Server doesn't respond to an xmlHTTP request using the get method - javascript

I'm doing a project with arduino in which I send different requests to the server (the arduino board) with the method XMLHttprequest and Get from a webpage. Except one of the request the others are used only for sending orders to the server, so I don't expect for an XML response. The other one is a request sent in intervals of 5 seconds for getting different values from the server.
The problem arrives with this last one. Actually the webpage sends the request (because I see it on the browser console and the arduino serial monitor) every 5 seconds, but it doesn't get anything, just the headers of the answer confirming the response but nothing about the XML file. Surprisingly, when I write a normal request using the get method in the browser I get instantly the XML file with the values, and It happens all the time I do that.
I'm going to write the javascript code I'm using on the webpage
setInterval(function tiempo()
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.onreadystatechange = function()
if (this.readyState == 4) {
if (this.status == 200) {
if (this.responseXML != null) {
// extract XML data from XML file (containing switch states and analog value)
document.getElementById("input1").innerHTML = this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('dato')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
document.getElementById("input2").innerHTML = this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('dato')[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
document.getElementById("input3").innerHTML = this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('dato')[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
document.getElementById("input4").innerHTML = this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('dato')[3].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
document.getElementById("input5").innerHTML = this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('dato')[4].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
document.getElementById("input6").innerHTML = this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('dato')[5].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
document.getElementById("input7").innerHTML = this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('dato')[6].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
}"GET", "URL" + Math.random(), true);
, 5000);
On the other hand, if I only write in the browser URL, I get the XML without any problem.
One las thing I have to say is that right now I'm using a webpage stored in my computer but before I was using a webpage stored in the arduino (on an SD card) and loaded also through the internet from arduino. The same code in that case worked perfectly. The reason because I changed It is because arduino ethernet is not too fast and It took so much time. With the webpage stored in my computer It goes faster because It only needs to send the orders.

Finally, I figured out the problem. It is the browser. For any reason only Internet Explorer works correctly with the webpage. Neither firefox nor other web browsers got the xml file. I don't know the reason but I would like to find it.
If someone knows something about I would be glad of trying to resolve the problem.


Is it possible to cache a XML within a Javascript/HTML, if so how to?

I currently have the following Javascript as part of my HTML
function guide1(i) {
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
guideload1(this, i);
};"GET", "tvguidedata.xml", true);
function guideload1(xml, i) {
var i
var xmlDoc = xml.responseXML;
x = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("programme");
for (i = 1; i <x.length; i++)
if (*blah blah blah, the script starts working here, I assume its not necessary posting it in full*)
This script works as intended and so far so good.
However I would like to improve a small part of it for (what I consider) better performance of the overall intend.
Currently I have another script that is calling the above script at an set interval to make sure the data displayed inside my HTML is current (TV Guide airings)
Checking the chrome dev tools, I can see each time the script is running it re-downloads the full xml.
While the XML file is small, I would prefer it to only load/download the xml once and then be able to loop my script with the data being processed from a cached xml.
Is this even possible at all? And if so how?
I already tried my setInterval script to directly call the "guideload1" function instead of "guide1, however then I get an error and the script is not loading data correctly.
Maybe there is a script that first loads the XML into cache, local storage or whatever would be used in this case and any subsequent calls to "guide1" function and/or "guideload1" then take the cached file and don't make any download requested.
And the script that caches the XML, I would most likely set it to only reload/download once after 12 hours.
Any help is appreciated, I should also note that I know almost zero about coding (I got most of my coode by google search and similar) so if an explanation is necessary feel free to phrase it like I'm a baby.
Other information, I believe could be useful:
Cross-Browser compatibility is not required/necessary.
My whole HTML is only opened on Chrome browswer on Windows in kiosk mode.
There is never any user interaction, as the page is displayed to a HDMI-OUT/Modulator and certain sub-HTML elements are reloaded every day at midnight

