Define one function for multiple events - javascript

I originally defined the same function three times for three input fields like this:
var inputQ = document.getElementById("quantity");
var inputC = document.getElementById("compid");
var inputR = document.getElementById("quantreq");
inputQ.onkeypress = function() {
inputC.onkeypress = function() {
//same code
inputR.onkeypress = function() {
//same code
But figured out it still works if shortened to:
inputQ.onkeypress = inputC.onkeypress = inputR.onkeypress = function() {
Will this produce any unexpected effects? And is there perchance an even shorter way of doing it, something like ('#inputQ, #inputC, #inputR) = function() {}?

This will work just fine (a function is just an object like any other, so you can chain assignations).
If you want a shorter way, use jQuery:
$("#quantity, #compid, #quantireq").on("keypress", function() {
// code

If you wanted it to be more generic and not specify IDs everytime and without jquery you could assign each thing you need to validate/check with a class then just do something like...
<input id="quantity" type="text" val="0" class="check" />
<input id="compid" type="text" val="1" class="check" />
<input id="reqid" type="text" val="2" class="check" />
function notify(){
alert( "Here" );
[] document.querySelectorAll( ".check" ) ).forEach( function(){
this.addEventListener( 'keypress' , notify, false);
This is for browsers that support forEach and querySelectorAll of course.


How can I catch an `on change` event in JS once one of many elements change?

So I have several input fields that trigger a function once they change their value. Is there any way I can re-write and shorten this code? I keep repeating myself..
# .js
let months_input = $('#id_months')
let salary_input = $('#id_start_salary')
let monthly_raise_input = $('#id_monthly_raise')
months_input.on('change', function () {
run_calculation(months_input.val(), salary_input.val(), monthly_raise_input.val())
salary_input.on('change', function () {
run_calculation(months_input.val(), salary_input.val(), monthly_raise_input.val())
monthly_raise_input.on('change', function () {
run_calculation(months_input.val(), salary_input.val(), monthly_raise_input.val())
There's multiple ways you can do what you're trying to accomplish and reduce duplication.
You could wrap your inputs in some container element and allow event bubbling to handle this for you.
That might look like this
document.getElementById('foo').addEventListener('change', e => {
console.log('input changed');
<div id="foo">
<input id="one" />
<input id="two" />
<input id="three" />
var myInputs = document.getElementsByClassName('myInputs')
for(let i = 0; i < myInputs.length; i++){
myInputs[i].addEventListener('change', function () {
run_calculation(months_input.val(), salary_input.val(), monthly_raise_input.val())
<script src=""></script>
<input type = 'text' class='myInputs'>
<input type = 'text' class='myInputs'>
<input type = 'text' class='myInputs'>
You can use a class selector instead of an id and then use the "this" keyword with it to bind a function to the onchange
$(".class").on( "click", function() {
You can give those inputs the same class name and use "for loop" .
or you can just do this:
document.getElementsByClassName("class").addEventListener("change", () =>{ })

Javascript function does not work on onclick of checkbox

I try to call a Javascript function through an onclick attribute of a checkbox.
The js should show another checkbox if the first one is checked etc.
Now the function isnt working. I tried to use just an alert() for testing without any result...
Fitness:<input type="checkbox" id="fitnessCheck" onclick="checkFunction()">
Beauty:<input type="checkbox" id="beautyCheck">
Streetwear:<input type="checkbox" id="streetwearCheck">
Luxus:<input type="checkbox" id="luxusCheck" onClick="checkFunction()">
Datenschutz: <input style="display:none" type="checkbox" id="datenschutzCheck">
//get Checkboxes
var fitnessCheckbox = document.getElementById("fitnessCheck");
var beautyCheckbox = document.getElementById("beautyCheck");
var streetwearCheckbox = document.getElementById("streetwearCheck");
var luxusCheckbox = document.getElementById("luxusCheck");
var datenschutzCheckbox = document.getElementById("datenschutzCheck");
if(fitnessCheckbox.checked == true || beautyCheckbox.checked == true || streetwearCheckbox.checked == true || luxusCheckbox.checked == true){ ="block";
You have to declare the function checkFunction().
You can do it in many ways such as:
function checkFunction() {
// code here
var checkFunction = function() {
// code here
etc, depending on how you are going to use the function.
This is how to define a function in JavaScript.
Correct your function as below;
function checkFunction(){
Alternatively, remove the onclick attribute from HTML and put it in the JavaScript as defined below
var fitnessCheckbox = document.getElementById("fitnessCheck");
fitnessCheckbox.onclick() = function() {
// access properties using this keyword
if ( this.checked ) {
// if checked ...
alert( this.value );
} else {
// if not checked ...

