Username Validation [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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function validate(username) {
var reg = /^\w+([-+.]\w+)*#\w+([-.]\w+)*$/;
if(reg.test(username)) {
alert("is correct");
return true;
else {
return false;

Pattern requires an #
This pattern ^\w+([-+.]\w+)*#\w+([-.]\w+)*$ requires an # in your input.
It matches a#a but not someusername.
If you want to build a username regex, I suggest you can with something simple like:
and tweak from there.
The ^ anchor asserts that we are at the beginning of the string
[-.\w] matches one word character (letters, digits, underscores), dash or period
{2,20} matches two to 20 of these characters
The $ anchor asserts that we are at the end of the string


Regex for multiple spaces between words [closed]

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Closed 2 months ago.
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I need a regex that detects words inside a string. My regex works fine when the class consists of a single word, but not for multiple words.
function repl(string){
return string.replace(/<span class="[a-z\s\-\b \b]*">/ , (n)=>{
return <Symbol/>
repl('<span class='hi'>') /==> <Symbol/>
Does not work:
repl('<span class='hi hi'>')
You can simplify your expression to: /<span class=["'][a-z_\-][\w\s\-]*["']>/i
Make sure your HTML element attributes are double-quoted.
Note: Please be aware that the closing </span> tag is mandatory and should never be ommited.
const repl = (str) =>
str.replace(/<span class=["'][a-z_\-][\w\-\s]*["']>/i, () => '<Symbol />');
console.log(repl('<span class="hi">'));
console.log(repl("<span class='hi hi'>"));
console.log(repl('<span class="one two three ">'));

Javascript - Regex Does not contain some character [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I try to regex for not contain some character.
I need to show /%7(.*?);/g which dose not contain "=".
I try to input
and change to
?!( (.?)=(.?) )
But it dose not work.
Please help. Thanks.
//Here is my simple regex
reg = /%7((?!xx=1).*?);/g ;
//Here is my string
str = "%7aa; %7bb=11; %7cc=123; %7xx=1; %7yy; %7zz=2;"
//I need
%7aa; and %7yy;
Instead of using a negative lookahead, try using a ^ block:
const reg = /%7([^=;]+);/g;
The ([^=;]+) bit matches any non-=, the condition you're looking for, and non-;, the character at the end of your regex.
I left the capture group in since your question's regex also contains it.
const reg = /%7([^=;]+);/g;
const str = "%7aa; %7bb=11; %7cc=123; %7xx=1; %7yy; %7zz=2;"
const matches = str.match(reg);

Replace comparation with capital letters on Javascript [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I don't know how to replace with capital letters in this input text, for example I want to put on bold the letters which they are de same on the input, but if is capital letters doesn't put on bold
this is my line of code $texto_option = $texto_option.replace($(input).val(),'<b>'+$(input).val()+'</b>');
Generate a regular expression that ignores the letters' case:
var search = $(input).val();
var re = new RegExp(search, "i");
$texto_option = $texto_option.replace(re, "<b>$&</b>");
This is an easy answer. But keep in mind that your input has to be sanitized, as some characters are control characters for regular expressions too:
search = search.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");

How to allow a word that contains a banned word? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am creating a filtering function for my form's username input to permit the use of specific banned words.
I am currently using:
var forbiddenWords = ["c*m", "blabla", "blablabla"];
// Check for forbidden words
function isForbiddenWord(value) {
for (var i = 0; i < forbiddenWords.length; i++) {
var rgx = new RegExp(forbiddenWords[i], 'gi');
if (rgx.test(value)) {
forbiddenWord = forbiddenWords[i];
return true;
return false;
The first word in the array, "c*m", is for obvious reasons a banned word. If for example somebody types in the username "eat_a_c*mshot" I want it banned. If somebody else types in: incumbent_king, encumbrance, accumulate_wealth, cumbersome, im_a_scum, circumvent, sweet_cucumber and so on, I want these words to be allowed.
Is there a way to identify if such words are used and permit them, like with a regular expression or so, or I am asking too much?
You might want to try the \b delimiter - as in /\bc*m|\bc*m\b|c*m\b/. This is as good as you can get with regular expressions. As MikeC said, Natural language processing is a huge field.
Postscript: on closer inspection _ is actually a word character, so in order for the \b approach to work, you'd need to replace '_' with ' '.

Javascript regex to remove number, then a space? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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How would I go about removing numbers and a space from the start of a string?
For example, from '13 Adam Court, Cannock' remove '13 '.
Search for
Replace with the empty string. Eg:
str = str.replace(/^[\s\d]+/, '');
This will remove digits and spaces in any order from the beginning of the string. For something that removes only a number followed by spaces, see BoltClock's answer.
str.replace(/^\d+\s+/, '');
var text = '13 Adam Court, Cannock';
var match = /\d+\s/.exec(text)[0];
The above solution doesn't work for me. Instead I used this regex below.
var sRegExResult = "Regex Sample99";
sRegExResult.replace(/\s|[0-9]/g, '');

