PyBossa loading and presenting tasks - javascript

I am trying to set up a project on by using the PyBOSSA framework.
I followed their tutorial for project development.
The first parts seemed very clear to me, creating the project and adding the tasks worked fine.
Then I built my own HTML webpage to present the task to the users. Now the next step would be to load the tasks from the project, present them to the users, and save their answers.
Unfortunately, I don't understand how to do this.
I will try to formulate some questions to make you understand my problem:
How can I try this out? The only way seems to be by updating the code and then running pbs update_project
Where can I find documentation for PyBossa.js? I just saw (in the tutorial and on other pages) that there are some functions like pybossa.taskLoaded(function(task, deferred){}); and pybossa.presentTask(function(task, deferred){});. But I don't know how they work and what else there is. This page looks like it would contain some documentation, but it doesn't (broken links or empty index).
How do I use the library? I want to a) load a task, b) present it to the user, c) show the user his progress, and, d) send the answer. So I think I'll have to call 4 different functions. But I don't know how.
Looking at the example project's code, I don't understand what this stuff about loading disqus is. I think disqus is a forum software, but I am not sure about that and I don't know what this has to do with my project (or theirs).
As far as I understand, the essential parts of the JS-library are:
pybossa.taskLoaded(function(task, deferred) {
if ( !$.isEmptyObject(task) ) {
else {
pybossa.presentTask(function(task, deferred) {
if ( !$.isEmptyObject(task) ) {
// choose a container within your html to load the data into (depends on your layout and on the way you created the tasks)
// by clickin "next_button" save answer and load next task
$("#next_button").click( function () {
// save answer into variable here
var answer = $("#someOtherID").val();
if (typeof answer != 'undefined') {
pybossa.saveTask(, answer).done(function() {
else {
$("#someID").html("There are no more tasks to complete. Thanks for participating in ... ");
});'<short name>');

I will try to answer your points one by one:
You can either run pbs update project or go to the project page >
tasks > task presenter and edit the code there.
I believe this link works, and there you should find the
information you want.
So, once you've created the project and added the tasks and the
presenter (the HTML you've built) you should include the Javascript
code inside the presenter itself. You actually only need to write
those two functions: pybossa.taskLoaded(function(task,
deferred){}); and pybossa.presentTask(function(task, deferred){});
Within the first one you'll have to write what you want to happen
once the task has been loaded but before you're ready to present it
to the user (e.g. load additional data associated to the tasks,
other than the task itself, like images from external sites). Once
this is done, you must call deferred.resolve(), which is the way
to tell pybossa.js that we are done with the load of the task
(either if it has been successful or some error has happened).
After that, you must write the callback for the second one
(pybossa.presentTask) where you set up everything for your task,
like the event handlers for the button answer submission and here is
where you should put the logic of the user completing the task
itself, and where you should then call pybossa.saveTask(). Again,
you should in the end call deferred.resolve() to tell pybossa.js
that the user is done with this task and present the next one. I
would recommend you to do in inside the callback for
pybossa.saveTask(task).done(callbackFunc()), so you make sure you
go on to the next task once the current one has correctly been
You can forget about that discuss code. These are only templates
provided, in which there is included some code to allow people
comment about the tasks. For that, Disquss is used, but it is up to
you whether you want to use it or not, so you can safely remove this


Implemented nested async calls in node.js

Node noobie here. After doing a lot of searching and reading a lot of articles, posts, and Stackoverflow discussions, I remain stuck when implementing nested async calls in node.js. Here is the scenario I'm trying to implement:
My code receives an event to open the third party CSV file. Once the file is opened, the content must be validated. If the data is valid, it gets persisted to the backend data store. Any exception to the validation rules must be stored in a separate error log on the back end.
I've modularized the solution into separate functions: one function to open the file, the next function to validate the contents of the file, the next function to persist the content, and finally last function to persist eventual errors generated by the validation function.
Each of these functions incurs certain latency, which necessitates using callbacks. But because the nesting of the callbacks can go a few levels deep, I've tried to keep my code shallow and to separate concerns and compartmentalize the logic in separate modules/functions. Now when I'm trying to string them together, I am failing at implementing correct callback logic.
For example, my top level module looks something like this:
module.exports = {
openFile: (filePath) => {
// code to open file and load the content
readAndParseFile(fileContent, validateAndReturnStatus);
function readAndParseFile(fileContent, next) {
// code to parse file content into rows of data
next(rows, persistValues);
function validateAndReturnStatus(rows, next) {
// code to validate
if(valid) {
persistValues(row, sendResponse);
function persistValues(row, next) {
//code to persist validated data
function sendResponse(status) {
Above is a very simplified pseudo-code, but I hope it illustrates my intention. My question is: what is the most reliable, correct way to nest functions that are unavoidably latent and make sure that the batch process is waiting on the correct status at the end of the processing?