Tricky Javascript logic with Objects, Array and Booleans

I am having a lot of issue trying to figure out this logic. Let me set the stage here:
In the HTML there are some form/input elements type radio. Each of them have an ID assigned to it.
<input type="radio" name="oneAllowed" id="yesterday" />
<input type="radio" name="oneAllowed" id="today" />
<input type="radio" name="oneAllowed" id="tomorrow" />
Using Javascript essentially what I am trying to do is loop through the 3 objects, since they all have same name assigned within HTML only a single one can be selected, whichever one is returning true I want grab hold of that result then access the second key:value pair, for example for 'commitYesterday' it would be 'commitYesterday.hasValue();' and dispatch that to a different function for other calculation.
var urgentOrderSelector = function(){
var commitYesterday = {
isChecked: document.getElementById("yesterday").checked,
hasValue: function(){
if (this.isChecked == true) {
return 3;
var commitToday = {
isChecked: document.getElementById("today").checked,
hasValue: function(){
if (this.isChecked == true) {
return 2;
var commitTomorrow = {
isChecked: document.getElementById("tomorrow").checked,
hasValue: function(){
if (this.isChecked == true) {
return 1;
var urgentArray = [commitYesterday.isChecked, commitToday.isChecked, commitTomorrow.isChecked];
for(var i = 0; i <= urgentArray.length-1; i++){
if (urgentArray[i].isChecked == true) {
//This is where I am stuck. I was thinking of doing perhaps the following:
return urgentArray[i].hasValue();
Why don't you change your HTML to this:
<input type="radio" name="oneAllowed" id="yesterday" value="3" />
<input type="radio" name="oneAllowed" id="today" value="2" />
<input type="radio" name="oneAllowed" id="tomorrow" value="1" />
And use document.querySelector to get the selected elements:
If you actually need to run specific functions dependend on which radio box is checked you could add an attribute data-fn="fnName" to each input and then create an object with the keys as functions:
var fns = {'fnName1': function () {}, 'fnName2': function() {} …};
And then call the function defined by the Attribute:
Not exactly sure what your end goal is.
But here's a more minified version of your logic. Hope it helps.
var urgentOrderSelector = function(){
var radioDict = {'yesterday':3, 'today':2, 'tomorrow':1};
return radioDict[$('input[name=oneAllowed]:checked').attr('id')];
Alternatively, if you wanted to execute some function based on the selection, you could store the function pointers and execute them accordingly, ie:
var funcYesterday = function(){alert('yesterday');};
var funcToday = function(){alert('today');};
var funcTomorrow = function(){alert('tomorrow');};
var funcUrgentOrder = function(){
var radioDict = {
'yesterday' : funcYesterday,
'today' : funcToday,
'tomorrow' : funcTomorrow
return radioDict[$('input[name=oneAllowed]:checked').attr('id')]();
Or, much simpler, since you are using the 'value' property on your radios:
function urgentOrderSelector = function() {
return $('input[name=oneAllowed]:checked').val();

Getting DOM element value using pure JavaScript

Is there any difference between these solutions?
Solution 1:
function doSomething(id, value) {
<input id="theId" value="test" onclick="doSomething(, this.value)" />
...and Solution 2:
function doSomething(id) {
var value = document.getElementById(id).value;
<input id="theId" value="test" onclick="doSomething(" />
Update: The question was edited. Both of the solutions are now equivalent.
Original answer
Yes, most notably! I don't think the second one will work (and if it does, not very portably). The first one should be OK.
// HTML:
<input id="theId" value="test" onclick="doSomething(this)" />
// JavaScript:
var value = elem.value;
var id =;
This should also work.
The second function should have:
var value = document.getElementById(id).value;
Then they are basically the same function.
In the second version, you're passing the String returned from Not the element itself.
So id.value won't give you what you want.
You would need to pass the element with this.
var value = el.value;
Note: In some browsers, the second one would work if you did:
because element IDs are a global property, but this is not safe.
It makes the most sense to just pass the element with this instead of fetching it again with its ID.
Pass the object:
You can get all data from object:
var value = obj.value;
var id =;
Or pass the id only:
Get the object and after that value:
var value = document.getElementById(id).value;
There is no difference if we look on effect - value will be the same. However there is something more...
Solution 3:
function doSomething() {
console.log( theId.value );
<input id="theId" value="test" onclick="doSomething()" />
if DOM element has id then you can use it in js directly
This should also work.
function doSomething() {
yourElement = document.getElementById("yourID);
yourValue = yourElement.value; console.log(yourValue);
<div id="yourID" value="1" onclick="doSomething()">
function doSomething() {
console.log( theId.value );
<input id="theId" value="test" onclick="doSomething()" />

