Not repeating selectors in a conditional statement with JavaScript/jQuery - javascript

I have a small app with one form and one input field. When a user submits this form, I first want to see if the value only contains letters. If all is good, I want to pass the value on to a function.
Here's what I have:
$('form').on('submit', function(e) {
if ($('input').val().match(/^[a-zA-Z]+$/)) {
} else {
// Error message or something else here
I don't like writing $('input').val() twice (once in the conditional statement, and again if it holds true). Using this wouldn't work, since it's within a conditional statement and not some sort of function... Is there a way to not repeat code in this scenario?
Perhaps setting $('input').val() to a variable would be best?

Just do this:
var inputValue = $('input').val();

Bit old but I found this helpful : Not repeating selectors
var myvar = $('input');
As well as the clear discription :
basically every time you use $(someselector) you iterate through the dom. If you can you should store the element reference


Command Buttons Not Responding to JS functions

I am very close to finishing this program but am unable to get past one last hurdle. I want some very simple code to execute when the command buttons are pressed. When the Submit Order button is pressed the following code should run to check that the form is completed.
function validateForm()
if ($("tax").value = 0)
alert ("You have not selected anything to order");
if ($("shipCost").value = 0)
alert("You must select a method of shipping");
And when the reset button is pressed the following code should run.
function initForm()
$('date').value = todayTxt();
Unfortunately the buttons are not executing the code which I am trying to execute through the following set of functions.
window.onload = function ()
$('shipping').onchange = calcShipping;
$("Submit Order").onclick = validateForm();
$("reset").onclick = initForm();
I have created a fiddle so you can see the full program: Any help is greatly appreciated.
You're doing it way wrong.
With if statements, you use == instead of =.
= in A = B means assign value of B to A
== in A == B means A equals B
Read about .ready and use it instead of window.onLoad, it's quite a bad choice when it comes to binding, ie.
$( document ).ready(function() {
//taken from
If you're using jQuery, use # when refering to ID objects, ie.
On no account should you use spaces when giving any object a unique name or class!
Pay attention to letters. You had ".clisk()" instead of "click()".
Check it out and provide us with fixed code.
It is simple. $("Submit Order") doesn't work, because the button doesn't have this id. You can change this to something like $("btn-submit-order"). Same thing to reset.
Moreover, when you test $("tax").value = 0 I think you mistyped = instead of ==.
Other issues...
I think you mean
if ($("#tax").val() == 0)
Uses the correct selector #
Uses the jQuery val() function. The jQuery object doesn't have a value property.
Compares to 0 using loose checking, though personally I would write the line as
if (+$("#tax").val() === 0)

Javascript will not combine these together

I have this js code
var tester_names="";
if (elem.attr('checked')==true)
**tester_names=tester_names+", "+ elem.attr("title");**
I want to have tester_names=tester_names+", "+ elem.attr("title"); to have the combination of testers_names (a,b,c,d,e) and elem.attr("title") (f) to become (a,b,c,d,e,f)
The alerts that I used is for debugging to see what values are stored in the variable.. They all store correctly, but they don't combine together when I call the bolded function... I just want to know why. I am using formtastic textarea instead of the normal textbox... do I have to adjust to that? Or maybe what the tester_names and elem.attr are outputting are of different type?
I tried it using this type of code (this is nearly the same with different variable names
function updateTextArea() {
var allVals = [];
$('.taglist :checked').each(function(i) {
allVals.push( $(this).val());
$('#video0_tags').val(allVals).attr('rows',allVals.length) ;
$(function() {
$('.taglist input').click(updateTextArea);
why does this add to checkbox values to the textarea perfectly whenever I check checkboxes when mine just outputs same results before and after using the starred function?
(I don't understand why ppl keep voting this down... its seems like a decent question after the first mishap and fix) :S
Use elem.attr('checked')=='checked' in if statement. There is no case elem.attr('checked')==true will be true. So the body of your if , will never be executed.

Trying to get some jQuery functions to run in order. Is callback the issue?