How to replace ajax with webrtc data channel

** JAVASCRIPT question **
I'm using regularly ajax via XMLHttpRequest. But in 1 case, I need 1 ajax call per seconds....
but long term wise and with growing number of simultaneous users, it could bloat easily...
I'm reading stuff about webRTC data channel and it seems interesting and promissing.
Here my working AJAX function as an example of how easy and there is a few lines of codes to communicate from the browser to the server and vice-versa
function xhrAJAX ( divID , param2 ) {
// random value for each call to avoid cache
var pcache = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000000) + 1);
// parameters
var params = "divID="+encodeURIComponent(divID)+"&param2="+encodeURIComponent(param2);
// setup XMLHttpRequest with pcache
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "/file.php?pcache="+pcache, true);
// setup headers
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// prepare onready scripts
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(e) { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { $("#"+divID).html(e.currentTarget.responseText) ; } }
// send the ajax call
How can I "transpose" or "convert" this ajax workflow into a webRTC data channel ? in order to avoid to setup a setInterval 1000...
Note: I mean how to replace the javascript portion of the code. PHP here is only to illustrate, I don't want to do a webRTC via PHP...
Is there a simple few lines of code way to push/receive data like this ajax function ?
the answer I'm looking for is more like a simple function to push and receive
(once the connection with STUN, ICE, TURN is established and working...)
If I need to include a javascript library like jquery or the equivalent for webRTC, I'm welcoming good and simple solution.
*** The main goal is this kind of scenario :
I have a webapp : users in desktop and users within webview in Android and IOS
right now I have this workflow => ajax every 3 seconds to "tell" the main database that the user is still active and using the browser (or the app)
But I'd like to replace with this kind : when the user uses the browser => do a webrtc data chata in background between the browser and the server
While reading on the web I think that webRTC is a better solution than websocket.
** I did a bit of search and found peerjs....
I'll do some testing, but in the meantime, if someone can trow ideas, it could be fun.

XMLHttpRequest returning with status 200, but 'onreadystatechange' event not fired

We have been receiving an intermittent bug with the XMLHttpRequest object when using IE11. Our codebase is using legacy architecture, so this browser is required.
After clicking a button, the browser launches an out-of-band process by creating a new ActiveX control which integrates with a camera to capture an image. This control appears to be working fine... it allows the operator to capture the image, and the Base64 content of the image is returned out of the control back to the browser interface, so I think we can rule out a problem with this object.
Once the image is returned to the browser, the browser performs an asynchronous 'ping' to the web server to check if the IIS session is still alive or it has expired (because the out-of-band image capture process forbids control of the browser while it is open).
The ping to the server returns successfully (and running Fiddler I can see that the response has status 200), with the expected response data:
There is a defined 'onreadystatechange' function which should be fired on this response, and the majority of times this seems to fire correctly. However, on the rare occasion it does appear, it continues to happen every time.
Here is a snippet of the code... we expect the 'callback()' function to be called on a successful response to Timeout.asp:
XMLPoster.prototype.checkSessionAliveAsync = function(callback) {
var checkSessionAlive = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "Timeout.asp?Action=ping", true);
checkSessionAlive.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
checkSessionAlive.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (checkSessionAlive.readyState == 4) {
if (checkSessionAlive.responseText.indexOf("expired") != -1 || checkSessionAlive.status !== 200) {
eTop.window.main.location = "timeout.asp";
Has anyone seen anything like this before? I appreciate that using legacy software is not ideal, but we are currently limited to using it.