Pybossa JS - taskLoaded() function executes twice when fetching 1 task

I am currently building a custom task presenter for my PYBOSSA project. I have almost implemented it, but am stuck at the following javascript function -
pybossa.taskLoaded(function(task, deferred) {
if ( !$.isEmptyObject(task) ) {
console.log("Hello from taskLoaded");
// load image from flickr
var img = $('<img />');
img.load(function() {
// continue as soon as the image is loaded
pybossaNotify("", false, "loading");
img.attr('src','height', 460);
img.addClass('img-thumbnail'); = img;
console.log("Task ##";
else {
According to the docs -
The pybossa.taskLoaded method will be in charge of adding new items to the JSON task object and resolve the deferred object once the data has been loaded (i.e. when an image has been downloaded), so another task for the current user can be pre-loaded.
But notice my function. I have logged the task ids, the function loads. It loads 2 tasks. After logging, the console shows -
Task ##256
Task ##257
Also I have tried various other statements. They also execute twice. What I think is that if now I try to insert question of the current task, the function of the next task will also be put along with its respective image. How do I resolve this?
You are seeing double for a good reason :-) PYBOSSA preloads the next task, so the final user does thinks that the next task loads really fast (actually instantly).
While for some projects this might not be a problem, in some cases the user needs to download big images, check other APIs, etc. so it takes 2 or 3 seconds (or even more) to get everything before presenting the task to the user.
PYBOSSA.JS handles this scenario, as soon as the data has been downloaded, it requests a new task, but instead of presenting it, you have it in your window. As you are building your own template, you will have to add that data into the dom (via hidden elements) and then in the pybossa.presentTask method, you will check which task is being loaded, and show/hide the previous one.
In pybossa.saveTask, you can delete the previous DOM elements.
I hope this is now more clear. If you don't want this, you can use jQuery or Axios to request a task, save it and load the next one when you want ;-)

Page Object Pattern asynchronous using node.js selenium

I am having a hard time trying to adjust to asynchronous using node.js. I ran into an issue when using selenium-webdriver and the page object pattern. I feel like somethings have to be synchronous when doing automation testing or your tests will fail because you clicked a button before inserting data. I am having an issue similar to this. I want to add an employee and then search for the employee, but the search for employee is performing before add employee.
var employee = new Employee('grimlek', 'Charles', 'Sexton', 'TitleTitle',
'Upper Management', 'Company Admin', 'Contractor', '-7', 'Remote',
'05212016', '3369407787', '3368791234', '',
'charles.sexton', 'Skype', 'abcdefgh');
.then(function() {
//This behaves as intended
loginPage.login('company.admin', 'password') })
.then(function() {
//Add employee
employeePage.addEmployee(employee) })
.then(function() {
//Search for employee after employee is added
EmployeePage Object
var EmployeePage = function (driver) {
this.addEmployee = function (employee) {
driver.findElement(webdriver.By.css('button[class=\'btn btn-default\']')).then(function (element) {
//Search employee function is done before the line below this
}).then(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
driver.findElement('employee_username')).then(function (element) {
driver.findElement('employee_first_name')).then(function (element) {
driver.findElement('employee_last_name')).then(function (element) {
driver.findElement('employee_title_id')).then(function (element) {
driver.findElement('employee_role')).then(function (element) {
}, 5000);
//Search employee should occur when the thread leaves the function
this.searchEmployee = function (employee) {
driver.findElement(webdriver.By.css('input[class=\'form-control ng-pristine ng-valid\']')).then(function(element) {
element.sendKeys(employee.firstName + ' ' + employee.lastName);
module.exports = EmployeePage;
I know that both searchEmployee and addEmployee functions don't return a promise and I am trying to chain them with the .then function. I do believe this is sorta my problem but I need help with how it should be done and not how I can rig it. Should I use callbacks? I have worked on this problem for going on four hours now and I have tried googling and doing research on various topics. If I didn't provide enough code please let me know and I will provide a simplified runnable example.
A laudable goal is to make each test independent. If a change is made to the application (e,g, bug fix) only the impacted test(s) need to be executed. Also, it makes moving to grid thinkable.
But this is difficult to achieve in practice. Your test has to include all tests needed to satisfy the prerequisites.
Cucumber has feature files that include scenarios Each scenario is a test. Scenarios are executed in the order they are listed in the feature file. So one way to organize things is to include all the prerequisite scenarios before your test in a feature file, You can add tag(s) before the Feature statement so that when you execute that tag the entire feature file runs. Perhaps the first scenario resets (a subset of) the database to a know state.
The trick would be to run features in parallel on multiple machines. If you point those multiple clients to the same server beware that the features should not create or update overlapping entities that could collide when written to the database by the server. E.g. "What do you mean that user 'tom' already exists?" Each feature needs to create a unique user name.
The way of approach using cucumber is to divide you steps for every individual operation.
Given I am on XYZ Form
And I provide all form details
In above case, for step And I provide all form details you will be including all the fields in step definition and start filling the fields say name, last name, address in single step definition.
Instead of this we should divide the step for every individual field like:
Given I am on XYZ Form
And I provide name details in XYZ Form
And I provide last name details in XYZ Form
And I provide address details in XYZ Form
And then we will be writing 3 step definition which of course will be running sequentially.
You may feel that the typing work got increased and step definitions got increased unnecessarily, but this will actually help you when a field gets removed from the application itself, you will be only needing to delete related step from future file.
More over you can easily test validation for fields by just commenting one of the step in your feature file.
And your code will be more easy to maintain as every steps is working independently.
And of course sequential work will get achieved.