I'm trying to do some things in order, and I'm having some trouble.
When the button with the id #sub_button is clicked,
Make sure each element with class ".verify" has it's own object value (see code)...
... if not, blur that element (will run some other code and create an object for it).
AFTER the above IF check is COMPLETE (now all elements should have an object), THEN run function "isitgood". (The "isitgood" function is running before all elements get their object values, which is done on blur)
$("#sub_button").click(function() {
objtitle = $(this).attr('id');
if (!myObj[objtitle]) {
$("#"+objtitle).blur(); // Define anything undefined
}); // end each
}); // end click function
function isitgood(){
if (myObj.login_id == "ok" && == "ok") {
// submit the form
} else {
// shows error
Also, once I get this executing in the right order, it would be nice to do some sort of .each loop to check if all the object values == "ok" instead of specifying all of them in the function. All of the names of the objects (ie. login_id, email) are the ID attr of any element with class name .verify.
Well, you could do a quick index check in the click callback:
var sub_buttons = $("#sub_button"); {
objtitle = $(this).attr('id');
if (!myObj[objtitle]) {
$("#"+objtitle).blur(); // Define anything undefined
if (index == sub_buttons.length - 1)
}); // end each
}); // end click function
This will check if you're on the last element in the jQuery object, and if so, will run the isitgood() function. This way, you make sure that you're finished with the $.each method before executing isitgood()
Javascript is asynchronous. Your isitgood() will always fire while .each is still doing it's thing.
That said from your code it's not clear what you're trying to accomplish. The way you're using .each seems to indicate that you have multiple of the same ID attributes on your tags. That won't work, IDs have to be unique. Also you seem to be mixing jQuery and regular Javascript. Use one or the other. Actually just use jQuery, you'll save yourself time and effort!
If you do have unique ids then you shouldn't need the .each at all. Just check the appropriate ids with your if statement.
Please provide more of your code and i can update this with a better answer. For instance what does your myObj look like? How do elements of it get the value of ok? It doesn't seem to get set within your call to .each().

Use jquery to get an input's id and compare it against a static array of id's?

I am using jQuery to create a client-side validation function for a .NET form. Each form element has an id and several of the form elements are required fields.
In my validation script, I thought of creating an array of the id's of the 'not required' elements, then on every 'blur' event checking whether or not the current element ($(this)) is part of the array of elements not to check, but it doesn't seem to be checking against the list.
function validate(){
$('.form_wrapper input').blur(function(){
var isEmpty = $(this).val();
var isRequired = $(this).attr('id');
var notRequired = ['txtHomePhone','txtWorkPhone','txtMobile','txtStreetAddress','txtSuburb'];
if (isEmpty == "" && isRequired == notRequired){
// run conditional validation stuff
else {
// run other conditional validation stuff
The area I think I need help with is the if statement checking whether or not the current form element is part of the array of id's not to validate. I am also not really sure if it's actually an array I want/need to use in this situation?
Any help would be great,
not exactly sure here, but wouldn't you want to be doing
$.inArray(isRequired,notRequired) >= 0
instead of
isRequired == notRequired
$.inArray() returns -1 if no match is found. Modified code to correctly show this behavior.

How can I ensure that changes to a form DOM are complete before POSTing?

Currently I have a race condition existing in my JavaScript code. What I am trying to do with this code is convert all check boxes which are a part of the 'checkbox' class and are not checked into text boxes with a value of zero. Currently when you post a check box that is not checked it does not appear in the $_POST data. However I need to know all the values whether true or false for these particular set of check boxes.
The code I have is here:
function checkboxConvert() {
var chkBxs = $$('.checkbox');
for (var i = 0; i < chkBxs.length; i++) {
if (chkBxs[i].checked == false) {
chkBxs[i].type = 'textbox';
chkBxs[i].value = '0';
Now the problem that I have been getting is that when I try to submit this form the values of the recently changed text boxes does not appear in the $_POST data. Therefore, as you can see above I have postponed the page submit for 1 sec and then I have all the data available to me. However as time goes on and my data set gets larger, 1 sec may no longer be enough. This I think is a race condition and I need to figure some way of running the code only after all the check boxes have been converted and they have their new values. I would have thought that this would be unnecessary from the start, but for some reason it's trying to run both pieces simultaneously and I can't submit until I have the proper values in place.
Any help is much appreciated!
This is definitely not the way to do web. I strongly advise you abandon your checkboxConvert function, and solve this issue on the server side
JavaScript always runs single-threaded in the browser so I don't think it can be a race condition.
I'd generally agree with others that you shouldn't do this, but your problem may be that you're changing the element to a type of "textbox" instead of "text". If you declare an input of type "textbox" in HTML markup, it will usually render as a text field anyway because that's the default. However, changing an already valid "checkbox" type input to the invalid "textbox" may not work predictably.
Try changing it to this:
function checkboxConvert() {
var chkBxs = $$('.checkbox');
for (var i = 0; i < chkBxs.length; i++) {
if (chkBxs[i].checked == false) {
chkBxs[i].type = 'text';
chkBxs[i].value = '0';
// Because JS in the browser is single-threaded, this
// cannot execute before the preceding loop completes anyway.
There's got to be a better way to do this. Try something like:
Know about all your possible values on the server side. It looks like you're using PHP; keep a simple array with the names of your checkboxes.
When you take your $_POST data, remove the names of checkboxes you've received values for from your array.
The remaining are all false.

