Can I simplify this Javascript loop? - javascript

I may have gone around the most convoluted way to achieve this (see code below). Could someone with experience tell me if there is a better way?
I have two JSON objects resource and data. I want to loop over each new item in data and if the key matches in resource replace the value for that key in resource with the value in data. If this does not make sense the code I have below will.
This works and does what I need it to do, but it does not feel right (don't laugh)
factory.put = function (resource, data) {
dataArr = [data];
resourceArr = [resource];
for (var i = 0; i < dataArr.length; i++) {
var obj = dataArr[i];
for (var key in obj) {
var attrName = key;
var attrValue = obj[key];
for (var i = 0; i < resourceArr.length; i++) {
var obj = resourceArr[i];
for (var key in obj) {
var resourceArrName = key;
var resourceArrValue = obj[key];
if (resourceArrName == attrName){
resource[resourceArrName] = attrValue

Unless I'm missing something, you have no need to stuff the objects into arrays. You just loop through the attributes of one object, data, check if that attribute exists in the other object, resource, and if it does, replace the value in resource with that of data.
for (var key in data) {
var attrName = key;
var attrValue = data[key];
if(resource[attrName]) {
resource[attrName] = attrValue;

You don't need to iterate over resourceArr's keys. Just check if resourceArr[key] exists, if so, set the value.
Something like:
resourceArr[key] = attrValue;

One way to simplify the loops, is to use the forEach function, which angular provides:
factory.put = function (resource, data) {
dataArr = [data];
resourceArr = [resource];
angular.forEach(dataArr, function(obj) {
angular.forEach(obj, function(value, key) {
angular.forEach(resourceArr, function(resourceObj) {
if(resourceObj[key]) {
resourceObj[key] = value;


Delete JSON items based on array of allowed items

I have an array of allowedFields based on the names of the keys from a JSON array generated from a form.
A number of the retrieved fields are not required at this stage and therefore should not go through the validation process, therefore I want to match the values of the JSON array with the values of the allowedFields array
Returned JSON from form
allowedFields = array(
Basically I need to strip out any fields that are not listed in the allowedFields javascript array
1) Parse the JSON to an object.
var obj = JSON.parse(json);
2) Ensure that you've defined your array correctly.
var allowedFields = ['reference','start_date','end_date','contract_type'];
3) Loop over the object and if the key is not in the array delete it.
for (var k in obj) {
if (allowedFields.indexOf(k) < 0) delete obj[k];
4) Stringify your object back to JSON.
var str = JSON.stringify(obj);
var all = {"reference":"sdfsdfsdfsd",
var allowedFields = ['reference']; // note quote marks to create strings
function filter(data, allowed) {
var filtered = {};
for(var id=0; id < allowed.length; ++id) {
var allowedField = allowed[id];
if(data.hasOwnProperty(allowedField)) {
filtered[allowedField] = data[allowedField];
return filtered;
console.log(filter(all, allowedFields));
>> [object Object] {
>> reference: "sdfsdfsdfsd"
>> }
underscore.js solution:
There is also _.omit(obj,string|string[]) that does the opposite.
underscore.js is extremely useful and I use it quite a bit, but you can also pick just the tools you need and include those in your code. The library is quite optimized and there is no need to write your own.
Here is the implementation (from here)
_.pick = function(obj, iterator, context) {
var result = {};
if (_.isFunction(iterator)) {
for (var key in obj) {
var value = obj[key];
if (, value, key, obj)) result[key] = value;
} else {
var keys = concat.apply([],, 1));
for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if (key in obj) result[key] = obj[key];
return result;