how to apply DRY principle to javascript and query

I've got about 30 web pages, all of them HTML forms. Each page has two or more different form elements - select, input text, checkboxes, text areas - along with various ui elements, popups, form validation etc. I'm trying to refactor the jquery used in the pages to use the DRY principle but am not sure how to do it. Here area few examples of some of the jquery used:
Example Code Block A:
$(".show-tool", _container).mouseover(function() {
Example Code Block B:
if ($(this).val() == '')
Example Code Block C:
$('.howtoremain').click(function() {
if($(this).hasClass('howtoremain')) {
else {
All of these are contained in the document.ready. The actual code list above isn't that relevant. I'm trying to have each HTML page only include the jquery code that is relevant. For example page 1 might use code block A and B. Page 2 might use A,B,C,D,E, and F. Page 3 might use code block C and G. Rather than have one giant document.ready with every code block (which will probably cause bugs at some point anyway if one code block needs to be slightly different than another for the same form element), how do you code this? Have one javascript file per code block also seems lousy, as it would cause multiple hits to the server per page. I think I am trying to get at one big javascript file, but only initialize in the document.ready those functions that are relevant to each page.
In my projects, I have gone over to using multiple JS-Files per module and concatenating them into a closure within a build process. This is similar to what jQuery does in its build process (cf. intro.js, outro.js)
This way, I can use granular, DRY modules in smaller files, then concatenate them. A typical single module file might look like this for your Example B:
( function($) {
var subjects = $('.optional');
if ( subjects.length === 0 ) {
// this is a knockout criteria for this module, thus exit this enclosed function
if ($(this).val() == '')
// now use whatever you need to initialise.
As you can see, I use the outer function not only to keep my scope clean, but much more important, to be able to cancel the module's initialisation as soon as I realise, it is not needed on the current page / event / ... - Of course, you may find several more efficient ways of determining whether or not each module should initialise itself.
On some projects, I have a build script to concatenate these modules within another closure which might look like this:
( function( window ) {
var $ = window.jQuery; //call me paranoid, but I like my vars clean
$(document).ready( function() {
// stuff the modules here, one after another, in any sensible order.
In other projects, I am able to move the $(document).ready()-Bit into the modules where document.ready is needed, and listening to other Initialisation-Events within others, which feels a bit cleaner for me.
But anyway - having
a build process rather than a lot of single requests
several small, "one-thing-only"-Files to go into the build
a self-enforced "top-level lambda function" due to the intro/outro-Concatenation-Style I adapted from jQuery itself
has significantly improved my DRY-ness and, even, my JS code style.