How to maintain event observation after an element has been updated

I'm working on a project where I'd place an search box with a default set of results, over the layout using Prototype which is triggered from a click event.
When the output is set, that new page has it's own Javascript which is uses, to dynamically filter the results.
Now the new set of results do not work with the Javascript set previously.
How can I maintain a persistent event with calling new events each time?
Or is that what I am supposed to do.
Here is a bit of code which is loaded in 'loaded_page.php'
<script language="javascript">
var o = new Compass_Modal('add_button', 'history');
var placetabs = new Tabs('tabs', {
className: 'tab',
tabStyle: 'tab'
$$('.add_button').each(function(s, index){
$(s).observe('click', function(f) {
function loadData() {
new Ajax.Request('/sponsors/search', {
onComplete: function(r) {
top:'<div id="search_table">'+r.responseText+'</div>'
Then in the included page which is inserted via javascript:
<div id="search_overlay">
<div id="form_box">
<img src="/images/closebox2.png" class="closebox" />
<form method="post" id="search_form" class="pageopt_left">
<input type="text" name="search_box" id="search_box" value="search" />
<div id="table_overlay">
<table class="sortable" id="nf_table" cellpadding="0" border="0" cellspacing="0">
<th id="name_th">Name</th><th id="amount_th">Amount</th><th id="tax_letter_th">Tax Letter</th><th id="date_th">Date</th><th id="add_th">Add</th></tr>
<td>Abramowitz Foundation (The Kenneth & Nira)</td><td><input type="text" name="amount" value="" id="amount_111" /></td><td><input type="checkbox" name="tax_letter" value="1" id="tax_letter_111" /></td><td><input type="text" name="date" value="" id="date_111" /></td><td><img src="/images/icons/add.png" title="add contact" /></td></tr>
... more rows
<script language="javascript">
var c = new Compass_Search('contacts', 'table_overlay');
$$('.add_button').each(function(s, index) {
$(s).observe('click', function(e) {
var params = $(s).href.split("/");
var userid = params[5];
var amount = 'amount_'+params[5];
var date = 'date_'+params[5];
var tax = 'tax_letter_'+params[5];
if(!Form.Element.present(amount) || !Form.Element.present(date)) {
alert('your amount or date field is empty ');
} else {
var add_params = {'amount':$F(amount), 'date':$F(date), 'tax':$F(tax), 'id':userid};
if(isNaN (add_params.amount)) {
alert('amount needs to be a number');
return false;
} else {
new Ajax.Request('/sponsors/add', {
method: 'post',
parameters: add_params,
onComplete: function(e) {
var post = e.responseText;
var line = 'amount_';
this.close = $$('.closebox').each(function(s, index) {
$(s).observe('click', o.unloader.bindAsEventListener(this));
You'll notice in the inserted portion, a new Javascript which also, updated its own content with yet new observers. When the content gets updated, the observers do not work.
Use event delegation.
Besides making it possible to replace "observed" elements, this approach is also faster and more memory efficient.
document.observe('click', function(e){
var el = e.findElement('.add_button');
if (el) {
// stop event, optionally
// do stuff... `el` now references clicked element
As you're calling Element#insert, I suppose String#evalScripts should be automatically called (as having looked in the implementation of those methods)
Maybe you can try to do some console.log()/alert() messages before the Element#observe calls, to see where it is going wrong. It may be because the Javascript is not evaluated at all, or that there is something wrong with your code or something like that.
As a tip: check the documentation on Array#invoke, with that method you can rewrite something like:
$$('.add_button').each(function(s, index){
$(s).observe('click', function(f) {
into this:
$$('.add_button').invoke('observe', 'click', function(event){
// $$('.add_button').invoke('observe', 'click', loadData);