Best way to group elements in an array with least complexity

I have a JSON array which looks like this:
var map_results = [{"Type":"Flat","Price":100.9},
This array contains about 100,000 records. I want the output to be grouped by "Type" and "Price". It should look like this:
var expected_output = [{"Type":"Flat", "Data":[{"Price":100.9, "Total":2},
{"Price":67.5, "Total":1}] },
{"Type":"Plot","Data":[{"Price":89.8, "Total:1"}]}]
This has to be done in pure javascript and I cannot use libraries like undersore.js. I tried solving the problem but it had like 3 nested for loops which made the complexity as n^4. What could be a better solution for this problem??
The function I have looks like this:
var reduce = function (map_results) {
var results = [];
for (var i in map_results) {
var type_found = 0;
for(var result in results){
if (map_results[i]["Type"] == results[result]["Type"]){
type_found = 1;
var price_found = 0;
for(var data in results[result]["Data"]){
if(map_results[i]["Price"] == results[result]["Data"][data]["Price"]){
price_found = 1;
results[result]["Data"][data]["Total"] +=1;
if(price_found == 0){
results[result]["Data"].push({"Price":map_results[i]["Price"], "Total":1});
if(type_found == 0){
results.push({"Type":map_results[i]["Type"], "Data":[{"Price":map_results[i]["Price"],"Total":1}]});
return results;
I have a short function that handles the first part of the requested functionality: It maps the map_results to the desired format:
var map_results = [{"Type":"Flat","Price":100.9},
var expected_output = map_results.reduce(function(obj, current){
obj[current.Type] = {'Type':current.Type, 'Data':[]};
obj[current.Type].Data.push({'Price':current.Price, 'Total':1});
return obj;
Then this piece of code is required to calculate the totals, I'm afraid:
for(var type in expected_output){
var d = {};
for(var item in expected_output[type].Data){
d[expected_output[type].Data[item].Price] = (d[expected_output[type].Data[item].Price] || 0) + 1;
expected_output[type].Data = [];
for(var i in d){
As the Types and the Prices are unique after grouping I think a structure like {"Flat": {"100.9":2,"67.5":1}, {"Room": {"23.5": 1}}} would be easier to handle. So could do the grouping the following way:
var output = {};, i) {
output[el["Type"]] = output[el["Type"]] || [];
output[el["Type"]][el["Price"] = (output[el["Type"]][el["Price"]+1) || 1;
If you can not handle this structure you could do another mapping to your structure.
As you are iterating the Array one time this should have a complexity of n.
Look here for a working fiddle.
EDIT: So remap everything to your structure. The order of the remapping is far less then the first mapping, because the grouping is already done.
var expected_output = [];
for(type in output) {
var prices = [];
for(price in output[type]) {
prices.push({"Price": price, "Total": output[type][price]);
expected_output.push({"Type": type, "Data": prices});
Below is yet another effort. Here's a FIDDLE
For performance testing, I also mocked up a JSPerf test with 163840 elements. On Chrome(OSX) original solution is 90% slower than this one.
Few notes:
Feel free to optimize for your case (e.g. take out the hasOwnProperty check on object cloning).
Also, if you need the latest Total as the first element use unshift instead of push to add the obj the beginning of the array.
function groupBy(arr, key, key2) {
var retArr = [];
arr.reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, index, array){
if(currentValue.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var kVal = currentValue[key];
if(!previousValue.hasOwnProperty(kVal)) {
previousValue[kVal] = {};
previousValue[kVal][key] = kVal;
previousValue[kVal]["Data"] = [];
var prevNode = previousValue[kVal];
if(currentValue.hasOwnProperty(key2)) {
var obj = {};
for(var k in currentValue) {
if(currentValue.hasOwnProperty(k) && k!=key)
obj[k] = currentValue[k];
obj["Total"] = prevNode["Data"].length + 1;
return previousValue;
}, {});
return retArr;
var map_results = [{"Type":"Flat","Price":100.9},
var expected_output = groupBy(map_results, "Type", "Price");
Tried something like this:
var reduce_func = function (previous, current) {
if(previous.length == 0){
previous.push({Type: current.Type, Data:[{Price:current.Price,Total:1}]});
return previous;
var type_found = 0;
for (var one in previous) {
if (current.Type == previous[one].Type){
type_found = 1;
var price_found = 0;
for(var data in previous[one].Data){
if(current.Price == previous[one].Data[data].Price){
price_found = 1;
previous[one].Data[data].Total += 1;
if(price_found == 0){
previous[one].Data.push({Price:current.Price, Total:1});
if(type_found == 0){
previous.push({Type:current.Type, Data:[{Price : current.Price ,Total:1}]});
return previous;

How to build nested properties from key strings

var keys1 = ["foo", "moreFoo"],
value1 = "bar",
keys2 = ["foo", "ultraFoo"],
value2 = "bigBar";
I'd like to make a function which would build me an object :
object {
foo : {moreFoo: "bar", ultraFoo: "bigBar"}
I thought of taking each one of my arrays and doing the following :
function recursiveObjectBuild(object, keys, value) {
var index = 0;
function loop(object, index) {
var key = keys[index];
//Property exists, go into it
if (key in object) {
loop(object[key], ++index);
//Property doesn't exist, create it and go into it
} else if (index < keys.length-1) {
object[key] = {};
loop(object[key], ++index);
//At last key, set value
} else {
object[key] = value;
return object;
return loop(object, 0);
Which should work IMO but doesn't (infinite loop, must be a stupid mistake but can't see it).
And I'm sure there must be a much simpler way
Try the following:
function objectBuild(object, keys, value) {
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length-1; i++) {
if (!object.hasOwnProperty(keys[i]))
object[keys[i]] = {};
object = object[keys[i]];
object[keys[keys.length-1]] = value;
Example usage (see it in action):
var object = {};
objectBuild(object, ["foo", "moreFoo"], "bar");
objectBuild(object, ["foo", "ultraFoo"], "bigBar");
// object --> {foo: {moreFoo: "bar", ultraFoo: "bigBar}}

