Prevent deselect date (Bootstrap-datepicker sandbox) - javascript

I have a question about the bootstrap-datepicker.
When I select a random Date and then open the Popup again and click the same Date, the Input-Field clears. Is there any way to prevent this from happening?
I need this because in my case the Input-Field is not allowed to be empty.

I use Angular, and have a directive defined that inserts this little snip of hacky javascript... you might be able to do something similar:
.on('changeDate', function (ev) {
if (ev.dates && ! && selectedDate)
// Fixes bug in bootstrap calendar without multiselect, where picking the same day unselects it
else if ( &&!=selectedDate) selectedDate =;
By having a variable named "selectedDate" somewhere before the constructor for your datepicker, this additional event handler will store valid dates and strip the bogus deselection. You'll notice the event object passed includes the array "dates" when incorrectly deselected, and only "date" when correctly selected.


ng2-date-picker - After typing date in datepicker input we can see that date in calendar, but after selecting it from calendar it deletes from input

After typing date in datepicker input we can see that date in calendar, but after we type that date and it shows in calendar, we select it from calendar but it deletes from input. I guess it is problem with same dates, so if you type some date and then select that same date from calendar it somehow repeal. Someone knows how to solve this problem? We need this date even if it is the same one from typing.
if (event.type == 'selection')
Might as well post a proper answer.
According to the docs it seems to be the default behavior that dates can be both selected and unselected. Fortunately, there is a property called unSelectOnClick which if set to false, prevents the user from unselecting dates.

jquery datepicker should not automatically change time value on update minDate or maxDate

I use the jquery datepicker in an Angular Application and I noticed a behavior that I would like to prevent.
The application consists of an input field for the date and a select box for a month selection.
If the months in the select box are changed, the minDate of the jquery date picker should be adjusted.
I tried the following example:
I set the date in the input field to the 24.04.2018
I chose October
The date of the input field is automatically set to 24.10.2018
I do not want the content of the Inputs field to be automatically adjusted.
Here is my git-hub project:
Many thanks for the help
I use the beforeShow and onClose date-picker functions
jQuery(yourElement).datepicker('option', 'beforeShow', function (date) {
return {
'minDate': yourMinDate,
'maxDate': yourMaxDate
jQuery(yourElement).datepicker('option', 'onClose', function (date) {
jQuery(this).datepicker('option', {
'minDate': null,
'maxDate': null
The datepicker updates the date only if the selected one is out of the range.
For example, if the current selected date is 24.04.2018 and you set the minDate to 20.04.2018, nothing will happen.
But if you set it to any date after 24.04.2018, it will get updated. I believe it's normal since its the purpose of setting a minDate.
You can always set yourself manually the input's value: $('#datepicker').val('20.04.2018') but I don't think it's a good idea to have something displayed different than the internal datepicker component state (the calendar that will popup will show a different date than the one in the input)

jquery datepicker defaultdate will not automatically set to next available date when graphical calendar is persistent on a page

The jquery datepicker defaultdate will not automatically set to next available date when the graphical calendar is persistent on a page. the initial date the calendar selects can be a date that i have disabled. Many suggestions on workaround work when the calendar is a popup to an input field, but do not work when the calendar is persistently shown as a div. doesn't matter if the dates disabled are by noWeekends, by the day of week, or individually set days, the initial date value can be a disabled and unclickable date. I am using the alternate1 input field (which i normally hide) to pass data onto a PHP page. What i have almost works, but the next available date shows as highlighted when minDate happens to land on an available date, but when minDate lands on an unselectible date, the highlight is hidden. The temporary fix i used of setDate null - clears the initial selection value regardless of the highlight, so a visitor may think the a date is already selected when it is not. My PHP page reports back to the visitor that they have to go back and actually select a date. My use of datepicker is geared toward mobile, so popup or flyout calendar to make use of well known workarounds is unfavorable, the calendar GUI needs to be persistent on the page. To recreate my issue for yourself, on the jsfiddle, comment out the last javascript line, disallow a date mid-week in the var selections, and then set the minDate so that it will land on the disallowed date. you'll notice the alternate1 input gets prefilled with the disallowed date.
html code:
<div id="dp1"></div>
<input type="text" id="alternate1" name="alternate1"/> <!-- style="display:none;" this is the field that passes on to php -->
javascript code:
var selections = [
function bansingle(date) {
var excerpt = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', date);
return [ selections.indexOf(excerpt) == -1 ]
// somehow combine this function later.
//function bandow(date) {
// var day = date.getDay();
// return [(day != 0 && day != 6)];
// }
beforeShowDay: bansingle,
altFormat: 'm-d-yy',
fielddateFormat: 'm-d-yy',
minDate: "+0d",
//maxDate: "+1m", // set latest selectable date
$('#dp1').datepicker("setDate", null); //clears alternate1 input field value
Here is the jsfiddle it does contain more dates and a little CSS. I recommend opening it in a new tab, to be able to return to this page after editing code.
the progress of my other question here has negated the need for an answer to this question. pursuing multiple changes to input, styling, and options - will workaround this question's problem.

jQuery datepicker does not update value properly

On the website I'm currently working I have a form to add a event. This event needs a date which the user selects using a jQuery datepicker. A date can only have one event. So I want to check the date the user insert in the datepicker. I tried doing this by getting the value after the user has selected the date. The problem is however, the datepickers doesn't update his value right away.
I made a JSFiddle to show the problem. When you pick a date the span updates and shows the value of the datepicker. But as you can see the first time it is blank, and the second time it shows the previous selected date. So the datepickers does not update is value right away. How can I fix this?
I looked trough other similar questions here on stackoverflow but their solutions didn't work for me.
<input type="text" id="datepicker" name="date" />
<span id="data"></span>
$('#datepicker').blur(function () {
var val = $(this).val();
Its better to use built in method onSelect:fn to use:
onSelect: function () {
As per documentation:
Called when the datepicker is selected. The function receives the selected date as text and the datepicker instance as parameters. this refers to the associated input field.
change event happens before blur event.
Use .change() instead of .blur()
$('#datepicker').change(function() {
var val = $(this).val();
Updated jsFiddle Demo
If Google brought you here because your input does not seem to respond to various JQuery .on( events, most likely it's because you have another element on the same page with the same id.

Change input field to disabled or enable depending on select dropdown choice

I'm trying to have an input field be enabled or disabled depending on the choice of the drop down.
Code fiddled here:
var selected_item = $(this).val()
if(selected_item == "On Hold until Candidate Available"){
In this example you will see three date fields what will use jquery datepicker
The idea is that when the page first loads that the input fields of: Hold start date and Hold end Date will be either: Not displayed or disabled.
If "On Hold until Candidate Available" is selected then Both Hold start date and hold end date are activate/visible. If "on hold until position available" is selected then Only Hold start date is active/visible.
I found a script that works but when I try it on my page its not working.
I found a script that works but when I try it on my page its not
If the script is working on jsFiddle and not on your site there could be following things to check.
If jQuery is added successfully.
You have put the code in document.ready function.
*Edit: * based on comment by OP
In change event you are comparing value using val() with the text which you should compare with value instead of text.
if(selected_item == "On Hold until Candidate Available"){
if(selected_item == "3"){
I just had a look at the script and there are a couple of things you want to change.
1) Instead of display:none in css change to visibility:hidden
2) When javascript returns a selected_item it returns the value of the dropdown not the text so you want to check if(selected_item=="3") or whatever number you require.
This should sort out the issue.