Event handling in Dojo

Taking Jeff Atwood's advice, I decided to use a JavaScript library for the very basic to-do list application I'm writing. I picked the Dojo toolkit, version 1.1.1. At first, all was fine: the drag-and-drop code I wrote worked first time, you can drag tasks on-screen to change their order of precedence, and each drag-and-drop operation calls an event handler that sends an AJAX call to the server to let it know that order has been changed.
Then I went to add in the email tracking functionality. Standard stuff: new incoming emails have a unique ID number attached to their subject line, all subsequent emails about that problem can be tracked by simply leaving that ID number in the subject when you reply. So, we have a list of open tasks, each with their own ID number, and each of those tasks has a time-ordered list of associated emails. I wanted the text of those emails to be available to the user as they were looking at their list of tasks, so I made each task box a Dijit "Tree" control - top level contains the task description, branches contain email dates, and a single "leaf" off of each of those branches contains the email text.
First problem: I wanted the tree view to be fully-collapsed by default. After searching Google quite extensively, I found a number of solutions, all of which seemed to be valid for previous versions of Dojo but not the one I was using. I eventually figured out that the best solution would seem to be to have a event handler called when the Tree control had loaded that simply collapsed each branch/leaf. Unfortunately, even though the Tree control had been instantiated and its "startup" event handler called, the branches and leaves still hadn't loaded (the data was still being loaded via an AJAX call). So, I modified the system so that all email text and Tree structure is added server-side. This means the whole fully-populated Tree control is available when its startup event handler is called.
So, the startup event handler fully collapses the tree. Next, I couldn't find a "proper" way to have nice formatted text for the email leaves. I can put the email text in the leaf just fine, but any HTML gets escaped out and shows up in the web page. Cue more rummaging around Dojo's documentation (tends to be out of date, with code and examples for pre-1.0 versions) and Google. I eventually came up with the solution of getting JavaScript to go and read the SPAN element that's inside each leaf node and un-escape the escaped HTML code in it's innerHTML. I figured I'd put code to do this in with the fully-collapse-the-tree code, in the Tree control's startup event handler.
However... it turns out that the SPAN element isn't actually created until the user clicks on the expando (the little "+" symbol in a tree view you click to expand a node). Okay, fair enough - I'll add the re-formatting code to the onExpand() event handler, or whatever it's called. Which doesn't seem to exist. I've searched to documentation, I've searched Google... I'm quite possibly mis-understanding Dojo's "publish/subscribe" event handling system, but I think that mainly because there doesn't seem to be any comprehensive documentation for it anywhere (like, where do I find out what events I can subscribe to?).
So, in the end, the best solution I can come up with is to add an onClick event handler (not a "Dojo" event, but a plain JavaScript event that Dojo knows nothing about) to the expando node of each Tree branch that re-formats the HTML inside the SPAN element of each leaf. Except... when that is called, the SPAN element still doesn't exist (sometimes - other times it's been cached, just to further confuse you). Therefore, I have the event handler set up a timer that periodically calls a function that checks to see if the relevant SPAN element has turned up yet before then re-formatting it.
// An event handler called whenever a "email title" tree node is expanded.
function formatTreeNode(nodeID) {
if (dijit.byId(nodeID).getChildren().length != 0) {
messageBody = dijit.byId(nodeID).getChildren()[0].labelNode.innerHTML
if (messageBody.indexOf("<b>Message text:</b>") == -1) {
messageBody = messageBody.replace(/>/g, ">");
messageBody = messageBody.replace(/</g, "<");
messageBody = messageBody.replace(/&/g, "&");
dijit.byId(nodeID).getChildren()[0].labelNode.innerHTML = "<b>Message text:</b><div style=\"font-family:courier\">"+messageBody+"</div>";
// An event handler called when a tree node has been set up - we changed the default fully-expanded to fully-collapsed.
function setupTree(theTree) {
messageNode = dijit.byId("tree-"+theTree).rootNode.getChildren();
for (pl = 0; pl < messageNode.length; pl++) {
messageNode[pl].expandoNode.onclick = eval("nodeUpdateIntervalID = setInterval(\"formatTreeNode('"+messageNode[pl].id+"')\",200); formatTreeNode('"+messageNode[pl].id+"');");
The above has the feel of a truly horrible hack, and I feel sure I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere early on in my thought process. Can someone please tell me:
The correct way to go about putting nicely-formatted text inside a Dojo/Dijit Tree control.
The correct way to handle Dojo events, like where I can figure out what events are available for me to subscribe to.
A better JavaScript library to use (can I do what I want to with JQuery and avoid the all-around-the-houses approach seen above?).
PS: If you're naming a software project, give thought to its name's uniqueness in Google - I'm sure searching for "Dojo" documentation in Google would be easier without all the martial arts results getting in the way.
PPS: Firefox spellchecker knows how to spell "Atwood", correcting me when I put two 'T's instead of one. Is Jeff just that famous now?
I assume that you followed the dijit.Tree and in Dojo 1.1 tutorial which directed you to pass the data to the tree control using a data store. That had me banging my head of a brick wall for a while.
Its not really a great approach and the alternative is not really well documented. You need to create a use model instead. I have included an example below of a tree model that I created for displaying the structure of an LDAP directory.
You will find the default implementation of the model in your dojo distribution at ./dijit/_tree/model.js. The comments should help you understand the functions supported by the model.
The IDirectoryService class the code below are stubs for server-side Java POJOs generated by Direct Web Remoting (DWR). I highly recommend DWR if you going to be doing a lot of client-server interaction.
dojo.declare("LDAPDirectoryTreeModel", [ dijit.tree.model ], {
getRoot : function(onItem) {
IDirectoryService.getRoots( function(roots) {
mayHaveChildren : function(item) {
return true;
getChildren : function(parentItem, onComplete) {
IDirectoryService.getChildrenImpl(parentItem, onComplete);
getIdentity : function(item) {
return item.dn;
getLabel : function(item) {
return item.rdn;
And here is an extract from the my JSP page where I created the model and used it to populate the tree control.
dojoType="dijit.Tree" model="treeModel"