Finding my object inside JSON by its ID

So I have this kind of JSON.
I need to easily supply the value for a required key.
For example:
30 would yield => "Sharon"
5 would yield => "Jay"
etc. What is the right way to do this?
Iterate the array and check if the ID matches
function getById(id) {
var O = null;
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
if ( arr[i].ID == id ) return O = arr[i];
return O;
getById('30'); // returns {"ID":"30","Name":"Sharon"}
or in newer browsers:
function getById(arr, id) {
return arr.filter(function(o) { return o.ID == id });
Try a linear search:
var searchId = "30";
for(var i = 0; i < json.length; i++)
if(json[i].ID == searchId)
// Found it.
If the IDs will be unique, and if you're going to need to do this frequently, then you may want to convert your collection to key/value pairs where the ID is the key.
var byId = data.reduce(function(res, obj) {
res[obj.ID] = obj;
return res
}, {});
Now you can simply use the ID to look up the object.
var target = byId["30"];
You could probably just write something to loop through it.
var data = [ {"ID":"5","Name":"Jay"},{"ID":"30","Name":"Sharon"}, {"ID":"32","Name":"Paul"} ];
for(var i in data){
if(data[i]["ID"] == 30){
return data[i]["Name"];
undersocre.js can find a object in collection by one line code
var people = [
_.find(people, function(person) { return person.ID === '5'; });

How to flatten or combine member names into one list?

For example if I have something like so:
var Constants = {
namespaceA: { A_X: "TEST_AX" , A_Y: "TEST_AY" },
namespaceN: { N_X: "TEST_NX" , N_Y: "TEST_NY" }
_mapping: [],
getMapping: function(){...}
var flattenList = flatten(Constants.scope); //returns ["TEST_AX","TEST_AY","TEST_NX","TEST_NY"]
var anotherWayFlattened = flatten(Constants.scope.namespaceA,Constants.scope.namespaceB); //returns same result as above
EDIT: one way would be to iterate over the scope via for-each loop but I was looking for something more elegent?
DOUBLE EDIT: ok I just whipped something up like so:
var flattenedList = (function(list){
var flatList = []
for(var p in items) flatList.push(items[p]);
return flatList;
but was wondering if we can avoid passing in the particular property and just pass in Constants and search for the list of namespaces
I'm wondering why you pass the sub-objects explicitly in an array. Why not just pass the whole Constants.scope object?
var flattenedList = (function(obj){
var flatList = []
for (var prop in obj) {
var items = obj[prop];
for (var p in items)
return flatList;
From your comment it looks like you wanted this:
var flattenedList = (function(obj, test){
var flatList = []
for (var prop in obj) {
if (!test(prop))
var items = obj[prop];
for (var p in items)
return flatList;
})(Constants, function(name) {
return name.substr(0, 9) == "namespace";
// or maybe
return /^namespace[A-Z]$/.test(name);
if you wanted to recurse to any (non cyclical!) depth, you could do this :
function flattenList(list, accumulator){
accumulator = accumulator || [];
for(var p in list){
if(list.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
if(typeof list[p] === "string") {
} else if(typeof list[p] === "object") { // this is not a reliable test!
flattenList(list[p], accumulator);
return accumulator;
This code makes a number of assumptions - we only have strings at the end of our objects etc. Alternatively, if you know the depth in advance, your current solution can be optimized by using concat :
var flattenedList = (function(list){
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], list);
Here's an approach that allows for deeper nesting. I know that wasn't part of the goals, but I found it a more interesting problem. :-)
var flatten = (function() {
var toString = Object.prototype.toString, slice = Array.prototype.slice;
var flatten = function(input, output) {
var value;
output = ( == "[object Array]") ? output : [];
for (name in input) {if (input.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
value = input[name];
if ( == "[object Object]") {
flatten(value, output);
} else {
return output;
var merge = function(first, second) {
return first.concat(second);
return function() {
This allows either approach:
flatten(Constants.scope.namespaceA, Constants.scope.namespaceN);
You can pass in as many separate arguments as you like, or one argument. They'll all be searched to arbitrary depths.
For some environments, you might have to shim Array.prototype functions map and reduce.

