Spread Syntax ( …three dots):
let people = { id: 4 ,firstName: 'John'};
people = { ...people, secondName: 'Fogerty'};
It's allow you to add sub objects:
people = { ...people, city: { state: 'California' }};
the result would be:
"id": 4,
"firstName": "John",
"secondName": "Forget",
"city": {
"state": "California"
You also can merge objects:
var mergedObj = { ...obj1, ...obj2 };
thanks for this post. I want to add something that can be useful.
For IE, it is good to use
object["property"] = value;
syntax because some special words in IE can give you an error.
An example:
object.class = 'value';
this fails in IE, because "class" is a special word. I spent several hours with this.
You can also use Object.assign from ECMAScript 2015. It also allows you to add nested attributes at once. E.g.:
const myObject = {};
Object.assign(myObject, {
firstNewAttribute: {
nestedAttribute: 'woohoo!'
Ps: This will not override the existing object with the assigned attributes. Instead they'll be added. However if you assign a value to an existing attribute then it would be overridden.
extend: function(){
if(arguments.length === 0){ return; }
var x = arguments.length === 1 ? this : arguments[0];
var y;
for(var i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) {
y = arguments[i];
for(var key in y){
if(!(y[key] instanceof Function)){
x[key] = y[key];
return x;
Extends multiple json objects (ignores functions):
extend({obj: 'hej'}, {obj2: 'helo'}, {obj3: {objinside: 'yes'}});
Will result in a single json object
You can also dynamically add attributes with variables directly in an object literal.
const amountAttribute = 'amount';
const foo = {
[amountAttribute]: 1
foo[amountAttribute + "__more"] = 2;
Results in:
amount: 1,
amount__more: 2
You can also add new json objects into your json, using the extend function,
var newJson = $.extend({}, {my:"json"}, {other:"json"});
// result -> {my: "json", other: "json"}
A very good option for the extend function is the recursive merge. Just add the true value as the first parameter (read the documentation for more options). Example,
var newJson = $.extend(true, {}, {
nestedJson: {a1:1, a2:2}
}, {
nestedJson: {b1:1, b2:2}
// result -> {my: "json", other: "json", nestedJson: {a1:1, a2:2, b1:1, b2:2}}
Uses $.extend() of jquery, like this:
token = {_token:window.Laravel.csrfToken};
data = {v1:'asdass',v2:'sdfsdf'}
dat = $.extend(token,data);
I hope you serve them.
Following worked for me for add a new field named 'id'.
Angular Slickgrid usually needs such id
addId() {
this.apiData.forEach((item, index) => {
item.id = index+1;