How to make JS wait until protocol execution finished

I have a custom URL protocol handler cgit:[...]
It launches up a background process which configures some stuff on the local machine. The protocol works fine, i'm launching it from JavaScript (currently using document.location = 'cgit:[...]'), but i actually want JavaScript to wait until the associated program exits.
So basically the steps i want JavaScript to do:
JavaScript does something
JavaScript launches cgit:[...]
Javascript waits until cgit:[...] exits
JavaScript does something else
function launchCgit(params)
document.addEventListener( /* CGit-Program exited event */, hideProgressBar );
function launchCgit(params)
// setLocationAndWait("cgit:"+params);
Any ideas if this is possible?
Since this isn't really an expected use of window.location I would doubt that there's an easy way. My recommendation would be to use an AJAX request and have the c++ program send a response when it's done. That way, whatever code needs to run after the c++ program can be run when the request completes.
As i didn't find a suitable way to solve my problem using ajax requests or anything similar, i finally solved my problem using a kind-of-ugly workarround including XmlHttpRequest
For launching the protocol i'm still using document.location=cgit:[...]
I'm using a server side system including "lock-files" - that's like generic dummy files, with generated names for each request.
Once the user requests to open the custom protocol, such a file is being generated on the server specifically for that one protocol-opening-request.
I created a folder called "$locks" on the server where these files are being placed in. Once the protocol-associated program exits, the appropriate file is being deleted.
The website continuously checks if the file for a request still exists using XmlHttpRequest and fires a callback if it doesn't (example timout between tests: 1 sec).
The structure of the new files is the following:
lockThisRequest.php: It creates a file in the $locks directory based on the req url-parameter.
unlockThisRequest.php: It deletes a file in the $locks directory; again based on the req url-parameter.
The JavaScript part of it goes:
function launchCgit(params,callback)
var lock = /* Generate valid filename from params variable */;
// "Lock" that Request (means: telling the server that a request with this ID is now in use)
var locker = new XmlHttpRequest();'GET', 'lockThisRequest.php?req='+lock, true)
function retry()
// Test if the lock-file still exists on the server
var req = new XmlHttpRequest();'GET', '$locks/'+lock, true);
if (req.readyState == 4)
if (req.status == 200)
// lock-file exists -> cgit has not exited yet
else if (req.status == 404)
// lock-file not found -> request has been proceeded
document.location = 'cgit:'+params; // execute custom protocol
retry(); // initialize lockfileCheck-loop
Ussage is:
alert("ThisAndThat finished.");
the lockThisRequest.php-file:
file_put_contents("$locks/".$_GET["req"],""); // Create lock file
and unlockThisRequest.php:
unlink("../\$locks/".$_GET["req"]); // Delete lock file
The local program / script executed by the protocol can simply call something like:
curl "http://servername/unlockThisRequest.php?req=$1"
after it finished.
As i just said this works, but it's anything else than nice (congratulations if you kept track of those instructions)
I'd rather prefered a more simple way and (important) this also may cause security issues with the lockThisRequest.php and unlockThisRequest.php files!
I'm fine with this solution, because i'm only using it on a password protected private page. But if you plan to use it on a public or non protected page, you may want to add some security to the php files.
Anyways, the solution works for me now, but if anyone finds a better way to do it - for example by using ajax requests - he/she would be very welcome to add that way to the respective stackoverflow-documentation or the like and post a link to it on this thread. I'd still be interested in alternative solutions :)

Not Receiving Asynchronous AJAX Requests When Sent Rapidly

My script is sending a GET request to a page ( and the page, in turn, responds back with a JSON object. ({"success":true, "listingid":"123456"})
Here's an example snippet:
var listingAjax = new XMLHttpRequest();
listingAjax.addEventListener("load", listingCallback, false);
function listingCallback(event) {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
}"GET", "", true);
Simple enough. The script works perfectly too! The issue arises when I want to do this:
var listingAjax = new XMLHttpRequest();
listingAjax.addEventListener("load", listingCallback, false);
function listingCallback(event) {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
window.setInterval(function() {"GET", "", true);
}, 250);
What I imagine should happen is my script would create a steady flow of GET requests that get sent out to the server and then the server responds to each one. Then, my script will receive the server's responses and send them to the callback.
To be more exact, say I let this script run for 5 seconds and my script sent out 20 GET requests to the server in that time. I would expect that my callback (listingCallback) would be called 20 times as well.
The issue is, it isn't. It almost seems that, if I sent out two GET requests before I received a response from the server, then the response is ignored or discarded.
What am I doing wrong/misunderstanding from this?
Many browsers have a built in maximum number of open HTTP connections per server. You might be hitting that wall?
Here is an example from Mozilla but most browsers should have something like this built in:
An earlier question regarding Chrome:
Increasing Google Chrome's max-connections-per-server limit to more than 6
If you have Windows, take a look at a tool like Fiddler - you might be able to see if all of the requests are actually being issued or if the browser is queueing/killing some of them.
You can't reuse the same XMLHttpRequest object opening a new connection while one is in progress, otherwise it will cause an abrupt abortion (tested in Chrome). Using a new XMLHttpRequest object for each call will solve that:
function listingCallback(event) {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
window.setInterval(function() {
var listingAjax = new XMLHttpRequest();
listingAjax.addEventListener("load", listingCallback, false);"GET", "", true);
}, 250);
This will work nicely queueing a new ajax request for each interval.
Note that too frequent calls may cause slowdown due to the maximum limit of concurrent ajax calls which is inherent to each browser.
Though, modern browsers have a pretty fair limit and very good parallelism, so as long as you're fetching just a small JSON object modern browsers should be able to keep up even when using a dial-up.
Last time I made an ajax polling script, I'd start a new request in the success handler of the previous request instead of using an interval, in order to minimize ajax calls. Not sure if this logic is applicable to your app though.

